Why do your fingers go wrinky in the bath?

You know how, if you spend a long time in the bath, your fingers go wrinkly? They end up looking like raisins! Well, if you’ve got kids, they’ll have asked that question of you a million times. Want to know what the answer is? Well, it’s said that our skin is covered in an oily […]

New single from Brandon Flowers: Only The Young

Check out the latest single from Killer’s frontman Brandon Flowers. The second single release from Flowers’ album Flamingo, Only The Young is an atmospheric synth-laden track with a video to match. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiEADQhTtIA The video was directed by Sophie Muller, last behind the camera for Cheryl Cole’s Promise This video. What’s your take? Are you loving […]

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