Famous quotes by Michael Heath:
"If they don't put Michael Heath on the defensive to make him explain why he's defending bigotry and hatred and discrimination, this is going to be all about marriage,"
"Absolutely. This vote in November either sends us toward it or points us away from it."
"The Coalition for Marriage."
"Liberal proponents of homosexual 'marriage' flatter themselves by casting their agenda as part of a modern civil rights struggle, ... But there is nothing noble about advancing the final frontier of a sexual revolution that has resulted in tens of thousands of men getting sick or dying young because they engage in homosexual perversions."
"There is nothing progressive about turning nature and God's sacred design for marriage on its head in the name of civil rights,"
"It's a mess. As the elections get closer, the politics will get nastier."
"We'll be making a decision soon after the new year."
"And there is certainly nothing courageous about creating a Brave New definition of marriage that will lead to more innocent children being placed in homosexual households that are fatherless or motherless by design--and schools teaching homosexual 'marriage' as normal and just another lifestyle choice."
"He's a brutal Marxist dictator."
"He's a brutal Marxist dictator. He's teamed up with Fidel Castro. He's trying to split our nation."