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Toowoomba Relay For Life secretary Melanie Lovell and Monster Affair guest speaker Robin Grundon

Monster Affair all for a good cause

The Cancer Council is calling on local business to support its upcoming Relay for Life with the organisation to host an information evening next month.

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Measles vaccination.

Doctors alarmed by low jab rate

AS THE region’s low immunisation rates continue to hover in dangerously low territory, a Sunshine Coast doctor has urged parents to consult their GP.

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Why do the people with immunized kids worry so much about those who aren't? Are you not certain that what was given to your child will protect them? Why do some want to see those who do not immunize their children (there are some children who can not be...

Harpmark from Beerwah



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Complicating your life by saying yes to too many people is the reason for any illness you are experiencing right now. Work and health go hand...

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