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Matthew Stevens

Woodside’s Coleman finally brings Leviathan to shore

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Woodside’s Coleman finally brings Leviathan to shore

A deal has finally been struck between Woodside Petroleum and Noble Energy over the Leviathan gas project. Photo: Michele Mossop

Matthew Stevens

Peter Coleman’s year of going backwards in Israel has concluded with Woodside Petroleum agreeing to pay more for less of the ever-changing giant that is the Leviathan gas project.

At least Coleman must hope that Friday’s upgraded and restructured agreement has brought a close to the ping-pong of discussions with Leviathan’s finder and operator, Houston’s Noble Energy.

Because there is much in the language of the MOU that says Coleman’s obvious enthusiasm for Leviathan and his dogged patience with Noble’s deal creep might yet face further test.

When Coleman first confirmed an “investment agreement” that made Leviathan the weightiest cornerstone of Woodside strategy for geographic diversification, the price tag totalled $US1.3 billion in an arrangement that boasted $US696 million up-front payment and a range of risk-reducing approval, drilling and production milestones for the balance.

And for its investment of capital both financial and intellectual, Woodside was to get a 30 per cent share of the two fields that contained Leviathan and of the export gas project the discovery would support.

All the talk then was about the need for such a giant gas resource to feed a similarly large liquid natural gas facility. And Woodside was content for discussions to orbit around the potential that Leviathan could support a two-train, 8 million tonnes a year onshore facility and further appraisal work might see talk about a third train.

Over the past year much has changed.

First, Leviathan has got bigger, with Noble adding about 10 per cent to a bankable resource now rated at 18.9 trillion cubic feet (which, folks, is massive).

Second, Leviathan has, after some delays, legal trauma and an excursion to the Israeli High Court, earned formal approval to allocate better than half of that resource to export markets.

And third, rather unfortunately for Woodside, Noble has identified a raft of competitive marketing opportunities that mean that gas could be exported through pipelines to places like Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and even Palestine.

Noble likes that idea because it would be faster and cheaper to link Leviathan’s gas to customers and that means it would start generating cash flow much earlier than could have been contemplated if LNG was the only option.

Rather helpfully, Noble’s executive spent a bit of time discussing what that all means for its Leviathan options in a earnings call on Thursday.

Everything boss Charles Davidson said would indicate that the LNG options on the take have been trimmed pretty much to the sort of floating processing that Woodside now plans for Browse.

Davidson indicated Noble was in “very active negotiations” with customers for its Mediterranean gas (Noble has a big find off Cyprus as well as Leviathan) and that deals might be signed before year’s end.

While indicating that onshore processing remained an option, Davidson spent a lot of time talking about the share of an FLNG project “that would probably be a little bit smaller than you would see in an onshore, maybe somewhere around 3.5 million metric tonnes”.

With that Davidson seemed to indicate too that whatever LNG option was chosen, it would be one of the final phases of the Leviathan development push.

The end result is that Noble has been able to leverage improved resource definition, regulatory certainty and marketing flexibility into an improved deal that sees about the same levels of Woodside cash changing hands but the up-front payment lifted to $850 million and less complexity around the milestone payments.

Most critically, the deal also sees Woodside having to content itself with 25 per cent of the project rather than the 30 per cent that was baked into the December 2012 agreement.

The really good news in the MOU for Woodside is that the new arrangements suggest that Woodside will be a full economic partner in the wealth generated by both the domestic and non-LNG export phases of Leviathan’s development.

At least that is how I read that statement that the MOU “contemplates supply of domestic gas to Israel, LNG exports and supply to neighbouring countries”.

The other point to acknowledge in attempting to assess the changed metrics of Coleman’s deal is that the original entry price was very keen.

As was noted at the time, Coleman had secured financial terms that were materially lower than the prices paid earlier in 2012 by Mitsubishi and Mitsui for a 14.7 per cent of Woodside’s currently deferred Browse project.

Now, we cannot leave Woodside without thinking through the implications of news that it seems to have re-entered discussions over the future of InterOil’s fantastic PNG gas discoveries, Elk and Antelope.

InterOil’s recent progress under ex-Woodside man Michael Hession (he ran Browse up to its postponement last year) has captured our imagination.

Appointed in July last year to run the New York listed, Singapore-based operator of petrol stations in Papua New Guinea, Hession has moved quickly to monetise gas discoveries made by former boss, a maverick US oil man named Phil Mulacek.

In December InterOil sold 48 per cent of those finds to the French major Total for $US613 million and potentially several billions more in upside depending on progress to an LNG project.

As we understand it, Woodside was offered a shaping share of Interoil’s project in the gap between Exxon losing its exclusive hold on talks about the future of Elk and Antelope and the Total deal.

There are reports Woodside has recovered its interest in the finds and that two partners in Exxon’s nearly complete PNGLNG project, Oil Search and Santos, are also involved in investment discussions.

The question though is who they might be talking to. Some think it is Hession while others say a more likely seller right now would be Total.

The suggestion is that Total would be more comfortable with a stake nearer 30 per cent, which leaves 18 per cent and maybe more on the market. Either way, the really neat thing about Total’s involvement is that the price of any further deals would have terms even more enriching than Hession’s December coup. That is just what happens when a major makes blue sky real.

Tipping point for BHP

Andrew Mackenzie’s laser-like focus on productivity has reached a predictable tipping point in the Bowen Basin coal fields where BHP Billiton’s joint venture BMA is seeking 230 job cuts at its Saraji mine.

Having finished a systematic tweaking of equipment and systems to improve productivity, the BMA review team has now turned an eye to the over-manning those improvements imply. The result is a discussion with the coal unions over job cuts that represent 15 per cent of Saraji’s workforce.

Saraji is apparently among the first of BMA’s six mature mines to reach the endgame in this process. In other words, we can expect there will be more job cuts yet across BMA’s 10,000-strong workforce.

To put that into dark context, over the past 18 months the coal industry has surrendered 12,000 jobs (about 10 per cent of its total employment). And times are not getting easier.

The Australian Financial Review


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Companies Woodside Petroleum
People Andrew Mackenzie
