Last updated: February 04, 2014

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Australia needs to stop whingeing or we'll become a nanny-nation

National News - Syndicated

OK Australia. Take your fingers off your keyboards for a moment and stop before you tweet that picture.

Enough is enough. We're sick of hearing why everything is offensive to you. We're tired of you taking to social media to bully companies into recalling thousands upon thousands of stock.

If you don't know what we're talking about, it's time to get caught up.

In short, Australia seems to have an obsession. It's not all of us, but it's always the loudest ones that get heard. And they're certainly kicking up a fuss. Recently it's been about offensive Australia Day t-shirts, burger restaurants that don't have enough vegetarian options, and cafes who post 'offensive' signs.

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  • Oracle of Australia Posted at 6:12 PM January 26, 2014

    Aldi is selling all of those t-shirts on ebay, offloaded out of the backdoor. Well done.

    Comment 1 of 58

  • silly Posted at 6:18 PM January 26, 2014

    haha then you ask us to have our say at the end of this article

    Comment 2 of 58

  • John Posted at 6:34 PM January 26, 2014

    The PC brigade, the Greens and the left who do most of the whinging are not about tt stop because of this article. Unfortunately. Most have made careers out of it.

    Comment 3 of 58

  • nicky Posted at 6:34 PM January 26, 2014

    I think people like to whinge for the sake of it. It's funny people making the loudest noise get s#@tty because not everyone agrees with them. Or their way is the only way. I agree! First world problems so harden up people. We live in a great country free from war, famine and disease. Be bloody thankful!!

    Comment 4 of 58

  • chris of Melbourne Posted at 6:36 PM January 26, 2014

    at least we don't have out of control riots like some other countries. I think its quite ok to have a say on social media, rather than physically show your upset!

    Comment 5 of 58

  • Mick g of Alice springs Posted at 6:39 PM January 26, 2014

    In the words of the greatest Kindergarden teacher in history... Oh, come on...Stop whining! You kids are soft. You lack discipline. Well, I've got news for you. You are mine now! You belong to me! No more complaining. No more "Mr. Kimble, I have to go the bathroom". Nothing! There is no bathroom!!!

    Comment 6 of 58

  • STofPort Posted at 6:43 PM January 26, 2014

    I take offence to this story :-p

    Comment 7 of 58

  • Ruza Fodor of QLD Posted at 6:45 PM January 26, 2014

    Australia is a free country. If people want to whinge they can, so get over it!

    Comment 8 of 58

  • bj smith Posted at 6:47 PM January 26, 2014

    Yes people who have nothing positive to say use social media to try and lobby there one eye views, and silly tv show run with it and give more air time to stupid political correctnesd crap. They are lonely people witn no idea of.the real world.

    Comment 9 of 58

  • Olivia Posted at 6:48 PM January 26, 2014

    I don't know if I want to cry from happiness or track down the author and kiss them. Passionately. It's about time this sad and pathetic behaviour was called out. If I see one more comment written by someone who lacks ANY sort of knowledge about the topic in question, I may throw my modem against the wall. I'll regret it, sure. But will it make me feel immediately better after I read a comment that says "Protest and stop the media from writing about Justin Bieber- read about Ukraine and the issues there. The Middle East is WAY more important!"? Big fat yes; and I really did read that comment. Sadly, it was not satirical or ironic. If you don't like something, don't read it, don't eat it, don't waste your time with it. Ignore it unless it's an important issue like education, climate change or leggings as pants. Just please, for the love of humanity, stop making faux intellectual comments or "I'm so not mainstream" protests about them- my forehead hurts from constant self inflicted palm smashing.

    Comment 10 of 58

  • James of Melbourne Posted at 6:49 PM January 26, 2014

    Congratulations to the author. Ive been thinking this for years. Listen up folks...

    Comment 11 of 58

  • Zoe Moore of United Kingdom Posted at 6:55 PM January 26, 2014

    Yeah, you're right. We'd much rather be known for the nation that culls everything that moves, spies on our neighbouring countries and think racism and being homophobic is totally acceptable.

    Comment 12 of 58

  • Bad reporting causes whinging Posted at 7:05 PM January 26, 2014

    Reality is poor reporting makes it easy to whinge. The media needs to stop reporting on negative issues and people won't be negative. If a crap person does one good thing the media pumps them up and that person gets blasted. Report on facts that are relevant.

    Comment 13 of 58

  • Sir Osis of Liver Posted at 7:07 PM January 26, 2014

    Careful Grace, your white privilege is showing...

    Comment 14 of 58

  • Rick Posted at 7:08 PM January 26, 2014

    I am sick to death of all the nasty people out there thinking its ok to bully anyone they want on social media to get what they want and they are getting worse. Australia was once a great country now its full of whinging no no's. If you dont like something here is a hammer & some nails, now go build a bridge & get over it!!!

    Comment 15 of 58

  • social media hermit Posted at 7:16 PM January 26, 2014

    blocking social media means more people go to the pub to talk about things!

    Comment 16 of 58

  • K of Bris Posted at 7:23 PM January 26, 2014

    So to combat the issue of whinging on the internet, you have in turn whinged on the internet...? While I do not believe the t-shirt was racist by definition, it was factually incorrect and ignorant. Australia was 'established' in 1901 when the separate colonies joined to become our nation. The shirt, by celebrating the landing of the British settlers in what was called New South Wales at the time also indirectly celebrates the destruction and persecution of the indigenous people that occurred because of this event. That is why the shirt is offensive and why some have broadly described it as racist.

    Comment 17 of 58

  • David Rubenstein of Melbourne Posted at 7:36 PM January 26, 2014

    So protesting on the streets with placards is okay, but protesting on social media is not? Get real. And, stop writing whinging articles about people whinging.

    Comment 18 of 58

  • Zopo Posted at 7:49 PM January 26, 2014

    It only becomes an issue and the small groups are heard only if the media make it an issue. So why give the wingers the airtime.

    Comment 19 of 58

  • T Posted at 7:50 PM January 26, 2014

    If people don't like an ad, a product, a service, a TV program, a slogan, a movie, a restaurant, a type of food or whatever because they are offended, don't buy, don't watch, don't support and don't whine on social media. Who cares if you are offended? Some people are so easily offended that there is almost nothing anyone can do or say that doesn't offend them. Yes, some ads are sexist or racist or something else -ist. So are some TV programs. So are comments made by presenters and so on. So bloody what? No-one is killed. No-one is taken to hospital. No-one bleeds. No bones are broken. Sure, using certain words to refer to members of certain groups might be wrong. But again, so what? My parents came to Australia in the 1960s from Germany when I was four. I was called a nazi, a kraut and all sorts of other names at school. I was bullied, taunted and harassed. It was a sport! There were no laws making this illegal. There were no government agencies to whom I or my parents could complain. A bit of biffo behind the shelter sheds at lunch time sorted it out. Same went for Aboriginal kids, kids from Greece, Italy, Vietnam and China. We just sorted it out. Harden up.

    Comment 20 of 58

  • wysiwyg of Sydney Posted at 7:53 PM January 26, 2014

    if you think whingeing is out of control, whinge about it here @newscomauHQ | @gracekoelma Twitter, where the inane reaches the target market.

    Comment 21 of 58

  • Robin of Hobart Posted at 7:54 PM January 26, 2014

    Social media is something minorities have fell in love with, and what makes it worse is that so-called media reporters make mountains out of molehills of stories to keep their name in view.

    Comment 22 of 58

  • Steve Howton of Sunshine North (VIC) Posted at 7:56 PM January 26, 2014

    I am deeply offended by this article. I have no idea why, but it will keep me trendy if I have a bit of a sook. I plan to write to [insert movie star] so they can have a sook too. THEN you'll be sorry!

    Comment 23 of 58

  • Tigerman333 Posted at 8:10 PM January 26, 2014

    Well said, enough is enough ! With all the complaints about being offended from the slightest thing, we are turning into over sensitive emotional whimps, who are trying to change the Australian way of traditional common sense thinking, thank goodness our previous generations were tougher !

    Comment 24 of 58

  • Bigfella of melbourne Posted at 8:22 PM January 26, 2014

    Matt Young is a classic example of the great Aussie Whinger..

    Comment 25 of 58

  • El Posted at 8:27 PM January 26, 2014

    Yes, i agree a horde of us suffer from neurosis and paranoia, especially bureaucrats, 'experts' on health and alcohol and minority pressure groups with too much time on their hands.

    Comment 26 of 58

  • Stu Posted at 8:30 PM January 26, 2014

    Sick of people complaining, why not write an article about it where you spend the whole time complaining about people complaining????

    Comment 27 of 58

  • Iamwhoiam Iamme of Melbourne Posted at 8:31 PM January 26, 2014

    GRACE KOELMA needs to be made aware of the correct use of the expression "nanny state". A simple Google Search using ' "nanny state" definition ' would have informed her that the expression refers to a government that is 'regarded as overprotective or as interfering unduly with personal choice'. Even though their views might not accord with those held by the ignorant majority, socially concerned internet users, who responsibly exercise their right to freedom of speech, should not have to suffer such ill-informed criticism that their tweet or comment "smacks of a nanny-state mentality". In the past those who objected to slavery, culling of native populations, child labour, suppression of women and oppression of lower classes were regarded by their peers as "whingers". So Grace stop whinging about those who have a more evolved social conscience than yours.

    Comment 28 of 58

  • Margaret Weyland of Adelaide Posted at 8:37 PM January 26, 2014

    Well here's my "whinge" I object to the term NANNY-NATION To me this implies toward the elder generation, and I am one, also a grandparent. I also use social media and put in my opinions, as you can see. BUT! I constantly see on the news about protesters becoming engaged in violent brawls with police, and others, and I for one, would rather voice my opinion from the safety of my own home on my computer, and am unable to travel to any demonstrations, another safety issue you see lots about these days. Another thing I often notice, when reading the complaints and replies on Social Sites, by the photos on their profiles, a lot of the "whingers" are young people. We are supposed to be a democratic free speaking country, so where does it matter where we put an opinion on something we care about.

    Comment 29 of 58

  • C of Brisbane Posted at 8:44 PM January 26, 2014

    Lefty, PC, Greens supporters. No need to say anymore

    Comment 30 of 58

  • P.C. is O.K. Posted at 8:46 PM January 26, 2014

    I hate the term "Politically Correct", because it gives people a reason to say that a differing view is "Politically Correct" instead of just "correct" and thus devaluing it, using the term as a slur. Sometimes correct is just correct. If you've been doing or saying things wrong, accept it and you move on. As for "Nanny State", when you act like children, you get treated like children

    Comment 31 of 58

  • null of Brisbane Posted at 8:54 PM January 26, 2014

    I would love to hear a retail boss say, we are monitoring our mail for complaints, and certainly if there was a major protest march we would take that very seriously. ie if you are so outraged you will actually get off your chair we might think you are half way serious

    Comment 32 of 58

  • Steve Posted at 9:15 PM January 26, 2014

    This is a bit of a whinge in itself. Waaah

    Comment 33 of 58

  • Greg of Qld Posted at 9:25 PM January 26, 2014

    couldn't agree more. Social media should never be accepted form of legitimate complaint and therefore should be ignored by all corporations. If something upsets someone enough, they will get off their butt and do something about it. Social media is a form for mothers to share details of their babies poo colour and images of their family holiday, and general banter between friends. that's all!

    Comment 34 of 58

  • Burkhard of Brisbane Posted at 9:34 PM January 26, 2014

    Article of the year

    Comment 35 of 58

  • Ya of Planet real earth Posted at 9:45 PM January 26, 2014

    Sick of the whole Facebook infieority complex losers that have to say something so the sappy yes people out there say you are so right blah blah blah just to groups of insecure people feeding off each other

    Comment 36 of 58

  • Bloggs Posted at 9:53 PM January 26, 2014

    Pommies are laughing at us whinging Aussies. I have had to unfriend family because they won't stop whinging that the ALP lost the last election... Get over it people; it is life. Stop whining about everything and live in the best damn country with whatever issues you are left with. Oz rules, be happy!

    Comment 37 of 58

  • Paul Howard of Adelaide Posted at 10:08 PM January 26, 2014

    For Gods sake ,get rid of the greens. These people are the worst of the wingers of all. They even want to change the date for Australia day.! Once they're gone hopefully Australia can become more settled. Australians realise we are a diverse people of different backgrounds and live in one country, Australia. That is what is good about Australia. We all need to focus on the benefits that we can contribute to this wonderfull nation of ours. We need to work together and not let people divide us into select groups. Our diversity is this countries future . Stop whinging and use your energy to make this country the best it can be. I am proud to be an Australian and I am sure that you are too, Make the best of the opportunities that Australia has to offer!!.

    Comment 38 of 58

  • Kait of Australia Posted at 10:10 PM January 26, 2014

    Cause remember kids, Australia is the only place in the world that does this and if you're Australian you better not do it! How about this: It's called freedom of speech. You know the same thing that gives you the right to express yourself and say "You can't do this"?

    Comment 39 of 58

  • Vince Claw Posted at 10:48 PM January 26, 2014

    You don't like what others have to say? My rule is that everyone is entitled to an opinion but it doesn't mean that it's right. People have to convince me of the fact with facts.Whingeing about the whingers is no less different. It's sloppy and frankly doesn't add anything to the debate other than you don't like whingers. Good headline. No substance. Not much better than the whingers really

    Comment 40 of 58

  • RONOSON of Melbourne Posted at 11:00 PM January 26, 2014

    Spot on article. The vast majority of hard working Aussies don't give a toss about any of the 'issues' above. It's the handwringing, chin stroking, do-gooder PC brigade that wreck it for the rest of us. Great response from Kochie and the Sunrise crew this week, and great to see it backfire so spectacularly on the complainants.

    Comment 41 of 58

  • Damien of Sydney Posted at 11:01 PM January 26, 2014

    Thank u for the article. We have become worse than the Pomms (pls don't see that as racist!). Australians are turning into cry babies or sooks. How can am Aldi tshirt be offensive? Get real people. Take a deep breath and just stay calm. Besides they are just like trolls. Oh and I happen to like Sam's stripper shoes! STOP whinging

    Comment 42 of 58

  • Dave of Aussie in Asia Posted at 12:04 AM January 27, 2014

    As an Australian living in Asia my response is "too late". Australia is already a ridiculous nanny state. Well done to the looney left. We are a laughing stock.

    Comment 43 of 58

  • Kylie Posted at 12:07 AM January 27, 2014

    I am Aboriginal and I am sick of people making assumptions on what will or won't offend me and protesting about what I consider trivial b###s##t like when Australia was colonised by the English. Yeah they could have treated my ancestors a lot better, but none of the other countries that would have colonised Australia instead, would have been any different. I would rather focus on the current real racism that occurs every day not what happened in the past when both the victim and offender are long gone. I am sick of bloody left wing do gooders trying to be my friend just so they can build their cred by saying they have a Aboriginal friend. I am also sick of thier visible shock when they find out I am not a charity case and have a university education and six figure salary as do all my siblings.

    Comment 44 of 58

  • Darryl Watson of SA Posted at 12:32 AM January 27, 2014

    As our PM is always seeking every opportunity to whinge about the last government, why would you expect Australian citizens to do otherwise?

    Comment 45 of 58

  • James Wilson of Melbourne Posted at 12:32 AM January 27, 2014

    THANK YOU, finally, a journalist who is writing it how it actually is! All these nonstop whiners are pushing Australia closer and closer to becoming a boring, nanny state country where we lack freedom of speech. Who cares about the Aldi T-shirts, if you don't like it don't buy it. Who cares about a "stripper shoe" reference on tv, if you don't like it don't watch it. STOP whining about it because otherwise you'll deprive everyone else of things they might actually want! They need to get off the keyboard and go for a run, it may clear their head!

    Comment 46 of 58

  • Mark of Adelaide Posted at 1:00 AM January 27, 2014

    Stop whinging that Australians are whinges. If anything we don't have a voice like other countries because we are told to tolerate everything because if we don't tolerate then the Government and the Greens win. Next thing you know we will be allowed to marry our pets and our trees then nothing is off limits because we tolerate the rot. We need a revolution.

    Comment 47 of 58

  • Kathy Dowd of Longreach Qld Posted at 1:01 AM January 27, 2014

    Why don't you all just stop being so negative and just get on with life? To each their own and really who cares if some one else is different to them? If someone wrongs you sort it out - if you do someone wrong sort it out - there is absolutely no need for all this needless violence.

    Comment 48 of 58

  • MR.M of Adelaide Posted at 1:06 AM January 27, 2014

    Australia is the only country where the minorities win because of the so called bleeding hearts that tell us we should tolerate everything and stop whinging. But also,I kind of think the media are manipulating us for their own interests and agenda such as this subject.

    Comment 49 of 58

  • Aluget Posted at 2:22 AM January 27, 2014

    Some people look for things to be offended about and social media has given them a platform to whinge and bitch to a larger audience than was possible years ago

    Comment 50 of 58

  • Alex Shamin Posted at 2:22 AM January 27, 2014

    That is what people used to tell me. Stop complaining that a National Sporting Organisation is presided by a former criminal. Stop complaining that all their state branches are represented by the same person. Stop claiming it is a fraud. Instead, have a cup of a concrete for breakfast. Do not say anything and you will be much happier. Wonderful! But sorry, I cannot do that. While I find it ridiculous to comlain about so called offensive tsirts or the lack of vegetables I still believe we should stand up against corruption and fraud.

    Comment 51 of 58

  • jim of Australia Posted at 2:26 AM January 27, 2014

    Well I still cant see why being called an ape is racist, Does that mean when I get told I'm an F ing White Aussie C by my neighbours I can say they are being racist ? I hate racism. Ive been here most of my life and wish I had a dollar for all the racist remarks made to be by white Aussies but indiginous have been the worst. You reap what you sow Australia

    Comment 52 of 58

  • sasmithrn of Australia Posted at 3:14 AM January 27, 2014

    Soft news story of the year.

    Comment 53 of 58

  • oi oi Posted at 3:20 AM January 27, 2014

    it isn't just the facebook issue when it comes to whingeing and protesting about nothing. Hasn't anyone noticed that politicians, media people and others watch their words so carefully all the time, they end up saying nothing .... the backlash from one word spoken out of turn or taken in a way they didn't mean can call for headlines the next day on daily news shows, newspapers. didn't anyone notice how different gillard sounded once out of the job! spoke fluently, relaxed and free and easy. Everyone is so worried that their words will be taken out of context or pulled apart to the enth degree that no truth is ever told, no real opinion is given to the public and the media and the public are to blame. Stop jumping on every syllable someone says and deciding what they meant by it, and whingeing over something because you don't have anything else better to do. its time to stop getting knickers in knots over every little thing. how unaustralian ...

    Comment 54 of 58

  • ak47 of sydney Posted at 4:08 AM January 27, 2014

    The problem is with young people who have so many opinions and think everyone on this planet whats to hear it. I recently responded to a comment from a friend on FB only to have some random young lady I have never heard of or ever spoken to respond that I was a "woman hating moron" - the sad part is my comment was in relation to a man - didn't even have anything to do with woman. Young people should shut up until they reach 30 years! Young = young.

    Comment 55 of 58

  • R of Brisbane Posted at 6:43 AM January 27, 2014

    The new World Trade Centre tower in NYC rises to 1776 feet, in reference to when the US was established in 1776. I guess that is offensive to the American Indians too? Facebook, Twitter and news websites are privately owned, and I don't believe freedom of speech is a right to any users. Only that they make $$ for every word you post up, and the companies and the government can delete any post they want.

    Comment 56 of 58

  • Greg of Reality Posted at 7:32 AM January 27, 2014

    Actually i agree with this article, too many people living their lives on line getting all bent out of shape over crap that doesnt matter & being ultrasensitive about dumb pc issues. I rarely read the comments but when i do its always the same. M thinking seriously about pulling the plug & switching off. I can live without the internet in my personal life. Id preferr dealing with real 'people', socialising and i'll just forget about all this internest based bitching. Adios

    Comment 57 of 58

  • Henry mc of Brisbane Posted at 9:02 AM January 27, 2014

    Really? Its only the innocuous that gets changed. The real things we should protest about rarely do. Tshirts? Burgers? What about the loss of fundamental rights (qld vlad), greedy politicians and their entitlements, fipull on ideological decision making rather than proper management.......these are the things that escape scrutiny when the media concentrates on an aldi t shirt( not to mention the effect such actions have on those who would buy such a t shirt......they just hate p c more)

    Comment 58 of 58

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