
Speed Bowl League - Match 2 - TB vs Force Strategy
TotalBiscuit brings you the second match of the new Speed Blood Bowl League, facing off ag...
published: 13 Jan 2014
Speed Bowl League - Match 2 - TB vs Force Strategy
Speed Bowl League - Match 2 - TB vs Force Strategy
TotalBiscuit brings you the second match of the new Speed Blood Bowl League, facing off against Force Strategy. Check out Force's channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ForceSC2strategy Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.com/totalbiscuit Follow CynicalBrit on Twitter for video updates: http://twitter.com/cynicalbrit Follow our Facebook page for announcements: http://facebook.com/cynicalbrit- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 1210

My Star Wars poem inspired by the original trilogy, which answers the question: What if Lu...
published: 10 Jan 2014
My Star Wars poem inspired by the original trilogy, which answers the question: What if Luke never got over the kiss with Leia? Make Sure To Subscribe!! http://www.youtube.com/LizEKatz Luke Uses Force A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I made an honest mistake I regret it to this day It wasn't out of passion It didn't mean a thing I only wanted han to see Just to give a little sting I didn't know back then What I do know now I kissed my brother Luke We didn't know somehow I found out we were twins better late then never I'd much rather we had all forgotten this whole endeavor. See, I moved on with Han Luke, he had the force He didn't like other women He had kissed the best, of course! He begged and he pleaded He argued and he cried He wanted me to be his To join his dark side He was getting creepy When he out expressed He liked me very much he was into incest He'd show up at the market When I'd go to shop He'd peek in through my windows This really needed to stop He wrote me strange letters Poems, haikus and some rants He even sent a picture of the lightsaber in his pants He used the jedi mind trick to get me in his bed Thankfully I came to before I gave him... well enough said I have a Jedi stalker It couldn't be any worse I actually had to tell my brother Luke, don't use force. - Liz Katz- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 17875

Did "The Bachelor" Force a Contestant To ...
... dye her hair??? How Kylie Lewis claims producers made her blow her changes with Juan ...
published: 12 Jan 2014
Did "The Bachelor" Force a Contestant To ...
Did "The Bachelor" Force a Contestant To ...
... dye her hair??? How Kylie Lewis claims producers made her blow her changes with Juan Pablo. And she really Juan-ted it!- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 39479

Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Islands Gameplay
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Islands Gameplay
published: 12 Jan 2014
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Islands Gameplay
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Islands Gameplay
Skylanders Swap Force Sheep Wreck Islands Gameplay SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE GAMING VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/user/coinoptv Skylanders Swap Force Gameplay Commentary Sheep Wreck Islands played on the Xbox 360 by Robert Welkner. New gaming VIDEOS DAILY featuring Skylanders, Skylanders Giants, Skylanders Swap Force, Disney Infinity, Rayman, LEGO Games, Batman Games, Call Of Duty, Assassin's Creed and more! COIN-OP TV is owned and operated by Robert Welkner based out of Los Angeles, California. COIN-OP TV on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/coinoptv COIN-OP TV Website http://www.coin-op.tv COIN-OP TV on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/coinoptv COIN-OP TV on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/coinoptv COIN-OP TV on Google+: http://www.google.com/+CoinOpTV Robert Welkner on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pennyman How to play Skylanders How to play Skylanders Swap Force How to find Skylanders Swap Force Soul Gems How to find Skylanders Swap Force collectibles How to find Skylanders Swap Force collectables How to solve Skylanders Swap Force How to defeat Sheep Mage Skylanders Swap Force How to beat Skylanders Swap Force How to beat Skylanders Sheep Wreck Islands Level How to play Sheep Wreck Islands Adventure Pack DISCLAIMER: All videos published to the COIN-OP TV YouTube channel were made/produced with permission from the company's respective PR firms and are copyright. Trailers or official gameplay video were sent to us directly to showcase on this channel. Linking or embedding COIN-OP TV content is allowed and encouraged but you may NOT download or publish our videos to your own channel or website without our expressed permission in writing. Please refer to the YouTube Terms of Service if you have any questions about copyright restrictions and violations. TOPICS: skylanders skylandersswapforce "skylanders swap force sheep mage" "skylanders swap force Sheep Wreck Islands" "how to play skylanders swap force" "skylanders platinum sheep item" "skylander swap force lightcore wham shell" "skylanders swap force wind up" "skylanders swap force stink bomb" "skylanders swap force rubble rouser" "skylanders swap force tips" "skylanders groove machine" "skylanders Sheep Wreck Islands" commentary walkthrough series SheepWreckIslands coinoptv- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 1270

Si la vidéo est trop sombre, mettez à fond la luminosité de votre portable/écran, et baiss...
published: 12 Jan 2014
Si la vidéo est trop sombre, mettez à fond la luminosité de votre portable/écran, et baissez la lumière de votre chambre ! J'ai fait tout ce que j'ai pu pour améliorer la luminosité... On peut dire que c'est un fail x(. Clique ici pour t'abonner ► http://bit.ly/1khetSq & rejoins la HussFamily DIRECT ! Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/xSqueeZie Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/SqueeZiePageOfficielle Les HUSS' SHIRT ► http://wwww.squeezie.spreadshirt.net Mon casque ► http://bit.ly/18Tguzs Mon graphiste ► http://www.youtube.com/TartinEx Le jeu : http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/haunted-hell-v1-1/16333/ Musique de fin : Cash Cash - Kiss the sky- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 293027

Skylander Hunting SWAP FORCE WAVE 3 at TARGET - Stink Bomb, Spy Rise & Rubble Rouser
SWAP FORCE Wave 3 Hunting PART 1: http://youtu.be/rw5LQBLrYNw
For Skylanders Swap Force G...
published: 30 Dec 2013
Skylander Hunting SWAP FORCE WAVE 3 at TARGET - Stink Bomb, Spy Rise & Rubble Rouser
Skylander Hunting SWAP FORCE WAVE 3 at TARGET - Stink Bomb, Spy Rise & Rubble Rouser
SWAP FORCE Wave 3 Hunting PART 1: http://youtu.be/rw5LQBLrYNw For Skylanders Swap Force Gameplay, make sure you check out EvanTubeGAMING: http://www.youtube.com/evantubegaming Swap Force Hunting Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsERZ1ZIADk Swap Force Hunting Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfI-7I7d2oA Legendary Zoo Lou Hunting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYMBmQCz6rs Jolly Bumble Blast Hunting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6aAccQG6EQ Time for more Skylander Hunting! This time, we're hunting for Skylanders Swap Force Wave 3 Swappers (Stink Bomb, Spy Rise, and Rubble Rouser)! They are being released first at Target. Maybe now we'll be able to access that SNEAK ZONE! While we were at Target we also check out some Angry Birds GO!, Wii U video games, Mincraft toys, and More! Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 38525

Family Food Wager Battle Mode w/ Wave 3 - Skylanders Swap Force (4 Players + Ring Out)
Another Family Food Wager!!! We hope you enjoy!
We'll make crazier stuff for the Spy Rise...
published: 05 Jan 2014
Family Food Wager Battle Mode w/ Wave 3 - Skylanders Swap Force (4 Players + Ring Out)
Family Food Wager Battle Mode w/ Wave 3 - Skylanders Swap Force (4 Players + Ring Out)
Another Family Food Wager!!! We hope you enjoy! We'll make crazier stuff for the Spy Rise Renaming Contest Winner video. :) Yes, that's right, we announce that a repaint of Spy Rise is coming soon. Also, Lexi wanted to draw one subskyber a poster to have for themself! So if you want a little drawing that she made, just leave a comment "POSTER PLEASE" Please leave a comment, thumbs up, subscriber, favorite, what you want to do, we appreciate it! :) Check out our last Family Wager Battle Mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2H5u1bO0S4 Dad & Son Food Wager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIIf8j8uWd0 Daddy Daughter Wager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEqarkj3vGo S2 Drobot Battle Wager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCgOzAGOqao Our first Family Food Wager Battle Mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCPefiVNQ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQNghvJTCXc Oh! And, if you haven't seen the Real Life Pop the Kaos Balloon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1qIWZggg9Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out some other videos: WAVE 3 VIDS: Top & Bottom Upgrade Paths + Wow Pows for Wave 3: http://youtu.be/Hb8n3eZit1M Creating KAOS in Target v2 - Wave 3 Swappers Contest: http://youtu.be/aIRhCbA9fdY Lets Play Sheep Wreck Island (Sheep Mage Boss Battle) with Wave 3 Toys: http://youtu.be/0D-KltlD-MM Toys R Us Hunting for Wave 3 with Kids: http://youtu.be/3EvUtCquJQ0 Grandma Surprises Kids with Wave 3: http://youtu.be/_7MiYwf4uQU Grandma Hunts for Wave 3: http://youtu.be/y6B4qT9_tNw Spy Rise Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/_SjCWE8qc2c Stink Bomb Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/JqhaVqxPNf0 Surprise of Stink Bomb & Spy Rise: http://youtu.be/8cW6A5yArVM Epic Unboxing of Rubble Rouser Surprise: http://youtu.be/ondgR5O_I00 Wind-Up/Sheep Wreck Island, Wave 3 Lightcores Surprise: http://youtu.be/muZS1bh7fZ0 Let's Play Sheep Wreck Island Arena Modes: http://youtu.be/p5Bmsw_8z8 Wind-Up Solo Survival mode: Shellshocks Curse: http://youtu.be/llnpG7cKN_8 Real Life Battle Mode Ring Out Arena: http://youtu.be/no8svEgOZvs Quick Draw Rattle Shake Unboxing & Upgraded Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ-GLpzIEXM Xbox One Jolly Battle Mode: http://youtu.be/nnZi37vSF3I Jolly Bumble Blast Epic Unboxing: http://youtu.be/tcxW1IZmueA Santa goes hunting for Jolly Bumble Blast: http://youtu.be/SAvfBp0OxJY Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Song that features "Santa": http://youtu.be/EO5p_2D88aE Let's Play Swap Force BOSS BATTLES: Nightmare Mode - Tower of Time (Cluck Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/uZbF7Uud8Cg Part 19: Cloudbreak Core (Super Evil Kaos Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/koaMpXGB5fw Part 18: Motherly Mayhem: http://youtu.be/oEPI6d6ySlQ Part 15: Mesmeraldas Show: http://youtu.be/3wuqexJGaaE Part 11: Serpents Peak - Fire Viper Battle http://youtu.be/_mSSVFLtUNY Part 9: Motleyville: http://youtu.be/HsTBchWOSMs (Baron Von Shellshock Boss Battle) Part 7: Jungle Rumble - Evil Glumshanks Boss Battle: http://youtu.be/8lFM2VeN1yY Fiery Forge Wager Bttle Mode: http://youtu.be/oIIf8j8uWd0 Family Wager Battle: http://youtu.be/I2H5u1bO0S4 WiiU Exclusive Wash Buckler Arcade Surprise: http://youtu.be/gAyDwygWzho Wash Buckler Himself Goes Hunting: http://youtu.be/pY0vdvSbjQg Real Life Spin Zone, Skylanders Bowling and a VooDood Skit... http://youtu.be/dTzcUhECrB8 Mikes Legendary Birthday Party/Hunting! http://youtu.be/Tg56VZpemus Magna Charge Rap - Music video (300th vid): http://youtu.be/9O6yNMiVJe8 Dark Starter Pack & Enchanted Hoot Loop Surprise: http://youtu.be/Q4ZEPK3CQSk ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, Thumbs up & Subscribe! We appreciate it! :) Subscribe → bit.ly/1f5cFee http://www.youtube.com/TheSkylanderBoy http://www.facebook.com/SkylanderKids We are a Family Channel dedicated to Skylanders! - The Skylander Boy and Girl LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music and/or http://jinglepunks.com- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 52772

Real Life "Pop The Kaos Balloon" like Skylanders Swap Force Bounce Zone (w/ Boom Boom Balloon)
This is our fun version of the Kaos Balloon Popping action that happens in a Bounce Zone. ...
published: 02 Jan 2014
Real Life "Pop The Kaos Balloon" like Skylanders Swap Force Bounce Zone (w/ Boom Boom Balloon)
Real Life "Pop The Kaos Balloon" like Skylanders Swap Force Bounce Zone (w/ Boom Boom Balloon)
This is our fun version of the Kaos Balloon Popping action that happens in a Bounce Zone. But, this should be called DON'T POP THE KAOS BALLOON! We use the Boom Boom Balloon by Spin Master which Lexi got for Christmas. We were going to play the regular game on our Funnel Vision channel because it's fun. But Lexi had the awesome idea to turn it into a Skylanders related game. So we went out and got some Red Balloons, just like the Kaos Balloon that you have to pop in Swap Force. Lexi draws some faces, Dad & Michael does too! We have lots of fun and we are sure you will too, just by watching! Please comment and thumbs up, it helps the videos get seen by others and we really appreciate it. :) ------------------------------------- Check out some other videos: WAVE 3 VIDS: Top & Bottom Upgrade Paths + Wow Pows for Wave 3: http://youtu.be/Hb8n3eZit1M Creating KAOS in Target v2 - Wave 3 Swappers Contest: http://youtu.be/aIRhCbA9fdY Lets Play Sheep Wreck Island (Sheep Mage Boss Battle) with Wave 3 Toys: http://youtu.be/0D-KltlD-MM Toys R Us Hunting for Wave 3 with Kids: http://youtu.be/3EvUtCquJQ0 Grandma Surprises Kids with Wave 3: http://youtu.be/_7MiYwf4uQU Grandma Hunts for Wave 3: http://youtu.be/y6B4qT9_tNw Spy Rise Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/_SjCWE8qc2c Stink Bomb Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/JqhaVqxPNf0 Surprise of Stink Bomb & Spy Rise: http://youtu.be/8cW6A5yArVM Epic Unboxing of Rubble Rouser Surprise: http://youtu.be/ondgR5O_I00 Wind-Up/Sheep Wreck Island, Wave 3 Lightcores Surprise: http://youtu.be/muZS1bh7fZ0 Let's Play Sheep Wreck Island Arena Modes: http://youtu.be/p5Bmsw_8z8 Wind-Up Solo Survival mode: Shellshocks Curse: http://youtu.be/llnpG7cKN_8 Real Life Battle Mode Ring Out Arena: http://youtu.be/no8svEgOZvs Quick Draw Rattle Shake Unboxing & Upgraded Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ-GLpzIEXM Xbox One Jolly Battle Mode: http://youtu.be/nnZi37vSF3I Jolly Bumble Blast Epic Unboxing: http://youtu.be/tcxW1IZmueA Santa goes hunting for Jolly Bumble Blast: http://youtu.be/SAvfBp0OxJY Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Song that features "Santa": http://youtu.be/EO5p_2D88aE Let's Play Swap Force BOSS BATTLES: Nightmare Mode - Tower of Time (Cluck Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/uZbF7Uud8Cg Part 19: Cloudbreak Core (Super Evil Kaos Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/koaMpXGB5fw Part 18: Motherly Mayhem: http://youtu.be/oEPI6d6ySlQ Part 15: Mesmeraldas Show: http://youtu.be/3wuqexJGaaE Part 11: Serpents Peak - Fire Viper Battle http://youtu.be/_mSSVFLtUNY Part 9: Motleyville: http://youtu.be/HsTBchWOSMs (Baron Von Shellshock Boss Battle) Part 7: Jungle Rumble - Evil Glumshanks Boss Battle: http://youtu.be/8lFM2VeN1yY Fiery Forge Wager Bttle Mode: http://youtu.be/oIIf8j8uWd0 Family Wager Battle: http://youtu.be/I2H5u1bO0S4 WiiU Exclusive Wash Buckler Arcade Surprise: http://youtu.be/gAyDwygWzho Wash Buckler Himself Goes Hunting: http://youtu.be/pY0vdvSbjQg Real Life Spin Zone, Skylanders Bowling and a VooDood Skit... http://youtu.be/dTzcUhECrB8 Mikes Legendary Birthday Party/Hunting! http://youtu.be/Tg56VZpemus Magna Charge Rap - Music video (300th vid): http://youtu.be/9O6yNMiVJe8 Dark Starter Pack & Enchanted Hoot Loop Surprise: http://youtu.be/Q4ZEPK3CQSk ------------------------------------- Please, Thumbs up & Subscribe! We appreciate it! :) Subscribe → bit.ly/1f5cFee http://www.youtube.com/TheSkylanderBoy http://www.facebook.com/SkylanderKids We are a Family Channel dedicated to Skylanders! - The Skylander Boy and Girl LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music and/or http://jinglepunks.com- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 46798

delta force (1986 film)
A 707 aircraft jetliner on its way from Athens to Rome and then to New York City is hijack...
published: 08 Sep 2013
delta force (1986 film)
delta force (1986 film)
A 707 aircraft jetliner on its way from Athens to Rome and then to New York City is hijacked by Lebanese terrorists. The terrorists demand that the pilot take them to Beirut. What the terrorists don't realize is that an elite team of commandoes led by Major McCoy (Norris) and by Colonel Alexander (Marvin) as been called into service to eliminate all terrorists on the jetliner and who's involved in the hijacking and try to retake the plane before the terrorists kill all the hostages.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 125

The Medic Force
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed my new Medic force video. In case you don't have google+, you...
published: 29 Dec 2013
The Medic Force
The Medic Force
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed my new Medic force video. In case you don't have google+, you can comment on the Reddit post right here:http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1txrav/5_crucibles_11_other_heals_5_spirit_visages_the/ Me and PeacePigeon made this video together, go subscribe to him :3 http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePeacePigeon Song: Virtual Riot - Energy Drink http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IOVkstxkdE- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 164941

Philippine Air Force Rising in to the Modern World 2013 (December)
Please Subscribe/Like/Share and Comment!!
By:Mike De Guzman
Facebook page: facebook.com/ar...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Philippine Air Force Rising in to the Modern World 2013 (December)
Philippine Air Force Rising in to the Modern World 2013 (December)
Please Subscribe/Like/Share and Comment!! By:Mike De Guzman Facebook page: facebook.com/armedforcesofthephilippinerepublic Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization 2013 Philippine Navy Philippine Air Force Philippine Army Philippine Marine Corps Philippine Military AFP Modernization act AFP Modernization 2013 Armed forces of the Philippines Modernization Philippine Armed Forces Modernization Philippine Air Force modernization Philippine Navy Modernization Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization 2013 Maxdefense.com timawa.net Modern frigates philippine navy Modern fighter jets philippine air force P75 Billion Peso Budget Armed forces of the philippines new FA-50 golden eagle for the philippines BRP Ramon Alcaraz BRP Gregorio Del Pillar Maestrale Class Frigate for the Philippine Navy Maestrale Class Frigate philippines AFP Modernization update 2013 Philippine Armed Forces Acquisition 66th PAF Anniversary Philippine Air Force Anniversary 2013 Philippine Hell March 2013 Scarborough shoal Spratly Islands Ayungin Islands Sabah Stand off Philippines vs China Philippine vs Taiwan West Philippine Sea Sea Disputes Philippine Coast guard Philippine Military power 2013 Philippine Naval Power US Philippines Military Exercise US Philippine Military Exercise 2013 Balikatan Exercise 2013 Carat Philippines US 2013 Carat 2013 Philippines US Philippines Alliance US Philippines vs China Pnoy SONA 2013 Pres.Aquino Pnoy Speech Pnoy Speech 66th PAF anniversary Philippine Air Force flyby Sokol Helicopters PZL W-3 Sokol Philippine Air Force PZL W-3 Sokol AW-109 Philippine Air Force 8 Attack Helicopters for the Philippine Air Force 2 attack Helicopters for the PNP ATMOS 2000 Self Propelled Howitzer ATMOS 2000 Self Propelled Howitzer for the Philippines BRP Ramon Alcaraz Pearl Harbor BRP Ramon Alcaraz Hawaii OV-10 Bronco replacement OV-10 Bronco replacement philippine air force SAAB Jas 39 Gripen SAAB Jas 39 Gripen Philippine Air Force Attack helicopters for the philippine air force DND bidding Department of National Defense bidding DND Philippines 2013 Attack helicopters for PNP AC-130H Hercules C-130H Hercules C-130H Hercules Philippine Air Force Israeli Spyder Air Defense Missile system for the Philippines Israeli Spyder Air Defense Missile system West Philippine Sea Sea dispute South China Sea Philippine show of force Philippine Military News New philippine air force aircraft New Philippine navy frigates new philippine navy warships 10 new Patrol Boats from Japan 5 new Patrol Boats from France MPAC Multi Purpose Attack Craft Riverine Patrol Boats Philippine tribute Philippines to buy Radars Philippines to buy long range radars TV Patrol AFP Modernization balita afp modernisation Philippine President Benigno Aquino President Benigno Aquino Speech President Benigno Aquino SONA 2013 Philippine modernization Philippines to Boost Naval Power Philippines to boost Philippine territory defense China Sea Dispute Philippines to buy radar systems philippine new air assets F/A-50 Golden Eagle T/A-50 Golden Eagle KM-250 Philippines KM-450 Philippines KM-251-Philippines Humvee Ambulance KM-501 Wrecker Philippine Artillery Agusta wasteland philippines Boeing Philippines BAE systems philippines KAI Philippines fighter jets philippine air force warship philippine navy Sec.Albert Del Rosario Voltaire GazminArmed Forces of The Philippines Philippine Armed Forces Philippine Air Force Philippine Navy Philippine Army Philippine Military AW109 Power Agusta Westland 109 Power Philippine Air Force Modernization new philippine air assets Band new attack helicopters for PAF brand new helicopter for philippine air force brand new helicopter for philippine navy Zambo Crisis Zambo Crysis Zamboanga City New peoples Army NPA Sabah West Philippine see China Air zone Air Defense zone Air Defense zone china China vs philippines New philippine Frigate Philippines to buy 2 brand new frigate brand new frigate for the philippine navy Hospital ship philippines philippines to buy hospital ship philippine to buy C-130 philippine fighter jet philippine frigate new coast guard vessels new coast guard ships japan to supply philippine coast guard france to supply philippine coast guard world war 2 WW2 world war 2 philippines Japan invaded philippines filipino peace keepers- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 12

Stink Bomb Unboxing + Sneak Zone + Fully Upgraded Gameplay (Skylanders Swap Force) Wave 3
Skylander Girl unboxes Stink Bomb (Chase makes a special appearance). We have lots of fun...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Stink Bomb Unboxing + Sneak Zone + Fully Upgraded Gameplay (Skylanders Swap Force) Wave 3
Stink Bomb Unboxing + Sneak Zone + Fully Upgraded Gameplay (Skylanders Swap Force) Wave 3
Skylander Girl unboxes Stink Bomb (Chase makes a special appearance). We have lots of fun in our untraditional Unboxing like always! You'll see his card, sticker, close-up and more importantly we show you TWO SNEAK ZONEs. Sunken Sand Base where we got the Moltenskin Scale Legendary Treasure, as well as the Area Fifty Tree zone which got us the RAIN HAT!! Woot Woot! We also show you his upgraded abilities, We chose the Art of Acorns Path for the Top and the Skunk Cloud Controller Path for the bottom. Once we get a 2nd one, we'll show you the Sneaky Tricks Path as well as the Art of Skunk Fu-Path. You can also see Stink Bombs Soul Gem abilities, the Master-Star Technique and Stealth Skunk. We are getting there with most of Wave 3... First was Wind-Up in the Sheep Wreck Island, LC Whamshell & Countdown: http://youtu.be/muZS1bh7fZ0 Then, Rubble Rouser: http://youtu.be/ondgR5O_I00 Stink Bomb & Spy Rise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cW6A5yArVM Check out Spy Rise Gameplay: http://youtu.be/_SjCWE8qc2c Now, we just need the Cores and the Arkeyan Crossbow pack! Stay tuned for a hunting trip to get those. :) + We can't wait to get Trap Shadow, then we'll have a Pair of Sneakers! haha NICE, RIGHT? ----------------------------- Check out some other videos: Wind-Up Solo Survival mode: Shellshocks Curse: http://youtu.be/llnpG7cKN_8 Xbox One Jolly Battle Mode: http://youtu.be/nnZi37vSF3I Jolly Bumble Blast Epic Unboxing: http://youtu.be/tcxW1IZmueA Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Song that features "Santa": http://youtu.be/EO5p_2D88aE Santa goes hunting for Jolly Bumble Blast: http://youtu.be/SAvfBp0OxJY Fruit Fight Bonus Mission with Jolly Bumble Blast: http://youtu.be/P3MMyXApJxY Mega Bloks (Flynns Rescue Ship) Timelapse Build Fun: http://youtu.be/0l1ETuSsL8g If you didn't see the video where Skylander Boy and Girl get a new intro... here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuwPN3I-b9M Halloween Fright Rider Unboxing & Surprise: http://youtu.be/u2si8uS3vRY Fiery Forge Contest + Wager Bttle Mode: http://youtu.be/oIIf8j8uWd0 Family Wager Battle: http://youtu.be/I2H5u1bO0S4 Wave 3 SHOPPING LIST update: http://youtu.be/EfwR-MTMjJc WiiU Exclusive Wash Buckler Arcade Surprise: http://youtu.be/gAyDwygWzho Wash Buckler Himself Goes Hunting: http://youtu.be/pY0vdvSbjQg Real Life Spin Zone, Skylanders Bowling and a VooDood Skit... http://youtu.be/dTzcUhECrB8 But the most fun out of all those videos, is this one, Mikes Legendary Birthday Party/Hunting! http://youtu.be/Tg56VZpemus Magna Charge music video (300th vid): http://youtu.be/9O6yNMiVJe8 Hunting: Legendary Zoo Lou & Quick Draw Rattle Shake: http://youtu.be/yhMaytfzj60 Hunting - Wave 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUNUpFielj8&list;=PLO1QFVBO7X8RRHpFs3B7t7s0Pk1qygvmd&index;=3 Hunting - Wave 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBbaTMypKpY&list;=PLO1QFVBO7X8RRHpFs3B7t7s0Pk1qygvmd&index;=2 Hunting - Before the Release Date: Kids First Swap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ipsk0ENKng&list;=PLO1QFVBO7X8RRHpFs3B7t7s0Pk1qygvmd&index;=1 Let's Play Swap Force BOSS BATTLES: Nightmare Mode - Tower of Time (Cluck Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/uZbF7Uud8Cg Part 19: Cloudbreak Core (Super Evil Kaos Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/koaMpXGB5fw Part 18: Motherly Mayhem: http://youtu.be/oEPI6d6ySlQ Part 15: Mesmeraldas Show: http://youtu.be/3wuqexJGaaE Part 11: Serpents Peak - Fire Viper Battle http://youtu.be/_mSSVFLtUNY Part 9: Motleyville: http://youtu.be/HsTBchWOSMs (Baron Von Shellshock Boss Battle) Part 7: Jungle Rumble - Evil Glumshanks Boss Battle: http://youtu.be/8lFM2VeN1yY All Wave 1 and 2 Top Upgrade Paths: http://youtu.be/gtTFxekjTXU All Swap Force Wave 1 Wow Pows for Returning S2 and S2: http://youtu.be/pzk3bH14Mn0 Dark Starter Pack & Enchanted Hoot Loop Surprise: http://youtu.be/Q4ZEPK3CQSk For all Unboxings of Swap Force: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO1QFVBO7X8Q8m38XQ5XhWuwcUFRk-mMn ----------------------------- Please, Thumbs up & Subscribe! We appreciate it! :) Subscribe → bit.ly/1f5cFee http://www.youtube.com/TheSkylanderBoy http://www.facebook.com/SkylanderKids We are a Family Channel dedicated to Skylanders! - The Skylander Boy and Girl LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music and/or http://jinglepunks.com- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 27039

New Footage released of Iraqi Air Force launches air strikes against Al Qaida
Watch more Footage here: http://bit.ly/RAW-COMBAT-FOOTAGE
Subscribe for videos that are ac...
published: 11 Jan 2014
New Footage released of Iraqi Air Force launches air strikes against Al Qaida
New Footage released of Iraqi Air Force launches air strikes against Al Qaida
Watch more Footage here: http://bit.ly/RAW-COMBAT-FOOTAGE Subscribe for videos that are actually Combat http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Raw-Combat-footage Read our tumblr: http://www.rawcombatfootage.tumblr.com *DISCLAIMER* This footage is to be taken as a documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria and Afghanistan, and should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. Furthermore we are not infringing on any copyrights by showing this footage, based on our intent to share news and information with the public. This falls under fair use 17 USC § 107.- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 7015
Vimeo results:

Imaginary Forces - Pacific Rim: Main on End Titles
As the smoke clears from the epic battle, we venture through an array of monsters, machine...
published: 12 Jul 2013
author: Imaginary Forces
Imaginary Forces - Pacific Rim: Main on End Titles
As the smoke clears from the epic battle, we venture through an array of monsters, machines, and their monumental feats. IF worked closely with the film's director Guillermo del Toro to present his colossal creations in stylistic fashion, combining macro-photography and a graphic novel aesthetic in stereoscopic 3D.
Creative Director: Miguel Lee
Producer: Brian Butcher
Designer: Miguel Lee
Lead Animator: Ryan Summers
Animators: Eric Demeusy, Miguel Lee, Jae Namkung
Modeler: Aamir Karim
Assistant Editor: Michael Radtke
3D Stereoscopic Conversion: Ryan Summers, Eric Mason
Flame: Eric Mason
Additional Visual Development: Jae Namkung, My Tran, Alejandro Lee
Coordinator: Joseph AbouSakher, Ryan Speers
Studio: WB
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Post Producer: Sara Romilly
By: Ramin Djawadi

Imaginary Forces - Tropicana Flip Book
A warm celebration of sunrises...
Watch our "Tropicana Flip Book" and let it brighten you...
published: 02 May 2011
author: Imaginary Forces
Imaginary Forces - Tropicana Flip Book
A warm celebration of sunrises...
Watch our "Tropicana Flip Book" and let it brighten your day - all created in CG!
Agency: BBDO
Director: Ronnie Koff
IF on Facebook: on.fb.me/fXysuS
To see more of our work, go to: www.imaginaryforces.com

Imaginary Forces - Montage - Spring 2011
Our new montage for Spring 2011! For this one, we asked calligraffiti artist Niels Shoe Me...
published: 07 Apr 2011
author: Imaginary Forces
Imaginary Forces - Montage - Spring 2011
Our new montage for Spring 2011! For this one, we asked calligraffiti artist Niels Shoe Meulman to "tag" our name!
You can read more about him at: http://www.calligraffiti.nl
Music by The Dandy Warhols (http://www.dandywarhols.com)
Song: The World Come On
Edited by our own super diva Danielle White!
P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/fXysuS
To see more of our work, go to: www.imaginaryforces.com

Imaginary Forces - God of War: Ascension
Take a look through the liquid looking glass for a glimpse of the upcoming Sony PlayStatio...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: Imaginary Forces
Imaginary Forces - God of War: Ascension
Take a look through the liquid looking glass for a glimpse of the upcoming Sony PlayStation release God of War: Ascension. Game Director Todd Papy and the Santa Monica Studios crew had us create this trailer to announce Kratos’s return in this prequel. Blood and ink mix in an a viscous amber environment to hint at the nightmarish images that fill our anti-hero’s mind and fuel his quest. Just a hint of things to come.
Youtube results:

Let's Play Skylanders Swap Force: Sheep Wreck Island (Wave 3 vs. Sheep Mage Boss Battle Gameplay)
This is sad, it's the last level available to play on Skylanders Swap Force... :( But it ...
published: 24 Dec 2013
Let's Play Skylanders Swap Force: Sheep Wreck Island (Wave 3 vs. Sheep Mage Boss Battle Gameplay)
Let's Play Skylanders Swap Force: Sheep Wreck Island (Wave 3 vs. Sheep Mage Boss Battle Gameplay)
This is sad, it's the last level available to play on Skylanders Swap Force... :( But it is super fun to play. We use all of Wave 3 (or most) to play this level. The Sheep Mage is the boss that you have to defeat at the end, we also see a new enemies, the Vortex Geargolem, although you might have seen him in our Sheep Wreck Island Survival mode video. So, more about the video... Dad, Boy and Girl unbox the two newest Wave 3, Hyper Beam Prism Break & Horn Blast Whirlwind and then get their Wow Pows. We played through the level, but Michael was literally coming down with a cold while playing and it was late so it wasn't the best gameplay, so Dad asked Mom to replay it with him and she was tired again, so what if it was Midnight! lol. So, Sheepy Head, uh.. we mean Sleepy Head Skylander Mom plays with Dad, so you'll be seeing closed eyes at one point or another. lol. We also turn it to Nightmare Mode right at the Sheep Mage Battle but then turn it off because Mom kept losing. OH, well.. This is what you get when you watch a normal family play a video game. We discovered all 16 areas and collected: 3 Treasure Chests 1 Giant Treasure Chest 3 Legendary Treasures 3 Hats (Tree Branch, Aviators Cap, Urban) 1 Bonus Mission Map (Thief on the Run) 2 Winged Sapphires 1 Story Scroll We also played 3 Swap Zones: Rocket to the Finish, (Sneak) Wool over their Eyes, (Teleport) Beached Blinkout) What's cool about the Sneak Zones and they change up a lot vs. all the other zones. To check out some other Sneak Zones that we couldn't play without Stink Bomb from the below walkthroughs, watch this video: http://youtu.be/watch?v=JqhaVqxPNf0 Part 20: Tower of Time (Cluck Boss Battle: http://youtu.be/uZbF7Uud8Cg Part 19: Cloudbreak Core (Super Evil Kaos Boss Battle): http://youtu.be/koaMpXGB5fw Part 18: Motherly Mayhem: http://youtu.be/oEPI6d6ySlQ Part 17: Kaos Fortress:http://youtu.be/UOKqcgOIU60 Part 16: Fantasm Forest: http://youtu.be/ggZmAXWEOZc Part 15: Mesmeraldas Show: http://youtu.be/3wuqexJGaaE Part 14: Frostfest Mountains: http://youtu.be/7jSRwj_7Zuo Part 13: Winters Keep: http://youtu.be/9FzKwYNCQ7E Part 12: Boney Islands (Ch. 10) http://youtu.be/Ty7xESvb1jI Part 11: Serpents Peak - Fire Viper Battle http://youtu.be/_mSSVFLtUNY Part 10: Twisty Tunnels: http://youtu.be/pIseL2y6CkM Part 9: Motleyville: http://youtu.be/HsTBchWOSMs (Baron Von Shellshock Boss Battle) Part 8: Iron Jaw Gulch: http://youtu.be/5yA0TQZIgtE Part 7: Jungle Rumble - Evil Glumshanks Boss Battle: http://youtu.be/8lFM2VeN1yY Part 6: http://youtu.be/S3SFhAY8O1A (Rampant Ruins) Part 5: http://youtu.be/xzoiMlWi7P8 (Mudwater Hollow) Part 4: http://youtu.be/AwXaqMLsa9g (Cascade Glade) Part 3: http://youtu.be/BYDuz6M3PAI (Exploring Woodburrow) Part 2: http://youtu.be/nS-OkeXIGQs (Mount Cloudbreak 2) (check out the Dig Zone for Cloudbreak: http://youtu.be/qIpVXVOx__I) Part 1: http://youtu.be/KUPIJMowJME (Mount Cloudbreak 1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE 3 VIDS: Toys R Us Hunting for Wave 3 with Kids: http://youtu.be/3EvUtCquJQ0 Grandma Surprises Kids with Wave 3: http://youtu.be/_7MiYwf4uQU Grandma Hunts for Wave 3: http://youtu.be/y6B4qT9_tNw Spy Rise Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/_SjCWE8qc2c Stink Bomb Unboxing & Gameplay: http://youtu.be/JqhaVqxPNf0 Surprise of Stink Bomb & Spy Rise: http://youtu.be/8cW6A5yArVM Epic Unboxing of Rubble Rouser Surprise: http://youtu.be/ondgR5O_I00 Wind-Up/Sheep Wreck Island, Wave 3 Lightcores Surprise: http://youtu.be/muZS1bh7fZ0 Let's Play Sheep Wreck Island Arena Modes: http://youtu.be/p5Bmsw_8z8 Wind-Up Solo Survival mode: Shellshocks Curse: http://youtu.be/llnpG7cKN_8 -------- Check out some other videos: Xbox One Jolly Battle Mode: http://youtu.be/nnZi37vSF3I Jolly Bumble Blast Epic Unboxing: http://youtu.be/tcxW1IZmueA Santa goes hunting for Jolly Bumble Blast: http://youtu.be/SAvfBp0OxJY Skylanders Swap Force Christmas Song that features "Santa": http://youtu.be/EO5p_2D88aE Mega Bloks (Flynns Rescue Ship) Timelapse Build Fun: http://youtu.be/0l1ETuSsL8g Fiery Forge Wager Bttle Mode: http://youtu.be/oIIf8j8uWd0 Family Wager Battle: http://youtu.be/I2H5u1bO0S4 WiiU Exclusive Wash Buckler Arcade Surprise: http://youtu.be/gAyDwygWzho Wash Buckler Himself Goes Hunting: http://youtu.be/pY0vdvSbjQg Real Life Spin Zone, Skylanders Bowling and a VooDood Skit... http://youtu.be/dTzcUhECrB8 Mikes Legendary Birthday Party/Hunting! http://youtu.be/Tg56VZpemus Magna Charge Rap - Music video (300th vid): http://youtu.be/9O6yNMiVJe8 Dark Starter Pack & Enchanted Hoot Loop Surprise: http://youtu.be/Q4ZEPK3CQSk _____________________________________________ Please, Thumbs up & Subscribe! We appreciate it! :) Subscribe → bit.ly/1f5cFee http://www.youtube.com/TheSkylanderBoy http://www.facebook.com/SkylanderKids We are a Family Channel dedicated to Skylanders! - The Skylander Boy and Girl- published: 24 Dec 2013
- views: 71211

Swap Force WAVE 3 HUNTING at Toys "R" Us! Dune Bug, Hyper Beam Prism Break, Phantom Cynder, & MORE!
Swap Force Hunting Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsERZ1ZIADk
Swap Force Hunting P...
published: 22 Dec 2013
Swap Force WAVE 3 HUNTING at Toys "R" Us! Dune Bug, Hyper Beam Prism Break, Phantom Cynder, & MORE!
Swap Force WAVE 3 HUNTING at Toys "R" Us! Dune Bug, Hyper Beam Prism Break, Phantom Cynder, & MORE!
Swap Force Hunting Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsERZ1ZIADk Swap Force Hunting Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfI-7I7d2oA Legendary Zoo Lou Hunting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYMBmQCz6rs Jolly Bumble Blast Hunting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6aAccQG6EQ Skylanders SWAP FORCE Wave 3 is HERE! It's time again for another episode of Skylander Hunting! This time we're out to find 5 new Swap Force Wave 3 figures. Toys "R" Us will officially be releasing these 5 figures today (December 22, 2013) in the US: Horn Blast Whirlwind Hyper Beam Prism Break Phantom Cynder Dune Butg Smolderdash When we got to Toys "R" Us, we didn't see anything new on the shelves. We had to ask a worker if he had seen any. Low and behold, the whole stockpile was behind the counter! Looks like they had most of their supply still intact. So looks like a lot of young Portal Masters will be getting their Christmas stockings stuffed with some new WAVE 3 core Skylanders! STAY TUNED! More Swap Force figures will be released on December 29th at Target: Spy Rise Stink Bomb Rubble Rouser Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 26948

Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U Co-Op -- Chapter 1: Mount Cloudbreak
Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U Co-Op playthrough, with commentary
Presented by The Gamer's Be...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U Co-Op -- Chapter 1: Mount Cloudbreak
Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U Co-Op -- Chapter 1: Mount Cloudbreak
Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U Co-Op playthrough, with commentary Presented by The Gamer's Bench -- http://www.gamersbench.com Chapter 1 / Part 1 - Mount Cloudbreak - Hard Mode Welcome to the first part of the Skylanders SWAP Force playthrough! This is the Wii U version. This is a co-op playthrough with BrittanyDill, who previously appeared in the Skylanders Giants playthrough! This playthrough will cover all of the chapters, and also covers extra content, including the Adventure Packs, Arena Battles, and more! All Skylanders & SWAP combinations used in this video are listed below: Blast Zone, Wash Buckler, Blast Buckler, Wash Zone, Ninja Stealth Elf, Slobber Tooth, Countdown, Eye-Brawl, Polar Whirlwind, & Magna Charge Subscribe for more video game uploads! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=octaneblue Skylanders SWAP Force Wii U playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLh-tvo0zF5TLcnOZTI_XL_NE1HpXqCPp Co-Op partner - BrittanyDill: http://www.youtube.com/brittanydill *** Developer: Vicarious Visions Publisher: Activision System: Wii U Tags: "skylanders swap force" "skylanders swap force wii u" "skylanders swap force playthrough" "skylanders swap force walkthrough" "skylanders swap force multiplayer" skylanders swap force "swap force" "wii u" co-op multiplayer hd gameplay playthrough walkthrough commentary video game octaneblue brittanydill "skylanders swap force part 1" "skylanders swap force chapter 1" "skylanders swap force episode 1" "chapter 1" "part 1" "episode 1" "mount cloudbreak" "blast zone" "wash buckler" "blast buckler" "wash zone" "ninja stealth elf" "slobber tooth" countdown "eye brawl" "polar whirlwind" "magna charge"- published: 13 Oct 2013
- views: 1219

Skylanders Swap Force vs Skylanders Giants (Father vs Son) - Ring Out - Part 3
The Asian Guy Gamer versus The Asian Kid Gamer in Skylanders Swap Force: Team Survival
published: 02 Nov 2013
Skylanders Swap Force vs Skylanders Giants (Father vs Son) - Ring Out - Part 3
Skylanders Swap Force vs Skylanders Giants (Father vs Son) - Ring Out - Part 3
The Asian Guy Gamer versus The Asian Kid Gamer in Skylanders Swap Force: Team Survival "LIKE" for more Skylanders Swap Force!!! Skylanders Swap Force - Ring Out - Part 1 http://youtu.be/ufqrIF-0Rao Skylanders Swap Force - Ring Out - Part 2 http://youtu.be/l6BlQFSOy5A Skylanders Swap Force vs Skylanders Giants (Father vs Son) - Ring Out - Part 3 http://youtu.be/lkwXu0XRovA Skylanders Swap Force: Team Survival - Part 1 http://youtu.be/vLzg7en_KTQ Skylanders Swap Force: Team Survival - Part 2 http://youtu.be/LtJpMgGv8xo Skylanders Swap Force: Team Survival - Part 3 http://youtu.be/BlRmhoQKR-M __________________________________________________________ Check out my channel for more gameplays and commentary's. http://www.youtube.com/user/The8bittheater?feature=mhee The Asian Guy Gamer Vlogs http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAsianGuyGamerVlog The Asian Guy Gamer Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheAsianGuyGamerShow Twitch: The8bittheater- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 18278