Q&A Returns in 2014

Alexander Downer

A little less on boring topics like the behaviour of MPs and the latest opinion polls and more focus on issues we're interested in... I enjoy the show and watch whenever I can. Tony Jones is excellent but smart arsed ridiculing of conservatives tends to offend about 60 per cent of your audience! All the best and happy 5! Which isn't much!

Alexander Downer

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  • Alexander Downer
  • Anthony Ackroyd
  • Bob Cronin
  • Brendan Gale
  • Brian Ritchie
  • Brian Schmidt
  • Bruce Hawker
  • Catherine Deveny
  • Chris Kenny
  • Christine Milne
  • Christine Nixon
  • Chris Wallace
  • Concetta Fierravanti-Wells
  • Corrine Grant
  • Diana Nguyen
  • Elizabeth Ann Macgregor
  • Eva Cox
  • Fiona Patten
  • George Megalogenis
  • Germaine Greer
  • Grahame Morris
  • Hannah McGlade
  • Jane Caro
  • Janet Albrechtsen
  • Jonathan Biggins
  • Julia Gillard
  • Julie Bishop
  • Kate Ellis
  • Kathy Lette
  • Lachlan Harris
  • Laurence Krauss
  • Lee Rhiannon
  • Leslie Cannold
  • Mandy Nolan
  • Megan Clark
  • Miriam Lyons
  • Mungo MacCallum
  • Najeeba Wazefadost
  • Nick Minchin
  • Omar Musa
  • Robert Manne
  • Samah Hadid
  • Sarah Hanson-Young
  • Sue Cato
  • Tanya Plibersek
  • Tim Flannery
  • Tim Wilson
  • Toby Ralph
  • Tony Burke
  • Tom Switzer
A little less on boring topics like the behaviour of MPs and the latest opinion polls and more focus on issues we're interested in... I enjoy the show and watch whenever I can. Tony Jones is excellent but smart arsed ridiculing of conservatives tends to offend about 60 per cent of your audience! All the best and happy 5! Which isn't much!
When I appeared on Q&A I was introduced as "Australia's leading impersonator of Kevin Rudd". I always thought Tony Jones could have seized that crown if he had only applied himself.
A great experience even though I didn’t get a hug from Bob Brown.
Happy 5 Birthday Q&A and thankyou for your gift to Australia - a true people's parliament!
Great show. Could be improved by cutting off people when they go into prepared "talking points" and not allowing questions from the audience that are actually statements. This would encourage the spirit of true dialogue.
My Wildest Ride after winning the Nobel Prize - The Nature of Time, Space and Racism interspersed with the musings of Lenny Henry showed the diversity of Q&A - something I hope it continues into season 6.
Congratulations Q&A for five years of shoe flinging excitement. How about we get Tony Jones and all the guest presenters to be the panel and we panelists can be the studio audience? Then that shoe can be on the other foot.
I have sat next to John Elliot, Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, Cory Bernardi, Gerard Henderson and Archbishop Bishop Peter Jensen. Where's my medal?
It was fun to enter the heart of groupthink. Although I must have done something wrong as I’ve never been invited back. Perhaps it was mischievous of me to extract Penny Wong’s assurance of a Labor budget surplus in my lifetime.
Congratulations Q&A. Australians love live interactive current affairs debate and The Greens love being part of it. All the best for a lively and entertaining lead up to 14 September.
I think you need to keep the Panelists to 4 and to allow them sometime to interact. Can you leave out the Politicians for at least every second program. Thanks I really enjoyed being part of the program. Good luck for the future.
Q&A is loved by its huge audience. In the next five years the program might shift some of the emphasis from the "Q"s more to the "A"s. Because that's the constructive criticism I've heard most about the program - brilliant at raising the right questions but could do more to identify and highlight the right answers.
Congratulations to Q&A for 5 years of robust debate. Real issues are tackled and Tony manages the protagonists with diplomatic flair. I’m always happy to participate with or without a broken arm in a sling. Fortune favours the brave.
Well done to Q&A on turning five! It was a shock to discover Tony Jones doesn't wear any pants under the desk, but you know, whatever floats his boat.
What an opportunity it was to represent the Vietnamese Australian community and to sit beside Tony Jones and Victor Victor. That's the most multicultural hour on TV ever. Thanks Q&A.
Still a great forum for debate on pertinent issues but best when not politician dominated!
Thoroughly enjoyable and valuable, as a participant. Judging by the comments to me, it gets to a wide age group, which is good. As audience, sometimes the time spent trying to get newsworthy quotes for other programs from pollies disrupts discussion for this audience.
Congratulations on five years of treating adults like adults. Like my party Q&A is the sensible alternative. And it's one of the few shows I can watch without turning on the TV #Q&A on twitter.
If Q&A wants its panels to reflect the population at large -- especially in our brain economy -- then women should always out-number men.
Now that Q&A is five, it is big enough to make its escape from the dead hand of politics. The fewer pols on the show the more interesting it is. The presenter is right, the audience is right; what the show needs now are sincere panellists who really care about the big questions.
Like any five-year-old, Q&A is a must watch for most political grown-ups!
Unforgettable, absolutely life changing ... In the best way that is!
Like doing the high wire without a net, but if you don't actually fall off (a little wobbling is acceptable) the applause is tumultuous and the relief heady.
Q&A 5 years old! What were Monday nights like before you arrived? Can’t remember. Like a 5 year old child, Q&A is occasionally impertinent and brazen, often witty and cheeky, sometimes too self-centred and sanctimonious, frequently entertaining and informative and always fast-moving.
The great joy of Q&A is the chance to meet so many people with so few informed opinions. Words cannot express the thrill of sitting next to Barnaby Joyce. Believe me, they can’t.
Since May 2008 Q&A has given us comedy and drama and everything in between. At your best Q&A has been everything public broadcasting aims to be: informative and engaging in itself and an asset to the public debate as a whole. Here's to five more years of argument and ideas ahead.
Congrats Q&A on turning 5! Like most youngsters there have been tantrums along the way but we still love you as a fixture on the political landscape.
Q&A has brought politics, politicians and important discussions into the living rooms of thousands of Australians. I think that’s a great thing. Good work on increasing the accessibility of political debate, allowing space for a deeper examination of issues than is so often the case currently and even on occasions allowing politicians to appear like real human beings! All the best for the future.
Being on the show is a mental espresso – an adrenalin rush of nervous anxiety and hilarity combined. The programme is an intellectual Wimbledon, with verbal vollies and high speed banter lobbed back and forth, umpired by Tony Jones , the Grand Slam champion of the back handed compliment.
Post show green room soirees need to be wilder. You need more booze and more music.
It was an unexpectedly enjoyable experience. as a non-politician on a panel with two politicians and moreover as a non-australian i had expected most of the questions to goto others on the panel. To my surprise most of the questions were for me.
Q&A is a welcome spark in the TV viewing schedule of so many Australians , offering deep and diverse debate about important issues. It builds a conversation with the public in a way few programs do. Congrats Q&A – may you grow and flourish.
Q&A is what Australian democracy should look like. Chaotic and repetitive at times - sure, but always exhilarating. Jones for PM!
Q&A is like Gump's chocolate box. You never know what you are going to get. The odd soft centre, a tooth cracker and very often something containing nuts.
Congratulations on the milestone. Q&A has forged a special place in the nation’s psyche. For me it is still the best download to watch on the plane.
It's the Q in Q&A that makes it work - brilliant and unexpected questions from people who don't usually get a chance to grill their politicians in person, let alone on live TV.
It has become predictable in content and panellists mainly because of the absence of me.
It has been very informative , persausive and engaging to watch and be part of the panel
Congrats to Q&A on reaching the five-year milestone. Being on Q&A was a revelation – it revealed to me just how incredibly unpopular I am with the trendy left crowd that watches the show. Being booed by a Q&A live audience became a badge of honour; an insufficient number of boos was a sign of failure. Best wishes for the next five!
Q&A was a terrifying but exhilirating experience for this Queanbeyan scallywag. I enjoyed intellectually sparring with other writers and, of course, having the chance to call Tony Abbott a "pugilistic wingnut" on national TV was good fun.
Congratulations on the continuing success and inventiveness of Q&A which now has forged for itself a seminal place in the national political conversation.
Q&A can sometimes be a wonderful exercise in cutting through the b.s that we often hear from the political class, I've always enjoyed telling it like it is on the show.
Q&A has provided us with some of the most unpredictable moments of live TV. We’ve seen shoes thrown at a former Prime Minister, people pass out mid-sentence and more robust political debate than we see in Question Time.
And to think it was an invitation to a party...you actually want us to do some work!!!
When I hear the Q&A theme music I get a flood of anxious nausea. Did you mean it to be that way?
Needs more hard questions to key politicians & quick cut off of political spin. Love to hear Tony say 'That's bullshit. Tell us what the real situation is.'
Q&A is a weekly reminder that it’s the questions we ask that are as important as the answers we seek. Q&A is a weekly reminder of how culturally left-wing our universities and other taxpayer-funded institutions have become and how disconnected they are from the lives and views of Australians busy getting on with their lives.
Only five? You act like a six year old.
For the first few years I'd spend hours preparing before I went on Q&A. Then I gave up. It's completely unpredictable. That's why it's loved.
My old Spectator colleague Mark Latham reflects my thinking: “People who despise the show feel compelled to watch it every Monday night: it has become compulsory viewing for media masochists, a self-flagellation hour for political tragics.
    Thank you for watching Q&A. We will return in February 2014 and hope you will also come back to ask the questions and join the conversation around Q&A and Australian politics.

    In the meantime, check out some of the year's best episodes here.

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"Hello, Am wondering if you could do a programme concerning Campbell Newmans anti bike laws and his fanatisism? Maybe have a rep from a MC 1%er club (they are not gangs). Maybe Mr Palmer and maybe a civil rights rep. ..." 14/12/2013 1:40:02 PM
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"Is there REALLY any point to the argument. As much as government suggest spying is for the purpose of national security the truth is not that simple. Spying is predominately for financial advantage. As much for individuals as for nations. ..." 26/11/2013 2:38:46 PM
"We have laws to protect us from false claims by a salesman trying to sell goods in a department store. These laws entitle us to a refund if the goods are not as described. Is it not time to consider ..." 26/11/2013 2:17:06 PM
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