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1941 - 1 серия  Военный сериал. (12 серий)
1941 - 1 серия
1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
Sheriff of Tombstone
1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
Defense of city Mogilev 1941
1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD


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1941 - 1 серия  Военный сериал. (12 серий)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:22
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

1941 - 1 серия Военный сериал. (12 серий)

21 июня 1941 года. Недалеко от пограничной зоны стоит обычная деревня, все жители которой весело гуляют на свадьбе дочери председателя Алены и Григория, первого парня на деревне. Их отцы, старые друзья Петр и Василий, решили породниться и поженить своих детей. Но любит Григорий другую девушку - Дашу. А саму Алену любит брат Григория - Иван... На следующий день после свадьбы начинается война. Мужчины уходят на фронт, женщины остаются одни, и все их мелкие склоки и ссоры сразу становятся ненужными и незначительными. Потому что теперь они должны поддерживать друг друга и выживать, чтобы их мужьям, сыновьям и отцам было к кому возвращаться с поля боя. Война рушит все планы людей, ломает судьбы, разделяет влюбленные сердца. Многие вещи тут же теряют смысл, потому что людям нужно спешить жить, спешить любить - завтра может быть поздно....
  • published: 05 Aug 2013
  • views: 865 - 1 серия Военный сериал. (12 серий)
1941 - 1 серия
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:49
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

1941 - 1 серия

Официальная группа сериала в контакте Производство:ПРО-ТВ Режиссер: Валерий Шалыга В ролях: Александр Пашков, Иван Лапин, Ол... - 1 серия
1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD

1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips click to subscribe Capt. TM & © Universal (2012) Cast: Elisha Cook Jr., Lucille Benso...
  • published: 16 Jun 2011
  • views: 42101
  • author: movieclips (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:48
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.

Казалось бы, мы еще со школы знаем все о сражении в Подмосковье. Однако военные историки вытаскивают из архивов всё новые и новые факты, свидетельствующие о ...
  • published: 09 May 2013
  • views: 5186
  • author: oscarjj1Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
Sheriff of Tombstone
  • Order:
  • Duration: 53:08
  • Updated: 28 Aug 2013

Sheriff of Tombstone

The mayor has sent for a gunslinger who, though appearing to clean up the town, is really to be the mayor's means of taking the town over. When Roy and Gabby arrive in Tombstone, Roy is mistaken for the gunslinger. Just as Roy is ready to expose the mayor, the real gunslinger shows up. The above film is public domain. I have posted this in good faith with the information and records available to me online. If you or your organization has a valid copyright on part or all of this film, Please write to me at . I will Happily remove the content if proven otherwise. Thanks
  • published: 28 Aug 2013
  • views: 1 of Tombstone
1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD

1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips click to subscribe Hollis (Slim Pickens) is interrogated by the Japanese Navy lead by...
  • published: 01 Jun 2011
  • views: 40948
  • author: movieclips (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:03
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)

Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных боевых действий. В фильме много новой, неизвестной зрителю информации....
  • published: 10 Mar 2012
  • views: 56074
  • author: ShurikShevПервые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:55
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe

Subscribe NOW to Jay Leno's Garage: Jay goes old school with this bulletproof pre-Pearl Harbor Plymouth, passed to him by a man known a... Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
Defense of city Mogilev 1941
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:54
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Defense of city Mogilev 1941

Rate Comment Subscribe*** This video is about the Defense of City Mogilev in 1941 All video and music intended for educational purpose Video: Movie : "Дн... of city Mogilev 1941
1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD

1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips click to subscribe Believing they found Hollywood, the Japanese fire at the carnival,...
  • published: 16 Jun 2011
  • views: 21294
  • author: movieclips (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 32:15
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013


Документальный фильм о начале Великой отечественной войны 1941-1945. Почему Германия напала на СССР именно 22 июня? Для обоснования своей расовой политики, н...ЧЕРНОЕ ЛЕТО СОРОК ПЕРВОГО/BLACK SUMMER 1941
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:31
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013


1941 год, начало ВОВ.
  • published: 08 May 2010
  • views: 2657361
  • author: rsmorodinov
22 июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:51
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

22 июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны

Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных боевых действий. В фильме много новой, неизвестной зрителю информации.... июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны
Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:53
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым

Телемост с бывшим советским разведчиком Виктором Суворовым, которого, по некоторым данным, советский суд заочно приговорил к смерти за измену родине. Человек...Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым
  • 1941 - 1 серия  Военный сериал. (12 серий)
    1941 - 1 серия Военный сериал. (12 серий)
  • 1941 - 1 серия
    1941 - 1 серия
  • 1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
    1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The Indomitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
  • Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
    Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
  • Sheriff of Tombstone
    Sheriff of Tombstone
  • 1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
    1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
  • Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
    Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
  • Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
    Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
  • Defense of city Mogilev 1941
    Defense of city Mogilev 1941
  • 1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD
    1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Ferris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD
  • 1941
  • 22 июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны
    22 июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны
  • Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым
    Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым

1941 - 1 серия Военный сериал. (12 серий)

21 июня 1941 года. Недалеко от пограничной зоны стоит обычная деревня, все жители которой весело гуляют на свадьбе дочери председателя Алены и Григория, первого парня на деревне. Их отцы, старые друзья Петр и Василий, решили породниться и поженить своих детей. Но любит Григорий другую девушку - Дашу. А саму Алену любит брат Григория - Иван... На следующий день после свадьбы начинается война. Мужчины уходят на фронт, женщины остаются одни, и все их мелкие склоки и ссоры сразу становятся ненужными и незначительными. Потому что теперь они должны поддерживать друг друга и выживать, чтобы их мужьям, сыновьям и отцам было к кому возвращаться с поля боя. Война рушит все планы людей, ломает судьбы, разделяет влюбленные сердца. Многие вещи тут же теряют смысл, потому что людям нужно спешить жить, спешить любить - завтра может быть поздно....
  • published: 05 Aug 2013
  • views: 865

1941 - 1 серия Военный сериал. (12 серий)
21 июня 1941 года. Недалеко от пограничной зоны стоит обычная деревня, все жители которой ...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2013
1941 - 1 серия
Официальная группа сериала в контакте http://​vk.​com/​serial__​1941__​1942 Производство:ПРО-ТВ...
pub­lished: 27 Oct 2012
1941 (2/11) Movie CLIP - The In­domitable Capt. Kelso (1979) HD
1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips http://​j.​mp/​yc2vu4 click to sub­scribe http://​j.​mp/​sNDUs5...​
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2011
au­thor: movieclips
Битва под Москвой - малоизвестные факты. 1941 год.
Казалось бы, мы еще со школы знаем все о сражении в Подмосковье. Однако военные историки в...
pub­lished: 09 May 2013
au­thor: os­car­jj1
Sher­iff of Tomb­stone
The mayor has sent for a gun­slinger who, though ap­pear­ing to clean up the town, is re­al­ly ...
pub­lished: 28 Aug 2013
1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hol­lis P. (1979) HD
1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips http://​j.​mp/​yc2vu4 click to sub­scribe http://​j.​mp/​sNDUs5...​
pub­lished: 01 Jun 2011
au­thor: movieclips
Первые четыре часа (22 июня 1941)
Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных бое...
pub­lished: 10 Mar 2012
au­thor: Shurik­Shev
Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Ply­mouth Spe­cial Deluxe Busi­ness Coupe
Sub­scribe NOW to Jay Leno's Garage: http://​full.​sc/​JD4OF8 Jay goes old school with this bu...
pub­lished: 20 Aug 2012
De­fense of city Mogilev 1941
Rate Com­ment Sub­scribe*** This video is about the De­fense of City Mogilev in 1941 All vide...
pub­lished: 21 May 2011
1941 (10/11) Movie CLIP - The Fer­ris Wheel Rolls (1979) HD
1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips http://​j.​mp/​yc2vu4 click to sub­scribe http://​j.​mp/​sNDUs5...​
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2011
au­thor: movieclips
Документальный фильм о начале Великой отечественной войны 1941-1945. Почему Германия напал...
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2011
au­thor: Oleg Ivashow
1941 год, начало ВОВ....
pub­lished: 08 May 2010
au­thor: rsmorodi­nov
22 июня. Первые четыре часа Великой Отечественной войны
Впервые о событиях первого дня войны рассказывается непосредственно на местах основных бое...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2011
Ток-шоу 1941: Телемост с Виктором Суворовым
Телемост с бывшим советским разведчиком Виктором Суворовым, которого, по некоторым данным,...
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2013
Vimeo results:
Colour in Clay (1941)
A Tech­ni­col­or study of En­glish pot­tery, the skill of the pot­ter, and the mod­ern mech­a­nised...
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2012
De­cem­ber of 1941....
pub­lished: 14 Oct 2010
au­thor: John­ny Chew
Ox­ford (1941)
A look at the fa­cil­i­ties and char­ac­ter of Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty, and the var­ied ex­pe­ri­ences th...
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2012
3001: In­tro­duc­tion and 1941 Nine-Patch
Eleanor Burns in­tro­duces this Pa­tri­ot­ic Vic­to­ry Quilt with 1941 Nine-Patch....
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2008
au­thor: Quilt in a Day

Youtube results:
1941 Of­fi­cial Trail­er #1 - (1979) HD
1941 Movie Trail­er - watch all clips http://​j.​mp/​yc2vu4 click to sub­scribe http://​j.​mp/​sND...​
pub­lished: 02 Sep 2011
au­thor: movieclips
Bee Gees - New York Min­ing Dis­as­ter 1941 (1967)
Join Bee Gees on Face­book http://​facebook.​com/​beegees & Twit­ter http://​twitter.​com/​beegees...​
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2013
au­thor: beegees
Der Os­t­feldzug - Win­terkrieg 1941/1942
Music= Danny Cocke - World Col­laps­ing Der Os­t­feldzug - Win­terkrieg 1941/1942 STRICT­LY HIST...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2012
Ju­goslav­i­ja u ratu 1941-1945 - Epi­zo­da 1 - 27.​mart 1941.
Epi­zo­da ot­vara neko­liko važnih pi­tan­ja za razumevan­je događaja koji će Ju­goslav­i­ju neposre...
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2012
au­thor: bozans
photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ.
This image from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows before and after images of the Pinnacle Island that has been likened to a jelly doughnut.
14 Feb 2014
Where did the infamous rock that seemed to appear out of nowhere on Mars come from? The explanation, it turns out, is more simple than sci-fi. by. This before-and-after pair of images of the same patch of ground 13 days apart documents the arrival of a strange, bright rock in front of NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity. The rock, called "Pinnacle Island," is seen in the right image on January 8, 2014 ... (Credit ... (Credit ... Topics. Tags ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
photo: World Press Photo / John Stanmeyer
African migrants on the shore of Djibouti city at night, raising their phones in an attempt to capture an inexpensive signal from neighboring Somalia—a tenuous link to relatives abroad.
Edit The New York Times
14 Feb 2014
In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player here. In a striking departure from past years, the World Press Photo top prize was given not for a hard-news image, but was awarded to John Stanmeyer for a photo of African migrants in Djibouti trying to capture a faint signal that provides a tenuous link to relatives in Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Showcase. The World Press Photo Contest ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... ....(size: 8.4Kb)
photo: AP / Slamet Riyadi
A women walks on a road covered with volcanic ash following an eruption of Mount Kelud, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Friday, Feb 14, 2014.
Edit The Guardian
14 Feb 2014
Ash cloud from Java island's Mount Kelud forces 100,000 people to flee their homes and international airports to close. Villagers covering their faces from volcanic ash after Mount Kelud's eruption. two people were killed overnight from falling debris. Photograph. Hafidz Novalsyah/AP ... Kediri, a normally bustling town about 19 miles (30km) from the mountain, was largely deserted as residents stayed indoors to avoid the choking ash ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin
Taliban: US will meet same fate as Soviets
Edit Independent online (SA)
15 Feb 2014
Kabul - The Taliban called on Afghans to expel the United States from Afghanistan on Saturday just as they said Afghan mujahideen fighters had done to Soviet forces 25 years ago to the day ...Today America is facing the same fate as the former Soviets and trying to escape from our country,” the Taliban said in a statement emailed to reporters by Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a spokesman for the group ... - Reuters. ....(size: 2.0Kb)
photo: US Army / David Devich
Misconduct in Army ranks forcing more soldiers out, data shows
Edit Stars and Stripes
15 Feb 2014
WASHINGTON — The number of U.S. soldiers forced out of the Army because of crimes or misconduct has soared in the past several years as the military emerges from a decade of war that put a greater focus on battle competence than on character. Data obtained by The Associated Press shows that the number of officers who left the Army due to misconduct more than tripled in the past three years ... Gen ... Last year the number was 387 ...  . ....(size: 7.7Kb)

Edit IMDb
17 Feb 2014
The Shield first appeared in Mlj's "Pep Comics" #1 (Jan ... 1941), "Captain America" (March 1941), and "Captain Battle" (May 1941) ... Joe finally figured out the solution, ». - Michael Stevens. ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
17 Feb 2014
If watching from Heaven the great Australian architect Sir John Sulman (1849-1934) will be grieving over the way in which fire has severely damaged his Sydney Building in Civic ... Although Sulman (who from 1921 to 1924 had been chairman of the Federal Capital Advisory Committee) had his Florentine vision of the buildings in perhaps 1923, they were erected between 1926 and 1927 and then between 1941 and 1946 ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
17 Feb 2014
Travel Deals. $232 & up -- Aruba Hotels & Resorts. Save up to 45%.  . See all travel deals ». Posted. Monday, February 17, 2014, 1.08 AM ... 11 at a hospital near his Waynesboro, Va., home after a bout with pneumonia, his stepdaughter Susan Arritt said. The cathedral became an obsession for Mr. LeCompte. In 1941, at age 16, he approached the cathedral's architect, Philip Hubert Frohman, with a design for a small window ... But Mr ... Bolaris ... ....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit noodls
17 Feb 2014
(Source. Marvel Entertainment LLC). Chris Evans, star of Marvel's latest super hero adventure "Captain America. The Winter Solider," scheduled for release on April 4, will serve as Grand Marshal for the 56th annual DAYTONA 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race on Sunday, Feb. 23, at Daytona International Speedway ... Based on the Marvel comic book series, first published in 1941, Marvel's "Captain America ... distributed by....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Business Day
17 Feb 2014
Related articles. THICK END OF THE WEDGE. Saying goodbye to David Gleason Veteran financial journalist David Gleason dies ... He used to have a fear of dying alone. Gleason was born in Bulawayo on October 21 1941, and leaves no immediate family, only a void large enough to suck the financial journalism community and all those who knew him into its grief ... with Roger and Brett Kebble ... If he did, he’s taking that information with him ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
17 Feb 2014
Mexican author, journalist and essayist Federico Campbell, 72, died Saturday in a Mexico City hospital, according to a statement from the National Institute of Fine Arts ... Stories on the Border." ... The author called it "my bildungsroman, my 'American Graffiti'." ... Born in Tijuana on July 1, 1941, Campbell was the son of a teacher and a telegraph operator, whose family traveled from Virginia to Tijuana more than a century before ... Comments. 0 ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit The Daily Telegraph
17 Feb 2014
Related Articles. Mining will destroy the Lower Zambezi Valley 17 Feb 2014. SIR – Much political capital is being made by both sides regarding the future of the Scottish pound ... If it worked for Ireland, why can it not work for Scotland?. Andrew Marshall. Medstead, Hampshire ... Robert Wilkin ... Come the Japanese invasion of China in 1941, my father had 30 minutes to pack a small suitcase before being incarcerated until the end of the war ... ....(size: 10.6Kb)
Edit The Daily Beast
17 Feb 2014
A band of renegade therapists has been treating patients with something a bit unorthodox. superheroes. Just think of them as the Justice League of comic book treatment ... But then comes a faint glimmer of hope ... Dr ... *** ... In 1941——a mere three years after the first Superman issue hit newsstands——Bender published an article with Reginald Lourie, detailing how a superhero story could assist in a therapist’s ability to treat patients ages 10-12 ... ....(size: 14.0Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
16 Feb 2014
Calcutta. A furious Dhanmondi Club boycotted the prize distribution ceremony of the IFA Shield after they believed there was a conspiracy to make sure they did not win the final, on Saturday ... Eleven times — 1934-38, 1940, 1941, 1948, 1957, 1967, 1981 ... Six times — 1936, 1941, 1942, 1957, 1971, 2014....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Richmond Times Dispatch
16 Feb 2014
museum world’s epicenter for lobbying President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Allied forces in 1941 to prevent the destruction of Europe’s monuments ... Subscription Required....(size: 0.8Kb)
16 Feb 2014
Mexican author, journalist and essayist Federico Campbell has died ... Born in 1941, Campbell studied law, literature and philosophy in Mexico City and journalism at Macalester College in Minnesota ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit IMDb
16 Feb 2014
The Winter Soldier" ... "...'Captain America ... 'Captain America' was created by writer Joe Simon and illustrator Jack Kirby, debuting in "Captain America Comics" #1 (March 1941) ... » ... ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Feb 2014
(Source. Philadelphia Eagles). Believe it or not, the beginning of the 2014 season is rapidly approaching. Players will report back to the NovaCare Complex on April 21 for the start of the Eagles offseason program. Join us as we count down until the Eagles are back in town ... Both players finished in the top 10 in rushing, but the Eagles were able to shut them down ... Bonus Stat ... First Eagle To Wear No. 65. G Bob Suffridge (1941-45) ... 65 ... (noodl....(size: 2.4Kb)

Year 1941 (MCMXLI) was a common year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar.

Below, events of World War II have the "WWII" prefix.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

James Douglas Muir "Jay" Leno /ˈlɛn/ (born April 28, 1950) is an American stand-up comedian and television host.

From 1992 to 2009, Leno was the host of NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Beginning in September 2009, Leno started a primetime talk show, titled The Jay Leno Show, which aired weeknights at 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time, UTC-5), also on NBC. After The Jay Leno Show was canceled in January 2010 amid a host controversy, Leno returned to host The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on March 1, 2010.

James "Jay" Leno was born in New Rochelle, New York, in 1950. His mother, Catherine (née Muir; 1911–1993), a homemaker, was born in Greenock, Scotland, and came to the United States at age 11. Leno's father, Angelo (1910–1994), who worked as an insurance salesman, was born in New York to immigrants from Flumeri, Italy. Leno grew up in Andover, Massachusetts, and although his high school guidance counselor recommended that he drop out of school, he later obtained a Bachelor's degree in speech therapy from Emerson College, where he started a comedy club in 1973. Leno's siblings include his late older brother, Patrick, who was a Vietnam veteran and a lawyer.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

The Bee Gees were a musical group founded in 1958. The group's line-up consisted of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a pop act in the late 1960s/early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the late 1970s.

The group sang three-part tight harmonies that were instantly recognisable; Robin's clear vibrato lead was a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 1970s and 1980s. The brothers wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.

Born in the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived their first few years in Chorlton, Manchester, England, then moved in the late 1950s to Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia, where they began their musical careers. After achieving their first chart success in Australia with "Spicks and Specks" (their 12th single), they returned to the United Kingdom in January 1967 where producer Robert Stigwood began promoting them to a worldwide audience.

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John Towner Williams (born February 8, 1932) is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. In a career spanning almost six decades, he has composed some of the most recognizable film scores in the history of motion pictures, including the Star Wars saga, Jaws, Superman, the Indiana Jones films, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Hook, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, War Horse, Home Alone and the first three Harry Potter films. He has had a long association with director Steven Spielberg, composing the music for all but two (Duel and The Color Purple) of Spielberg's major feature films.

Other notable works by Williams include theme music for four Olympic Games, NBC Sunday Night Football, the NBC Nightly News, the rededication of the Statue of Liberty, and the television series Lost in Space. Williams has also composed numerous classical concerti, and he served as the principal conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra from 1980 to 1993; he is now the orchestra's conductor laureate.

Williams has won five Academy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, seven BAFTA Awards, and 21 Grammy Awards. With 47 Academy Award nominations, Williams is the second most nominated person, after Walt Disney. John Williams was honored with the prestigious Richard Kirk award at the 1999 BMI Film and TV Awards. The award is given annually to a composer who has made significant contributions to film and television music. Williams was inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame in 2000, and was a recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2004.

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