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Executive Style


Luxury by another (domain) name

STEVE COLQUHOUN Will appending one simple word to a web address confer luxuriousness on its subject?


Editor's picks

The Long Run

A runner's dictionary

Pip Coates The not-quite-true meaning of the confusing lingo your running buddies use.

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On Your Bike

The place you want to be tooted

Michael O'Reilly Blaring horns are a constant but welcome companion on a bicycle in Sri Lanka.

Comments 5


Watchmaking pioneer dies

STEVE COLQUHOUN Swiss Raymond Weil was the founder of one of the world's best-known watchmakers.

Why four stars now trumps five in China

Adam Taylor Luxury has undergone a 180-degree shift in perception after an anti-corruption drive.


Should you meet your heroes?

Gary Nunn Can that revered idol ever hope to match up to the myths you have created about them?


Ten festivals to change your life

Rachael Oakes-Ash Ride naked across a desert, send your dreams into the sky or take part in a mass downward dog at some of the world's most exciting festivals.


Boot Camp

How are those resolutions going?

Michael Jarosky Did you honour your health and fitness promises, or fall at the first burger?

Comments 14

Stitched Up

Budgie smugglers - OK or no way?

Benjamen Judd I'm a proud member of team Speedo. Anyone got a problem with that?

Comments 209

Man Scape

Stop hammering your nails

Richard Hughes You know you need to take better care of them, but is a manicure a step too far?

Comments 6

High Flyer

Where to lounge around in 2014

David Flynn Significant upgrades are set to make many airline lounges even more luxurious.

Comments 2


In Pictures
