1300 136 225

StocksInValue Pricing Options

We believe StocksInValue is the best value product in the market.

It is the only product that provides transparent, proven, valuations from a high performing investment team with over $500m in fund under management. But … we have ongoing plans for further improvements to the tool over the next 6-12 months. As new functionality is introduced, we will be reviewing our pricing structure. We recommend you lock in a long-term low price for an ever improving service.

Click here to see our New Year Specials!

  • Stock valuations
  • Future valuations for stocks
  • Company information & financials
  • Advanced stock filters
  • Company reports and first alerts
  • Portfolio manager
  • Powerful charting
  • Analyst and member forum
  • ‘Analyst Universe’



  • Intrinsic valuations of companies, with transparent assumptions and rationale from our analyst team
  • Limited
    Basic historical financial performance and company descriptions
  • Our dedicated equities team provide daily ‘first alerts’ on valuation sensitive company announcements; weekly company reports
  • Limited
    Create watchlists of stocks
  • Read only

Sign Up



  • Multi Year Deals ∨

    2 Year: $998/year

    3 Year: $750/year

    Call: 1300 136 225

  • Intrinsic valuations of companies, with transparent assumptions and rationale from our analyst team
  • Up to 3 years of future forecast valuations on stocks – to give you a stronger insight into long term investment options
  • Institutional grade P&L, Cashflow, Balance Sheet, Ratios and key operating statistics for all ASX companies
  • A powerful range of valuation filters, some based on our own proprietary valuation and financial health ratings to identify stocks that suit your investment criteria
  • Our dedicated equities team provide daily ‘first alerts’ on valuation sensitive company announcements; weekly company reports
  • Watch the performance of your portfolio and compare its valuation against market price; create watchlists of other stocks of interest
  • Compare a company’s historical price against historical and future valuations; compare these against consensus valuations
  • Post questions on stocks for our analyst team, and discuss strategies with fellow members
  • See what stocks are on the ‘watchlist’ of Clime Asset Management – the leading fund manager that provides valuations for StocksInValue

Sign Up

2 Year Pro


  • SAVE $395

3 Year Pro


  • SAVE $1335
  • Call 1300 136 225

To see a complete comparison of the StocksInValue Versions, click here