
Mighty Manhattan, New York's Wonder City (1949)
Although not officially an entry in the Traveltalks series, the same production crew was u...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: Jimusnr
Mighty Manhattan, New York's Wonder City (1949)
Mighty Manhattan, New York's Wonder City (1949)
Although not officially an entry in the Traveltalks series, the same production crew was used for this two-reeler, and the opening credits have the same appe...- published: 31 Aug 2011
- views: 32680
- author: Jimusnr

(1/3) RARE 1949 NBC TV 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - WNBT Channel 4 New York (WNBC)
Part 1 of 3. Now this is a piece of television history. A rarely seen complete half hour a...
published: 06 Mar 2010
author: musicom67
(1/3) RARE 1949 NBC TV 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - WNBT Channel 4 New York (WNBC)
(1/3) RARE 1949 NBC TV 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - WNBT Channel 4 New York (WNBC)
Part 1 of 3. Now this is a piece of television history. A rarely seen complete half hour as broadcast live on Channel 4 New York, then known as WNBT (now WNB...- published: 06 Mar 2010
- views: 36255
- author: musicom67

2011-08-20凤凰精选 后1949的国军:台岛军力大解密
TV Phoenix Classic 2011-08-20 Post-1949 History of Republic of China Armed Forces and anal...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: TWHTALMT
2011-08-20凤凰精选 后1949的国军:台岛军力大解密
2011-08-20凤凰精选 后1949的国军:台岛军力大解密
TV Phoenix Classic 2011-08-20 Post-1949 History of Republic of China Armed Forces and analysis. Sorry no English Subtitles. 凤凰精选2011-08-20后1949的国军史与分析。- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 53106
- author: TWHTALMT

龍應台 - 1949 華人世界的大江大海 演講 Part 1
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: MrWJNY
龍應台 - 1949 華人世界的大江大海 演講 Part 1
龍應台 - 1949 華人世界的大江大海 演講 Part 1
一本感動全球華人的書一場震撼紐約的龍捲風孕育出叫好又叫座的感人演講2011年1月08日在紐約超過千人的滿座集結了千顆澎拜的心有歡笑有淚水締造出林肯中心的華人奇蹟現場參與者無不期待永久珍藏這份回憶遺憾錯過者無不渴望龍捲風再起現在,龍應台華人世界的大江大海演講現場紀念DVD隆重推出,珍藏這...- published: 11 Apr 2011
- views: 27579
- author: MrWJNY

Berlin unter den Alliierten 1945 1949) Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: Lasse Marholz
Berlin unter den Alliierten 1945 1949) Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen
Berlin unter den Alliierten 1945 1949) Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen
- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 47
- author: Lasse Marholz

[文献纪录片 2011-10-20 HQ] 毛泽东 1949
Date: 2011-10-20 Resolution: HQ Program: 文献纪录片Title: 毛泽东1949 Video Series ID: LC5o03ipxVSF...
published: 23 Oct 2011
author: guofangjunshi
[文献纪录片 2011-10-20 HQ] 毛泽东 1949
[文献纪录片 2011-10-20 HQ] 毛泽东 1949
Date: 2011-10-20 Resolution: HQ Program: 文献纪录片Title: 毛泽东1949 Video Series ID: LC5o03ipxVSFM4HOOm#8qA==- published: 23 Oct 2011
- views: 35225
- author: guofangjunshi

1949 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 8 Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review
Hello and welcome to Saabkyle04! YouTube's largest collection of automotive variety! In to...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: saabkyle04
1949 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 8 Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review
1949 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 8 Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Review
Hello and welcome to Saabkyle04! YouTube's largest collection of automotive variety! In today's video, we'll take an up close and personal, in depth look at ...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 39629
- author: saabkyle04

大陸禁片 《中華苦難六十載 (1949至今) 》(必讀的國民教育)
1949年,中華人民共和國成立。 多少人以為:這是百多年來愛國志士的犧牲換來的成果, 中華民族從此走上民主、自由、繁榮、富強的康莊大道。 有誰料到,從那時起,政治鬥爭運動連綿不絕,...
published: 27 May 2012
author: lesyan21
大陸禁片 《中華苦難六十載 (1949至今) 》(必讀的國民教育)
大陸禁片 《中華苦難六十載 (1949至今) 》(必讀的國民教育)
1949年,中華人民共和國成立。 多少人以為:這是百多年來愛國志士的犧牲換來的成果, 中華民族從此走上民主、自由、繁榮、富強的康莊大道。 有誰料到,從那時起,政治鬥爭運動連綿不絕, 接二連三經濟錯失,人禍橫流,赤地千里。 中華民族的苦難,更為深重。 人民經歷三反五反、鎮反肅反、鳴放、反右運動、 大饑荒、文化大革命...- published: 27 May 2012
- views: 365785
- author: lesyan21

Dating: Do's And Dont's (1949)
Classic instructional film for teen daters, presented here in the rare (but incomplete) Ko...
published: 06 Nov 2010
author: OldTVTime
Dating: Do's And Dont's (1949)
Dating: Do's And Dont's (1949)
Classic instructional film for teen daters, presented here in the rare (but incomplete) Kodachrome version. Courtesy: Prelinger Archives.- published: 06 Nov 2010
- views: 298530
- author: OldTVTime

Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Here are the 1940's. I was hoping to get this done yesterday, but saving a HD video takes ...
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: Nathaniel Jordon
Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Top 20 Greatest Songs 1940-1949 (According to Dave's Music Database)
Here are the 1940's. I was hoping to get this done yesterday, but saving a HD video takes forever. Like the other videos of this series, I used Dave's Music ...- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 20852
- author: Nathaniel Jordon

更多精采影片請上天下影音:http://video.cw.com.tw/ 「我最大的遺憾是,寫《大江大海一九四九》時,父親不在了,母親失憶了,」四十歲以後才想去了解父母的龍應台,有...
published: 04 Sep 2009
author: CWTV
更多精采影片請上天下影音:http://video.cw.com.tw/ 「我最大的遺憾是,寫《大江大海一九四九》時,父親不在了,母親失憶了,」四十歲以後才想去了解父母的龍應台,有跟時間賽跑的緊張,想「用一個文學的方式,對這一整代已經剩下不多的人,做一個致敬跟告別。」- published: 04 Sep 2009
- views: 33623
- author: CWTV

China: A Century of Revolution [1911 -1949] Part 1
I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO* The story of how China was torn apart by domestic and foreign for...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: Ronald Anderson
China: A Century of Revolution [1911 -1949] Part 1
China: A Century of Revolution [1911 -1949] Part 1
I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO* The story of how China was torn apart by domestic and foreign forces, and transformed into the largest Communist state on earth.- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 141320
- author: Ronald Anderson

Sansone e Dalila (Sanson and Delilah) 1949 Cecil B. DeMille
Cast: Hedy Lamarr - Victor Mature - Angela Lensbury - George Sanders.
Musiche di Victor Yo...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Sansone e Dalila (Sanson and Delilah) 1949 Cecil B. DeMille
Sansone e Dalila (Sanson and Delilah) 1949 Cecil B. DeMille
Cast: Hedy Lamarr - Victor Mature - Angela Lensbury - George Sanders. Musiche di Victor Young. La trama: Sansone (Mature) è innamorato di Semadar (Lensbury), figlia di un rico filisteo ma la fanciulla viene uccisa insieme al padre durante il suo banchetto di nozze. Quando poi a Sansone viene chiesto di rispettare la tradizione di sposare la sorella di lei, Dalila (Lamarr), lui si rifiuta e lei che è innamorata di lui, arde dal desiderio di vendicarsi. Riesce a diventare la favorita del capo dei filistei (Sanders) e, avendo conosciuto che il segreto della forza di Sansone risiede nei suoi capelli, lo attira con un tranello nella sua tenda e dopo averlo addormentato con una droga, gli taglia la chioma. Consegnato ai filistei, Sansone viene accecato, legato ad una macina e continuamente esposto agli insulti dei nemici. Una notte, anche Dalila va da lui a schernirlo ma, impietosita vuole liberarli e gli propone di fuggire insieme. Sansone, che sente ritornare il vigore di un tempo, rifiuta ma ben presto un triste destino vedrà i due condividere la stessa drammatica sorte.- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 13
Youtube results:

La Heredera ( 1949 )
Obra maestra del cine melodramático bien ambientada con una excelente fotografia junto a ...
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: elapestao
La Heredera ( 1949 )
La Heredera ( 1949 )
Obra maestra del cine melodramático bien ambientada con una excelente fotografia junto a una tambien importante dirección de William Wyler en una momento pl...- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 64158
- author: elapestao

published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Игорь Волынский
СОВЕТСКИЙ МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ 1949 года!- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 3807
- author: Игорь Волынский

134419 / 1949 Cadillac Series 62
For more information on this vehicle visit http://tinyurl.com/nl9w8sf
Making a car look d...
published: 28 Aug 2013
134419 / 1949 Cadillac Series 62
134419 / 1949 Cadillac Series 62
For more information on this vehicle visit http://tinyurl.com/nl9w8sf Making a car look different is a pretty simple task. Making a car look more powerful, more elegant, and better proportioned than it did from the factory? That takes a talent, vision, funding, and friends in the right places -- especially when you're starting with something as graceful as a Cadillac. This '49 Series 62 was formerly an OEM restoration purchased in North Carolina after a life on the west coast. Nearly $285,000 later, the car is a one-of-a-kind custom that has already grabbed attention on a national level. This Cadillac has definitely mastered the art of subtlety. The biggest modification is the progressive chopped top which takes 1.5 inches out of the front and 4 inches out of the rear. The new sweeping roofline is a dramatic change but the amount of work involved in that one piece alone merited a 6-page spread in Street Rod Builder. Rod Crafters Inc. out of Welcome, NC did the metal work and, looking around the car today, their talents are certainly on display. Covered in a mile-deep coat of black paint, everything lines up perfectly and makes a long-lasting first impression. The original powerplant has been replaced by a fully rebuilt 425ci V8 that, according to the car's Street Rodder feature, turns out an impressive 405hp. The 1978-era block received some impressive new hardware that includes a set of Maximum Torque Specialties heads, an Edelbrock intake manifold, an Edelbrock 750-cfm carburetor, and a full MSD ignition system. Turn the key and the big V8 comes to life, producing an authoritative rumble through coated Sanderson headers which channel spent gases into a stainless dual exhaust system with Flowmaster mufflers. Behind the 425, a TCI-built TH400 3-speed automatic handles shifting duties with authority while a Ford 9-inch rear with highway-friendly 3.08 gears puts Caddy power to the pavement. Around the drivetrain, the suspension benefits from the addition of a full Fatman sub-frame with tubular control arms and a Fatman 4-link rear suspension. The whole setup rides on an adjustable air-ride aided by power rack-and-pinion steering and Wilwood disc brakes. Stitched together by Chuck Hanna and company at Hot Rod Interiors out of Mooresville, NC this interior blends a modern look with the heavy dosage of luxury that Cadillacs are known for. Finished in leather with crocodile and blond wood accents, this is the definition of upscale. Amenities include power windows, air conditioning, and a touchscreen JVC head unit. Few American brands stand for luxury quite like Cadillac and this custom manages to elevate that trait further than the factory could have ever imagined. With its updated 452ci V8, extensively reworked body, and Chuck Hanna interior that could make a modern Mercedes feel ashamed of itself, this is a serious car a for someone who truly appreciates what went into its creation. If you're ready to put an amazing Cadillac in the garage and a big trophy in the case, call, click or visit http://rkmotorscharlotte.com for more information!- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 620

Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life | 1949 Documentary on Native Americans
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives
►SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscri...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life | 1949 Documentary on Native Americans
Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life | 1949 Documentary on Native Americans
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestFilmArch This 1949 short documentary film shows us the traditional Inuit way of life in Northwestern Alaska. Eskimo Hunters: Northwestern Alaska (1949) Eskimo, Escimo, Eskimos, Eskimoes, Eskimo people, Eskimo kiss, Eskimo kissing, Esquimaux, Inuit, Inuits, Inuit People, Yupik, Inupiat, indigenous peoples, Indian, tradition, inhabit, polar, region, Siberia, Russia, Russian, Alaska, Northwestern Alaska, Point Hope, United States, Canada, Canadian, Kanada, Greenland, Denmark, Danish, North America, Aleut, in Alaska, in Canada, In Kanada, Greenlanders, Native Americans, Native American people of Alaska, Eskimo culture, Arctic, language, dialects, Inuit culture, Inuit language branch, migrated across, northern Alaska, today, descendant, Gulf of Alaska, coast, aboriginal people, native people, snow, thousands of words for snow, winter, ice, cold, freezing, igloo, iglo, iglu, snow house, shelter, build, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, North Sea, Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, Bering Strait, North Pole, South Pole, Antarctic, Alaska's, Northwest Arctic, North Slope, Seward Peninsula, Barrow, survival skill, surviving, survivor, Bear Grylls, in the wild, nature, ultimate, tips, Man vs Wild, bear attack, hunting, hunter, hunt, white bear, polar bear, polar beer, seal, baby seal, seal hunting, sea dog, sea calf, fish, fishing, whale, whale hunting, reindeer, caribou, caribou hunting, wolf, narwhal, raw meat, Eskimo dog, snow dog, husky, sled dog, dog sled, dog sled racing, sled pulled by one or more sled dogs, travelling, travel over ice and through snow, eskimo kayak, inuit mythology, shamanism, shaman, religion, oil, gas, Alaskan gold rush, Arctic expedition, Antarctic expedition. Greenland expedition, Alaska expedition, conquest, eskimo Throat Singing, Inuit Throat Singing, How to build an igloo, Arctic Fishing, Inuit wife, Traditional Hunting Tools, Throat Singing, Inuit Way of Life, everyday life, free, freedom, Inuit song, Inuit music, Inuit documentary, Inuit people, Inuit, culture, Inuit Indians, Inuit tribe, Inuit language, blonde eskimo, eskimo girl, killer whale eats eskimo, American Eskimo Dog, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Eskimo Callboy, orca, National Geographic, Natgeo, Animal Planet, base, camp, how to, sea mammal, Marine mammals, cooking, food, tools, bow, arrow, spear, primitive, weapons, gun, economy, eating raw meat, ship, shipping, boat, Norway, Finland, America, in america, history of america, america history, American, the american, american a, north american, american history, great american, american army, USA, history of usa, usa history, US, us history, story of us, us government, us military, the us navy, us marine, us armed forces, us west, U.S., United States, the united states of america, the history of the united states, united states government, united states military, the united states navy, united states marine, the united states army, black and white, in color, hd, documentary, history, story, weapon, film, movie, video, footage, full, full length, watch, news, about, president, bloody, kill, killing, killed, massacre, cruelty, WWF, explorer,- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 13