Last updated: February 04, 2014

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National Breaking News

Tanker drivers want govt to act

A fuel tanker truck

The fuel tanker drivers' union says company pressure means safety standards are being compromised. Source: AAP

PETROL tanker drivers are threatening to impose go-slows unless the federal government forces major retailers to stop pressuring trucking firms to compromise on road safety.

The Transport Workers' Union (TWU) has lodged a dispute with the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal in a bid to hold companies to account for setting delivery times that compromise safety or push drivers to speed or drive when fatigued.

"Drivers are being threatened; 'if you don't do what's illegal, if you don't break the law, then we're going to turn around and terminate you'," TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon told reporters in Sydney on Tuesday.

He said a TWU survey of 90 drivers in the oil, gas and fuel industry found up to 45 per cent of petrol tankers had poor brake maintenance.

Last year two people died when a Cootes Transport tanker carrying 18,000 litres of fuel crashed in Mona Vale in Sydney's north.

The trailer reportedly had brake linings that were worn and needed replacing.

The TWU said clients like Coles, Woolworths and Shell were forcing transport companies to compromise truck maintenance by driving down transport costs.

"Retailers are squeezing the life out of the trucking industry and other road users," Mr Sheldon said.

"That economic pressure is turning petrol tankers into mobile bombs, ticking time bombs."

The TWU said companies should be forced to meet road safety rules rather than treat them like unnecessary red tape.

It's calling on the federal government to commit to the tribunal tasked with regulating safety standards and to address the problem at its source, rather than punish drivers.

However, in January the federal government warned it may abolish the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal.

"Many transport workers are prepared to stand up, take action," said Mr Sheldon.

"They're prepared to do go-slows throughout this year and make the clients accountable and say to the politicians, 'we deserve better'."