- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 5094694
A programmer, computer programmer, developer, coder, or software engineer is a person who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst. A programmer's primary computer language (Assembly, COBOL, C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python, etc.) is often prefixed to these titles, and those who work in a Web environment often prefix their titles with Web. The term programmer can be used to refer to a software developer, Web developer, mobile applications developer, embedded firmware developer, software engineer, computer scientist, or software analyst. However, members of these professions possess other software engineering skills, beyond programming; for this reason, the term programmer, or code monkey, is sometimes considered an insulting or derogatory oversimplification of these other professions. This has sparked much debate amongst developers, analysts, computer scientists, programmers, and outsiders who continue to be puzzled at the subtle differences in the definitions of these occupations.
14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code
Programmer-short original film
how can i become a good programmer
Inspiratif : Kenapa Harus Bangga Jadi Programmer ?
Computer programmer teaches homeless to code
Journey to become a computer programmer - My story
Secret Story of a Great Programmer - Full Documentary
The Difference Between a Developer & a Programmer : Computers & Tech Tips
So You Wanna Be A Programmer!
Fourteen-year-old programmer and software developer Santiago Gonzalez might just be the next Steve Jobs. He already has 15 iOS apps to his name and dreams of designing for Apple. At age 12, Santiago became a full-time college student and is on track to earn his bachelor's degree in computer science and electrical engineering by age 16. By 17, when most teenagers are excited to just have their driver's license, Santiago will have his masters degree. A self-professed computer nerd, Santiago is fluent in a dozen different programming languages and thousands of people have downloaded his apps for the Mac, iPhone and iPad. Learn how Santiago's parents overcame a rigid school system that left their son intellectually stifled and depressed and instead followed an unconventional pathway to nur...
a short original film inspired by programmer's life. It's a short story about a program-like programmer's, which finally turns out that he himself is a line of code in the program. Directed by Dicky Lou, 2010. for more info. about Dicky Lou, please visit http://dickylou.com
motivational video for new beginner programmers by industrialist and entertainers like: bill gates, larry wall, mark zuckerberg and will i am. http://technorazz.blogspot.in/ All rights reserved by code.org
Programmer Indonesia - Sebuah quote pendek " I'am Programmer and I have no life" namun syarat akan pertanyaan didalamnya dan entah dari mana datangnya. Memandang sebelah mata untuk profesi yang hari ini dan beberapa puluh bahkan ratus tahun lagi menjadi ujung tombak peradaban dunia teknologi. Coba tengok sebentar deretan list orang terkaya sejagad dari majalah Forbes, ada berapa yang bermula dari seorang programmer yang tercatat disana? So..let's wake up, sing a song, write code and we make the entire world sing along! #codeheroes
Software engineer Patrick McConlogue gives to the homeless by teaching computer code. CNN's Bill Weir reports.
Secret Story of a Great Programmer - Full Documentary
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowtech Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehowtech A developer and a programmer may seem like similar jobs, but in reality they are very different things. Learn the difference between a developer and a programmer with help from a software engineer with broad and extensive experience in this free video clip. Expert: Mathew Pierce Filmmaker: Paula Pierce Series Description: There are few better ways to truly take control of your own productivity than through the addition of a computer to your home or business. Get assistance on a wide variety of different computer topics with help from a software engineer with broad and extensive experience in this free video series.
http://geekblog.tv http://speakingcode.com/ http://codecademy.com/ http://khanacademy.org/ http://computerscienceforeveryone.com/ This is Part 1 of a series entitled "So You Wanna Be A Programmer" where we speak with a real professional in the industry about the reality of being a programmer. This guy is Daniel Lissner from SpeakingCode.com and GeekBlog.TV. He primarily programs Java at the moment with Android Development team at FedEx here in Memphis, and is no stranger to all types of languages and environments.
Gak cuma jago ngoding, programmer juga punya ciri-ciri yang bikin lucu. Tonton video ini untuk tahu tingkah laku mereka. SUBSCRIBE Video kami di sini: http://bit.ly/1XNRYr1 buat jadi penonton pertama dan update seputar video-video Cubitube ------------------------------ Yuk Follow kita di Twitter: http://twitter.com/cubitube Instagram: http://instagram.com/cubitube Like di Facebook kita di: http://facebook.com/Cubitube Tunggu video selanjutnya setiap hari Selasa ya.. Happy Watching.
You break me- I want my peices badly
You take me- I want myself back madly
You fight me- I want a nice peace tready
You light me- I want the darkness completely
Tape my wing down
Hold my blue toe to the ground
Take my senses
But you can't take my license to thrill
You can't mold me- I'll take the clay and make a snake
You can't hold me- I can't be anything that's fake
take my life
But don't take my license to thrill
I wonder- why I ever bothered
You can't see- I've been plenty fathered
And sometimes- I can see straight through your blue eyes
You're so blind- you can't see when someone else crys
I guess it's not so bad
You gaurd me and hold my hand
You just can't strip away
My quirkiness today
I guess it's not so bad