Last Updated: April 17, 2014

Weather: Melbourne 11°C - 24°C . Sunny.


'Fitmum' Sharny Kieser pregnant with baby number five

SUPER fit Aussie mum Sharny Kieser has again dipped her toe in controversy, challenging expectant mothers to tough it out and banish their pregnancy cravings.

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Herald Sun

Dad’s proud of mum, aged 12

 Happy mother with a baby THINKSTOCK

“SHE’S brought something beautiful into the world and we’re all going to stand by her and support this,” said father, of girl, 12, who had baby.

The hidden costs on your restaurant bill

The hidden costs on your restaurant bill

EVER been handed the bill at the end of a nice meal and got a rude shock at the cost? It’s the worst. Here’s how to avoid those extra charges some restaurants sneakily tag onto your bill.

13-year-old eagle huntress is one of a kind

13-year-old eagle huntress is one of a kind

DEEP in the snow-capped mountains of far west Mongolia, there is a unique training ground. It is here 13-year-old Ashol Pan learnt to be the only female hunter of her kind.

What to drink with your Easter chocolate

What to drink with your Easter chocolate

EASTER. It’s a religious occasion, a long weekend and a great excuse to eat chocolate. But what drink you sup while eating that chocolate is just as important.

What your biscuit says about you

What your biscuit says about you

ARE you the carefree sort or a loyal friend? A fun lover or a secretive snob? You can bet your bikkie reveals more about you than you realise.

From around the site

MH370 underwater hunt intensified

MH370 underwater hunt intensified

MALAYSIA said families will be kept informed as the search is intensified for MH370, amid PM Tony Abbott’s claims they may need to rethink the search area.

Jerry Seinfeld’s 10 funniest quotes

 Corbis-42-49365104 Seinfeld 2011 Jerry Seinfeld 2013 Higher Rates Apply postional, fee for high res Picture: Supplied

HE’S the master of observational comedy who has been making people laugh for more than 30 years, but these 10 jokes are Jerry Seinfeld’s funniest.

Meet Tom Cruise’s new girlfriend

Paley Fest 2014 for 'Orange is the New Black'

SHE’S 34 years old, a Scientologist and she used to be on That 70s Show. Meet Tom Cruise’s new girlfriend, Laura Prepon.

The letter that blew this kid’s mind

The letter that blew this kid’s mind

MOST teenagers are pretty excited when they learn they’ve just got into the university of their dreams. But Noah VanVooren’s reaction is the best thing you’ll see all day.

Gerard Healy: Can Cats push Hawks?

1st Preliminary finalL: Hawthorn v Geelong

FOX Footy expert Gerard Healy will be taking your questions as he previews all the weekend footy action. REPLAY THE CHAT

Stabbing victim had been in court

Stabbing victim had been in court

A WOMAN was slain in broad daylight just hours after going to court over an intervention order concerning the man now accused of her murder.

What’s open this long weekend?

 Doomsday Preppers Generic 1

IT’S Easter long weekend, huzzah! But before you run off home, have you prepared yourself? Because you won’t be able to shop and drink with ease.

Ultimate Guide to the Big Blue final

Melbourne Victory v Sydney FC

FIND out everything you need to know - including stats and pre-game talk - ahead of Melbourne Victory and Sydney FC’s sudden-death final.

Matt White leaves Channel Seven

Seven News and Daffodil Day

POPULAR TV sports and news presenter Matt White, co-hosting Channel Seven’s afternoon news with Melissa Doyle, is to leave for a rival.


Judd rushed back, Swans swing axe


GEELONG has lost Josh Caddy to a broken foot while Sydney swings the axe and Carlton regains star midfielder Chris Judd

Dad’s proud of mum, aged 12

 Happy mother with a baby THINKSTOCK

“SHE’S brought something beautiful into the world and we’re all going to stand by her and support this,” said father, of girl, 12, who had baby.