
  1. Although, let's be honest here: the first thing everyone looks at in the alumni magazine is the obituaries.

  2. Not *that* weird. House of Pain, including that goof in the Celtics jersey, are all native New Yorkers.

  3. My favorite characterization of Miller, per someone who worked w/ him on MNF: "He's just an asshole pooping out a thesaurus."

  4. The scheduling of Enlisted is/was an abomination. The show would've killed leading out of Brooklyn Nine-Nine…

  5. I like a news net that trots out a stand-up comic who's 19 years past his sell-by date to unthread the intricacies of healthcare…

  6. "Welp, still ain't found shit. But we're a-lookin'!" Christ on a pogo stick. Story's over. Plane's in the ocean. Everyone's dead.

  7. Why are you watching that dumb show? That guy is about as funny as a pediatric oncology ward.

  8. "You may—but most likely will not—remember our client from that Daphne Zuniga VHS movie about paranormal grubs."

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone who thinks thoughts and prayers are a magical balm against pain and suffering.

  10. I've given up on courtesy entirely. Now, when a shoddily-constructed pitch rolls in, I reply YOUR PARENTS DON'T EVEN LOVE YOU

  11. Will either New York MLB franchise win a single game this season? The answer will surprise you!

  12. Just appropriated “The Ancient Horror” for use in my own quotidian existence. Will air-footnote your mom…

  13. Well, they may be WATCHING you sleep, because there's no off switch on the thing…

  14. If Jeter commits a murder in every city he visits on his Farewell Tour, ESPN (eventually) will have to delete this:

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