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Federal Politics

Political News

SPC Ardmona: PM rejects request for help

James Massola, Judith Ireland, Jonathan Swan Prime Minister Tony Abbott hardened his stance on government assistance to business, rejecting SPC Ardmona's request for a $25 million co-investment in the fruit grower and calling on the company to renegotiate conditions in the ''extraordinary'' enterprise agreement with workers.

Goulburn Valley fruitgrower fury as government rejects $25 million funding request

Gary Godwill.

DARREN GRAY Goulburn Valley fruitgrowers express anger, disappointment at federal government's decision to reject a request for $25m of assistance.

Tony Abbott thrusts SPC upgrade back into David Gonski's hands

Michael Gordon dinkus.

MICHAEL GORDON Tony Abbott has drawn a line in the sand on industry assistance and taken a punt that the SPC Ardmona will carry the can if the company stops fruit processing at Shepparton.

Tony Abbott's message to industry: don't ask for direct help

Malcolm Maiden dinkus

MALCOLM MAIDEN Opinion Coca-Cola Amatil flags possible asset write-downs, but the broader business reaction is unlikely to be feral.

3000 jobs at risk as Abbott cans SPC aid

Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

James Massola, Judith Ireland and Jonathan Swan Prime Minister hardens stance on government assistance to business, rejecting SPC Ardmona's request for a $25m co-investment in the fruit processor.

Sharman Stone speaks out against SPC Ardmona decision

Dr Sharman Stone

9:20pm A Liberal MP has broken ranks with the federal government over its decision to deny support to ailing fruit processor SPC Ardmona.

Re-election for WA Senate would be costly, difficult: High Court justice

High court of australia.

RICHARD WILLINGHAM 6:02pm The justice charged with ruling on the fate of the Western Australian Senate result says he is aware that calling a fresh election will be costly and politically difficult.

Abbott government to launch 'efficiency study' into ABC, SBS

Malcolm Turnbull

Jonathan Swan and Matthew Knott 5:57pm The Abbott government has launched an "efficiency study" into the ABC – a move that will exacerbate the already extraordinary pressure on the national broadcaster.

Cabinet rejects SPC Ardmona's bid for $25 million assistance

adl041014.002.010  SPC fruit cans move through the labeling line in the factory at Shepparton.Biz age. Pic Andrew De La Rue The Age Melbourne. DIGICAM SHEP

James Massola, Jonathan Swan, Judith Ireland, Georgia Wilkins 7:49pm SPC Ardmona's bid for $25 million in federal government assistance has been rejected by the federal cabinet.

Asylum seekers warned against swearing, spitting and rumour mongering in draft code-of-conduct

Scott Morrison.

3:02pm Cursing, spitting and rumour mongering will be discouraged for asylum seekers released into the community, according to a leaked draft code-of-conduct form.

Top military officials face questions on asylum seeker operations

Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell

JONATHAN SWAN 2:30pm The Abbott government's secretive strategy to combat asylum seeker boats will come under its closest scrutiny yet, with a Senate inquiry convening on Friday to interrogate top military officials.

'What goes around comes around': Kevin Andrews says ABC should be open to criticism

Kevin Andrews

Judith Ireland, Heath Aston 12:31pm Coalition frontbencher Kevin Andrews has defended the Prime Minister's comments about the ABC, arguing the national broadcaster should be open to ''constructive criticism'' about its performance.

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Scott Morrison cracks down on failed asylum seekers and signs contract for 'voluntary' returns

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison

Michael Gordon, Kirsty Needham 12:44pm Several hundred asylum seekers whose claims for refugee status were rejected are being returned to indefinite detention or prepared for imminent deportation under a crackdown by the Abbott government.

Stripping ABC of contract would be a petty attack by Abbott: Tanya Plibersek

Acting Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek during question time in Parliament House on Wednesday 11 December 2013. Photo: Andrew Meares

JONATHAN SWAN 11:18am Tanya Plibersek has defended the ABC against Tony Abbott's attacks and the speculated termination of the broadcaster's $223 million Australia Network contract.

Barnaby Joyce pledges to fight for SPC assistance

Dr Sharman Stone at SPC/Ardmona plant Shepparton

James Massola, Judith Ireland 11:47am Agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce has vowed to fight for a $25 million lifeline to be thrown to food producer SPC Ardmona in Tony Abbott’s first full cabinet meeting of 2014.

Media 'sensationalism' slammed in terror report by Victoria Police and Victoria Uni

generic istock. 
Semi-Automatic Pistol
Bank Robber
Pellet Gun

BEN SCHNEIDERS Media 'sensationalism' is unfairly linking Islam to terrorism and inflaming tensions between Muslims and other Australians, a detailed study has found.

Nauru passes law to allow deportation of Australian Rod Henshaw

News.    Nauru.    september 19.    photo by Angela Wylie.    pic shows asylum seekers on their first day in the compound at Nauru after  their long voyages on the Tampa, Aceng and Manoora.     fairfax.  digital.  ajw010920.002.002.

MICHAEL GORDON The Nauru government has moved swiftly to deport a long-term resident after rushing through retrospective legislation to allow the removal of 'prohibited immigrants' without any right of appeal.

Joe Hockey indicates he's unlikely to back Ardmona's request for assistance

SPC fruit cans move through the labeling line in the factory

JAMES MASSOLA Treasurer Joe Hockey has signalled he will recommend the federal government knocks back a $25 million request for taxpayer assistance for fruit grower SPC Ardmona.

Craig Thomson's defence uses wording to fight fraud and theft charges

Story by: Adam Cooper Photo: Ken Irwin KEN 29th January 2014 The Age. News Craig Thomson and his barrister, Greg James QC, (left), arrive at Melbourne Magistrates court this morning.

ADAM COOPER The case against Craig Thomson could hinge on the wording of charges against him, with a barrister for the former federal MP arguing he had never claimed to be anyone other than the person authorised to use his union-issue credit cards and accounts.

Health Minister Peter Dutton pushes overhaul to cut 'waste'

Health Minister Peter Dutton

DAN HARRISON Health Minister Peter Dutton says new figures showing an escalation in health spending demonstrate why the government must cut ''waste'' in health.
