26 January 2014



Use this form to get in touch with us, ask us a question, send a letter to the Magazine editor or let us know about an issue with the website.

Alternatively, you can also contact our national office in Sydney.

Phone: +61 2 9211 2600

PO Box 375
Sydney South NSW Australia 2012

Solidarity exists as a resource for struggles for change. We aim to help develop the strategies and ideas that campaigns need to win their demands. We also give voice to the protests and movements that the mainstream media so often ignores. Consider donating to help us fund our work:

Solidarity relies on its readers and supporters to continue to appear each month. We don’t take corporate advertising, or moderate our message to seek sponsorship. Your donations will help ensure we are able to expand our coverage and reach.

Who are Solidarity?

Solidarity is a socialist group with branches across Australia.
We are opposed to the madness of capitalism, which is plunging us into global recession and misery at the same time as wrecking the planet’s future. We are taking the first steps towards building an organisation that can help lead the fight for an alternative system based on mass democratic planning, in the interests of human need not profit. Read more about Solidarity here or check out details of our meetings and events here.

Contact Solidarity

Phone (02) 9211 2600
Email solidarity[at]solidarity.net.au
Post PO Box 375 Strawberry Hills NSW Australia 2012
Or use the contact page