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  1. 2小时前

    "What does it mean to work within an institution that feels like this? To feel, viscerally, the rot within the house?" Anna Hush () on sexual violence and academia.

  2. 22小时前

    'Even before it enters the narrative, Stroud is describing "teacher-tiredness". In London, it "often consumed my whole weekend … a cumulative tiredness that seemed to layer heavily on top of itself, no matter how much sleep I got each evening."'

  3. 5月31日

    'National security dramas ... are inherent story engines. They engender a constant threat of attack, and a sense of national unity (read: stakes) that need to be defended.' Monty Fish on the enemy in Australian TV – and the complicity of screenwriters

  4. 转推了

    Don't forget submissions for SPORT close tomorrow! If you're sitting on some hot shit PURRLEASE send it thru!!

  5. 转推了
  6. 5月30日

    "What drives my work now, and what I think is a big question for us post-, is the potential for erotica and sex-fiction writing and reading to play a part in creating a non-fiction world, or a new sexual reality for women."

  7. 5月30日

    Writers, we want your fiction about the future(s)! And other news from Overland

  8. 5月30日

    "My aim is to constantly challenge the authority of rules that are not made for women’s sexuality. Throughout my life, I have consistently been harmed by these rules." Victoria Brooks on the power of reading - and writing - erotica.

  9. 转推了

    Applications are now open for The Next Chapter! The Next Chapter is designed to elevate the Australian stories that aren’t being published and to nurture a new generation of writers from all sorts of backgrounds. Applications close 12 July.

  10. 5月29日

    "Worker democracy provides for greater resilience in the face of adversity. Workers grappling with a period of economic difficulty are far less likely to initiate layoffs. Instead, they tend to preserve jobs through temporarily scaling back working hours."

  11. 5月29日

    "There is no reason why Australia cannot build up a worker cooperative sector employing tens of thousands of people in well-paid secure jobs over the next decade." Godfrey Moase () on the solution to stagnant wages and precarity.

  12. 5月28日

    "By debunking the framing of Vincent van Gogh’s lifelong struggle with poverty and mental illness, Gadsby leads Nanette into a wider and intensely personal interrogation of the damage that comes with perceiving artists as separate, ‘outside the world’."

  13. 5月28日

    "Syphilis acquired twisted positive connotations within European artistic circles during the Victorian era." Ellen Muller on the historical background to Hannah Gadsby's NANETTE.

  14. 5月27日

    "This trauma is not separate from you. It is being perpetrated against our bodies and minds in your name. It forms who you as a country are and will become." A second despatch from Manus Island by Shamindan Kanapathi.

  15. 5月27日

    "We have no choice but to remain as calm as possible and keep our dignity as we plead with Australia’s politicians and people to show some compassion." The Federal Election seen from Manus Island in the words of Shamindan Kanapathi.

  16. 5月24日

    "Perhaps ‘my wife doesn’t work’ is a good example of an international feminist joke." Rosa Campbell on Marie Kondo, housework and the climate crisis.

  17. 5月24日

    Be it: science fiction; futurist fiction; queer fiction; decolonial and de-carceral fiction – we want it for this special issue guest edited by . Entries close 15 July. So imagine, reimagine, disrupt, write, enter – show us where we're going

  18. 5月24日

    "In every episode of Tidying up with Marie Kondo, a woman cries." Rosa Campbell () on what Kondo has to say about the unpaid work women do in the home, and the climate crisis.

  19. 转推了

    My article: Fear, loathing and the culture wars: the 2019 Indian elections | Overland literary journal

  20. 5月23日

    Arjun Rajkhowa chronicles the climate of violence and intimidation in the lead up to the Indian elections.



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