
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare....
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: omarpage1980
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare.- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 6713
- author: omarpage1980

Biografia de Benito Mussolini
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: daniel navarro
Biografia de Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini - Le Grandi Biografie della Storia (Indro Montanelli)
published: 28 Mar 2013
author: cultnetwork1
Benito Mussolini - Le Grandi Biografie della Storia (Indro Montanelli)
Benito Mussolini - Le Grandi Biografie della Storia (Indro Montanelli)
- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 1171
- author: cultnetwork1

Benito Mussolini: Biography of Fascist Italy's Dictator
As leader of Fascist Italy, he was 'Il Duce.' http://www.WatchMojo.com learns more about t...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: WatchMojo
Benito Mussolini: Biography of Fascist Italy's Dictator
Benito Mussolini: Biography of Fascist Italy's Dictator
As leader of Fascist Italy, he was 'Il Duce.' http://www.WatchMojo.com learns more about the life, rule and death of Benito Mussolini.- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 23789
- author: WatchMojo

Benito Mussolini - History Documentary
Benito Mussolini - History Documentary
Italian Dictator, 1883-1945
Benito Mussolini's sel...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Benito Mussolini - History Documentary
Benito Mussolini - History Documentary
Benito Mussolini - History Documentary Italian Dictator, 1883-1945 Benito Mussolini's self-confessed "thirst for military glory" battled his acute intelligence, psychological acumen, and political shrewdness for control over his military policies. Originally a revolutionary Socialist, he abandoned his party to advocate Italian intervention in World War I. Following the war, in which he served as a rifleman, Mussolini decided his destiny was to rule Italy as a modern Caesar and re-create the Roman Empire. He forged the paramilitary Fascist movement in 1919-1921, using it to march on Rome, become prime minister, and then to seize dictatorial power (1925-1926). By subduing Libya (1922-1932), pacifying Somalia (1923-1927), conquering Ethiopia (1935-1936), helping the Nationalists win the Spanish civil war (1936-1939), and seizing Albania (April 1939), Mussolini made Italy predominant in the Mediterranean-Red Sea region. But his military adventures in 1935-1939 left his armed forces exhausted. National poverty, resource deficiencies, and scientific-industrial weakness, combined with inflexible commanders, plagued the Italian forces. The king, Victor Emmanuel III, provided monarchist officers with an authority figure to impede Mussolini's dominance of the armed services. An air power enthusiast, Mussolini did create an innovative, Fascist-minded air force. It performed well over Ethiopia and Spain but lagged technologically after 1935. Mussolini promoted Fascists to leadership positions and sponsored some new army thinking in the 1930s. But bitter interservice rivalry crippled joint planning. Mussolini lacked the understanding and power to solve these problems. Thus, he pursued his imperial dreams with politically, strategically, and doctrinally incoherent forces. Wishful thinking, megalomania, and Fascist ideology gradually overwhelmed Mussolini's common sense. He interpreted diplomatic victories over Britain and France during the Ethiopian and Spanish wars (1935-1939) as proof of his military genius. Because of his parents' and older brother's short lives, Mussolini expected to die young but considered himself uniquely capable of leading Italy to greatness. Therefore he perceived a fleeting historical opportunity (1935-1945) for spectacular Italian aggrandizement by pitting Fascist-Nazi power against French-British decadence. Mussolini decided to gamble for a Mediterranean-African empire through war with the west. Winning Caesarian glory would gain him the prestige necessary to abolish the monarchy and create a truly totalitarian state. Mussolini slowly overcame his lieutenants' anti-German attitudes, and then allied himself with Adolf Hitler in May 1939. Mussolini expected coordinated policies to inhibit German initiatives until Italy's forces recovered from their recent exertions. Mussolini planned for war in 1943-1945. But Hitler started World War II in September 1939, giving only one week's warning to the Italians and forcing an enraged, humiliated Mussolini to declare "nonbelligerence." Hitler's May 1940 successes persuaded Mussolini to intervene in a presumably short, parallel war. But Italy's cautious generals and admirals wasted brief opportunities in the Mediterranean and North Africa during June-October 1940. After Mussolini forced offensives in the fall, he suffered disasters in Greece and North Africa: only German military intervention in early 1941 preserved him from a military coup. Thereafter, Hitler dragged Mussolini in his wake, particularly once the German-Soviet war overwhelmed Axis strategy. After the Allied victories of November 1942, Mussolini implored Hitler to make peace with Joseph Stalin and concentrate on defeating the British-American forces. Hitler's refusal and the Sicilian invasion convinced the king and high command to overthrow Mussolini in July 1943. Hitler rescued him, installing Mussolini as puppet dictator of northern Italy in September. Mussolini facilitated significant war production for the Germans and the creation of large, ruthless Fascist counterinsurgency forces. The April 1945 German surrender in Italy forced Mussolini to flee. Insurgents captured and shot him.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 1

The Executions of Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci
A short and very explicit video, originally made by mishima1970, about the executions in 1...
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: charlottecorday1793
The Executions of Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci
The Executions of Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci
A short and very explicit video, originally made by mishima1970, about the executions in 1945, of the mighty conqueror of Abyssinia and his "lady friend".- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 1445907
- author: charlottecorday1793

Il Grande Benito Mussolini - un amore tutto italiano
Paul Gentizon: "Tutto ciò che ha fatto il Fascismo è consegnato alla Storia. Ma c'è un nom...
published: 26 Aug 2012
Il Grande Benito Mussolini - un amore tutto italiano
Il Grande Benito Mussolini - un amore tutto italiano
Paul Gentizon: "Tutto ciò che ha fatto il Fascismo è consegnato alla Storia. Ma c'è un nome che, in tutto questo dramma, resterà puro e immacolato, sarà quel...- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 7897
- author: NERO ITALICO

Fascismo nunca mais - Biografia de Benito Mussolini.mp4
História do Fascismo O que é, ideologia, países em que existiu, contexto histórico, objeti...
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: João Maria
Fascismo nunca mais - Biografia de Benito Mussolini.mp4
Fascismo nunca mais - Biografia de Benito Mussolini.mp4
História do Fascismo O que é, ideologia, países em que existiu, contexto histórico, objetivos, fascismo Benito Mussolini: líder fascista italiano Introdução ...- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 3675
- author: João Maria

Benito Mussolini 1937 speaking in German
Benito Mussolini speaks in the Berlin Olympic stadium at night during his 1937 visit to Ge...
published: 23 Oct 2007
author: mostcynical
Benito Mussolini 1937 speaking in German
Benito Mussolini 1937 speaking in German
Benito Mussolini speaks in the Berlin Olympic stadium at night during his 1937 visit to Germany. He spoke very good German.- published: 23 Oct 2007
- views: 212499
- author: mostcynical

Benito Mussolini dichiarazione di guerra (tratto dall' istituto luce versione integrale)
la dichiarazione di guerra che benito mussolini dovette accettare per poter difendere la n...
published: 25 Apr 2009
author: logangabe529
Benito Mussolini dichiarazione di guerra (tratto dall' istituto luce versione integrale)
Benito Mussolini dichiarazione di guerra (tratto dall' istituto luce versione integrale)
la dichiarazione di guerra che benito mussolini dovette accettare per poter difendere la nostra patria, si dice che se mussolini non avesse accettato di inte...- published: 25 Apr 2009
- views: 365882
- author: logangabe529

Discorso del Duce Benito Mussolini a Torino, 23 ottobre 1932
Discorso del Duce Benito Mussolini a Torino, 23 ottobre 1932 Benito Mussolini's speech in ...
published: 21 Apr 2013
Discorso del Duce Benito Mussolini a Torino, 23 ottobre 1932
Discorso del Duce Benito Mussolini a Torino, 23 ottobre 1932
Discorso del Duce Benito Mussolini a Torino, 23 ottobre 1932 Benito Mussolini's speech in Turin on October 23, 1932.- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 3597

La morte di Benito Mussolini
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/azione.prometeo BLOG - http://azioneprometeo.wordpress...
published: 23 Dec 2012
author: AzionePrometeo
La morte di Benito Mussolini
La morte di Benito Mussolini
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/azione.prometeo BLOG - http://azioneprometeo.wordpress.com Benito Mussolini non è morto per mano di attentatori. La sua m...- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 25854
- author: AzionePrometeo

Mussolini - La historia desconocida
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: daniel navarro
Mussolini - La historia desconocida
Vimeo results:

Voodoo Democracy
Political satire inspired by the "speaking" figure of the dictator Benito Mussolini and it...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: Loukianos
Voodoo Democracy
Political satire inspired by the "speaking" figure of the dictator Benito Mussolini and its Fascism.

Mussolini: The Untold Story
This 7 hour mini-series is based on the memories of Vittorio Mussolini, the oldest son of ...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: Kandy
Mussolini: The Untold Story
This 7 hour mini-series is based on the memories of Vittorio Mussolini, the oldest son of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The film opens in 1922 as Mussolini (George C. Scott) gathers his power through the use of his Black Shirt militia. Promoting himself as Caesar reincarnate, Il Duce gains a national fervor that peaks after the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935. In 1938, Mussolini attempted to promote peace at a Munich conference. Nonetheless he aligned himself with Hitler and drew his country into World War II. Of course, this led to his country's downfall and his total dishonor.
Starring: George C. Scott, Raul Julia, Robert Downey Jr., Gabriel Byrne, Lee Grant, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Directed by: William A. Graham

Caos y clasicismo: arte en Francia, Italia, Alemania y España, 1918-1936
Tras el caos que siguió a la Primera Guerra Mundial, surge un movimiento tendente a la fig...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
Caos y clasicismo: arte en Francia, Italia, Alemania y España, 1918-1936
Tras el caos que siguió a la Primera Guerra Mundial, surge un movimiento tendente a la figuración, a la limpieza de líneas y a la forma definida que se aleja de los espacios bidimensionales de la abstracción, las composiciones fragmentadas y los cuerpos desintegrados propios del Cubismo, del Futurismo, del Expresionismo y de otros movimientos de la vanguardia de comienzos del siglo xx. En respuesta a los horrores de una guerra propia de la nueva era de la máquina, los artistas buscaron la recuperación del cuerpo humano y su representación completa e intacta. Durante la siguiente década y media, el discurso del arte contemporáneo estaría dominado por el clasicismo: una vuelta al orden, a la síntesis, a la norma y a los valores perdurables, en lugar de la innovación a cualquier precio que tan importante había sido en los años anteriores a la guerra.
Caos y clasicismo: arte en Francia, Italia, Alemania y España, 1918-1936 realiza un recorrido por este período de entreguerras, desde la idea mítica y poética de la vanguardia parisina hasta el concepto político e histórico de un renovado Imperio Romano imaginado por Benito Mussolini; hasta la elevada modernidad neoplatónica de la Bauhaus; y, finalmente, hasta la escalofriante estética de la naciente cultura nazi. La exposición relaciona los principales movimientos que proclamaron la claridad visual y temática, el Purismo, el Novecento italiano y la Neue Sachlichkeit (Nueva Objetividad) a través de diferentes temas muy singulares y vinculados entre sí. La presentación en el Museo Guggenheim Bilbao incorpora importantes ejemplos del arte español que adoptó esta vuelta al clasicismo. Pese a que España permaneció neutral durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, no fue ajena a los cambios políticos que el conflicto bélico acarreó. En 1931 se produjo la caída de la monarquía española y cinco años más tarde estallaría la Guerra Civil.
Esta gran transformación de la estética de entreguerras en la Europa occidental llegó a la pintura, la escultura, la fotografía, el cine, la moda y las artes decorativas, por lo que la muestra presenta obras de Balthus, Giorgio
de Chirico, Jean Cocteau, Otto Dix, Pablo Gargallo, Hannah Höch, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Pablo Picasso o August Sander.
Caos y clasicismo está comisariada por Kenneth E. Silver, comisario invitado y catedrático de arte moderno de la Universidad de Nueva York, que ha contado con la colaboración de Helen Hsu, Curator Adjunta del Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum de Nueva York, y el asesoramiento curatorial de Vivien Greene, Curator de arte del siglo xix y principios del xx del Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.

Il SORRISO DEL CAPO (The Smile of the Leader) - INTRO
This is the introduction of a Film I edited for Marco Bechis, realized with LUCE Archive ...
published: 11 May 2012
author: Iacopo Patierno
Il SORRISO DEL CAPO (The Smile of the Leader) - INTRO
This is the introduction of a Film I edited for Marco Bechis, realized with LUCE Archive original footage, about propaganda around the figure of the dictator. _ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2238803/ _
Edited by Iacopo Patierno and Marco Bechis
Every charismatic leader strategically plans to gain popularity by taking obsessive care of his own public image. He does so by exploiting the media power and the technologies available over different historical times. Benito Mussolini, the Italian "Duce", caught the great opportunity offered him by the most powerful, popular and beloved medium of the 20th century: the newly-born cinema. Guessing its potential, he founded the Istituto Luce in order to spread his own personality cult and create a "new man" in his own image, the secret dream of every dictatorship. Mussolini's propaganda experiment can be therefore considered as paradigmatic.
The documentary film "The Smile of the Leader" is pure editing, based on the Istituto Luce Archive records. It is made exclusively out of the original audio --visual footage, every music of the soundtrack included.
The most known clips about War are not included on purpose. The focus is on those records which are less-know and yet the most impressive and persuasive. The aim of the film is to show the mechanisms of consensus building, as main instrument of Populism; how the regime educated boys and girls to grow up as good fascist citizens; how a nation living in extreme poverty was persuaded to be crucial for the world's asset; how the people exalted the leader and his ideology.
Exactly as it seems to be today. And yet, it was almost a century ago.
Youtube results:

Rise and fall of Benito Mussolini
Rise and fall of Benito Mussolini....
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Eirionn HyperApps
Rise and fall of Benito Mussolini
Rise and fall of Benito Mussolini
Rise and fall of Benito Mussolini.- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 2084
- author: Eirionn HyperApps

Benito Mussolini Executed April 1945
Benito Mussolini (29 July 1883 -- 28 April 1945) Executed....
published: 29 Apr 2011
author: l80omarlllomar08l
Benito Mussolini Executed April 1945
Benito Mussolini Executed April 1945
Benito Mussolini (29 July 1883 -- 28 April 1945) Executed.- published: 29 Apr 2011
- views: 33998
- author: l80omarlllomar08l

Biografía de Benito Mussolini - Parte 1 de 4
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, brillante político, militar y periodista italiano que se...
published: 18 Sep 2009
author: revisionhistorica
Biografía de Benito Mussolini - Parte 1 de 4
Biografía de Benito Mussolini - Parte 1 de 4
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, brillante político, militar y periodista italiano que se convirtió en gobernante y dictador de Italia desde 1922 hasta 1943...- published: 18 Sep 2009
- views: 128856
- author: revisionhistorica

Benito Mussolini annuncia la dichiarazione di guerra a Francia e Gran Bretagna, 10 giugno 1940
Il Duce, capo del Governo e primo ministro Benito Mussolini annuncia dal balcone di Palazz...
published: 10 Apr 2013
Benito Mussolini annuncia la dichiarazione di guerra a Francia e Gran Bretagna, 10 giugno 1940
Benito Mussolini annuncia la dichiarazione di guerra a Francia e Gran Bretagna, 10 giugno 1940
Il Duce, capo del Governo e primo ministro Benito Mussolini annuncia dal balcone di Palazzo Venezia la dichiarazione di guerra a Francia e Gran Bretagna, Rom...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 2007