Last updated: February 04, 2014

Weather: Sydney 20°C - 25°C . Shower or two.


Australia, it's time to stop complaining

Australia, it's time to stop com...

OK Australia. Enough is enough. Stop whingeing on social media every time something ticks you off. No one wants to live in a nanny-nation.

When Aussie's aren't: Identity crisis?

When Aussie's aren't: Id...

ONE in four Australians celebrating Australia Day today were not born here. Does that surprise you? Well, then, try this on for size ...

Economic 'soft landing' a success

Economic 'soft landi...

A VERY remarkable thing is happening to the Australian economy; something we've never achieved before.

Christmas exchange rate backs cash

Christmas exchange rate backs cash

ECONOMISTS hate Christmas; and not just because of the plunge in personal productivity that occurs this time each year (hello couch!).


It's not all plain sailing for our new Prime Minister


TONY Abbott spent so much time making a case an election would end the instability of Labor administrations he created an expectation of almost instantaneous change were he to take power.

Well he's had that power for some 11 weeks, which has been long enough to establish it will take more than merely flicking a few switches for the promised Abbott effect to appear.

The instability continues and polling - probably not least the Liberals' own - is recording the reaction.

This week Nielsen in Fairfax newspapers had Labor an improbable two-party preferred lead of 52 per cent to the Government's 48 per cent. At the September 7 election the breakdown was Coalition 53.5 per cent and Labor 46.5 per cent.

Newspoll in today's Australian reversed Nielsen. It showed a more reasonable and marginal boost to Labor's two-party preferred vote but with the Government still leading, 52 per cent to 48 pre cent.

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  • SAm Posted at 12:55 PM November 26, 2013

    the "Abbot Affect" has been in full swing since the election..incomptetance and silence

    Comment 1 of 3

  • C Wilson Posted at 12:57 PM November 26, 2013

    Abbott is not helped by an hostile ABC and generally left leaning media (not that anyone admits it). He has also been left with a mess, diplomatic, international and national to clean up but is seen as responsible for the past as well as present.. It is an almost impossible situation. By contrast Labor can govern from Opposition with the full support of some sections of the media and many of the commentators - and even those who support him (Bolt do more harm than good in their attempts to rectify the problem. It's time the media showed some responsibility and gave the elected government some support.

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  • Billy of Sydney Posted at 1:41 PM November 26, 2013

    Dear, Dear Melcolm, it takes a while to make a clay sandwich after being handed a shit one. Are you after a job with the labour party spin doctors. Give them a go.

    Comment 3 of 3

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