KDBC Spot.mp4 Kurdish Daily Business TV
This the the new * Kurdish Daily Business TV *...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: Bakir Lashkari
KDBC Spot.mp4 Kurdish Daily Business TV
KDBC Spot.mp4 Kurdish Daily Business TV
This the the new * Kurdish Daily Business TV *- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 233
- author: Bakir Lashkari
Daily life in Aleppo's predominantly Kurdish districts
Daily life in Al Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud, Aleppo's predominantly Kurdish districts....
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: 24DailyNews
Daily life in Aleppo's predominantly Kurdish districts
Daily life in Aleppo's predominantly Kurdish districts
Daily life in Al Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud, Aleppo's predominantly Kurdish districts.- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 462
- author: 24DailyNews
Daily English News 'Kurdish admin hurts Iraq integrity'
http://www.youtube.com/TheEnglishNews - http://clipsvn.com...
published: 26 Oct 2013
Daily English News 'Kurdish admin hurts Iraq integrity'
Daily English News 'Kurdish admin hurts Iraq integrity'
http://www.youtube.com/TheEnglishNews - http://clipsvn.com- published: 26 Oct 2013
- views: 25
15 How to Learn kurdish to English daily sentences
سڵاو ئازیزان. فەرموون لەگەڵ ڤیدیۆی دەرسی پانزەهەم. هەندێ ڕستەو دەستەواژەی گرنگی ڕۆژانە لە...
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: dana dukany
15 How to Learn kurdish to English daily sentences
15 How to Learn kurdish to English daily sentences
سڵاو ئازیزان. فەرموون لەگەڵ ڤیدیۆی دەرسی پانزەهەم. هەندێ ڕستەو دەستەواژەی گرنگی ڕۆژانە لە زمانی ئینگلیزیدا. 3/11/2012 www.dukani.net چۆنیتی دارشتن و بەکار ه...- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 387
- author: dana dukany
Stop the Turks! they are killing KURDS daily!
Watch Turkish police criminal animals attacking Kurdish Civilians and beating women and ch...
published: 14 May 2008
author: medeking
Stop the Turks! they are killing KURDS daily!
Stop the Turks! they are killing KURDS daily!
Watch Turkish police criminal animals attacking Kurdish Civilians and beating women and children and killing and injuring many during the peaceful celebratio...- published: 14 May 2008
- views: 10821
- author: medeking
01 November 2013 Daily News - Turkey anger Kurds with wall to control crossovers from Syria
There have been protests in southeastern Turkey against a wall being built along the borde...
published: 01 Nov 2013
01 November 2013 Daily News - Turkey anger Kurds with wall to control crossovers from Syria
01 November 2013 Daily News - Turkey anger Kurds with wall to control crossovers from Syria
There have been protests in southeastern Turkey against a wall being built along the border with Syria in a bid to control illegal movement. In largely Kurdish Nusaybin district, plans call for the wall to span just a fraction of the 900-kilometre border, but this highlights Ankara's growing concern about the spillover of violence from northern Syria, a battleground for armed groups who want territory. A local official in Nusaybin did not confirm how long the wall would be. The mayor of the village is on a hunger strike to stop construction. A resident said: "Putting up a wall here means separating the Kurdish people. We know who is being divisive. The people of Nusaybin do not accept this. We will react. Our mayor is not alone." Kurdish politician Resat Kaymaz said: "We've said it before, this is a wall of shame. Walls around the world have been brought down. Some took a while, but they've been brought down. We are fighting for this wall not to be built. But if it goes up, it will come down. This is not a wall being built on a border. This is a wall being built between the people of Kurdistan. We want the building to stop." Turkey -- open to refugees -- is sheltering around half a million people who have fled the war in Syria, but smugglers and rebel fighters have been able to cross the border undetected in many remote areas and it is a major security challenge.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 91
Documentary - Kurdish child singing "Ey Reqîb" Kurdish national anthem
Gulizar's son singing 'Ey Reqîb in Cindirese (Rojava) / A documentary about the Kurdish re...
published: 15 Sep 2013
Documentary - Kurdish child singing "Ey Reqîb" Kurdish national anthem
Documentary - Kurdish child singing "Ey Reqîb" Kurdish national anthem
Gulizar's son singing 'Ey Reqîb in Cindirese (Rojava) / A documentary about the Kurdish revolution in Syria directed by David Meseguer and Oriol Gracià The documentary The silent revolution of the Kurds in Syria focuses on the Kurds' daily life in the north of this country. Two years ago, as civil war broke out in Syria within the context of the 'Arab springs', the Kurds of Syria launched a historic process of cultural and political recognition to try and bring an end to 50 years of governmental oppression. However, the priorities of the media in covering the civil war have led to a certain marginalisation of this historic process. That is why we believe it is necessary to show this other Syria, the Syria that has strived for a peaceful outcome since the start of the unrest in March 2011. As journalists, we want to analyse this situation, drawing parallelisms with the Catalan history in the seventies —at the end of Franco's dictatorship— but also with Catalonia's more recent and ongoing push for independence from Spain. We filmed a documentary about 60 minutes long to show the Kurdish experience. It is not our aim to offer an academic and diplomatic analysis of the facts, but to present the daily life of those who are involved in this process. For this reason, we have followed four characters to show their lives in the first months of this newfound freedom. http://nezvanova.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/la-revolta-silenciosa/ https://www.facebook.com/RevoltaSilenciosa English translation: Oh, enemy! The Kurdish people live on, They have not been crushed by the weapons of any time Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living They live and never shall we lower our flag We are descendants of the red banner of the revolution Look at our past, how bloody it is Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living They live and never shall we lower our flag The Kurdish youth rise bravely, With their blood they colored the crown of life Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living They live and never shall we lower our flag We are the descendants of the Medes and Cyaxares Kurdistan is our religion, our credo, Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living They live and never shall we lower our flag The Kurdish youth are ready, it is prepared, To give their life as the supreme sacrifice Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living They live and never shall we lower our flag- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 67
Documentary - The Kurdish revolution in Syrian Kurdistan (West-Kurdistan)
A documentary about the Kurdish revolution in Syria directed by David Meseguer and Oriol G...
published: 15 Sep 2013
Documentary - The Kurdish revolution in Syrian Kurdistan (West-Kurdistan)
Documentary - The Kurdish revolution in Syrian Kurdistan (West-Kurdistan)
A documentary about the Kurdish revolution in Syria directed by David Meseguer and Oriol Gracià The documentary The silent revolution of the Kurds in Syria focuses on the Kurds' daily life in the north of this country. Two years ago, as civil war broke out in Syria within the context of the 'Arab springs', the Kurds of Syria launched a historic process of cultural and political recognition to try and bring an end to 50 years of governmental oppression. However, the priorities of the media in covering the civil war have led to a certain marginalisation of this historic process. That is why we believe it is necessary to show this other Syria, the Syria that has strived for a peaceful outcome since the start of the unrest in March 2011. As journalists, we want to analyse this situation, drawing parallelisms with the Catalan history in the seventies —at the end of Franco's dictatorship— but also with Catalonia's more recent and ongoing push for independence from Spain. We filmed a documentary about 60 minutes long to show the Kurdish experience. It is not our aim to offer an academic and diplomatic analysis of the facts, but to present the daily life of those who are involved in this process. For this reason, we have followed four characters to show their lives in the first months of this newfound freedom. http://nezvanova.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/la-revolta-silenciosa https://www.facebook.com/RevoltaSilenciosa El kurd, és un un poble d'origen indoeuropeu que habita a la regió muntanyosa del Kurdistan, al sud-oest del continent asiàtic. La seva població està formada per uns 25 milions de persones, dispersos entre Turquia, l'Iran, l'Iraq i Síria, on n'hi viuen uns dos milions. Precisament, per la fragmentació d'aquesta cultura entre diferents estats —amb la debilitat que això comporta— els kurds han patit discriminacions i persecucions de forma repetida. En el documental La revolta silenciosa dels kurds de Síria volem focalitzar en la realitat dels Kurds que viuen a Síria, principalment a la franja nord del país. I és que amb l'esclat de la guerra civil al país, en el marc de les anomenades 'primaveres àrabs— els kurds de sirians han posat en marxa un procés d'autodeterminació històric que vol acabar amb la repressió que viuen des de gairebé 50 anys i promoure el seu reconeixement polític i cultural. Avui, l'actualitat sobre aquest procés històric que viuen els kurds pateix una gran marginació informativa ja que els enfrontaments armats entre el règim sirià i els diferents grups opositors monopolitzen la cobertura periodística. És per això que creiem necessari donar a conèixer l'altra Síria, aquella que ha apostat per una lluita pacífica des de l'inici de la revolta el març de 2011. Com a periodistes catalans volem analitzar una situació de vital importància, semblant a la viscuda a casa nostra amb la fi de la dictadura franquista i amb paral·lelismes amb la situació que vivim actualment. Per tot plegat, ens proposem enregistrar un film documental de 50 minuts que reculli aquesta realitat des de la base. No és tracta de fer una anàlisi tècnica i diplomàtica dels fets, sinó presentar el dia a dia dels qui estan implicats en aquest procés. Per això, seguirem cinc personatges i amb una mirada audiovisual gairebé contemplativa —evitant entrevistes directes i buscant la interacció entre personatges— mostrarem com viuen dels primers mesos d'aquesta autoproclamada 'autonomia de facto'. Sinopsi A Efrin, en una zona rural del nord de Síria, els Kurds es preparen per a l'arribada de la primavera, que en la seva cultura equival a l'any nou. Enguany, però, aquesta festa (plena de càrrega identitària) es viurà en un context especial: el país ja fa dos anys que està en guerra i, a més, la minoria kurda de Síria —que es mantenen equidistants davant les disputes entre el govern i el rebels— ha aprofitat aquesta inestabilitat per fer-se amb el poder dels seus territoris i reivindicar la seva identitat, reprimida des de fa gairebé cinquanta anys. Alí Alí, un farmacèutic de 71 anys, ens explicarà perquè s'ha ofert per ensenyar, de nou, Kurd en una escola on fins ara només s'estudiava l'àrab. Khairir Baran, un jove periodista, narrarà com han posat en marxa la nova televisió kurda. La jove Nunjin Awaz, de només 21 anys, ens mostrarà com viu la seva nova vida de miliciana de l'exèrcit Kurd. Seguirem al grup Celek Piroz Be que, aprofitant la festa d'any nou, podrà cantar per primera vegada en públic cançons tradicionals Kurdes. Finalment, Hanif Mesto, representant del Partit de la Unió Democràtica, analitzarà com s'estan creant les noves estructures polítiques que han d'articular la gestió d'aquests territoris. Una mirada plural i directa sobre revolució silenciosa dels kurds de Síria.- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 69
Daily English News Kurdish journalists protest attacks on media freedom
http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishNews70 http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishNews71 http:/...
published: 16 May 2013
author: EnglishNews75
Daily English News Kurdish journalists protest attacks on media freedom
Daily English News Kurdish journalists protest attacks on media freedom
http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishNews70 http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishNews71 http://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishNews72 http://www.youtube.com/user/Eng...- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 7
- author: EnglishNews75
Syria's Kurds stand alone after rejecting rebels and regime
http://www.onedirectionteen.blogspot.com http://www.teenmirror.com Developments in Syria a...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: newsdailyplanet
Syria's Kurds stand alone after rejecting rebels and regime
Syria's Kurds stand alone after rejecting rebels and regime
http://www.onedirectionteen.blogspot.com http://www.teenmirror.com Developments in Syria and Iraq have led some to speculate that the birth of an independent...- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 3714
- author: newsdailyplanet
Syrian Kurdish Refugees Fear Harsh Winter in Northern Iraq
Tens of thousands of Syrians go to northern Iraq after a new bridge is opened. CNN's Arwa ...
published: 24 Nov 2013
Syrian Kurdish Refugees Fear Harsh Winter in Northern Iraq
Syrian Kurdish Refugees Fear Harsh Winter in Northern Iraq
Tens of thousands of Syrians go to northern Iraq after a new bridge is opened. CNN's Arwa Damon reports. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians, mostly Kurds, have fled into northern Iraq, many living in abandoned houses in the region's capital. As Sebastian Meyer rep... The UN refugee agency reported today that thousands of Syrians fleeing the conflict in their homeland have streamed into northern Iraq in a sudden movement a... Subscribe to arsesnewschannel, Daily News,Daily Updates, Stay informed! Subscribe to newsmediaonline ! we watch the News for you ! daily uploads+updates ! stay informed ! subscribe ! worldleaderstv: SYRIAN REFUGEES POUR INTO NORTHERN IRAQ over NEW BRIDGE (UNHCR) maximsnewsnetwork: 16 August 2013: UNHCR / UNTV CH: Geneva, Switzerland - The... Subscribe to surenanews, we watch the Media for you! subscribe for daily updates! A chartered flight has arrived in Erbil carrying urgent relief items for WFP and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of Sy... In northern Iraq, the IRC is providing essential assistance to a new influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria. We give special priority to the most v... worldleaderstv: SYRIAN REFUGEES POUR INTO NORTHERN IRAQ over NEW BRIDGE (UNHCR) maximsnewsnetwork: 16 August 2013: UNHCR / UNTV CH: Geneva, Switzerland - The... Subscribe to onlinenews, the latest news, daily uploads. Stay informed ! WorldLeadersTV: SYRIA: OVER 30000 REFUGEES FLEE into IRAQ in SIX DAYS (UNHCR) MaximsNewsNetwork: 19 August 2013: UN Refugee Agency: UNHCR: Sahela Border Poi... More than 30000 Syrian refugees have crossed the border into northern Iraq in less than a week to escape violence in their homeland, says UNHCR. Full Story:... Camp Domiz in northern Iraq is home to about 30000 Syrian Kurds and their numbers are expanding. Their hosts are also ethnic Kurds who have given them resid... High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, and Executive Director of the World Food Programme, Ertharin Cousin, see the latest influx of Syrian refuge... It's impossible to underestimate the importance of Domiz Refugee Camp for the 45000-plus Syrians now liv... A week ago on this site, there was nothing but emptiness. Now hundreds of tents, shelter for the thousands, fill the landscape. When the government of Northe... worldleaderstv: EXODUS from SYRIA to REFUGEE CAMPS in NORTHERN IRAQ (UNHCR) maximsnewsnetwork: 17, 21 August 2013: UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR: Erbil Governorat... The Kurdistan regional government has set a daily quota of 3000 on Syrian refugees as they flood over the border into the autonomous region of Northern Iraq... UNICEF correspondent Chris Niles reports on the visit of UNICEF Ambassador Pau Gasol to a camp for Syrian refugees in northern Iraq. For more information, vi... Since last Thursday (15 August) thousands of Syrian refugees have streamed into Iraq. UNHCR says it is witnessing a major exodus from Syria. On Saturday (17 ... worldleaderstv: THOUSANDS of SYRIAN REFUGEES STREAM into IRAQ (UNHCR) maximsnewsnetwork: 17 August 2013: UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR: Peshkhabour Bridge, Northe... WorldLeadersTV: SOME 30000 SYRIAN REFUGEES STREAMED into IRAQ LAST WEEK (UNHCR) MaximsNewsNetwork: 20 August 2013: UNTV CH: UN Refugee Agency: UNHCR: Palais... A team of 20 UN experts arrived in Damascus on Sunday to begin looking into allegations that both... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscr...- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 2
Three Kurdish women Killed in Paris, France
Paris's Kurdish community shaken by murder of three women activists Three Kurdish women, i...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: RudlerLamprey
Three Kurdish women Killed in Paris, France
Three Kurdish women Killed in Paris, France
Paris's Kurdish community shaken by murder of three women activists Three Kurdish women, including a founding member of the PKK militant group, have been sho...- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 110
- author: RudlerLamprey
FREE SYRIAN ARMY WAR / Syrian Kurds Seek Transitional Administration, Not Independence
Subcribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNKZJFyq8Uw0iFAL9jaSOA?sub_confirmation=1
published: 18 Aug 2013
FREE SYRIAN ARMY WAR / Syrian Kurds Seek Transitional Administration, Not Independence
FREE SYRIAN ARMY WAR / Syrian Kurds Seek Transitional Administration, Not Independence
Subcribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNKZJFyq8Uw0iFAL9jaSOA?sub_confirmation=1 follow us TWITTER @newsdailyplanet Salih Muslim, head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), said to Al-Hayat yesterday, Aug. 13, on the eve of his talks with Turkish officials in Istanbul, that consultations had begun to form a Kurdish transitional administration in the northeast and north of Syria. These consultations aim to form a council comprised of around 100 members that will be in charge of civil administration in [the areas Kurds refer to as] "West Kurdistan" and drafting an election law for parliamentary elections in this region. Muslim arrived in Istanbul on Aug 13. for talks with Turkish officials on the extent of cooperation between the two sides amid media silence, as requested by Ankara. In a telephone interview with Al-Hayat yesterday, Muslim avoided disclosing the content of these talks, indicating only that they complement the earlier round of talks on July 25. Two days ago, Muslim said that he would raise with the Turks the support they provide to Salafists in light of the parties' cooperation agreement. On the other hand, Muslim indicated that there are some signs of Turkey's dwindling support for Salafists in exchange for the regime allowing relief activities to reach northern Syria. "Yet this is not enough," according to him. The Turkish side had promised Muslim to encourage the opposition Syrian National Coalition to engage in a dialogue with the Kurds, while the foreign relations committee in the National Kurdish Council held talks with the president of the National Coalition, Ahmad al-Jarba. Moreover, the leader of the PYD explained that officials in the party had begun consultations for the formation of a transitional administration and not a transitional government, as reported a few days ago. These consultations began with Kurdish blocs, with each party represented by around five members, forming a council comprising between 100 and 120 members. He explained that the council would be fulfilling two missions: administering people's affairs in West Kurdistan — including northern and northeastern Syria — and drafting an election law for parliamentary elections. "The temporary council will be dissolved by the mere election of a parliament, from which the administrative body shall be formed to run the people's affairs until a solution is reached in Syria," Muslim added.- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 30
Kurds protest against wall along Turkey's border with Syria
Thousands of Kurds protested on Thursday against Turkish plans to build a wall along the S...
published: 25 Dec 2013
Kurds protest against wall along Turkey's border with Syria
Kurds protest against wall along Turkey's border with Syria
Thousands of Kurds protested on Thursday against Turkish plans to build a wall along the Syrian border, calling it a move to stop Kurdish communities strengthening cross-frontier ties as Syria splinters from civil war. The rally underscored the sectarian strains spilling over from Syria's war, which grew out of a 2011 uprising against President Bashar al-Assad and has fragmented into a patchwork of antagonistic ethnic and sectarian pockets that risk destabilizing neighboring Middle Eastern countries. Riot police tolerated the protests, organized by Turkey's pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), for much of the day but fired tear gas to disperse groups of demonstrators as a sit-down protest began following the main speeches. Crowds of mostly young men, many waving red, yellow and green Kurdish flags, gathered in the Turkish town of Nusaybin, separated from the Syrian town of Qamishli by a strip of no-man's land and barbed wire fencing. Officials said last month that Turkey would build a two-meter high wall to stop people bypassing checkpoints and prevent smuggling near Qamishli, where Kurdish fighters, Syrian rebel units and Arab tribes have regularly clashed. Thanks for comment, subscribe for updates http://goo.gl/DzbcXs follow us TWITTER @newsdailyplanet- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 76
Vimeo results:
Iraq in Fragments -- official theatrical trailer
The official theatrical trailer for the Academy Award-nominated feature-length documentary...
published: 27 Aug 2008
author: James Longley
Iraq in Fragments -- official theatrical trailer
The official theatrical trailer for the Academy Award-nominated feature-length documentary film, IRAQ IN FRAGMENTS by James Longley.
More information can be found at James Longley's website:
What The Critics Said:
"this one demands to be seen...mesmerizes with its insight and, rarer still, its beauty."
-- Kenneth Turan, LA Times
"In beautifully shot, almost poetic images, it takes us inside this fractured country, letting us feel what its like from the inside from three points of view--Sunni, Shiite and Kurd. ... A fascinating glimpse of an Iraq the mass media never shows us, the movie is a quiet revelation."
-- David Ansen, Newsweek
"Iraq in Fragments is the latest entry in the crowded field of documentaries from that war. It is also one of the best, partly because it is more concerned with exploring daily life and individual destinies than with articulating a position. ... Whether you think the war is right or wrong, Iraq in Fragments is a necessary reminder of just how painful and complicated it is."
-- A.O. Scott, The New York Times
"... a one-man production of startling audacity and aesthetic provocation. ... if Longley's astonishing feat of poetic agitation has a precedent in the entire history of documentary, I'm not aware of it."
-- Rob Nelson, The Village Voice
"Stands head and shoulders above an overcrowded field of documentaries about the Iraq war...This visually sumptuous movie richly deserves the cinematography, editing and directing prizes it carried off at Sundance last January."
-- Ella Taylor, LA Weekly
"James Longley's mesmerizing Iraq in Fragments shakes off the oversaturated video vocabulary that has defined media coverage of the war-torn country and brings a cinematic beauty, both terrifying and ethereal"
-- Stephen Garret, Indiewire
"The first documentary about the war in Iraq to be made by a real filmmaker...Longley has a gift for intimacy and an eye for vagrant touches of beauty everywhere"
-- The New Yorker
"Iraq in Fragments is astonishing, both in its beauty and its breadth. While Longley's use of jump-cuts and visual collages has the feel of an art piece, it is the director's contact with his subjects that is truly astounding."
-- Dan Glaister, The Guardian
"Iraq in Fragments is a stunningly beautiful film ... What this movie shows, you will never see on the evening news"
-- Michael Moore
"Not just another Iraq war doc...Whether or not James Longley's boldly stylized reportage breaches public indifference, its enduring value is assured: When the war is long gone, this deft construction will persist in relevance, if not for what it says about the mess we once made, then as a model of canny cinematic construction."
-- Nathan Lee, The Village Voice
"The movie is more than the sum of its fragments. The montages are intense, the images ravishing. The movie is tactile. When you finally feel this place, you understand just how little you understand."
-- David Edelstein, New York Magazine
"Viewed by many as the ultimate cinematic statement on Iraq...Mr. Longley is both a tremendously skilled filmmaker and a brave one, having spent two and a half years gathering his footage. Iraq in Fragments is a valuable document and, given the security situation, perhaps the last, and the most enduring, of its kind."
-- New York Sun
"Grade: A. Longley looks and listens, with nonjudgmental sensitivity, as Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish Iraqis explain their colliding, intractable, invaded worlds, and their rising frustrations. He lets people be people, not position-holders. The calm poetry of the cinematography offsets the mess of the politics to stunning effect."
-- Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly
"Terrific...something close to a documentary masterpiece."
-- Andrew O'Hehir, Salon
"Longley's sensitive eye for imagery and graceful camerawork ... gives the film a beauty rarely seen ..."
-- Seattle Post-Intelligencer
"highly recommended; a beautifully shot, fascinating and informative portrait ... a searing vision of this historical miasma."
-- Time Out London
"an Iraq that you haven't likely seen before ... stunning"
"Iraq in Fragments is an in-depth marvel"
-- New York Magazine
"[Iraq In Fragments is] an invitation to look again and afresh at a country many Americans may be tired of thinking about, and to be reminded of the complicated human reality underneath the politics."
-- New York Times
"a masterpiece ..."
-- Noel Murray, The Onion
"Differs dramatically from the documentaries about the occupation told from the American point of view...Not only does Longley capture the literal point of view, he also bathes many of his shots in a dark, golden light that mirrors the shadowy threat posed by the country's violent, unsettled state."
-- Eric Monder, Film Journal
"Iraq in Fragments is a beautifully filmed biography of a country on the verge of civil war."
-- Peter Byck, Lousiville Courier-Jou
'Ey Reqîb' (Kurdish national anthem)
The documentary The silent revolution of the Kurds in Syria focuses on the Kurds’ daily li...
published: 08 Sep 2013
author: The Silent Revolution
'Ey Reqîb' (Kurdish national anthem)
The documentary The silent revolution of the Kurds in Syria focuses on the Kurds’ daily life in the north of this country. Two years ago, as civil war broke out in Syria within the context of the ‘Arab springs’, the Kurds of Syria launched a historic process of cultural and political recognition to try and bring an end to 50 years of governmental oppression.
However, the priorities of the media in covering the civil war have led to a certain marginalisation of this historic process. That is why we believe it is necessary to show this other Syria, the Syria that has strived for a peaceful outcome since the start of the unrest in March 2011. As journalists, we want to analyse this situation, drawing parallelisms with the Catalan history in the seventies —at the end of Franco’s dictatorship— but also with Catalonia’s more recent and ongoing push for independence from Spain. We filmed a documentary about 60 minutes long to show the Kurdish experience. It is not our aim to offer an academic and diplomatic analysis of the facts, but to present the daily life of those who are involved in this process. For this reason, we have followed four characters to show their lives in the first months of this newfound freedom.
Erden Kosova
An art critic based in Istanbul and contributes to the e-journal project red...
published: 14 Jul 2013
author: Neery Melkonian
Erden Kosova
An art critic based in Istanbul and contributes to the e-journal project red-thread.org as an editor
Disputed Criticality: Tensions within the Field of Contemporary Art in Istanbul
The period in which the contemporary art scene in Turkey established itself as a separate artistic field in the early nineties coincided with the crucial convergence of historical forces that conditioned the crisis of the then existing status quo of the Republic, namely: the end of the Cold War paradigm and consequently the isolationism of the official politics; the urge for integrating into the accelerating dynamics of globalism; escalation of the conflict evolving around the Kurdish problem towards a nearly civil-war state, and the gradual rise of the Islamic tendencies in politics. Within the very context in which the classic political dichotomy between the left and the right still made some sense, the newly emerging platform for contemporary art appealed decisively to an anti-nationalist, anti-statist and anti-militarist lexicon –a position which was exemplified with solidarity campaign with the Turkish Armenian artist Sarkis, one of the prominent mentors of the scene, who was harassed by the implicitly racist remarks of a local art critic in 1992.
The cosmopolitanism of the scene, which was shared by and perhaps inspired from the non-orthodox strands of the leftist intelligentsia, remained unchallenged up until two tragic ruptures: the ultra-nationalist vandalism targeting the opening of a photography exhibition (2005), which documented the pogrom against the non-muslim minorities of Istanbul fifty years ago
- an event which disrupted the illusion that the cultural field was spared from the escalation of tension in the daily politics – and the assassination of Hrant Dink, the ‘eye pupil’ of the cosmopolitan leftism in 2007. The response to the atrocities of the intensifying nationalism (which also lured and incorporated masses of people who previously identified themselves with the left wing of the political range, either social democrat or socialist) from a number of contemporary artists was to lean towards political and/or visual activism.
Yet, the aforementioned and bitter split with the leftfield, between cosmopolitanism and nationalism, started to have repercussions within artistic circles (accusation of being limited to identity politics; raised suspicions about links with European art institutions and funds, etc.); and the rapid commercialization and glamorization of the contemporary art scene in the last couple of years in Istanbul has harmed the credibility of the political engagement of the scene, leaving the artists in a state of paralysis that impedes the elaboration of a critical consistency.
My contribution would expand on this general outline along with the screening of some visual examples.
The Kurds are an Indo-European people living in the mountainous region of Kurdistan, in so...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: Oriol Gracià Carles
The Kurds are an Indo-European people living in the mountainous region of Kurdistan, in southwest Asia. Their population is made up of nearly 25 million people, spread between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Armenia, and Syria, where two million Kurds live. The fragmentation, and subsequent weakening, of their culture between different states, has often gone hand in hand with the discrimination and persecution of Kurds. The documentary The silent revolution of the Kurds in Syria will focus on the Kurds’ daily life in the north of this country. Two years ago, as civil war broke out in Syria within the context of the ‘Arab springs’, the Kurds of Syria launched a historic process of cultural and political recognition to try and bring an end to 50 years of governmental oppression.
However, the priorities of the media in covering the civil war have led to a certain marginalisation of this historic process. That is why we believe it is necessary to show this other Syria, the Syria that has strived for a peaceful outcome since the start of the unrest in March 2011. As journalists, we want to analyse this situation, drawing parallelisms with the Catalan history in the seventies —at the end of Franco’s dictatorship— but also with Catalonia’s more recent and ongoing push for independence from Spain. We want to film a documentary about 50 minutes long to show the Kurdish experience. It is not our aim to offer an academic and diplomatic analysis of the facts, but to present the daily life of those who are involved in this process. For this reason, we will follow five characters —avoiding direct interviews and observing the interactions between characters— to show their lives in the first months of this newfound freedom.
Youtube results:
graphically designed - hezbollah against Kurdish turkish Rebels inside Syria
this video is not for shock or entertainment - only for documentation. Please do not use m...
published: 24 Jul 2013
author: ArabCountriesNews
graphically designed - hezbollah against Kurdish turkish Rebels inside Syria
graphically designed - hezbollah against Kurdish turkish Rebels inside Syria
this video is not for shock or entertainment - only for documentation. Please do not use my videos what do you think about this video Subscribe for daily S.....- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 11
- author: ArabCountriesNews
Western Indifference: Kurds' cry for help in Syria falls on deaf ears
The Kurdish minority in Syria has reportedly been the target of heavy attacks by radicalis...
published: 11 Aug 2013
author: RussiaToday
Western Indifference: Kurds' cry for help in Syria falls on deaf ears
Western Indifference: Kurds' cry for help in Syria falls on deaf ears
The Kurdish minority in Syria has reportedly been the target of heavy attacks by radicalists, for over three weeks now, with stories of killings and kidnappi...- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 9973
- author: RussiaToday
Kurdish female snipers
cep incelemesi In a Kurdish enclave in Syria's largest city, Aleppo, these female snipers ...
published: 14 Dec 2013
Kurdish female snipers
Kurdish female snipers
cep incelemesi In a Kurdish enclave in Syria's largest city, Aleppo, these female snipers are an important fighting force. It's estimated there are over 100 female snipers . A lot of women and young girls fighting in Kurdish region against imported wahabi rape gangs humaneaters. In the 35 years of guerilla warfare against armies . Come with us to Northern Iraq for a springtime frolic with the lovely lady guerillas of the Kurdish Liberation Movement. Part 1 of 3: Scene: Death of Sniper Wolf This is when she dies and her last words is about the Kurdish situation and the oppression against the Kurdish people. The Dial. SUBSCRIBE TO SEE DAILY VIDEOS! More Videos of Syria on My Channel! Like us on FB : https://w. Syrian women fight to establish an Islamic State in Aleppo, Syria. Syria's civil war has affected citizens across the entire nation and one woman has decided to stand up to the government forces and do something about it. Th. Come with us to Northern Iraq for a springtime frolic with the lovely lady guerillas of the Kurdish Liberation Movement. Part 1 of 3: Three female Kurdish activists were found dead Thursday at an information center for Kurds in Paris, all of them shot in the head in what a French official d. Come with us to Northern Iraq for a springtime frolic with the lovely lady guerillas of the Kurdish Liberation Movement. Part 1 of 3: Al-Nusra Front battle against PKK near Turkey-Syria border, As fighting continues between foreign-backed militants and Syrian troops, neighboring countries . what do you think about this video ? Subscribe for daily Syria Videos about FSA and SAA mor. News3 LIVE: Syria accused of using chemical weapons to kill scores of people. Tahsin Xeder Faqir Meme Alan.Kurd Sat Tv.Gorani u Netewaتحسين فقير خدر Sarok Barzani Le Shexan 17-9-2013.by Said dnany.shinali.shingaly.shingal السيد الرئيس . 18+ WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - CONTAINS RAW FOOTAGE not for shock purposes, just for documenting FSA mercenaries war crimes in Syria against the Syrian peopl. on duty. syria - Assad PKK YPG Allies Open Fire on Kurdish Protest for Prisoner Release 6-27-13.mp4. normal people training VS Kurdish people training. BRAVE KURDISH GIRLS IN THE HIGH MOUNTAINS OF QANDIL FIGHTING FOR THEIR NATIONS FREEDOM. PKK GUERILLA GERILLA KURD KURDISTAN ABDULLAH OCALAN MIDDLE EAST SOS. cep incelemesi Kurdish defense units YPG are celebrating in city of Til Tamer [40 km away from city of Hassake]. and It is noteworthy that city of Til Tamer . cep incelemesi. Kurdish women trained alongside their male counterparts at a militia camp at an undisclosed location in the Kurdish-held area of north-east Syria in this rar. اخبار سوريا - اخبار اليمن - اخبار العراق - اخبار مصر - اخبار تونس - الجيش الحر - الجيش النظام - الحكومة المصرية - حازم الببلاوي - محمد مرسي - عبد الفتاح السي.- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 26
Stand up for Kurdish Rights
The Alliance for Kurdish Rights encourages all to join forces with us against coercion, in...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: MEYmedia
Stand up for Kurdish Rights
Stand up for Kurdish Rights
The Alliance for Kurdish Rights encourages all to join forces with us against coercion, intimidation, hatred, and racism in order to shed some light upon the...- published: 17 Dec 2009
- views: 9805
- author: MEYmedia