EINE DEUTSCHE BIOGRAPHIE : Er gruendete als Studienabgaenger seine eigene Flugzeugfirma in Bamberg. 1927 begann Messerschmitt, mit der "Bayerischen Flugzeugwerke AG" in Augsburg zu kooperieren. Ein Jahr spaeter wurde er in deren Vorstand berufen und zum Betriebsfuehrer und Chefkonstrukteur ernannt. Waehrend der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft war Willy Messerschmitt durch die Produktion von Kampf- und Jagdflugzeugen massgeblich an der Vorbereitung und Durchfuehrung des Zweiten Weltkriegs beteiligt. Unter technischem Aspekt von Interesse war in diesem Zusammenhang die "Me 209", die von 1939 bis 1969 mit 755,13 km/h den Geschwindigkeits - Weltrekord fuer Propellermaschinen hielt. Messerschmitt baute 1939 mit der "Me 262" auch das erste in Serie hergestellte mit Turbinen-Luftstrahltriebwerk.
Erfindergeist und Pionier der deutschen Industriegeschichte und Luftfahrt !
Messerschmitt Bf 109 vs. Mosquito DH98 Dogfight 1945 FSX
Messerschmitt Bf 109 vs. Mosquito DH98 Dogfight 1945 FSX
Late World War II dogfight with Messerschmitt Bf 109 vs. Mosquito FB. Mk XVIII 'Tsetse' - 'O' NT225 of 248 Squadron RAF 1945, the ground attack and anti-shipping fighter-bomber developed from FB Mk VI. A Molins 6-pounder 57mm cannon firing 25 rounds carried and 4 x .303 machine guns made up the armament. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. FSX is the game & music by Rick Wright (RIP) and thanks for watching.
FSX Messerschmitt Bf109E
FSX Messerschmitt Bf109E
Flight Simulator X version of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945. Role Fighter Manufacturer Bayerische Flugzeugwerke Messerschmitt Designed by Willy Messerschmitt First flight 29 May 1935 Introduced 1937 Retired 1945, Luftwaffe 1965, Spain Status Retired Primary users Luftwaffe Hungarian Air Force Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana Forţele Aeriene Regale ale României Number built more than 33000 Variants Avia S-99/S-199 Hispano Aviacion Ha 1112
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (1/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (1/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945. Fighter production totalled 47% of all German aircraft production, and the Bf 109 accounted for 57% of all German fighter types produced. A total of 2193 Bf 109 AE were built pre-war, from 1936 to August 1939. Some 865 Bf 109 derivatives were manufactured post-war under licence as Czechoslovakian-built Avia S-99 & S-199s and Spanish-built Hispano Aviación HA-1109 and HA-1112 Buchons. The Bf 109 was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II, although it began to be partially replaced by the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from 1941. Originally conceived as an interceptor, it was later developed to fulfil multiple tasks, serving as bomber escort, fighter bomber, day-, night- all-weather fighter, bomber destroyer, ground-attack aircraft, and as reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including short range and challenging take off and landing characteristics, it stayed competitive with Allied fighter aircraft until the end of the war. The Bf 109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter <b>...</b>
Hitlers Manager Ferdinand Porsche
Hitlers Manager Ferdinand Porsche
Im Jahr 1934 legte Ferdinand Porsche auf Drängen Hitlers die tschechoslowakische Staatsangehörigkeit ab und nahm die deutsche an. 1938 wurde er zusammen mit Ernst Heinkel, Willy Messerschmitt und Fritz Todt mit dem 1937 von Hitler neu gestifteten Deutschen Nationalpreis für Kunst und Wissenschaft ausgezeichnet. 1938 erhielt er das Ehrenband der Burschenschaft Bruna Sudetia Wien. Auch er hatte den „Anschluss" Österreichs befürwortet. 1940 wurde Porsche zum Honorarprofessor an der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart ernannt und 1942 zum Oberführer der Allgemeinen SS, was ihn nicht daran hinderte, bei allen Anlässen nur in Zivil gekleidet zu sein. Porsche, 1939 zum Wehrwirtschaftsführer ernannt, engagierte sich stark in der Kriegsindustrie. Von 1941 bis 1943 wurde er zum Vorsitzenden der Panzerkommission - eine Spitzenposition in der Kriegswirtschaft - bestellt. Später wurde er in den Rüstungsrat berufen. Als Hitlers Lieblingsingenieur entwickelte er den nach ihm benannten Panzerjäger Ferdinand und den Panzerkampfwagen Maus. Der lediglich in Kleinserie produzierte Ferdinand war zu schwer für den von Porsche konzipierten petro-elektrischen Antrieb, dessen Störanfälligkeit dazu führte, dass mehr Exemplare aufgegeben als im Kampf zerstört wurden. Der Panzerkampfwagen Maus kam über das Stadium zweier Prototypen nicht hinaus.
Asas da Luftwaffe - Fw 190 - 1/3
Asas da Luftwaffe - Fw 190 - 1/3
O projeto que deu origem ao caça multifuncional Fw 190, surgiu no outono de 1937, através do interesse do RLM ou Reichluftfahrt-Ministerium (Ministério da Aviação do Reich), por um possível backup ou futuro substituto para o Messerschmitt Bf 109. Uma das características chave do projeto, um motor radial refrigerado a ar, foi também uma afronta aos assistentes técnicos do RLM, que até então pregavam que o caça ideal, deveria ser dotado de motor em linha refrigerado a líquido, por suas características aerodinâmicas e de potência. No entanto, esta ousadia na verdade era uma decisão estratégica perfeitamente lógica. No final da década de 1930, o caça padrão da Luftwaffe era o mítico Messerschmitt Bf 109, projetado por Willy Messerschmitt. O Bf 109 utilizava um motor Daimler Benz em linha. A decisão por utilizar um motor radial, tinha fundamento em não demandar ainda mais a já sobrecarregada produção de motores em linha, o que tornava o Fw 190 uma alternativa muito atraente. Outro ponto ao qual Kurt Tank era particularmente muito favorável a utilização do motor radial, é que este era muito menos susceptível a danos em combate do que o motor em linha.
Messerschmitt Bf109 Historical overview
Messerschmitt Bf109 Historical overview
The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a wartime production (September 1939 to May 1945) of 30573 units. Fighter production totalled 47% of all German aircraft production, and the Bf 109 accounted for 57% of all fighter types produced. 2193 Bf 109 AE were built prewar, from 1936 to August 1939, with additional 1000 or so postwar as licence built Avia S-99/S-199 and Hispano Aviación HA-1109 and HA-1112 Buchon The Bf 109 was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II, although it began to be partially replaced by the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from 1941. The Bf 109 scored more aircraft kills in World War II than any other aircraft. At various times it served as an air superiority fighter, a bomber escort, an interceptor, a ground-attack aircraft, and a reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including a short range, and especially a sometimes difficult to handle narrow, outward-retracting undercarriage, it stayed competitive with Allied fighter aircraft until the end of the war. The Bf 109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter aces of World War II: Erich Hartmann, the top scoring fighter ace of all time <b>...</b>
Messerschmitt Bf 109 (Me 109) Luftwaffe fighter
Messerschmitt Bf 109 (Me 109) Luftwaffe fighter
The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. Having gone through its baptism of fire in the Spanish Civil War, the Bf 109 was still in service at the dawn of the jet age at the end of World War II, during which it was the backbone of the German Luftwaffe fighter force.[2] An inline-piston engined fighter, the Bf 109 was supplemented, but never completely replaced in service, by the radial engined Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from the end of 1941. Originally conceived as an interceptor, later models were developed to fulfill multiple tasks, serving as bomber escort, fighter bomber, day-, night- all-weather fighter, bomber destroyer, ground-attack aircraft, and as reconnaissance aircraft. It was supplied to and operated by several minor Axis states during World War II, and served with several countries for many years after the war. The Bf 109 was the most produced warplane during World War II, with 30573 examples built during the war, and the most produced fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945.[1][2] It was flown by the three top-scoring German fighter aces of World War II, who claimed 928 victories between them while flying with Jagdgeschwader 52, chiefly on the Eastern Front, as well as by the <b>...</b>
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (2/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (2/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945. Fighter production totalled 47% of all German aircraft production, and the Bf 109 accounted for 57% of all German fighter types produced. A total of 2193 Bf 109 AE were built pre-war, from 1936 to August 1939. Some 865 Bf 109 derivatives were manufactured post-war under licence as Czechoslovakian-built Avia S-99 & S-199s and Spanish-built Hispano Aviación HA-1109 and HA-1112 Buchons. The Bf 109 was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II, although it began to be partially replaced by the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from 1941. Originally conceived as an interceptor, it was later developed to fulfil multiple tasks, serving as bomber escort, fighter bomber, day-, night- all-weather fighter, bomber destroyer, ground-attack aircraft, and as reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including short range and challenging take off and landing characteristics, it stayed competitive with Allied fighter aircraft until the end of the war. The Bf 109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter <b>...</b>
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (3/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (3/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945. Fighter production totalled 47% of all German aircraft production, and the Bf 109 accounted for 57% of all German fighter types produced. A total of 2193 Bf 109 AE were built pre-war, from 1936 to August 1939. Some 865 Bf 109 derivatives were manufactured post-war under licence as Czechoslovakian-built Avia S-99 & S-199s and Spanish-built Hispano Aviación HA-1109 and HA-1112 Buchons. The Bf 109 was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II, although it began to be partially replaced by the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from 1941. Originally conceived as an interceptor, it was later developed to fulfil multiple tasks, serving as bomber escort, fighter bomber, day-, night- all-weather fighter, bomber destroyer, ground-attack aircraft, and as reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including short range and challenging take off and landing characteristics, it stayed competitive with Allied fighter aircraft until the end of the war. The Bf 109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter <b>...</b>
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (4/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 (4/4)
The War File - Messerschmitt Bf 109 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt in the early 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as an all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, and retractable landing gear. The Bf 109 was produced in greater quantities than any other fighter aircraft in history, with a total of 33984 units produced up to April 1945. Fighter production totalled 47% of all German aircraft production, and the Bf 109 accounted for 57% of all German fighter types produced. A total of 2193 Bf 109 AE were built pre-war, from 1936 to August 1939. Some 865 Bf 109 derivatives were manufactured post-war under licence as Czechoslovakian-built Avia S-99 & S-199s and Spanish-built Hispano Aviación HA-1109 and HA-1112 Buchons. The Bf 109 was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II, although it began to be partially replaced by the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 from 1941. Originally conceived as an interceptor, it was later developed to fulfil multiple tasks, serving as bomber escort, fighter bomber, day-, night- all-weather fighter, bomber destroyer, ground-attack aircraft, and as reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Bf 109 had weaknesses, including short range and challenging take off and landing characteristics, it stayed competitive with Allied fighter aircraft until the end of the war. The Bf 109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter <b>...</b>
WWII 1/18 BF-109 The Black Devil of Ukraine 1943 BBI Blue Box Toys
WWII 1/18 BF-109 The Black Devil of Ukraine 1943 BBI Blue Box Toys
site: www.bbicollectible.com site www.artoftoy.com Art Of Toys Video Presentation The famed German World War II fighter aircraft Messerschmitt Bf 109 comes to life in this impressive and meticulously crafted replica. The Bf109 was a designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser during the early to mid 1930s as one of the first true modern fighters of the era. It was widely hailed at the time for such advanced features like its all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, retractable landing gear, and a liquid-cooled, inverted-V12 aero engine. The Bf-109 was the workhorse of the Luftwaffe's fighter force and remained in service until the end of WWII.
the first egyptian plane made in egypt [helwan 300]
the first egyptian plane made in egypt [helwan 300]
The Helwan HA-300 (Arabic: حلوان ٣٠٠) was a supersonic jet fighter aircraft developed in Egypt during the 1960s. It was designed by famous German aircraft engineer Willy Messerschmitt. At various stages, Spain and India were also involved in the development program. The HA-300 was an ambitious project for Egypt, at the time seeking to expand its defense industry. There were three prototypes built before termination of the project in 1969. The first prototype was restored in 1991 and is now located in the Deutsches Museum in Munich
Bf 109 1 0f 4
Bf 109 1 0f 4
The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Walter Rethel and had its first test flight in 1935. The all-metal aircraft had a closed cockpit and a retractable under-carriage. Powered by a Rolls-Royce Kestrel V engine, it had a maximum speed of 342 mph (550 km) and had a range of 410 miles (660 km). It was 28 ft 4 in (8.65 m) long with a wingspan of 32 ft 4 in (9.87 m). The aircraft was armed with 2 machine-guns and 2 20 mm cannons.
WW2 German Aircrafts in Motion - Messerschmitt Bf 109 & 110 , Me 410
WW2 German Aircrafts in Motion - Messerschmitt Bf 109 & 110 , Me 410
Watch in HQ please! This is STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright...
Wings of the Luftwaffe - Bf-109 - Legend (1 of 13)
Wings of the Luftwaffe - Bf-109 - Legend (1 of 13)
The Messerschmitt Bf 109, often called Me 109, was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser during the early to mid 1930s. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era, including such features as all-metal monocoque construction, a closed canopy, retractable landing gear, and was powered by a liquid-cooled inverted-V12 aero engine. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 in Action [HD]
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 in Action [HD]
I use Fraps 3.0.3 And song name is Murder dolls - Lets go to war
70th Battle of Britain Anniversary Air Show featuring Bf 109 E-4 & Hawker Hurricane XII 2010
70th Battle of Britain Anniversary Air Show featuring Bf 109 E-4 & Hawker Hurricane XII 2010
**** This is world's only Messerschmitt Bf 109 Emil variant flying with original DB 601 engine. All comments of political nature will be removed. Feel free to turn UP the volume on the final pass and listen to the raw power of the DB engine. Hawker Hurricane XII Country: Britain Year: 1942 Engine: Rolls Royce Merlin 224, 1300 Horsepower V12 Liquid-Cooled engine Max Speed: 340 mph. Range: 470 mi. Service Ceiling: 36000 ft. Max Weight: 8250 lbs. Armament: .303 Wing Mounted Machine Guns The Hawker Hurricane was the first Monoplane with 8 machine guns to exceed 300 mph to go into production for the RAF. Sydney Camm's fighter will always be associated with the Battle of Britain in which it shared the main action against the Luftwaffe with the Spitfire. During the Battle of Britain the Hurricane destroyed more enemy aircraft than all other air defense forces combined. The production figures are in themselves proof of its great qualities. There were over 14000 Hurricanes in various models produced from 1936 to 1944. Manufactured by Canadian Car & Foundry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada as a Mk. IIB and converted to Mk. XII configuration early on during WW II. One of several Hurricanes recovered from a scrap heap by Jack Arnold of Brantford, Ontario in 1984, P2970 eventually ended up in England. After being rebuilt by warbird restorer Charles Church, it made its first post-restoration flight in September 1991. Although it is a relatively late-model Hurricane, P2970 was painted as <b>...</b>
Parkzone Messerschmitt RC Flugzeug BF-109G BNF - PKZ4980
Parkzone Messerschmitt RC Flugzeug BF-109G BNF - PKZ4980
Parkzone Messerschmitt BF-109G - Ferngesteuertes Flugmodell Mehr Infos zum Produkt: www.monkeytoys.de Die Parkzone Messerschmitt Bf-109G 4-Kanal von Parkzone steht Ihrem großen Vorbild in nichts nach. Schnell, agil und bis zu den Zähnen bewaffnet, dominierte Willy Messerschmitt`s BF109 die Lüfte in den Anfängen des II. Weltkrieges. Mit Ausnahme der britischen Spitfire war sie jedem anderem Fighter zwischen 1939 und 1941 überlegen. Ihre Piloten erzielten in dieser kurzen Zeit tausende von Luftsiegen, aufbauend auf ihre Erfahrungen und Taktiken, die sie vorher im spanischen Bürgerkrieg erflogen haben.
Wasserkuppe (FSX)
Wasserkuppe (FSX)
(Details below from Wikipedia) The Wasserkuppe (German for "water peak") is a high plateau (elevation 950 m or 3100 ft), the highest peak in the Rhön Mountains within the German state of Hesse. Between the first and second World Wars, during the era of the so-called Golden Age of Aviation, great advances in sailplane development were made there. Students from the nearby Darmstadt University of Technology began flying gliders from the Wasserkuppe as early as 1911, but interest in gliding in Germany increased greatly after 1918 when the Treaty of Versailles restricted the production or use of powered aircraft in the nation. From 1920 onwards, annual gliding competitions were held, leading to records being set and broken for height, distance, and duration of unpowered flight. In 1922 Arthur Martens became the first glider pilot to use an updraft rising along a mountain slope to stay aloft for a lengthy period.[1] He then founded the world's first glider pilot school at the Wasserkuppe. The first competition was organised by Oskar Ursinus, who also built the first clubhouse on the Wasserkuppe in 1924 to replace the shipping containers that enthusiasts were using as accommodation up to that point. By 1930, the competition had become an international event, drawing pilots from all over Europe and even the United States. Also in 1924 'Rhönvater' (Rhön father) Oskar Ursinus, convinced the then secretary of air transport for the ministry of transportation, Dr.Brandenburg to turn <b>...</b>
Bf 109 2 0f 4
Bf 109 2 0f 4
The Messerschmitt Bf 109 was designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Walter Rethel and had its first test flight in 1935. The all-metal aircraft had a closed cockpit and a retractable under-carriage. Powered by a Rolls-Royce Kestrel V engine, it had a maximum speed of 342 mph (550 km) and had a range of 410 miles (660 km). It was 28 ft 4 in (8.65 m) long with a wingspan of 32 ft 4 in (9.87 m). The aircraft was armed with 2 machine-guns and 2 20 mm cannons.