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  • Play next
  • Details emerge on Homs aid corridor...3:50
  • Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)...1:18
  • U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling...0:32
  • Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui...1:54
  • 24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police...6:30
  • "Fuck the EU! - Exactly!" - Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt...1:34
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over unemployment...0:58
  • F-Bomb Explodes: 'Alleged curse word leak exposes US tricks in Ukraine'...4:48
  • UN welcomes reports 'deal reached' on Homs...1:39
  • Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station...1:41
  • Pakistan's ticking time bomb of Taliban extremism...26:56
  • 1984 anti-Sikh riots: only politics, no justice?...21:55
  • Inside Iraq's Only Women's Prison...2:28
add video playlist The city of Homs, Syria is desperate for food and aid. Mohammed Jamjoom reports on an aid corridor to bring just that.
The city of Homs, Syria is desperate for food and aid. Mohammed Jamjoom reports on an aid corridor to bring just that.
De­tails emerge on Homs aid cor­ri­dor
This is a webcam video for the Sochi Olympics in Sochi Russia for the Winter Games. It shows the Fireworks for the opening ceremony at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games and is taken from the top of a building. The Olympic games are awesome and this really needs to be seen since the IOC seems to be censoring everything. Those scum lapping shit bags. Anyway, please check out all of the videos and enjoy!!!
Sochi Olympics Open­ing Cer­e­mo­ny (Fire­works)
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned lawmakers emergency measures to stay under the U.S. debt limit probably won\'t last past Feb. 27, leaving little time to craft a deal that can clear Congress. The federal government is set to run up against its legal borrowing limit Friday, when a suspension of the debt ceiling expires, preventing it from adding to its more than $17 trillion in public debt.
U.S. Trea­sury Tak­ing Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceil­ing
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
Egyptian Army and Police attacked by Protesters in Alexandria this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2014.  The whole ordeal took about an hour.  The protesters fired tear gas and Molotov Cocktails at the Army and Police, but they were too strong for the protesters. You will hear me coughing from the tear gas mid video.  Hopefully I will not have to see this again.

Thank you to the Police and Army for protecting us and ending this situation quickly!
24 Jan 2014 - Egyp­tian Protesters at­tack the Egyp­tian Army and Po­lice
Cut-out of a phone call between two American fun guys talking about maidan\'s puppets.  The actors are:
Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine
Jeff Feltman: head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs  
Robert Serry: Dutch diplomat serving as United Nations Special Coordinator for   the Middle East Peace Process
Ban Ki-Moon:  Secretary-General of the United Nations
Joe Biden: Vice President USA
Viktor Yanukovych: President of Ukraine
Vitali Klitschko: Leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and    Member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
"Fuck the EU! - Ex­act­ly!" - Vic­to­ria Nu­land & Ge­of­frey Pyatt
Several thousand people clashed with police on the second day of protest in front of the cantonal government building in the northern Bosnian industrial town of Tuzla on Thursday. Protesters hurled stones, eggs and smoke bombs at the government building after police officers guarding the building withdrew. Later, police responded with pepper spray and teargas.

The protest started on Wednesday when around 1,000 people took the streets to complain about continuing high levels of unemployment and factory closures in the town. More than 70 people have been hospitalised so far, including some 50 policemen. Dozens of protesters have also been arrested.

Video is courtesy of RTV Slon.

Google Plus:
Video on Demand:
Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over un­em­ploy­ment
A senior US State Department official has allegedly been caught giving an unexpected message to the EU while discussing Ukrainian opposition leaders\' roles in the country\'s future government. The phone call was taped and posted on YouTube ( For more, RT talks to foreign policy expert, Nebojsa Malic. READ MORE:

ALSO WATCH: State Dept. Psaki grilled over leaked tape


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
F-Bomb Ex­plodes: 'Al­leged curse word leak ex­pos­es US tricks in Ukraine'
The United Nations welcomed reports that an agreement has been reached to allow the evacuation of civilians from the besieged Syrian city of Homs and for aid to be delivered, a UN spokesman said.  The rebel-held Old Homs districts in the centre of the city have been under tight siege from President Bashar al-Assad\'s troops since June 2012. Thousands of residents there live in dire conditions, amid an acute shortage of food and medicine.  Al Jazeera\'s James Bays reports from Washington DC.
UN wel­comes re­ports 'deal reached' on Homs
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station

This is how Brazil deals with Tube protests: Rioters take over stations and clash with police over ten cent fare rise

Rioters seized control of Rio\'s main railway station as protests against a rise in travel costs erupted in violence across Brazil\'s capital.
Police fired tear gas and stun grenades on demonstrators who had taken to the streets after the city\'s mayor announced a 10-cent hike in bus fare. 
During the violence a cameraman for Band TV was hit in the head by either a stun grenade launched by police or a homemade explosive tossed by protesters; it was not immediately clear which. 

A photographer captured the horrifying moment the missile hit him.
Band said in a statement that cameraman Santiago Andrade was taken to a hospital by police and underwent surgery. He\'s in serious condition.

For several hours last night members of the passe livre, or free pass, movement occupied Central do Brasil, smashed ticket barriers and let commuters travel without paying.
This is the latest protest to hit Brazil since last June, when nationwide demonstrations broke out after a sharp police crackdown on a group in Sao Paulo that was marching against an increase in public transportation fares.
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Sta­tion
The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban (2013) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has announced the formation of a committee to hold peace talks with the Pakistan Taliban.  But given the longstanding war between the Taliban and government forces, is the committee likely to achieve results?  With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report looks at Pakistan\'s war with the Taliban.  

For downloads and more information visit:

Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism?

In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of \
Pak­istan's tick­ing time bomb of Tal­iban ex­trem­ism
Tonight on The Buck Stops Here: The Aam Aadmi Party announces a Special Investigation Team for 1984 riots. After 10 commissions, will this help deliver justice?
Watch full video:
1984 an­ti-Sikh riots: only pol­i­tics, no jus­tice?
Inside Iraq\'s Only Women\'s Prison, Women And Their Children Held In Jail Because Their Husbands Are Accused Of Terrorism - CBS News
In­side Iraq's Only Women's Prison
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
United Nations, New York, April 2012 - Iraq\'s elections have helped move it towards democracy, but the on-going violence, extremism and chaos still threaten the nation\'s most vulnerable citizens: women and children. Amid this turmoil, many courageous Iraqis are striving to protect their human rights.

21st Century - Show 65 - Noor: Women\'s rights in Iraq

Script (pdf):
Noor: Women's rights in Iraq

updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
De­tails emerge on Homs aid cor­ri­dor
BBC News 08 Feb 2014, The UN and aid agencies are hoping to deliver food and medicine to civilians trapped in the Syrian city of Homs. The aid convoys are due to enter on Saturday on the second day of a three-day ceasefire in Homs between government forces and rebels. On Friday more than 80 people were evacuated from rebel-held areas which have been under siege for 18...
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updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
Sochi Olympics Open­ing Cer­e­mo­ny (Fire­works)
Chicago Sun-Times 07 Feb 2014, Updated: February 7, 2014 3:38PM SOCHI, Russia — With a flying child, floating minarets, ballet dancers, human constellations, more than 3,000 performers and an alarmingly lifelike giant bear, Sochi put on what it called “the most complex and ambitious technical show ever attempted in Olympic history” to open the 22nd Winter Games on Friday night....
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
U.S. Trea­sury Tak­ing Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceil­ing
Business Insider 07 Feb 2014, Congress needs to raise the nation's debt ceiling by Feb. 27 to avoid potential default on the country's obligations, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned in a letter to congressional leaders on Friday. It comes as House Republicans are formulating their final plan on the debt limit, according to Politico — involving a "doc fix" on...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
BBC News 07 Feb 2014, The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says she has opened a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes in the Central African Republic (CAR). Fatou Bensouda said she had received reports of "extreme brutality by various groups". Tens of thousands of Muslims have already fled to Cameroon and Chad....
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updated 25 Jan 2014; published 25 Jan 2014
24 Jan 2014 - Egyp­tian Protesters at­tack the Egyp­tian Army and Po­lice
The Miami Herald 07 Feb 2014, CAIRO -- An Islamic militant group that has waged a campaign of bombings and assassinations for months in Egypt has quickly advanced in weaponry and sophistication of attacks, drawing on the experience of Egyptians who fought in Syria's civil war. The increasing capabilities of the group, called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Arabic for the Champions of...
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updated 06 Feb 2014; published 06 Feb 2014
"Fuck the EU! - Ex­act­ly!" - Vic­to­ria Nu­land & Ge­of­frey Pyatt
The Times of India 07 Feb 2014, KIEV, Ukraine: The United States tried to contain fallout on Friday from a leaked phone conversation in which a top diplomat uses the f-word regarding the European Union's handling of the crisis in Ukraine. The embarrassing diplomatic incident comes as Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych was due to hold crisis talks with Russian counterpart and...
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updated 06 Feb 2014; published 06 Feb 2014
Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over un­em­ploy­ment
Independent online (SA) 07 Feb 2014, Sarajevo - More than 130 people, including 104 police officers, were injured on Thursday in a second day of anti-government demonstrations in the Bosnian town of Tuzla, as protests over unemployment and political inertia spread across the country. The protests highlight public resentment over the political bickering that has stifled governance and...
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
F-Bomb Ex­plodes: 'Al­leged curse word leak ex­pos­es US tricks in Ukraine'
Al Jazeera 07 Feb 2014, Washington's new top diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, has apologised to EU counterparts after she was caught cursing the European response to the crisis in Kiev. US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, didn't go into details about the apology, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats'...
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
UN wel­comes re­ports 'deal reached' on Homs
BBC News 07 Feb 2014, A pause in fighting to evacuate hundreds of civilians from besieged areas of the city of Homs in Syria is expected to begin on Friday. The ceasefire should also allow long-awaited aid into the worst hit areas. The UN welcomed reports that a "humanitarian pause" had been agreed with Syrian authorities. Rebels are also expected to back the...
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Sta­tion
New Straits/Business Times 07 Feb 2014, RIO DE JANEIRO: Police and protesters violently clashed in Rio de Janeiro’s main train station Thursday in a demonstration against a 10-cent hike in bus fare. A cameraman for Band TV was hit in the head by either a stun grenade launched by police or a homemade explosive tossed by protesters; it was not immediately clear which. Band said in a...
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updated 23 Sep 2013; published 23 Sep 2013
Pak­istan's tick­ing time bomb of Tal­iban ex­trem­ism
Canberra Times 06 Feb 2014, Islamabad: Negotiators for Pakistan's government and the Taliban urged an end to hostilities after meeting in the first round of talks aimed at ending the militants' bloody seven-year insurgency. The two sides gathered in Islamabad for a preliminary meeting that lasted more than three hours to chart a "roadmap" for future discussions,...
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updated 29 Jan 2014; published 29 Jan 2014
1984 an­ti-Sikh riots: only pol­i­tics, no jus­tice?
BBC News 06 Feb 2014, The main Sikh political party in India, the Akali Dal, has protested outside the parliament, demanding that the government declassify documents related to the 1984 raid on a Sikh temple. It comes days after Britain said it advised India during the raid on the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine. Hundreds died when the army stormed the shrine to...
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updated 17 Jan 2008; published 17 Jan 2008
In­side Iraq's Only Women's Prison
Al Jazeera 06 Feb 2014, Iraqi authorities are detaining thousands of women illegally and subjecting many to torture and ill-treatment, including the threat of sexual abuse, Human Rights Watch has said. Many women were detained for months or even years without charge before seeing a judge, HRW said in a report on Thursday, and security forces often questioned them about...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
Mail Guardian South Africa 06 Feb 2014, The interim president of Central African Republic told the hundreds of soldiers standing in formation Wednesday that she was proud of them and called on their support to bring order to their anarchic country. Then she left, and the soldiers broke ranks to stab and stomp a man in their midst to death. They dragged his corpse through the streets. The...
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Syria crisis: Homs awaits food and medicine deliveries
Full Article BBC News
08 Feb 2014

The UN and aid agencies are hoping to deliver food and medicine to civilians trapped in the Syrian city of Homs. The aid convoys are due to enter on Saturday on the second day of a three-day ceasefire in Homs between government forces and rebels. On Friday more than 80 people were evacuated from rebel-held areas which have been under siege for 18... Rights War Nations
Syrian Arab Red Crescent members in red uniforms provide some food and drink to a man before he gets on a bus to evacuate the battleground city of Homs, Syria, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014.
photo: AP

Sochi opens 2014 Winter Olympics
Full Article Chicago Sun-Times
07 Feb 2014

Updated: February 7, 2014 3:38PM SOCHI, Russia — With a flying child, floating minarets, ballet dancers, human constellations, more than 3,000 performers and an alarmingly lifelike giant bear, Sochi put on what it called “the most complex and ambitious technical show ever attempted in Olympic history” to open the 22nd Winter Games on Friday night.... Winter Olympics Games Putin
Fireworks explode after the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

There's A New Drop-Dead Debt Ceiling Date, And House Republicans Finally Have A Plan
Full Article Business Insider
07 Feb 2014

Congress needs to raise the nation's debt ceiling by Feb. 27 to avoid potential default on the country's obligations, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned in a letter to congressional leaders on Friday. It comes as House Republicans are formulating their final plan on the debt limit, according to Politico — involving a "doc fix" on... Debt Ceiling Debt Limit Economy
FILE - In this April 14, 2011, file photo White House Budget Director Jack Lew briefs reporters at the White House in Washington. Lew said Sunday, July 17, 2011
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak, File

ICC opens CAR 'war crimes' preliminary investigation
Full Article BBC News
07 Feb 2014

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says she has opened a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes in the Central African Republic (CAR). Fatou Bensouda said she had received reports of "extreme brutality by various groups". Tens of thousands of Muslims have already fled to Cameroon and Chad.... African Republic Rights Crime
File - A banana seller carries her child as she contiues to work on the streets of Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), 22 September, 2013. CAR has experienced extreme violence and disorder, with the ICC recently opening an investigation into possible war crimes.
photo: UN / Serge Nya-Nana

Violence risks turning Egypt to jihadi front
Full Article The Miami Herald
07 Feb 2014

CAIRO -- An Islamic militant group that has waged a campaign of bombings and assassinations for months in Egypt has quickly advanced in weaponry and sophistication of attacks, drawing on the experience of Egyptians who fought in Syria's civil war. The increasing capabilities of the group, called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Arabic for the Champions of... Qaida War Revolution
In this file photo taken Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013, Egyptian policemen stand guard at the scene of a powerful explosion believed to be a car bomb at a police headquarters building that killed at least a dozen people, wounded more than 100, and left scores buried under the rubble, in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura, 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Cairo, Egypt.
photo: AP / Ahmed Ashraf

Washington red-faced after top US diplomat caught on tape saying ‘f*** the EU’
Full Article The Times of India
07 Feb 2014

KIEV, Ukraine: The United States tried to contain fallout on Friday from a leaked phone conversation in which a top diplomat uses the f-word regarding the European Union's handling of the crisis in Ukraine. The embarrassing diplomatic incident comes as Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych was due to hold crisis talks with Russian counterpart and... Union Diplomacy Protest
File - Victoria Nuland, Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, answers a question selected from the Department’s official Chinese Twitter on January 6, 2012.
photo: US DoS

Dozens hurt in Bosnia protests
Full Article Independent online (SA)
07 Feb 2014

Sarajevo - More than 130 people, including 104 police officers, were injured on Thursday in a second day of anti-government demonstrations in the Bosnian town of Tuzla, as protests over unemployment and political inertia spread across the country. The protests highlight public resentment over the political bickering that has stifled governance and... Protests Of Bosnia In Bosina
Bosnian police forces secure the entrance as protesters stone the local government building in Bosnian town of Tuzla, 140 kms north of Sarajevo, on Thursday, Feb. 6. 2014.
photo: AP / Amel Emric

US apologises to EU for leaked barb
Full Article Al Jazeera
07 Feb 2014

Washington's new top diplomat for Europe, Victoria Nuland, has apologised to EU counterparts after she was caught cursing the European response to the crisis in Kiev. US officials, while not denying such a conversation took place, didn't go into details about the apology, and pointed the finger at Russia for allegedly bugging the diplomats'... Ukraine Relations Protest Yanukovych
Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych, left, greets U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014.
photo: AP / Mykhailo Markiv, Pool

Syria crisis: UN poised for Homs humanitarian operation
Full Article BBC News
07 Feb 2014

A pause in fighting to evacuate hundreds of civilians from besieged areas of the city of Homs in Syria is expected to begin on Friday. The ceasefire should also allow long-awaited aid into the worst hit areas. The UN welcomed reports that a "humanitarian pause" had been agreed with Syrian authorities. Rebels are also expected to back the... Rights War Nations
This Monday, July 15, 2013, file image taken from leaked video obtained by Ugarit News, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, purports to show a fireball from an explosion at a weapons depot set off by rocket attacks that struck government-held districts in the central Syrian city of Homs.
photo: AP / Ugarit News via AP video

Violent clash at protest in Rio over fare hike
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
07 Feb 2014

RIO DE JANEIRO: Police and protesters violently clashed in Rio de Janeiro’s main train station Thursday in a demonstration against a 10-cent hike in bus fare. A cameraman for Band TV was hit in the head by either a stun grenade launched by police or a homemade explosive tossed by protesters; it was not immediately clear which. Band said in a... Protests Of Brazil De Janeiro
Commuters walk past a burning barricade set by demonstrators protesting a hike in bus fares, outside a train station in Rio de Janeiro, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014.
photo: AP / Leo Correa

Pakistan holds historic 'roadmap' talks with Taliban
Full Article Canberra Times
06 Feb 2014

Islamabad: Negotiators for Pakistan's government and the Taliban urged an end to hostilities after meeting in the first round of talks aimed at ending the militants' bloody seven-year insurgency. The two sides gathered in Islamabad for a preliminary meeting that lasted more than three hours to chart a "roadmap" for future discussions,... War Conflict
Pro-Taliban representatives, from left, Ibrahim Khan, Maulana Yousaf Shah and Maulana Abdul Aziz attend a joint news conference after their talks with government representatives in Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014.
photo: AP / B.K. Bangash

Golden Temple attack: India Sikhs demand raid documents
Full Article BBC News
06 Feb 2014

The main Sikh political party in India, the Akali Dal, has protested outside the parliament, demanding that the government declassify documents related to the 1984 raid on a Sikh temple. It comes days after Britain said it advised India during the raid on the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine. Hundreds died when the army stormed the shrine to... Temple Attack Rights
A young Sikh protestor holds a placard as dozens of others burn tires during a protest against Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi for his recent remark on the country's 1984 anti-Sikh riots, in Jammu, India, Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014.
photo: AP / Channi Anand

Iraq slammed for women prisoners abuse
Full Article Al Jazeera
06 Feb 2014

Iraqi authorities are detaining thousands of women illegally and subjecting many to torture and ill-treatment, including the threat of sexual abuse, Human Rights Watch has said. Many women were detained for months or even years without charge before seeing a judge, HRW said in a report on Thursday, and security forces often questioned them about... Conflict Abuse In Iraq Rights - Iraq
Shiite Muslim women express their grief during the festival of Ashoura in Karbala, 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday Dec. 26, 2009.
photo: AP / Ahmed al-Husseini

CAR still ruled by violence
Full Article Mail Guardian South Africa
06 Feb 2014

The interim president of Central African Republic told the hundreds of soldiers standing in formation Wednesday that she was proud of them and called on their support to bring order to their anarchic country. Then she left, and the soldiers broke ranks to stab and stomp a man in their midst to death. They dragged his corpse through the streets. The... African Republic Rights
French forces push looters out, in the Miskin district in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Feb. 3, 2014.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

Vidic to leave United at end of season
Full Article Taipei Times
07 Feb 2014

Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic is to leave the English Premier League champions at the end of the season, in a move the Serbia defender hopes will end speculation about his future. “I have decided that I will move on at the end of this season,” Vidic said in a statement on the club’s official Web site. “It’s the last year of my contract... Manchester United Fc Moyes Vidic
Manchester United's Nemanja Vidic celebrates scoring against Benfica during their Group F Champions League soccer match at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, Wednesday Dec. 6, 2006
photo: AP / Steven Governo

Ronaldo's appeal against suspension rejected
Full Article Reuters
07 Feb 2014

MADRID (Reuters) - Real Madrid begin life without suspended talisman Cristiano Ronaldo in Saturday's La Liga clash with Villarreal after the Portuguese forward had his appeal against a three-match ban rejected. The 29-year-old, who tops the league scoring charts with 22 goals, was sent off during Sunday's draw with Athletic Bilbao following a... Real Madrid Fc Ronaldo
Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo tips the ball over Ajax goalkeeper Kenneth Vermeer, not seen, to score 4-1 during the Champions League Group D soccer match at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012.
photo: AP / Peter Dejong

101st Scheldeprijs 2013winner: Marcel Kittel (DEU)
photo: Kramon / Kristof Ramon

Bale back for Real in La Liga game
Full Article Sowetan Live
07 Feb 2014

--> Competition is fierce at the top of the La Liga table with Atletico Madrid now leading the way on 57 points, while Real are three behind, and below Barcelona on goal difference, after Sunday's 1-1 draw at Athletic Bilbao where Ronaldo received a red card and subsequently a three-match ban.... La Liga Real Madrid Fc Bale
Welsh player David Gareth Bale plays with the ball during a practice session of the national soccer team of Wales in Neuss, western Germany, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2008. Wales faces the soccer team of Germany on Wednesday in a World Cup group 4 qualifying match.
photo: AP / Frank Augstein

Sochi’s opening show: Let Putin’s games begin
Full Article Ohio
07 Feb 2014

SOCHI, RUSSIA: It’s designed to celebrate a millennium of Russian might and this country’s modern rebound, and kick off two weeks of extraordinary human endeavors and planetary sportsmanship. But the ceremony opening the Sochi Olympics today, more than anything, will be about one man: Vladimir Putin. He charmed and strong-armed his way... Winter Olympics - Terror Threat Olympics
An athlete skis during a biathlon training session, at the 2014 Winter Olympics, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014, in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia.
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man

From Football to Corporatball
Full Article
06 Feb 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling As if we are not inundated enough with a corporatocracy and its numerous symbols, logos, and jingles which are implanted in our minds, actually over 3,000 each day, it was recently brought to my attention how that football has turned into corporatball. I was already aware of the commercials that... Democracy
San Francisco 49ers' Donte Whitner talks with reporters before a video game tournament and a concert next to the Bud Light Hotel in New York, Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014.
photo: AP / Seth Wenig

Sharapova downplays security concerns around Sochi Olympic Games
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Feb 2014

Tweet Washington, Feb 6 (ANI): Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova has assured that there is nothing to worry about during the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, to be held from February 7-23, the build-up to which as been blighted by concerns for safety. Be it fears...
Day 13 of the Sony Open Women's Final Maria Sharapova (RUS) vs Serena Williams (USA) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 30, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

US warns of Sochi 'toothpaste' bomb
Full Article BBC News
06 Feb 2014

6 February 2014 Last updated at 07:00 GMT The US has warned airlines flying into Russia for the Winter Olympics that explosives hidden in toothpaste tubes could be smuggled on to planes. Officials say bombs could be assembled on a flight or upon arrival at Sochi where the Winter Olympics have started. Russian Government forces are on high alert to... Threat Attack
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, right, waves the Olympic flag next to mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov, left, and International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge, center, during the closing ceremony for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
photo: AP / Jim Young

Rosie O'Donnell returns to 'The View' for first time since 2007: Here's what you missed
Full Article Entertainment Weekly
07 Feb 2014

Rosie O’Donnell left The View before her contract was up in 2007 and hasn’t been back since. Today, the former host returned to the show as a guest. Sadly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck made her exit this past summer, so we missed out on a reunion between the two — and by “reunion,” we mean a fierce argument of the kind that... O'donnell View
Comedian Rosie O'Donnell speaks during a news conference highlighting National Foster Care Month, Wednesday, May 6, 2009, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
photo: AP / Haraz N. Ghanbari

Renowned Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi admits fraud
Full Article The Times of India
07 Feb 2014

TOKYO: He was celebrated as a prolific musical genius whose compositions appeared in popular video games and the competition routine of a top figure skater in the coming Sochi Olympics. His deafness won him praise as Japan's modern-day Beethoven. It turns out that his magnum opus was his own masquerade. On Thursday, Japan learned that one of its... Samuragochi
Renowned Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi admits fraud
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Justin Bieber gets March trial date
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Feb 2014

Justin Bieber has been given a trial date in Miami for his recent arrest on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an invalid license. A Miami-Dade County judge has set the trial for the three charges for March 3, although initial trial dates are often delayed. Justin's attorneys have already filed a written plea... Bieber
Justin Bieber performs during the 93.3 FLZ Jingle Ball at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012, in Tampa, Fla.
photo: AP / John Davisson/Invision

U2's 'Invisible' Helped Raise Over $3 Million for AIDS Fight
Full Article Rollingstone
04 Feb 2014

Over the course of 36 hours, U2 helped raise over $3 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by releasing their new song "Invisible" for free. The period began on Super Bowl Sunday and for each download, Bank of America donated one dollar to (RED), an organization Bono cofounded in 2006 to combat AIDS,... Fight - Invisible
 U`2 Bono -singer. (sl1)
photo: creative commons

He's Happy! Pharrell Williams To Perform At 2014 Oscars
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Feb 2014

Pharrell Williams will no doubt have everyone in the audience tapping their feet at the 2014 Oscars next month as it has just been confirmed that the iconic producer will be taking to the stage to perform his smash hit single 'Happy.' The 40-year-old, who cleaned up at the Grammys for his work with Daft Punk... Oscars Williams Williams - Happy
Pharrell Williams
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Sheeran signs up for charity show
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Jan 2014

Ed Sheeran has signed up to play a Teenage Cancer Trust gig at the Royal Albert Hall a year after he was forced to turn the charity down. The A Team star joins a line-up that includes T he Cure, Suede and Paolo Nutini for the concerts at London's Royal Albert Hall in March. The venue will also host a comedy night featuring stand-ups including Jason...
Ed Sheeran performing on Day 3 of Sunfest 2013 in Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida - May 3, 2013
photo: WN / Luum Photos

Gaga announces UK tour dates
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Jan 2014

Lady Gaga has confirmed UK tour dates for 2014. The eccentric popstar is embarking on her artRave: The ARTPOP Ball string of shows this year. Now it's been confirmed she will play four UK dates during October, and one in Ireland. The first will kick off in Birmingham and then move on to Glasgow and Manchester, before finishing at London's iconic O2...
Lady Gaga giving a speech at Euro  Pride 2011, in Rome, italy.
photo: Creative Commons / Sricsi

Matthew McConaughey: 'I have more of a selfish desire now'
Full Article The Independent
07 Feb 2014

Anyone who knows him, or has spent the tiniest modicum of time in his company, knows Matthew McConaughey has a distinct “thing” for the open road, the call of the wild. When he first gained serious notoriety - for the 1996 adaptation of John Grisham's legal bestseller A Time to Kill, he bought a one-way ticket to Peru where he hiked Machu Picchu...
Matthew McConaughey
photo: AP /

Leo DiCaprio -- Attacked by A-List Wiener Lover
Full Article TMZ
07 Feb 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio's penis now stands proudly next to Will Smith and Bradley Cooper's junk -- because a serial prankster made like a lingerie model and buried his face in Leo's crotch last night. DiCaprio was arriving at the Santa Barbara Int'l. Film Festival when Ukrainian jokester Vitalii Sediuk ran up, dropped to his knees ... and nuzzled...
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio listens to Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and Sen.
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Biopic on Sonakshi's wish list
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Feb 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Feb 6 (IANS) From action drama to period films, Sonakshi Sinha has tried various genres and now she hopes to be part of a...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Four arrested 'over Philip Seymour Hoffman death'
Full Article BBC News
05 Feb 2014

Four people have reportedly been arrested as part of an investigation into the suspected heroin overdose death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. Some 350 bags of heroin were also seized during the arrests in Lower Manhattan, unnamed police officials were quoted by US media as saying. The Oscar-winning star, 46, was found dead at his Greenwich...
File - Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010.
photo: Creative Commons / Justin Hoch/Hudson Union Society

'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Super Bowl trailer
Full Article Newsday
03 Feb 2014

Watch the Super Bowl trailer for "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" (starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan), which was released in a commercial break during the Seahwaks-Broncos game on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014. (In theaters May 2.) advertisement | advertise on newsday | View all Be the first to...
 Tobey Maguire in "Spider-Man 3".            (js1)
photo: Columbia Pictures

Philip Seymour Hoffman Dies: Obituary
Full Article Skynews
03 Feb 2014

Philip Seymour Hoffmann was first recognised as the great actor he was to become in the 1990s, when he appeared in a series of films that were initially cult classics. The film that established his early reputation was Boogie Nights, but his role as a filming assistant on the set of the 1970s porn films proved uncomfortable watching for many. In...
 Philip Seymour Hoffman arrives for the screening of "The Savages," at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Friday, Jan. 19, 2007. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) nf2
photo: AP photo

Woody Allen denies daughter’s accusations, calls her a liar
Full Article The Examiner
03 Feb 2014

Woody Allen will receive an honorary award at the Academy Awards in 2014 for his body of work, but that announcement came with controversy. After the Oscars made the announcement by his daughter Dylan Farrow who accused him of...
Director Woody Allen attends the Cinema Society screening of "Whatever Works" on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 in New York.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Kareena discusses social issues with former French First Lady
Full Article Newstrack India
01 Feb 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Feb 1 (IANS) Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor was present for a lunch affair with Valerie Trierweiler, the former First Lady of France. The two discussed issues related to young children and nursing...
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor poses at the inauguration of a jewelry exhibition in Mumbai, India,Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2006.
photo: AP / Gautam Singh

Parker Griffith Democrat again, runs for governor
Full Article Tampa Bay Online
08 Feb 2014

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Former Republican U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith of Huntsville rejoined the Democratic Party and entered the race for governor minutes before Friday's deadline. Two Republican incumbents, U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Mobile and U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne of Fairhope, appeared to avoid any opposition on the last day for Democrats and...
U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama discusses his decision to switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during a news conference at his home in Huntsville, Ala., on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2009. Parker, accompanied by his wife Virginia, said Democrats no longer represent the interests of his conservative district in north Alabama.
photo: AP / Jay Reeves

Obama signs $950-bn farm bill
Full Article The Hindu
08 Feb 2014

US President Barack Obama has signed an agriculture bill worth more than $950 billion, saying the rare product of cooperation in Washington was an example of how the gridlocked US political capital should work. Obama travelled to Michigan to highlight the measure, which he compared to a Swiss Army knife...
President Barack Obama talks in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, June 13, 2012, before signing the Contract Awards for Large Air Tankers. The bill will support the ability to fight wildfires by enabling the Forest Service to accelerate the contracting of the next generation of air tankers for wildfire suppression.
photo: AP / Susan Walsh

Carl Icahn Tweets His Love For Apple's $14 Billion Stock Buyback (AAPL)
Full Article Houston Chronicle
07 Feb 2014

Just in time for Valentine's Day, billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn is showing his love and appreciation for Apple CEO Tim Cook, and the $14 billion worth of stock the company just bought back. Icahn has been buying up Apple stock for... Buyback Inc. Icahn
In this Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, file photo, staff members of Apple Inc. welcome customers as the Apple store in Hong Kong started selling iPhone 5.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Weak US jobs report still provides cause for hope
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
07 Feb 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — For a second straight month, weak U.S. job growth has raised concern that the economy has lost the vigor it showed late last year. A tepid gain of 113,000 jobs in January followed December's puny increase of 75,000 — far below last year's average monthly gain of 194,000. Yet the jobs report the government issued Friday offered... Global Insight Jobs Unemployment
In this June 13, 2012 file photo, job seekers have their resumes reviewed at a job fair expo in Anaheim, Calif. U.S. employers added only 80,000 jobs in June, a third straight month of weak hiring that shows the economy is still struggling three years after the recession ended. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.2 percent, the Labor Department said in its report Friday, July 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

Stocks rise more than 1% despite weak jobs report
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
07 Feb 2014

NEW YORK -- Stocks rallied about 1% despite the U.S. Labor Department's report showing weaker-than-expected employment growth last month. Investors appeared to look on the brighter side of the federal government's closely watched barometer of the labor market even though it fell far below estimates for the second consecutive month. The federal... Jobs Stocks
Specialist Philip Finale, right, directs trading at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, April 19, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Is IBM Really Selling its Semiconductor Business?
Full Article Newsfactor
07 Feb 2014

IBM is selling off more and more of its . After selling its x86 server line to Lenovo, Big Blue is reportedly shopping its semiconductor business. News reports suggest IBM has hired Goldman Sachs to search for potential suitors. The Financial Times noted the sale would be Big Blue’s most significant strategic move since it faced a financial crisis... Semiconductors
In this combo made from file photos, the IBM logo is seen in front of the company's manufacturing plant in Essex Junction, Vt., left, and the Sun Microsystems logo is seen at the company's offices in Menlo Park, Calif
photo: AP

Stocks rise after US unemployment rate decreases
Full Article Chicago Sun-Times
07 Feb 2014

Updated: February 7, 2014 11:31AM Investors welcomed news that the U.S. unemployment rate declined last month, driving major stock indexes higher in afternoon trading Friday. The gains added to a strong finish for stocks a day earlier. Expedia and several other companies rose sharply after reporting higher earnings than analysts were expecting.... Labor Department Stocks Unemployment
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday, April 6, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Post Motorola deal, Google to own 5.94% stake in Lenovo
Full Article The Siasat Daily
07 Feb 2014

New York, February 07: Google's decision to sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo will allow the internet giant to hold 5.94 per cent stake worth USD 750 million in the Chinese computer maker. As per the agreement terms between Google and Lenovo, the "share consideration (subject to the share adjustment) in the form of consideration shares equal in... - Motorola Mobility Mobility
Employees prepare the computers on display at the Lenovo headquarters in Beijing, jsa1
photo: AP / Andy Wong

Details emerge on Homs aid corridor
Details emerge on Homs aid corridor
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
The city of Homs, Syria is desperate for food and aid. Mohammed Jamjoom reports on an aid corridor to bring just that.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 74

Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)
Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
This is a webcam video for the Sochi Olympics in Sochi Russia for the Winter Games. It shows the Fireworks for the opening ceremony at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games and is taken from the top of a building. The Olympic games are awesome and this really needs to be seen since the IOC seems to be censoring everything. Those scum lapping shit bags. Anyway, please check out all of the videos and enjoy!!!
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 23

U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling
U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned lawmakers emergency measures to stay under the U.S. debt limit probably won't last past Feb. 27, leaving little time to craft a deal that can clear Congress. The federal government is set to run up against its legal borrowing limit Friday, when a suspension of the debt ceiling expires, preventing it from adding to its more than $17 trillion in public debt.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 2

Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 889

24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police
24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 25 Jan 2014
Egyptian Army and Police attacked by Protesters in Alexandria this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2014. The whole ordeal took about an hour. The protesters fired tear gas and Molotov Cocktails at the Army and Police, but they were too strong for the protesters. You will hear me coughing from the tear gas mid video. Hopefully I will not have to see this again. Thank you to the Police and Army for protecting us and ending this situation quickly!
  • published: 25 Jan 2014
  • views: 250

"Fuck the EU! - Exactly!" - Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014
Cut-out of a phone call between two American fun guys talking about maidan's puppets. The actors are: Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine Jeff Feltman: head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Robert Serry: Dutch diplomat serving as United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Ban Ki-Moon: Secretary-General of the United Nations Joe Biden: Vice President USA Viktor Yanukovych: President of Ukraine Vitali Klitschko: Leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
  • published: 06 Feb 2014
  • views: 146384!__Exactly!__Victoria_Nuland_Geoffrey_Pyatt

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over unemployment
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over unemployment
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014
Several thousand people clashed with police on the second day of protest in front of the cantonal government building in the northern Bosnian industrial town of Tuzla on Thursday. Protesters hurled stones, eggs and smoke bombs at the government building after police officers guarding the building withdrew. Later, police responded with pepper spray and teargas. The protest started on Wednesday when around 1,000 people took the streets to complain about continuing high levels of unemployment and factory closures in the town. More than 70 people have been hospitalised so far, including some 50 policemen. Dozens of protesters have also been arrested. Video is courtesy of RTV Slon. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: Video on Demand:
  • published: 06 Feb 2014
  • views: 11612

F-Bomb Explodes: 'Alleged curse word leak exposes US tricks in Ukraine'
F-Bomb Explodes: 'Alleged curse word leak exposes US tricks in Ukraine'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
A senior US State Department official has allegedly been caught giving an unexpected message to the EU while discussing Ukrainian opposition leaders' roles in the country's future government. The phone call was taped and posted on YouTube ( For more, RT talks to foreign policy expert, Nebojsa Malic. READ MORE: ALSO WATCH: State Dept. Psaki grilled over leaked tape RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 8773'Alleged_curse_word_leak_exposes_US_tricks_in_Ukraine'

UN welcomes reports 'deal reached' on Homs
UN welcomes reports 'deal reached' on Homs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:39
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
The United Nations welcomed reports that an agreement has been reached to allow the evacuation of civilians from the besieged Syrian city of Homs and for aid to be delivered, a UN spokesman said. The rebel-held Old Homs districts in the centre of the city have been under tight siege from President Bashar al-Assad's troops since June 2012. Thousands of residents there live in dire conditions, amid an acute shortage of food and medicine. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from Washington DC.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 941'deal_reached'_on_Homs

Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:41
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station Protesters Riot Over Ten Cent Fare Hike At Rio Train Station This is how Brazil deals with Tube protests: Rioters take over stations and clash with police over ten cent fare rise Rioters seized control of Rio's main railway station as protests against a rise in travel costs erupted in violence across Brazil's capital. Police fired tear gas and stun grenades on demonstrators who had taken to the streets after the city's mayor announced a 10-cent hike in bus fare. During the violence a cameraman for Band TV was hit in the head by either a stun grenade launched by police or a homemade explosive tossed by protesters; it was not immediately clear which. A photographer captured the horrifying moment the missile hit him. Band said in a statement that cameraman Santiago Andrade was taken to a hospital by police and underwent surgery. He's in serious condition. For several hours last night members of the passe livre, or free pass, movement occupied Central do Brasil, smashed ticket barriers and let commuters travel without paying. This is the latest protest to hit Brazil since last June, when nationwide demonstrations broke out after a sharp police crackdown on a group in Sao Paulo that was marching against an increase in public transportation fares.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 38

Pakistan's ticking time bomb of Taliban extremism
Pakistan's ticking time bomb of Taliban extremism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:56
  • Updated: 23 Sep 2013
The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban (2013) - Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has announced the formation of a committee to hold peace talks with the Pakistan Taliban. But given the longstanding war between the Taliban and government forces, is the committee likely to achieve results? With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report looks at Pakistan's war with the Taliban. For downloads and more information visit:;=2 Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism? In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of "profoundly damaged and disabled" soldiers are being treated. They've come from the western tribal belt, where for the last nine years Pakistan has been waging a largely hidden war against extremists. "There has been this double game that has gone on for many years, of Pakistan supporting the NATO presence in Afghanistan and at the same time allowing the Afghan Taliban to operate against the NATO forces", explains Pakistan's foremost expert on Islamists in the region, Ahmed Rashid. He claims the government's duplicity has radicalised a local variant of the Taliban. "There is now a full-scale extremist movement in Pakistan that is trying to overthrow the State." The agents of some of the worst acts of global terrorism inhabit this remote frontier. Yet many local villagers claim life under the Taliban "was normal" and "nobody was afraid". They argue the army intervention in the region has only been destructive. In an attempt to win hearts and minds, the army has opened a high school for girls, which aid workers argue is "critical for countering extremism". However Pakistan's Taliban vow they're determined "to escalate the war". ABC Australia - Ref: 5930 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
  • published: 23 Sep 2013
  • views: 266963's_ticking_time_bomb_of_Taliban_extremism

1984 anti-Sikh riots: only politics, no justice?
1984 anti-Sikh riots: only politics, no justice?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:55
  • Updated: 29 Jan 2014
Tonight on The Buck Stops Here: The Aam Aadmi Party announces a Special Investigation Team for 1984 riots. After 10 commissions, will this help deliver justice? Watch full video:
  • published: 29 Jan 2014
  • views: 3668,_no_justice?

Inside Iraq's Only Women's Prison
Inside Iraq's Only Women's Prison
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 17 Jan 2008
Inside Iraq's Only Women's Prison, Women And Their Children Held In Jail Because Their Husbands Are Accused Of Terrorism - CBS News
  • published: 17 Jan 2008
  • views: 42247's_Only_Women's_Prison

Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 889

Noor: Women's rights in Iraq
Noor: Women's rights in Iraq
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:02
  • Updated: 16 May 2012
United Nations, New York, April 2012 - Iraq's elections have helped move it towards democracy, but the on-going violence, extremism and chaos still threaten the nation's most vulnerable citizens: women and children. Amid this turmoil, many courageous Iraqis are striving to protect their human rights. 21st Century - Show 65 - Noor: Women's rights in Iraq Script (pdf):
  • published: 16 May 2012
  • views: 1832's_rights_in_Iraq
Article by Guest Writer Gilad Atzmon Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, the genius outspoken French comedian who rebelled against the primacy of Jewish suffering has been banned from...
Speaking at bilateral dialogue between Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) and Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), they said that presence of...
BBC News
A new report shows children have endured "unspeakable and unacceptable" suffering during the conflict in Syria, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says. Children have been...

Happisburgh Lighthouse in Happisburgh on the North Norfolk coast is the only independently operated lighthouse in Great Britain. It is also the oldest working lighthouse in East Anglia.  The lighthouse is painted white with three red bands and has a light characteristic of Fl(3)30s (3 white flashes, repeated every 30secs) at a height of 135 ft (41.1 m) with a range of 14 miles (22.5 km).[1]
The 800,000-year-old footprints in England, which were found in an ancient estuary mud, are “the earliest evidence of human life in northern Europe” and indicate that a group of people consisting of at least five people, including two children and...
photo: Creative Commons / BetacommandBot
South African President Jacob Zuma, left, during a guard of honor with South African President Deputy Kgalema Motlanthe, right, during the opening of Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, Thursday, Feb 9, 2012.
Thuso Khumalo JOHANNESBURG — The 2014 national elections in South Africa, set for May 7, come as the country celebrates the 20th anniversary of democracy, with the black majority African National Congress - ANC at the helm. The ruling party hopes to...
photo: AP / Schalk van Zuydam
Victoria Nuland, permanent representative of the U.S. to NATO, gestures while presenting the U.S. vision for the NATO Alliance in the 21st century to the Macedonian leadership in the capitalSkopje
A senior State Department official --who appeared to say "fuck the EU" in a leaked phone call -- has apologized to her European counterparts, a spokesperson said Thursday. What appears to be a private conversation between...
photo: AP / Vangel Tanurovski
Google launches corporate video conferencing product ‘Chromebox’
Google took aim at office meeting rooms with the release of a Chromebox for video conferencing. “These days, we often connect with each other from far-flung locations, coordinating time zones and dialing into conference calls from our...
photo: Creative Commons / Marcus Qwertyus
Cpl. Quinton McCloud and Zamp, his military working dog, search the inside of a compound for signs of insurgency during Operation Grizzly IV July 29. Operation Grizzly was a counter-insurgency operation to deter enemy activity, establish a presence and gather human intelligence. McCloud is a dog handler with 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Fwd). (Photo by Sgt. Bobby J. Yarbrough)
The Taliban must be desperately low on their intimidation techniques. Their recent claim of capturing a U.S. military dog was immediately shot down by Pentagon officials, who claim the dog does not belong to any branch of the U.S. military, reports...
photo: US DoD / Bobby J. Yarbrough
A military working dog wears Doggles to protect his eyes as a Chinook helicopter takes off, kicking up dust and debris, during an air assault operation by U.S. soldiers assigned to Alpha Troop,
The Taliban have released a video of what they claim is a captured U.S. military dog named “Colonel”. The video appeared on the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” Web site. A related Twitter account said that the dog was captured after a December 23rd...
photo: Public Domain / Sgt. Jason Brace
Qatari Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Ali bin Fahd al-Hajri, right, and Muhammad Naeem a representative of the Taliban attend a press conference
Peace talks between the Pakistani government and representatives of the Taliban began on Thursday after a short delay, the first test for the government's controversial initiative of seeking a peaceful resolution to the country's bloody insurgency,...
photo: AP / Osama Faisal