
asian couple learn chinese dialects
Wuhanese and Fujianese: 1. Do you want it? 2. You're so cute! 3. Do you want to go on a da...
published: 02 Dec 2010
author: WhyWeSoAsian
asian couple learn chinese dialects
asian couple learn chinese dialects
Wuhanese and Fujianese: 1. Do you want it? 2. You're so cute! 3. Do you want to go on a date with me? love it? hate it? anything u got, share! You think you ...- published: 02 Dec 2010
- views: 3233
- author: WhyWeSoAsian

My Fuzhou Dialect
When I was in elementary school in China, the school system taught us in Mandarin. But at ...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: LinBaobei
My Fuzhou Dialect
My Fuzhou Dialect
When I was in elementary school in China, the school system taught us in Mandarin. But at home, I spoke Fuzhounese, which is my homeland's dialect. For nearl...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 1291
- author: LinBaobei

福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 1 閩東語
Fuzhou dialect is a Min dialect, specifically of the Min Dong branch. It is a dialect spok...
published: 11 May 2011
author: wuyuejiangnan
福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 1 閩東語
福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 1 閩東語
Fuzhou dialect is a Min dialect, specifically of the Min Dong branch. It is a dialect spoken in Eastern Fujian, including the Matsu Islands of the ROC. http:...- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 23208
- author: wuyuejiangnan

福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 2 閩東語
Fuzhou dialect is a Min dialect, specifically of the Min Dong branch. It is a dialect spok...
published: 11 May 2011
author: wuyuejiangnan
福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 2 閩東語
福州話我最霸 Fuzhou dialect variety/talent show Part 2 閩東語
Fuzhou dialect is a Min dialect, specifically of the Min Dong branch. It is a dialect spoken in Eastern Fujian, including the Matsu Islands of the ROC. http:...- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 45169
- author: wuyuejiangnan

Chinese Fuzhou Dialect (Fujianese)- First Lesson- What's your name?
Phrase: What's your name?
Fujianese: Nu le (or ne) mann ne-a mann shit mann?
The last "...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Chinese Fuzhou Dialect (Fujianese)- First Lesson- What's your name?
Chinese Fuzhou Dialect (Fujianese)- First Lesson- What's your name?
Phrase: What's your name? Fujianese: Nu le (or ne) mann ne-a mann shit mann? The last "mann" means what. First video on Language stuff! Just getting started. Hope you guys enjoy.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 24

有趣的- -功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect offic...
published: 30 Mar 2009
author: mikromedik profit
有趣的- -功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
有趣的- -功夫福州话版 Fuzhou Dialect
功夫福州话版- Fuzhou dialect (ping, then the word: Hók-ciŭ-uâ) Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the...- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 70219
- author: mikromedik profit

閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 5/11
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道...
published: 25 Sep 2010
author: lizard151103
閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 5/11
閩劇 闽剧(Foochow Opera)經典《贻顺哥烛蒂》Part 5/11
貽順哥,俗稱貽順板, 是閩劇中最廣為人知的丑角。在福州十邑可謂無人不知, 無人不曉。馬貽順與甘國寶可以說是閩劇中最知名的正反派的代表人物, 也是老一輩福州人在沒有電視時代最津津樂道的人物。在福州由於馬貽順一毛不拔的舞台形象, 貽順板成為吝嗇的代名詞。 《貽順哥燭蒂》是劇作家鄧超塵於1962年根據民間故事編寫的九場...- published: 25 Sep 2010
- views: 3645
- author: lizard151103

Fuzhou Dialect Lesson #2 Pronouns + Short Sentences
Fuzhou Dialect Lesson #2 Pronouns + Short Sentences...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Fuzhou Dialect Lesson #2 Pronouns + Short Sentences
Fuzhou Dialect Lesson #2 Pronouns + Short Sentences
Fuzhou Dialect Lesson #2 Pronouns + Short Sentences- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 6

Interview with Dong
A local TV station in Fuzhou have made an interview with Dong this June about the writing ...
published: 28 Jun 2006
author: George Ngu
Interview with Dong
Interview with Dong
A local TV station in Fuzhou have made an interview with Dong this June about the writing system of Fuzhou dialect. Man they always want his opinions on this...- published: 28 Jun 2006
- views: 10177
- author: George Ngu

infernal affairs Fuzhou dialect 无间道福州话版[天台]
infernal affairs Fuzhou dialect 无间道福州话版[天台, part of www.hujiudi.com....
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: john282john
infernal affairs Fuzhou dialect 无间道福州话版[天台]
infernal affairs Fuzhou dialect 无间道福州话版[天台]
infernal affairs Fuzhou dialect 无间道福州话版[天台, part of www.hujiudi.com.- published: 24 Feb 2008
- views: 26395
- author: john282john

福州人 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
姚乙:福州話專輯(馬來西亞歌手) 1983年推出大馬首張福州歌曲專輯,全馬福州人熱烈支持,稱之為【福州之光】。 Chinese Malaysian singer sings in ...
published: 04 May 2010
author: wuyuejiangnan
福州人 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
福州人 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
姚乙:福州話專輯(馬來西亞歌手) 1983年推出大馬首張福州歌曲專輯,全馬福州人熱烈支持,稱之為【福州之光】。 Chinese Malaysian singer sings in his native Fuzhou/Foochownese dialect. Fuzhou dialect is a Min dial...- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 20691
- author: wuyuejiangnan

"foochow song "Fuzhou dialect song
1st Fuzhou dialect song singing contest's at Malaysia,Johor Bharu....
published: 08 Nov 2009
author: watsonling
"foochow song "Fuzhou dialect song
"foochow song "Fuzhou dialect song
1st Fuzhou dialect song singing contest's at Malaysia,Johor Bharu.- published: 08 Nov 2009
- views: 6104
- author: watsonling
Youtube results:

出人頭地 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
姚乙:福州話專輯(馬來西亞歌手) 1983年推出大馬首張福州歌曲專輯,全馬福州人熱烈支持,稱之為【福州之光】。 Chinese Malaysian singer sings in ...
published: 04 May 2010
author: wuyuejiangnan
出人頭地 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
出人頭地 - 姚乙 (福州話) 閩東語 Fuzhou dialect song
姚乙:福州話專輯(馬來西亞歌手) 1983年推出大馬首張福州歌曲專輯,全馬福州人熱烈支持,稱之為【福州之光】。 Chinese Malaysian singer sings in his native Fuzhou/Foochownese dialect. Fuzhou dialect is a Min dial...- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 8928
- author: wuyuejiangnan

Chinese Fuzhou Dialect(Fujianese) Phrases- Ep. 2- Hello, How are you, Goodbye
Today we're going to learn how to say the 3 basic phrases in Fujianese
Along with mandarin...
published: 10 Jan 2014
Chinese Fuzhou Dialect(Fujianese) Phrases- Ep. 2- Hello, How are you, Goodbye
Chinese Fuzhou Dialect(Fujianese) Phrases- Ep. 2- Hello, How are you, Goodbye
Today we're going to learn how to say the 3 basic phrases in Fujianese Along with mandarin phrases too. If your wondering what the purple man said after I asked him "Nu Ho Ma?" He said "I'm busy/ No time." Next time I'll remember to put subs. Hello- Ni Hao- Nu Ho How are you?- Ni Hao Ma?- Nu Ho Ma? Goodbye- Zai Jian- Zai Gain Let me know what you think.- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 27

福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialec...
published: 24 Jul 2010
author: lizard151103
福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
福州話節目攀講【依璋碎講】:越南新娘落跑浦城 Vietnamese Bride Escaping China
中國福建省福州(Fuzhou) 电视台福州话方言节目攀讲依璋碎讲Although the Fuzhou dialect officially defined as a dialect, but from the linguistic definition, the Fuzhou dialect with the...- published: 24 Jul 2010
- views: 12564
- author: lizard151103