Environment: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

Vipul Khosla 24 Jan 2014

On Australia Day and India's Republic Day, an Indian wildlife filmmaker shares his impressions of the people, places, plants and animals of Australia. More

News Online 24 Jan 2014
ABC Environment 22 Jan 2014
Sara Phillips 16 Jan 2014

While you're sweating it out, you're paying for your neighbour's air-conditioning to be running. How? It's because the electricity market in Australia needs changing. More

"The flip side is if they manage to spread the pricing more equatibly then the most vunerable will not be able to afford heating and cooling." - Kate
Peter Burdon 22 Jan 2014
News Online 22 Jan 2014
7.30 20 Jan 2014

A group of university researchers have been following storms around Brisbane to find out how they develop and improve the forecasting of destructive weather events. More

7.30 20 Jan 2014

A group of university researchers have been following storms around Brisbane to find out how they develop and improve the forecasting of destructive weather events. More

7.30 17 Jan 2014

Some 70 fires are burning across Victoria, the State's north west is evacuating its homes, one woman has died, and emergency workers are warning of dangerous days yet to come. More

7.30 17 Jan 2014

Victoria's Deputy Fire Controller, Alan Goodwin, warns that there is plenty of time left in the bushfire season and that people should take that into consideration in their home and travel plans. More

7.30 16 Jan 2014

The heatwave crossing southern Australia is putting a strain on electricity supplies and emergency services, while Victoria and South Australia are on alert for bushfires. More

Australia All Over 26 Jan 2014

On Australia Day Macca starts off the AAO 2014 broadcasting year by chatting online with interesting people from all walks of life. More

Saturday Breakfast RN 25 Jan 2014

Following the documentary series Great Southern Land, screened on ABC TV last year, a book has been published showcasing the Australi… More

Saturday Breakfast RN 25 Jan 2014

We discuss the possibilities on offer to produce a thriving Tasmania. There are some terrible statistics in the state, including high… More

ABC Rural 24 Jan 2014

An aerial treatment program to eradicate fire ants in the Gladstone area has begun ahead of schedule. More

ABC Rural 24 Jan 2014


ABC Rural 24 Jan 2014


On the Wider Web

Why is there so little engagement with the concept of historic legacy when it comes to climate change?
Jon Stewart kicked off the first Daily Show of 2014 by going after a number of Fox News personalities for using the recent American cold weather to mock global warming.

Direct Action Green Paper

(external link)
The Government has released the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper outlining its preferred design options for the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Government invites public comment and written submissions on the Green Paper by 5pm on Friday 21 February 2014.


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Recipe: Lamb burgers

Aussie pride (ABC Radio National - Breakfast)

Prepare your very own lamb and sweet corn patties for the BBQ this Australia Day.