
EIAJ-1 AV-5100 SlipRing Problem
EIAJ-1 AV-5100 SlipRing Problem http://sharakucorp.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-88.html....
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: sharakucorp
EIAJ-1 AV-5100 SlipRing Problem
EIAJ-1 AV-5100 SlipRing Problem
EIAJ-1 AV-5100 SlipRing Problem http://sharakucorp.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-88.html.- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 683
- author: sharakucorp

1974年 仙台一高「強歩大会」 EIAJ-1 TEST
統一Ⅰ型VTRの修理段階でのテスト映像です。 http://ameblo.jp/sharakucorp/entry-11139981188.html....
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: sharakucorp
1974年 仙台一高「強歩大会」 EIAJ-1 TEST
1974年 仙台一高「強歩大会」 EIAJ-1 TEST
統一Ⅰ型VTRの修理段階でのテスト映像です。 http://ameblo.jp/sharakucorp/entry-11139981188.html.- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 2468
- author: sharakucorp

SONY EIAJ1 AV-5100 powered by square wave AC inverter...
AV-5100 矩形波インバーターで......
published: 07 Jul 2009
author: sharakucorp
SONY EIAJ1 AV-5100 powered by square wave AC inverter...
SONY EIAJ1 AV-5100 powered by square wave AC inverter...
AV-5100 矩形波インバーターで...- published: 07 Jul 2009
- views: 588
- author: sharakucorp

SONY EIAJ1 VTR AV-5100 50Hz model on 60Hz power...
http://sharakucorp.blog90.fc2.com/ AV-5100 50Hz用なのに60Hzで動かしてみた。...
published: 07 Jul 2009
author: sharakucorp
SONY EIAJ1 VTR AV-5100 50Hz model on 60Hz power...
SONY EIAJ1 VTR AV-5100 50Hz model on 60Hz power...
http://sharakucorp.blog90.fc2.com/ AV-5100 50Hz用なのに60Hzで動かしてみた。- published: 07 Jul 2009
- views: 741
- author: sharakucorp

NTSC 1/2" Videocorder EIAJ Transfer To DVD In The U.K by www.avtransfers.biz
" AV Transfers is a leader in Cine, Video, Photo and Audio preservation since 1989!"
We ...
published: 07 Oct 2013
NTSC 1/2" Videocorder EIAJ Transfer To DVD In The U.K by www.avtransfers.biz
NTSC 1/2" Videocorder EIAJ Transfer To DVD In The U.K by www.avtransfers.biz
" AV Transfers is a leader in Cine, Video, Photo and Audio preservation since 1989!" We transfer new and vintage formats to disc in order to preserve your memories for future generations. We use some of the best equipment available today, from professional studio format video playback decks, to high-end equipment for virtually every home format, to bespoke cine film transfer machines designed by our own team of dedicated professionals. Bring the memories of yesterday alive today!- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 2

Austvarchive (James Paterson) discusses the recovery process of EIAJ Videotape Reels
In 2011, the Australian Television Archive sponsored the archival transfer and restoration...
published: 29 Dec 2013
Austvarchive (James Paterson) discusses the recovery process of EIAJ Videotape Reels
Austvarchive (James Paterson) discusses the recovery process of EIAJ Videotape Reels
In 2011, the Australian Television Archive sponsored the archival transfer and restoration services needed for the transfer of EIAJ format reels from australias first community television programs in the 70's www.turtlevideoaltona.com- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 120

EIAJ Half Inch Reel to Reel Video Transfer / Obsolete Video Transfer
http://www.vdsnj.com ..Obsolete Video Formats including EIAJ Half Inch Reel to Reel Videot...
published: 04 Mar 2013
author: vdsnjpromos
EIAJ Half Inch Reel to Reel Video Transfer / Obsolete Video Transfer
EIAJ Half Inch Reel to Reel Video Transfer / Obsolete Video Transfer
http://www.vdsnj.com ..Obsolete Video Formats including EIAJ Half Inch Reel to Reel Videotape transferred to dvd using our Sony AV-3600 Videocorder...We tran...- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 82
- author: vdsnjpromos

Sony AV-3600 EIAJ Reel to Reel Video Recorder
A friend of mine donated this video recorder to my collection. I have done nothing to it i...
published: 01 Jun 2010
author: jrcstudios
Sony AV-3600 EIAJ Reel to Reel Video Recorder
Sony AV-3600 EIAJ Reel to Reel Video Recorder
A friend of mine donated this video recorder to my collection. I have done nothing to it internally, although it seems the tension on the pinch roller is ins...- published: 01 Jun 2010
- views: 3206
- author: jrcstudios

Sony CV2000B 405 line tape on EIAJ AV3620 VTR
This is what you see when you are playing a videotape recorded in 405 lines on a Sony CV20...
published: 15 Dec 2007
author: videorestore2
Sony CV2000B 405 line tape on EIAJ AV3620 VTR
Sony CV2000B 405 line tape on EIAJ AV3620 VTR
This is what you see when you are playing a videotape recorded in 405 lines on a Sony CV2000B and play it with an Sony AV3620 EIAJ player.- published: 15 Dec 2007
- views: 5275
- author: videorestore2

Example Restoration from EIAJ Format Open Reel Videotape
example of restoration quality of a 30+ year old EIAJ format open reel sony videotape, whi...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: austvarchive
Example Restoration from EIAJ Format Open Reel Videotape
Example Restoration from EIAJ Format Open Reel Videotape
example of restoration quality of a 30+ year old EIAJ format open reel sony videotape, which was severely suffering from sticky shed syndrome, baking techniq...- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 800
- author: austvarchive

If You Don't Fight, You Lose!
"This video tells the story of the democratic rights struggle from August until Christmas ...
published: 27 Oct 2013
If You Don't Fight, You Lose!
If You Don't Fight, You Lose!
"This video tells the story of the democratic rights struggle from August until Christmas 1977 during the export of uranium and ban on street marches imposed by the Bjelke-Petersen government in Queensland, Australia. It shows the resistance to the export of Uranium from Hamilton No 4 wharf in Brisbane and the thousands of arrests that followed." (Ian Curr). The documentary was produced by the Media Committee of the Queensland Democratic Rights group (Leslie Mannison, Joseph Monsour and Ian Curr). It was edited at the Griffith University film unit on one-inch (SMPTE type-A) tape in December 1977 and was first screened publicly in early 1978. They shot most of the footage on a Sony 1/2-inch "port-a-pak" field recorder (EIAJ-1 format). There are also off-air broadcasts recorded from television news at the time. Plus some black & white 16mm footage shot by Mick Fanning (who later became head of the ABC's camera department in Brisbane). Ian Curr adds, "there is a great sequence where a young guy is pursued by cops at the foot of the King George Square steps heaved into the air by burly coppers and thrown into a paddy wagon. Mick followed the action all the way - it is fluid, and just before he gets done the guy holds his hands up as if he is about to be shot with a pleading look of fear and anxiety." The master tape still exists on One-inch SMPTE A-format, reel-to-reel video tape. It is not known if the documentary can be recovered from this legacy tape. Even if it is possible, pursuing this route would be very expensive since this format is near extinction and there are several technical hurdles to overcome. The best hope for efficient recovery is to find one of the 3/4-inch U-Matic cassette copies made in December 1977. There were several of these tapes in circulation in 1978, and hopefully not all of them have subsequently been lost? Unfortunately this copy is in very poor condition. The first 65 seconds was largely missing or garbled and has been replaced with a new title sequence of 20 seconds. So the beginning will seem out of character to the style and quality of the rest of the video. We will try to restore as much of the original video as possible by combining the best parts (sequences) from other surviving copies if they can be found.- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 36

EIAJ ABC Testcard and Ident
EIAJ ABC Testcard and Ident....
published: 16 Nov 2009
author: VideoMajestic
EIAJ ABC Testcard and Ident
EIAJ ABC Testcard and Ident
EIAJ ABC Testcard and Ident.- published: 16 Nov 2009
- views: 1334
- author: VideoMajestic

Hitachi SV-630E Cartridge Video Recorder (colour EIAJ-2) Angelicaaudio
Fotografie a videa dalších audiozařízení naleznete na mé stránce Angelicaaudio na FB. Díky...
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: Angelicaaudio
Hitachi SV-630E Cartridge Video Recorder (colour EIAJ-2) Angelicaaudio
Hitachi SV-630E Cartridge Video Recorder (colour EIAJ-2) Angelicaaudio
Fotografie a videa dalších audiozařízení naleznete na mé stránce Angelicaaudio na FB. Díky za každý nový "LIKE". Photos and videos of another audio you can f...- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 157
- author: Angelicaaudio

Fördjupning Montessoriskolan EIAJ
Vi har varit hos Bengt Rogström museum....
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: Edvin Granath
Fördjupning Montessoriskolan EIAJ
Fördjupning Montessoriskolan EIAJ
Vi har varit hos Bengt Rogström museum.- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 48
- author: Edvin Granath
Vimeo results:

Time lapse sequences of photographs taken by the crew of expeditions
28 & 29 onboard the ...
published: 12 Nov 2011
author: Michael König
Time lapse sequences of photographs taken by the crew of expeditions
28 & 29 onboard the International Space Station from August to October,
2011, who to my knowledge shot these pictures at an altitude of around 350 km.
All credit goes to them.
HD, refurbished, smoothed, retimed, denoised, deflickered, cut, etc.
All in all I tried to keep the looks of the material as original as possible,
avoided adjusting the colors and the like, since in my opinion the original
footage itself already has an almost surreal and aestethical visual nature.
Music: Jan Jelinek | Do Dekor, faitiche back2001
w+p by Jan Jelinek, published by scape Publishing / Universal
http://www.janjelinek.com | http://www.faitiche.de
Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
Editing: Michael König | http://www.koenigm.com
Shooting locations in order of appearance:
1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night
2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night
3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia
4. Aurora Australis south of Australia
5. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
6. Aurora Australis from the Southern to the Northern Pacific Ocean
7. Halfway around the World
8. Night Pass over Central Africa and the Middle East
9. Evening Pass over the Sahara Desert and the Middle East
10. Pass over Canada and Central United States at Night
11. Pass over Southern California to Hudson Bay
12. Islands in the Philippine Sea at Night
13. Pass over Eastern Asia to Philippine Sea and Guam
14. Views of the Mideast at Night
15. Night Pass over Mediterranean Sea
16. Aurora Borealis and the United States at Night
17. Aurora Australis over Indian Ocean
18. Eastern Europe to Southeastern Asia at Night

Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses we...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Project Yosemite
Yosemite HD
This video is a collaboration between Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty. All timelapses were shot on the Canon 5D Mark II with a variety of Canon L and Zeiss CP.2 Lenses.
Project Yosemite Website: http://projectyose.com
Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/projectyose
Twitter: twitter.com/projectyose
Contact info: info@projectyose.com
Thanks to Dynamic Perception for their motion controlled dolly and continued support! Purchase gear used in this video here: http://www.dynamicperception.com/#oid=1004_1
Dynamic Perception Website: http://dynamicperception.com
Track: Outro
Album: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
Artist: M83
Site: http://ilovem83.com
Publishing: http://emimusicpub.com
Licensing: http://bankrobbermusic.com
This whole project has been an amazing experience. The two of us became friends through Vimeo and explored a shared interest in timelapsing Yosemite National Park over an extended period of time. We'd like to expand this idea to other locations and would appreciate any suggestions for a future project.
Project Yosemite was featured as a main story on Yosemite National Park's Spring Newsletter.: http://www.yosemitepark.com/timelapse-sprnews-2012.aspx
To view this in 2K, visit: http://youtu.be/OwFbjJasW3E
Be sure to change the quality settings to 'Original'.
Behind The Scenes: http://vimeo.com/35223326
By Dalton Runberg
Our hearts go out to the families of Markus Praxmarer who lost his life while climbing Half Dome on September 19th, 2011 and Ranger Ryan Hiller, who was crushed by a tree January 22nd 2012. They will be missed. (A photo of Ranger Ryan Hiller can be found to the right, above the statistics counter)

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010
So I saw all of these pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of...
published: 11 May 2010
author: Sean Stiegemeier
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010
So I saw all of these pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of, so I figured I should go and do something that is not news footage but something more cinematic. But the flights to get over took forever as expected (somewhat). 4 days after leaving I finally made it, but the weather was terrible for another 4. Just before leaving it got pretty good for about a day and a half and this is what I managed to get.
Wish I had more time. I missed all the cool Lightning and the Lava of the first eruption. But I figure this will just be a trial run for another day.
I am of course accepting sponsors to send me back there for more please...!! haha
Music: Jónsi - Kolniður (http://jonsi.com)
Canon 5d mkII
HUGE thanks for the Motorized Dolly via Dynamic Perception (http://www.dynamicperception.com)
© Sean Stiegemeier

Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Deluxe (Music Video)
--------SXSW 2010 WINNER! Best Music Video---------
--------Saatchi & Saatchi's New Direct...
published: 11 Sep 2009
author: Saman Kesh
Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Deluxe (Music Video)
--------SXSW 2010 WINNER! Best Music Video---------
--------Saatchi & Saatchi's New Director's Showcase 2010---------
--------2010 Vimeo Awards Shortlist--------
Luv Deluxe by Cinnamon Chasers
Album: A Million Miles From Home
Director: Saman Kesh (http://samanftw.com)
Producer: Francis Pollara
Associate Producer: Nate Eggert
Cinematographer: Justin Gurnari
Editor: Nate Tam
Actress: Darcy Ripley ( http://pasmaldarcy.blogspot.com )
© Modus Records / Koch Entertainment 2009
**Shot entirely on the Canon 5D Mark II w/ a custom face mounted rig -- Canon Lenses used: 14mm (f2.8) & 24mm (f1.4)**
Youtube results:

Vintage Audio / SONY Cassette Deck TC-K555ESX
SONY TC-K555ESX ¥105,000(1986年発売)
ヘッド 再生ヘッド×1
モーター リニアトルクBSLD.D.モ...
published: 16 Jan 2014
Vintage Audio / SONY Cassette Deck TC-K555ESX
Vintage Audio / SONY Cassette Deck TC-K555ESX
SONY TC-K555ESX ¥105,000(1986年発売) ヘッド 再生ヘッド×1 録音ヘッド×1 消去ヘッド×1 モーター リニアトルクBSLD.D.モーター DCモーター SN比 56dB(EIAJ) 60dB(Dolby off、ピークレベル、メタルテープ) 73dB(Dolby NR C) 周波数特性 20Hz~20kHz ±3dB(EIAJ、メタルテープ) 周波数範囲 15Hz~22kHz(EIAJ、メタルテープ) ワウ・フラッター (EIAJ) ±0.04%Wpeak 0.025%WRMS 歪率 0.5%(EIAJ、メタルテープ) 消費電力 27W 外形寸法 幅430×高さ125×奥行350mm 重量 8.9kg 付属 ワイヤレスリモコン RM-99 RMK:13.11 2200+1160=6265- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 36

If You Don't Fight, You Lose (this version subsequently updated)
If You Don't Fight, You Lose
"This video tells the story of the democratic rights struggl...
published: 26 Oct 2013
If You Don't Fight, You Lose (this version subsequently updated)
If You Don't Fight, You Lose (this version subsequently updated)
If You Don't Fight, You Lose "This video tells the story of the democratic rights struggle from August until Christmas 1977 during the export of uranium and ban on street marches imposed by the Bjelke-Petersen government in Queensland, Australia. It shows the resistance to the export of Uranium from Hamilton No 4 wharf in Brisbane and the thousands of arrests that followed." (Ian Curr). The documentary was produced by the Media Committee of the Queensland Democratic Rights group (Leslie Mannison, Joseph Monsour and Ian Curr). It was edited at the Griffith University film unit on one-inch (SMPTE type-A) tape in December 1977 and was first screened publicly in early 1978. They shot most of the footage on a Sony 1/2-inch "port-a-pak" field recorder (EIAJ-1 format). There are also off-air broadcasts recorded from television news at the time. Plus some black & white 16mm footage shot by Mick Fanning (who later became head of the ABC's camera department in Brisbane). Ian Curr adds, "there is a great sequence where a young guy is pursued by cops at the foot of the King George Square steps heaved into the air by burly coppers and thrown into a paddy wagon. Mick followed the action all the way - it is fluid, and just before he gets done the guy holds his hands up as if he is about to be shot with a pleading look of fear and anxiety." The master tape still exists on One-inch SMPTE A-format, reel-to-reel video tape. It is not known if the documentary can be recovered from this legacy tape. Even if it is possible, pursuing this route would be very expensive since this format is near extinction and there are several technical hurdles to overcome. The best hope for efficient recovery is to find one of the 3/4-inch U-Matic cassette copies made in December 1977. There were several of these tapes in circulation in 1978, and hopefully not all of them have subsequently been lost? Unfortunately this copy is in very poor condition. The first 65 seconds was largely missing or garbled and has been replaced with new images cut to the original sound track. So the beginning will seem out of character to the style and quality of the rest of the video. We will try to restore as much of the original video as possible by combining the best parts (sequences) from other surviving copies if they can be found.- published: 26 Oct 2013
- views: 42

The Incredible Bread Machine Film
Released in 1975 by World Research, Inc. Includes an introduction by then-Secretary of the...
published: 15 Jun 2009
author: misesmedia
The Incredible Bread Machine Film
The Incredible Bread Machine Film
Released in 1975 by World Research, Inc. Includes an introduction by then-Secretary of the Treasury, William E. Simon, and interviews with professors Walter ...- published: 15 Jun 2009
- views: 32290
- author: misesmedia

June Callwood, IN TOUCH-Joe Showler on Jack Teagarden
Recorded off-air on EIAJ-1 format.in 1976, June Callwood interviews the late and sorely mi...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: vitajazz
June Callwood, IN TOUCH-Joe Showler on Jack Teagarden
June Callwood, IN TOUCH-Joe Showler on Jack Teagarden
Recorded off-air on EIAJ-1 format.in 1976, June Callwood interviews the late and sorely missed John "Joe" Showler, the World Authority on Jack Teagarden. Cli...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 271
- author: vitajazz