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Federal Politics

Government to launch 'efficiency study' into ABC, SBS

Jonathan Swan and Matthew Knott 5:57pm The Abbott government has launched an "efficiency study" into the ABC – a move that will exacerbate the already extraordinary pressure on the national broadcaster.

Latest political news

Cabinet rejects SPC Ardmona's bid for $25m

adl041014.002.010  SPC fruit cans move through the labeling line in the factory at Shepparton.Biz age. Pic Andrew De La Rue The Age Melbourne. DIGICAM SHEP

James Massola, Jonathan Swan, Judith Ireland, Georgia Wilkins 7:49pm SPC Ardmona's bid for $25 million in federal government assistance has been rejected by the federal cabinet.

Senate re-election 'costly': High Court

High court of australia.

RICHARD WILLINGHAM 6:02pm The justice charged with ruling on the fate of the Western Australian Senate result says he is aware that calling a fresh election will be costly and politically difficult.

Military officials front asylum seeker inquiry

Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell

JONATHAN SWAN 2:30pm The Abbott government's secretive strategy to combat asylum seeker boats will come under its closest scrutiny yet, with a Senate inquiry convening on Friday to interrogate top military officials.

Stripping ABC of contract would be 'petty'

Acting Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek during question time in Parliament House on Wednesday 11 December 2013. Photo: Andrew Meares

JONATHAN SWAN 11:18am Tanya Plibersek has defended the ABC against Tony Abbott's attacks and the speculated termination of the broadcaster's $223 million Australia Network contract.

Cricketer's citizenship 'borderline'

Leg-spinner Fawad Ahmed.

STATHI PAXINOS 10:24am The rushed process in giving Australian citizenship to promising cricketer Fawad Ahmed has been brought into question.

NBN Co limiting broadband choices: iiNet

Steve Dalby: Chief regulatory officer at iiNet.

MAHESH SHARMA iiNet has accused NBN Co of overstepping its bounds and thwarting innovation.

Comments 37

Crackdown on failed asylum seekers

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison

Michael Gordon, Kirsty Needham 12:44pm Several hundred asylum seekers whose claims for refugee status were rejected are being returned to indefinite detention or prepared for imminent deportation under a crackdown by the Abbott government.

Abbott hardens attack on unions

Peter Cosgrove is announced as the next Governor-General by Prime Minister Tony Abbott during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 28 January 2014.
Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

James Massola The federal government and the business lobby have stepped up pressure on Labor and the Greens to pass laws to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Dutton pushes overhaul to cut 'waste'

Health Minister Peter Dutton

DAN HARRISON Health Minister Peter Dutton says new figures showing an escalation in health spending demonstrate why the government must cut ''waste'' in health.

Nauru law allows deportation of Australian

News.    Nauru.    september 19.    photo by Angela Wylie.    pic shows asylum seekers on their first day in the compound at Nauru after  their long voyages on the Tampa, Aceng and Manoora.     fairfax.  digital.  ajw010920.002.002.

MICHAEL GORDON The Nauru government has moved swiftly to deport a long-term resident after rushing through retrospective legislation to allow the removal of 'prohibited immigrants' without any right of appeal.

We're failing to protect the reef, activists claim

The Great Barrier Reef.

Tom Arup Australia is failing to meet United Nations' conditions to better protect the Great Barrier Reef and keep it off a list of world heritage sites deemed 'in danger', an assessment by environment groups has found.

Keating backs Victorian Labor leader

Daniel Andrews.

JOSH GORDON Former prime minister Paul Keating has dramatically entered the Victorian political fray, describing state opposition leader Daniel Andrews as a man of 'energy and pluck'.

Government turns back on $6 GP fee

Thomson's defence: fraud the wrong charge

Abbott swoops on union graft

Cosgrove to 'shine light' as Queens' man

Lib MP pleads for help for SPC

AEC states case for fresh WA Senate election

Asylum seeker children stressed: Senator

Government backs Toyota over conditions

Tony is his own man, says Howard

Seven years' jail for people smuggler Billu

Overseas soldiers' allowances to be cut

AusAid graduates offered other jobs

Disadvantaged kids left behind: report

Even test cricketers make mistakes: PM

Fischer tipped as 38th NSW governor

Nauru survives no-confidence vote

Detainee conditions 'worse than Jordan'

ACTU attacks ‘extreme' privatisation plans

'Golden window' on indigenous recognition

Mining boom peak spells danger

Private schools reap government funding

Brandis tries to keep Timor war crimes secret

Gonski school funding report back online

Hockey's department gets debt approval

No funds for El Nino tracking system

Nauru charges $6000 for business visa

Kokoda Track pledge 'failing'

Jobs figures looking good for lobbyists

Government approves wind farm review

Griffith byelection: Rudd no help to Labor

Navy examines staff links to racist group

Cuts hit Defence, welfare hardest

Counselling vouchers could lower divorce rate

Dairy industry pleads for help on emissions

Abbott attacks company tax avoidance

Comment & Analysis

Outburst sits uneasily with demoractic ideals

Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

MICHAEL GORDON Opinion Tony Abbott's tirade against the ABC betrays a deeply flawed view of the role of the Australian media in general and the national broadcaster in particular. Worse still, it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Comments 200

Royal Commission into unions a witchhunt

Ged Kearney

Ged Kearney Nearly two million Australians are directly represented by unions at work - but many millions more benefit from our robust and dynamic union movement.

A true hindsight of benefit


Peter Whiteford There are strong arguments for a comprehensive review of the welfare system.

History points to fractious future

John Warhurst Dinkus

John Warhurst Opinion History shows Labor and the Greens have a long way to go to achieve a harmonious relationship

Thomson day in court harks to Gillard

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN On May 21, 2012, the former Labor MP Craig Thomson spoke in the Federal Parliament for one hour, delivering 8300 words before a packed chamber, press gallery and public gallery about why he was the victim of an elaborate set-up.

Australia Post eyes price rise

Australia Post.

MALCOLM MAIDEN Australia Post wants to lift the price of stamps for only the fourth time in 22 years

New G-G likely to march to different drum


MARK KENNY Opinion It is tempting to see the appointment of Peter Cosgrove as a bit disappointing - as just the kind of line and length preferment one might expect from a similarly inclined conservative government.

Comments 118

The spin behind growing healthcare costs

Ross Gittins dinkus

ROSS GITTINS If you had a problem that required an operation and the doctor offered a procedure with a 90 per cent success rate or one with a 10 per cent failure rate, which would you pick?

Abbott should heed republic warning

Alan Stokes dinkus

ALAN STOKES Governor-General elect Peter Cosgrove said in 2009 it was entirely possible Australia would become a republic, but not as ''a set of fashion statements to meet some purist image of a perfect polity''.

Tinkering with apiritless Constitution no help


Justin Smith Adam Goodes has been named Australian of the Year. A pleasing choice. A top sportsman who showed cool courage when handling the racism of an overzealous young fan last year.

Comments 9

Bribery revelations will help Abbott's plans

Fairfax media journalist James Massola  dinkus 21 January 2014

JAMES MASSOLA Opinion Coalition hopes to reform industrial relations will be boosted as they target corruption in the union movement.

Are we ready to bungy jump up from pitfalls

Peter Hartcher dinkus

PETER HARTCHER Britain's settlement in Australia nearly starved itself out of existence in its early years and only survived when the motherland sent emergency supplies. This is pretty odd when you think about it.


Nauru wrong over judiciary - so is Australia

George Williams dinkus

GEORGE WILLIAMS The rule of law in Nauru lies in tatters. This is due to its government unilaterally and illegally stripping the judiciary of its most senior members. On January 19, the Nauruan government sacked magistrate Peter Law, and deported him back to Australia.

To move on, indigenous people must forgive

Nyunggai Warren Mundine dinkus

Nyunggai Warren Mundine A more mature, less racist Australia can have true reconciliation. But it will take work.

Labor must use opposition to reform itself


Peter Reith The political parties are inextricably bound together, whether they like it or not. The Labor Party is intent on stopping the Coalition from cleaning up the mess it left.

Indonesia's military pretence a hypocrisy

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN 'Kiss me, Ketut'' is a popular phrase in my household. It's one of the most popular phrases to come out of advertising in a long time. Dripping with affectionate irony.

Australia Day needs to encompass all history


Mick Dodson I remain of the belief, five years after I spoke up as Australian of the Year, that we must have the conversation about the date of Australia Day.

Comments 2

Advance Australia fair? Maybe not

Michael Mucci.

CLANCY YEATES Lots of national myths get bandied about on Australia Day, and a common one is that we are a fairly classless society.

Paid parental leave: a most difficult pregnancy

Anne Summers dinkus

ANNE SUMMERS If you thought the politics of the paid parental leave scheme were complicated, just wait until you get to the policy itself.

Comments 87

No joke, navy captains' intent a critical issue

HMAS Sydney.

DANIEL FLITTON There is a wry joke about submarines, that only the navy would build a ship designed to sink.

Women in power stymied by gender bias

Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

LESLIE CANNOLD This weekend marks six months since Julia Gillard stepped down from the highest office in the land. With International Women's Day on the horizon, it is timely to reflect on Gillard's rise and fall.

Special features

Another top union official forced out

Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker Another Victorian building union official has been forced out over corruption concerns at a state government site, as his state secretary, John Setka, on Wednesday night rejected an allegation that he received free work on his home.

Abbott slams the ABC

Prime Minister Tony Abbott tells Ray Hadley on 2GB radio that the national broadcaster takes "everyone's side but Australia's".

The well-known soldier

Tony Wright Peter Cosgrove may be Australia's best-known military man, but he's long veered clear of politically charged bullets, and is not about to change.

Peter Cosgrove next Governor-General

Former Defence Force Chief General Peter Cosgrove will be Australia's next Governor-General, saying he wants to 'shed light, not generate heat.'

Threat to kill union whistleblower

Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and James Massola A building union stalwart says he received death threats after trying to stop his union's dealings with a Sydney crime figure.

Abbott considers Royal Commission

The Prime Minister may expand a promised judicial inquiry into a full Royal Commission examining union corruption in the building industry.

CFMEU deny corruption allegations

The CFMEU says any members caught doing the wrong thing will be forced out following allegations of corruption and bribery.

Salvation Army abuse at 'severe end' of scale

Paul Bibby Raymond Carlile's little brother was so hungry he had started eating grass.

Morrison speaks ... and shoots messenger

Jonathan Holmes Claims of ill-treatment of asylum seekers by Australian navy personnel has led to another round of ABC bashing.

Comments 209

Shorten off to Europe on first official visit

Mark Kenny Bill Shorten was due to arrive in Europe overnight for a week-long series of briefings with senior officials and political figures.

Counselling is welfare, and it works

Jenna Price Let's not reject relationship counselling just because it's a suggestion of this government.

Comments 50

Australian mongrel

Blog A riff on what it means to be Australian by animator Roco Fazzari.

Comments 16

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Political pics of the year

Three Prime Minister, two leadership ballots and an election campaign for 2013. The best photos from a tumultuous year.

The meltdown: How Labor self-destructed

Together, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard had the support of the nation and the party. Divided, their feud would be the undoing of a government. An investigation by Peter Hartcher.

Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

Poll Booth

Should the government provide assistance to rural fruit growing company SPC Ardmona?

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  • Please select an answer.
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Yes, the $25 million would cost less than welfare for those put out of work


No, the owner company makes a profit and should contribute more


Not sure


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  • INTERACTIVE: Tony Abbott's promises

  • Video animations

    Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics.
