Could Instagramming your kids cause trouble down the line?

I love Instagram. It’s like one giant, live inspiration board offering glimpses into the mostly pretty bits of millions of people’s lives. I love scrolling through the images in my feed. It’s my queue-waiting, tram-riding, stolen-moment default. I double-click scores of photos each day, sending likes to people I know and many that I don’t. That’s the good thing about Instagram. You feel like you’re on friendly terms with people you may never meet. You witness their happy moments and are privy to captured details that may never have made it to film in pre-digital days.

It’s these widely shared little details that create a kind of instant intimacy between the photographer and the viewer. When you’ve seen someone’s lunch or favourite shoes or cute kid on a regular basis, you tend to feel closer to them. They seem like a familiar friend (even if you never meet them!) as you share the day-to-day pieces of their life. You chat and like. They post more  photos and so it goes.

It feels like everyone’s doing it this way. Instagram has grown to more than 100 million users and for the people I know, it’s the favourite place for image sharing and chatter. While a few people I know have private Instagram accounts, many don’t because they love the social aspect of the platform. They want people to see their photos and they love the interaction and community that brings.

That said, because we’re navigating fresh waters and Instagram has only been around since 2010 there are issues that are only now coming to the forefront.

Is it really OK?

Many Instagram users are freely posting pics of their kids online for all to see. They’re posting them alongside other beautiful images and gathering followers by the day, (people who are interested in lovely people and beautiful things one would hope.) But this is different from sharing your photo albums with people who come around for a cup of tea. It’s pushing things out to the world at large (unless you have your account set to private.)

That might be fine if you’ve taken a beautiful image of a cinnamon scroll you just baked and want the world to see. But how about if you’ve captured a shot of your adorable child and posted that instead? Are we okay with the wide exposure that image may receive? Are you cool if people screenshot and save it? Download it? Republish it elsewhere? Are you okay if those images float around online indefinitely on other sites you can’t retrieve them from? These are worrying thoughts.

Generally people post images of their kids for other lovely, like-minded people to admire. But a public Instagram account is open slather for all. Other users (strangers! possibly non-lovely!) can view them, too.  They might find you by your username, by the explore option on Instagram, by a hashtag you’ve applied to your photo or via a friend of a friend or a company you follow on Instagram. And then there they are, viewing your adorable child.

Issues of consent

I’m not saying this is necessarily an insidious thing. Most people are pretty awesome. What I am wondering is if all parents who post photos of their kids publicly on Instagram are cool with these strangers’ eyes? Is it a case of what you don’t know won’t hurt you?

The other things I wonder about is whether it’s okay for parents to assume that their child consents to their image being shared, and whether it’s up to parents to manage their child’s online image as they see fit. Today’s two-year-old wandering in a daisy filled meadow or three-year-old dressed as a dapper gent may be tomorrow’s surly teenager seeking to control their digital footprint in their own way. They may not want hundreds of photos of themselves growing up in the public domain. Or they may be totally fine with it and never think to question it. Each child will have their own thoughts and response.

When we post photos of our kids online we’re often assuming their consent and we’re controlling their digital image. Sometimes we’ll say things like, “I asked my five-year-old and she loves it! She said yes!”. But is it really okay for parents to assume our kids will always be happy with it? And are we really prepared for the trouble it may bring?

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What happens when your pics go main-stream

Recently images of Kate Oliver’s cutely dressed sleeping kids went viral and jumped from Instagram into the mainstream media. The photos were clever and creative. Many comments I read on Facebook praised Kate as a great mum. Kate created the shots for her own family and friends to enjoy. It probably came as a complete shock to her when the images appeared elsewhere. Not only were the photos debated fairly widely but Kate’s character and parenting were called into question and her kids became public fodder. I’m sure that was never her intention and I send her virtual hugs. From something cute came something that must have been really hard to deal with.

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Similarly, images from the Instagram feed of Kordale and Kaleb (along with their gorgeous kids) went viral globally a week or so ago (above). The shots sparked debate via media outlets and commenters discussing race, family, same sex relationships and more. It was their cute family Instagram feed that prompted all the discussion and some really important topics were raised (and of course some ugliness ensued, too.)  I’m guessing that Kordale and Kaleb had no idea the images of their family would be so widely shared and jump from Instagram to big media sites.

There are lots of other cases too. The baby and the bulldog made it to Buzzfeed and a heap of other sites, and was shared by hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of readers. Theo and Beau, another cute tot and pup duo received the same coverage (here they are on the Daily Mail!) And there are more popping up all the time.

Interesting Instagram feeds are great viral fodder for big websites and they’ll continue to be mined for content. This is obviously a big problem in terms of family privacy. But even for those parents who escape this kind of viral attention we need to consider how our kids are going to feel about their image being so widely available and whether it’s really okay for us to assume consent in the first place.

We’re spending a lot of time trying to teach kids about online safety, but are we ignoring our own potentially risky behaviour? Yes, our cute kids make for a fantastic, ever-growing Instagram feed, but is it really okay to share them around? Are you sure that your future 15-year-old will be happy to have their life online? If your shots were to go viral like these, would you be ready for the attention or possible criticism that could bring? So many questions!

What are your thoughts about sharing photos of kids on Instagram?

Read more about online safety for families on Kidspot:

More reading about kids’ online privacy:







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  • Catherine Tranter

    I rarely post photos of my kids on Instagram or my blog anymore. I do not feel comfortable with it after I found one of my photos (of one of my children) used on some one else’s blog. I felt violated and was so angry.
    I have a 7 year old who often wants to control where photos of herself go – and I respect her requests.
    We live in Honk Kong and get followed around some touristy places by people trying to take photos of my fair, big blue eyed children, and it drives me crazy – they are my children, let them be.

  • Bela

    It’s definitely a worry. I use Instagram because I love the Stickygram magnets you can get using it but 90% of the time I have my account set to private. Only people I authorise can see my images.

  • Margaret Rafferty

    It’s really something to consider, and something that I think many of us forget about even when we know better.

    I wonder if this unfettered sharing of our image will actually cause us to stop valuing it so much, whether we might stop feeling as though we have ownership of it just because it gets shared so widely from such an early age that there really is no chance to protect it.

  • Kim Houssenloge

    That’s a tricky one. So many people don’t like sharing photos of their kids for all of the reasons you mentioned, Pip. I do share images of my son but I ask his permission. At 14 he is definitely less keen for me to share now than he used to be and that’s cool. In terms of freaky people looking at our kids images, hmmm, I think it’s a bit like wrapping them in a blanket from head to toe and having them walk down the street like that in case someone freaky looks at them. As long as we are careful about what details we share online, I think we can’t be too caught up with worry. The most important thing is to empower our kids with knowledge and an understanding of how to use the internet carefully and safely and remain connected with them via their facebook and social media accounts. Too many parents seem to have no idea what theirs kids are sharing online and , for me, that’s the more worrying and I think much more of a concern than parents sharing images of their kids. As far as Kate Oliver is concerned – I LOVE her work. She’s an amazingly clever photo-taker (would she call herself a photographer?) and she’s a lovely, lovely person and mum. I’m really shocked and saddened to hear that she’s had flack sent her way. That’s really crappy. Thanks for another great article, Pip:) x


    About a year ago I deleted Instagram (it wasn’t easy) when I heard on the radio that Instagram can sell your photos without your consent. Even after I got confirmation that this was not going to happen I felt uneasy, almost queasy about my photos and especially photos of my son treated with so much vulnerability. It’s just not for me and I would caution what kind of photos you post (ie. bath photos). As innocent as they may seem we live in a very different world and unfortunately there are some sick predatorial people out there. With that said I encourage people to share their moments with caution. I’ve opted for a personal blog and am currently using the TinyBeans app to record my child’s moments and only share them with close friends and family. I know there may still be some risks with this but we can’t protect ourselves from everything. I just tell myself as long as I am prepared to understand the risks and cautious, I will continue to record my wonderful son’s journey in life.

  • Di xxx

    I am cautious about posting pictures of my son online but then found out that his grandparents have shown none of the caution that I do. In the digital age it is really difficult to control everyone with a device. I recently saw a friend post shots of her kids when the were painting in the nude, both are under 5 yrs old., it was a cute and innocent picture. I don’t think her privacy settings are set to private, so I just wonder now who has seen this image. I also wonder what her kids will think about this in a few years time.

  • Wendy Tuohy

    Working online and seeing the many types of people who pop up all over social media I’m extremely cautious about posting any images of my kids that are recognisable at all. There are people even stricter on themselves than this, too. I think it’s a case of hope for the best (people are awesome), plan for the worst (some aren’t).

  • Tawhi K

    I really need to toughen up on this. I am a self confessed instagram addict and I am currently not set to private. This article has really opened my eyes thankfully and I will certainly be doing a lot of culling and restricting with future posts. Thanks KS!

    That being said, I have seen a few acquaintances post questionable content on social media. I would never pull them up on it, but often wonder if I should…