
Immigration des européens au senegal-Documentaire Dekeundo (partie 1)
http://www.galsentube.com/ AUTRES LIENS UTILES: http://gagnerdelargent-internet.blogspot.c...
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: Pape Mor Lo
Immigration des européens au senegal-Documentaire Dekeundo (partie 1)
Immigration des européens au senegal-Documentaire Dekeundo (partie 1)
http://www.galsentube.com/ AUTRES LIENS UTILES: http://gagnerdelargent-internet.blogspot.com/ http://regimediabete.blogspot.com/ http://regime-maigrir-vite.b...- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 22968
- author: Pape Mor Lo

About Senegal
Senegal is one of West Africa's most popular destinations. It is located in Western Africa...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: africanmedialeaders
About Senegal
About Senegal
Senegal is one of West Africa's most popular destinations. It is located in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea-Bissau and Mau...- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 7355
- author: africanmedialeaders

My Trip to Senegal 2013 HD
A video highlighting some of the major things I was blessed to be able to do for 11 days i...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: tgstaton
My Trip to Senegal 2013 HD
My Trip to Senegal 2013 HD
A video highlighting some of the major things I was blessed to be able to do for 11 days in Dakar, Senegal with my now fiancee, Laura Beth!!!- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 1233
- author: tgstaton

Aby Ndour - Fouta (Senegal)
Beautiful music and video from one of Senegal's premier singers - Aby Ndour is a great mus...
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: throbule
Aby Ndour - Fouta (Senegal)
Aby Ndour - Fouta (Senegal)
Beautiful music and video from one of Senegal's premier singers - Aby Ndour is a great musical force of nature. ----------------------- Belle musique et vidé...- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 52137
- author: throbule

Africa ... States of Independence - Senegal
Senegal, a country on Western-most edge of the African continent with a predominantly Musl...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Africa ... States of Independence - Senegal
Africa ... States of Independence - Senegal
Senegal, a country on Western-most edge of the African continent with a predominantly Muslim nation of 12 million, has a fully functioning democracy, and has...- published: 20 Sep 2010
- views: 30415
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

Tattooing of gums in Senegal
Marième wants to have a white smile, so she gets her gums tattooed. This makes her teeth l...
published: 27 Aug 2012
author: vprometropolis
Tattooing of gums in Senegal
Tattooing of gums in Senegal
Marième wants to have a white smile, so she gets her gums tattooed. This makes her teeth look whiter. Needles inject black substance into her gums. Not painl...- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 206751
- author: vprometropolis

Senegal als vakantiebestemming
TravMedia Company is samen met Petra Kok, Sales Manager van TUI Nederland (Holland Interna...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Senegal als vakantiebestemming
Senegal als vakantiebestemming
TravMedia Company is samen met Petra Kok, Sales Manager van TUI Nederland (Holland International en Arke), in oktober 2013 afgereisd naar Senegal. Een nieuwe en bijzonder interessante bestemming, maar nog niet heel bekend bij het grote publiek. Met deze korte film nemen ze je mee langs een aantal bezienswaardigheden. Zo brengt Petra onder andere een bezoek aan het schelpeneiland Fadiouth en spot ze een neushoorn in Bandia Reserve. Ook reist ze naar de badplaatsen Saly en Somone. Zo krijg je een goede indruk van wat er te zien en beleven valt en van de uitstekende kwaliteit van de hotels.- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 476

CNN - Interview with Marième Faye Sall (First Lady of Senegal) - Part 1
Marième Faye Sall is the first African woman of Senegalese birth to serve as first lady in...
published: 01 Dec 2012
author: ndiomboor
CNN - Interview with Marième Faye Sall (First Lady of Senegal) - Part 1
CNN - Interview with Marième Faye Sall (First Lady of Senegal) - Part 1
Marième Faye Sall is the first African woman of Senegalese birth to serve as first lady in Senegal's History. Mrs Sall GAVE AN INTERVIEW TO CNN's ISHA SESAY ...- published: 01 Dec 2012
- views: 33708
- author: ndiomboor

Little Senegal - New-York Les Aventuriers
published: 06 May 2013
author: reportage varier
Little Senegal - New-York Les Aventuriers
Little Senegal - New-York Les Aventuriers
- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 757
- author: reportage varier

Canto para o Senegal - Banda Reflexu's
Canto para o Senegal Banda Reflexu's Sene sene senegal Sene sene senegal Diz povão senegal...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: belbelmy
Canto para o Senegal - Banda Reflexu's
Canto para o Senegal - Banda Reflexu's
Canto para o Senegal Banda Reflexu's Sene sene senegal Sene sene senegal Diz povão senegal região Diz povão senegal região Diz povão senegal região A grandez...- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 13878
- author: belbelmy

Senegal, donde no llega nadie.
Reportaje realizado en el sur de Senegal, una zona extremadamente pobre, pero absolutament...
published: 14 May 2012
author: Gali Galisteo
Senegal, donde no llega nadie.
Senegal, donde no llega nadie.
Reportaje realizado en el sur de Senegal, una zona extremadamente pobre, pero absolutamente rica en lo humano de sus gentes. "Senegal, donde no llega nadie" ...- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 7945
- author: Gali Galisteo

Senegal. Contrastes y Colores.
Video resumen de un mágico viaje por Senegal, realizado en el mes de diciembre gracias a l...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: cervinopmg
Senegal. Contrastes y Colores.
Senegal. Contrastes y Colores.
Video resumen de un mágico viaje por Senegal, realizado en el mes de diciembre gracias a la logistica de nuestro amigo Mamadou, nuestro conductor Paco y nues...- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 1793
- author: cervinopmg
Vimeo results:

Senegal, Africa, Through My Eyes
Wow, I had no idea that this many people would watch this video. The other day it screened...
published: 14 Dec 2009
author: Keith Rivers
Senegal, Africa, Through My Eyes
Wow, I had no idea that this many people would watch this video. The other day it screened twice in front of about 2,000 people at the Snoqualmie Casino, WA. Honestly, this video is pretty light weight, because it doesn't truly exemplify the issues that we can prevent. I didn't choose to talk about the starving fly children that you always see on TV and then ignore, or their irrigation problems, wells, or how they burn their fields just so they can fertilize the soil and plant new agriculture.
This video is about happiness.
It's now been 6 months since I have been to Africa. I miss it very much, because as the days count, I continually forget the impact it has in my life. When I plan my vacations to Hawaii, when I am upset because Urban Outfitters doesn't have a size Medium and I have to go to another store that's 15 minutes away, when my skis need waxing, when a season of Dexter or Entourage is over, when my bread from Trader Joes goes bad after 4 days I have to go exchange it... the frustrations we face aren't equatable.
One could argue, we aren't less happy, but I think we are more frustrated.
I made this video so I could remember, and so others who have no idea what it feels like may be able to empathize, and smile at the same time.
Special Thanks to:
World Vision for funding my trip and guiding me around non-nonchalantly. They are a heart-filled organization, and they continue to find ways to help people around the world.
My dad and his radio show: www.bobrivers.com
My wife Leanne Rivers
The intelligent, experienced, and comforting friends who traveled alongside us: Arik and Monique Korman, and Sanjay Sowal
Catherine Feeny "Jacaranda" (catherinefeeny.com)
Noah and the Whale "The First Days of Spring" (noahandthewhale.com)
The Avett Brothers "Paranoid" (theavettbrothers.com)

music - Leon Somov vs Xuman - Askan Wi
Directed by RICARDAS MATACIUS ( www.fivedots.lt / w...
published: 18 Nov 2009
author: pvz.lt
music - Leon Somov vs Xuman - Askan Wi
Directed by RICARDAS MATACIUS ( www.fivedots.lt / www.rgb.lt ).
D.O.P. RUDOLFAS LEVULIS ( www.pvz.lt / www.example.lt )
Producer NAURIMAS GRINGIS ( www.rgb.lt )
Executive Producer ARUNAS MATACIUS ( www.silence-please.com )

Senegal (Promo)
Promocional del video documental encargado por AECID y Manos Unidas, para dar visibil...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: galisteo [cameraman]
Senegal (Promo)
Promocional del video documental encargado por AECID y Manos Unidas, para dar visibilidad a los proyectos que ambas instituciones están desarrollando en el país Africano.
Promotionnel de la vidéo documentaire commandée par AECID (Agence Espagnole de Coopération Internationale pour le Développement). et les Manos Unidas, pour montrer les projets de la coopération ces institutions dans le pays Africain.
Promotional of the documentary video to show the projects of cooperation that are developing the institutions AECID (Spanish Agency of Cooperation International of Development) and "Manos Unidas" in the African country.
Manos Unidas&AECID;
Antonio Galisteo
Marta Carreño
New Freedom Drums
Pep Giménez
Christian Manga

Finding Senegal
Director: Sami Joensuu
Editor/Color Grade: Mika Onnela
Story Supervisor L.M. Kit Carson
published: 05 Nov 2010
author: Sami Joensuu
Finding Senegal
Director: Sami Joensuu
Editor/Color Grade: Mika Onnela
Story Supervisor L.M. Kit Carson
Production: FELM
Director of Photography: Sami Joensuu
Music: Volume Tuotanto
Youtube results:

Tariq Ramadan parle des faux guides religieux et des homosexuels au Senegal avec Aly Saleh
Abonnez-vous gratuitement à la chaîne SenegalTV pour rester informé chaque semaine de nos ...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: senegaltv
Tariq Ramadan parle des faux guides religieux et des homosexuels au Senegal avec Aly Saleh
Tariq Ramadan parle des faux guides religieux et des homosexuels au Senegal avec Aly Saleh
Abonnez-vous gratuitement à la chaîne SenegalTV pour rester informé chaque semaine de nos nouveautés: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=sen...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 4901
- author: senegaltv

Sufi Muslim Doc in Senegal, "Touba"
E. Chai Vasarhelyi shares her documentary, Touba, about a Sufi Muslim pilgrimage in West A...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: TheLipTV
Sufi Muslim Doc in Senegal, "Touba"
Sufi Muslim Doc in Senegal, "Touba"
E. Chai Vasarhelyi shares her documentary, Touba, about a Sufi Muslim pilgrimage in West Africa dedicated to Cheikh Amadou Bamba in this BYOD REMIX clip from...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 1179
- author: TheLipTV

Viola Vaughan - 10,000 Girls Project Senegal
Filmed and Produced by Memory Box Productions - Creative Director Anna Shelmerdine....
published: 31 Oct 2010
author: ALShelmerdine
Viola Vaughan - 10,000 Girls Project Senegal
Viola Vaughan - 10,000 Girls Project Senegal
Filmed and Produced by Memory Box Productions - Creative Director Anna Shelmerdine.- published: 31 Oct 2010
- views: 102117
- author: ALShelmerdine