
CNW Rapid City
In March, 1994 I had to make a visit to Rapid City, SD on family business. I did manage t...
published: 01 Sep 2013
CNW Rapid City
CNW Rapid City
In March, 1994 I had to make a visit to Rapid City, SD on family business. I did manage to squeeze in a bit of railfanning. I caught the Rapid City switch engine in charge of GP7 4169 as well as an inbound and outbound road freight on the Colony, Wyoming line. At this point the Colony Line and the Rapid City trackage were isolated from the rest of the CNW system account the sale of the Winona-Rapid City line to Dakota Minnesota & Eastern. After the CNW-UP merger it only took UP a year to sell these lines to the DM&E; also.- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 102

A small look at CNW's Proviso Yard engine facility in mid 1994
A not too bad assortment of power that day.Some recently delivered C44-9Ws are being marsh...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: redzmvt
A small look at CNW's Proviso Yard engine facility in mid 1994
A small look at CNW's Proviso Yard engine facility in mid 1994
A not too bad assortment of power that day.Some recently delivered C44-9Ws are being marshaled around.Should have went on a weekday,we would have received a ...- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 580
- author: redzmvt

CNW@ Tunnel City,WI and Wyeville,WI CNW#6808 East
First shot is a Soo coal train,this train stalled out on the grade.We seen this train as i...
published: 17 Apr 2011
author: redzmvt
CNW@ Tunnel City,WI and Wyeville,WI CNW#6808 East
CNW@ Tunnel City,WI and Wyeville,WI CNW#6808 East
First shot is a Soo coal train,this train stalled out on the grade.We seen this train as it went through Grand Crossing.Word on the radio is the CNW power he...- published: 17 Apr 2011
- views: 2067
- author: redzmvt

CNW Cedar Valley Sub 2012
Trying a new Sony camera. Classic CNW lash up at the end of video. All Sound Traxx decoder...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: cnwtrain
CNW Cedar Valley Sub 2012
CNW Cedar Valley Sub 2012
Trying a new Sony camera. Classic CNW lash up at the end of video. All Sound Traxx decoders installed in the locos in this video.- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 1312
- author: cnwtrain

Action on the CNW HO Scale Harvard Sub
Some HO scale train action on the Harvard Sub. I have used actual CNW train designations....
published: 12 Oct 2013
Action on the CNW HO Scale Harvard Sub
Action on the CNW HO Scale Harvard Sub
Some HO scale train action on the Harvard Sub. I have used actual CNW train designations.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 53

CNW Air Line Granville WI Northbound 1990
A pair of SD40-2s Numbers 6841 and 6919 just passed though Granville,now passing 124th st ...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: Barbiepoledancer
CNW Air Line Granville WI Northbound 1990
CNW Air Line Granville WI Northbound 1990
A pair of SD40-2s Numbers 6841 and 6919 just passed though Granville,now passing 124th st (Boundry Rd).A now very rare sight.This was from my old tape that I...- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 277
- author: Barbiepoledancer

CNW 6847 and BN 5383 freight train runby at the Illinois Railway Museum
CNW 6847 (EMD SD40-2) and BN 5383 (GE U30C) freight train runby at the Illinois Railway Mu...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: jamesk97
CNW 6847 and BN 5383 freight train runby at the Illinois Railway Museum
CNW 6847 and BN 5383 freight train runby at the Illinois Railway Museum
CNW 6847 (EMD SD40-2) and BN 5383 (GE U30C) freight train runby at the Illinois Railway Museum on Diesel Days 2012.- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 563
- author: jamesk97

CNW Adams Line Westbound Menomonee Falls WI
Here's a great view of CNW #6918,#6816 SD40-2 and #4202 GP7A cruising through the countrys...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: Barbiepoledancer
CNW Adams Line Westbound Menomonee Falls WI
CNW Adams Line Westbound Menomonee Falls WI
Here's a great view of CNW #6918,#6816 SD40-2 and #4202 GP7A cruising through the countryside of Menomonee Falls,WI.This was from my old tape that I had sinc...- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 59
- author: Barbiepoledancer

CNW Layout Tour Vol.1
Since some asked me to give an overview of the railroad, I thought I would narrate this vi...
published: 10 Dec 2011
author: cnwtrain
CNW Layout Tour Vol.1
CNW Layout Tour Vol.1
Since some asked me to give an overview of the railroad, I thought I would narrate this video. Brand new camera so please excuse the mistakes. Please give me...- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 15479
- author: cnwtrain

Patched CNW and SP led coal train meets UP's "Salad Shooter" in a foggy Ames, Iowa
It's very foggy in Ames, Iowa on December 2, 2012. This doesn't hamper the trains on the U...
published: 02 Dec 2012
author: A. Train
Patched CNW and SP led coal train meets UP's "Salad Shooter" in a foggy Ames, Iowa
Patched CNW and SP led coal train meets UP's "Salad Shooter" in a foggy Ames, Iowa
It's very foggy in Ames, Iowa on December 2, 2012. This doesn't hamper the trains on the Union Pacific too much though. The first train seen is heading east ...- published: 02 Dec 2012
- views: 398
- author: A. Train

Part 2: DAIWA CNW 518 Antenna Tuner Tuning Procedure
The DAIWA Model CNW-518 is rated @ 2.5 kW RF PEP output for the Ham Bands of 3.5 to 30 mHz...
published: 28 Dec 2010
author: larry kuberski
Part 2: DAIWA CNW 518 Antenna Tuner Tuning Procedure
Part 2: DAIWA CNW 518 Antenna Tuner Tuning Procedure
The DAIWA Model CNW-518 is rated @ 2.5 kW RF PEP output for the Ham Bands of 3.5 to 30 mHz. This antenna tuner has be modified to include some of the out of ...- published: 28 Dec 2010
- views: 7536
- author: larry kuberski

CNW HO Model Train 2/ Cedar Valley Sub
This is my free lanced CNW layout in my attic. Over all size is 17 ft. x 22 ft. Track work...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: cnwtrain
CNW HO Model Train 2/ Cedar Valley Sub
CNW HO Model Train 2/ Cedar Valley Sub
This is my free lanced CNW layout in my attic. Over all size is 17 ft. x 22 ft. Track work is complete. 14 hidden staging tracks, will hold 50 car trains. We...- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 3650
- author: cnwtrain

Mid Continent Railway Museum - CNW 1385
The last month of operation for Chicago & North Western 4-6-0 No. 1385, filmed in May, 199...
published: 13 Dec 2009
author: jterry618
Mid Continent Railway Museum - CNW 1385
Mid Continent Railway Museum - CNW 1385
The last month of operation for Chicago & North Western 4-6-0 No. 1385, filmed in May, 1998. We see the locomotive being serviced at North Freedom, Wisconsin...- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 7398
- author: jterry618

CNW HO layout / Cedar Valley Sub
This is my free lanced CNW HO layout in my attic. Over all size is 17 ft. x 22 ft. Track w...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: cnwtrain
CNW HO layout / Cedar Valley Sub
CNW HO layout / Cedar Valley Sub
This is my free lanced CNW HO layout in my attic. Over all size is 17 ft. x 22 ft. Track work is complete. Has 14 hidden staging tracks, that will hold about...- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 2245
- author: cnwtrain
Vimeo results:

KMS Vocabulary Tour
This video features several teachers using different vocabulary activities for different p...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: CNW
KMS Vocabulary Tour
This video features several teachers using different vocabulary activities for different purposes (introduction, practice, interaction, review):
Mrs. Fulton - introducing vocabulary
Mrs. Mallory - How Well Do You Know These Words activity
Ms. Wright - using brainflips.com to make online flashcards
Mrs. Warren - vocabulary scenarios
Mrs. Grier - interactive Mimio vocabulary practice
Mrs. Fitzpatrick - Word Links

Clock Editing - Mrs. Fitzpatrick
Students in Mrs. Fitzpatrick's Language Arts class engage in peer editing with the Clock E...
published: 07 Dec 2010
author: CNW
Clock Editing - Mrs. Fitzpatrick
Students in Mrs. Fitzpatrick's Language Arts class engage in peer editing with the Clock Editing strategy.

Lunch Beat Montréal
Le concept du Lunch Beat est simple: se réunir et danser à l’heure du lunch. Lunch Beat s'...
published: 17 May 2013
author: TP1
Lunch Beat Montréal
Le concept du Lunch Beat est simple: se réunir et danser à l’heure du lunch. Lunch Beat s'est répandu à une vitesse folle en Suède depuis que l'idée en a été lancée par Molly Ränge, une jeune femme de 28 ans.
Imaginez-vous donc, un jour de semaine, 11h45 à votre bureau. Vous envoyez un dernier courriel matinal, enfilez votre veste, vous vous dirigez vers le lieu déterminé et... dansez comme un fou sur une piste de danse pendant 60 minutes au son des meilleurs DJ en ville! Bien défoulé, vous repartez avec un une boîte à lunch (végé!), prêt à affronter l’après-midi de travail avec une énergie du tonnerre. Tentant non?
TP1 est fier de commanditer l'édition montréalaise de Lunch Beat, un événement qui se tient déjà dans plus de 50 métropoles à travers le monde. Alors, êtes-vous prêt à quitter votre ordi pour danser au beau milieu de la journée?
Annonceur: Lunch Beat Montréal (http://lunchbeatmontreal.org)
Agence: TP1 (http://tp1.ca)
Direction artistique: Patrick Williams
Production d'agence: Jan-Nicolas Vanderveken
Maison de production: 1ONE (http://cargocollective.com/1one)
Production: Jérémie Lévesque
Réalisation et montage: Charlie Marois
Direction artistique: Marc-André Gilbert
Animation: Étienne Bergeron
Conception du son et sonorisation: Sonart (http://cargocollective.com/sonart)
Musique: Apollo Studios (http://www.apollostudios.com)

Jake & Heather Labhart
I was sitting at a coffee shop in College Station, talking with a couple about filming the...
published: 04 Sep 2013
author: Creative New World
Jake & Heather Labhart
I was sitting at a coffee shop in College Station, talking with a couple about filming their wedding video. As I got up from the discussion, Heather & Jake stopped me, apologized for overhearing our conversation, and asked if they could see some samples of my videos. A few weeks later, we were all getting to know each other and preparing for the big day.
Heather & Jake are an amazing couple. Jake consistently wrote Heather letters when they began dating years ago, and gave them all to her on the morning of the wedding. She read parts of the most recent letter aloud, and when you hear excerpts of it in the video, it's sure to convince you of their love. These two are a perfect match for each other, and their love and faith will surely create an indestructible bond.
Filmed by Taylor Stanley & Matt Johnson
Edited by Kylie Best & Taylor Stanley
Shot with Canon 7D & Sony FS100
Song: Take Heart by Hillsong United
Youtube results:

CNW 6847 Horn Show + Shave & a Hair Cut
Well I was at the Union Pacific Family Days 2013 at the Illinois Railway Museum, and Chica...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: Mikado Otter
CNW 6847 Horn Show + Shave & a Hair Cut
CNW 6847 Horn Show + Shave & a Hair Cut
Well I was at the Union Pacific Family Days 2013 at the Illinois Railway Museum, and Chicago and Northwestern SD40-2 #6847 was used for 1 train. While pullin...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 118
- author: Mikado Otter

CNW Od nas dla Was
Ten Projekt "Szarość Betonu" powstał by motywować was byście rozwijali swoje pasje. Pozdra...
published: 12 Aug 2013
CNW Od nas dla Was
CNW Od nas dla Was
Ten Projekt "Szarość Betonu" powstał by motywować was byście rozwijali swoje pasje. Pozdrawiamy CNW i Zapraszamy do Słuchania i zastanowienia się co jest tak naprawdę my dajemy wam wiarę w siebie byście mogli realizować marzenia. Projekt wspiera Studio Ciemna Piwnia i Tu Też Mowa o Fantomie Który Robi Solową Płytkę Fonoteka z Fartem. Po 8 latach wraca na dzierzgońske podwórka CNW Klehu Igas stary skład jednak trzeba powiedzieć że dołączył do naszej rodziny Dolar który reprezentuje literę W po mimo że pisze wersy rok to z projektu na projekt jest coraz lepszy to jego pierwszy życiowy tekst na dalszych projektach usłyszycie też Igasa założyciela "CNW" Ciągła Nieustająca Walka Pozdrawiamy i wierzcie w siebie w swoje rozwijajcie swoje pasje jakie macie bo marzenia warto spełniać postawcie sobie Cel w Życiu- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 84