Last updated: February 04, 2014

Weather: Sydney 20°C - 25°C . Shower or two.


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Punch Breaking Views

Bob Carr, cynical to the end of his political career

One of these men loves to spin his own image, the other one is Vladimir Putin. Pic: ELLA PELLEGRINI

One of these men loves to spin his own image, the other one is Vladimir Putin. Pic: ELLA PELLEGRINI Source: News Limited

Nick D'Arcy.

Nick D'Arcy. Source: News Limited

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Bob Carr and Nick D'Arcy both quit today.

One of them took the Australian public for a ride, squandering public funds, enjoying the trappings of celebrity and taking the place of someone who may have been a more dedicated and committed team player over the long haul. The other one was a swimmer.

"It's been an honour and a privilege to represent my country over the past eight years," swimmer D'Arcy said.

"It's been a very great honour for me," said Carr.

Both were there for a good time, not a long time. D'Arcy hit another swimmer. Bob Carr king hit the taxpayers of NSW, frittering away the greatest tax windfall the state had ever seen off the back of Sydney's extraordinary property boom.

Then he hit them again, embarking on a taxpayer- funded farewell tour as stopgap foreign minister in a lame duck government.

D'Arcy got to go to the Commonwealth Games in Delhi and the London Olympics. Carr enjoyed the world stage, where he took his final bow.

The timing of Carr's announcement, on the day NSW is consumed with fear of raging bushfires, looks cynical. But then, so was his time in politics.

Follow Alan on Twitter: @alanoakley3

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