Whale Rider is a 2002 drama film directed by Niki Caro, based on the novel of the same name by Witi Ihimaera. The film stars Keisha Castle-Hughes as Kahu Paikea Apirana, a 12-year-old Maori girl who wants to become the chief of the tribe. Her grandfather Koro believes that this is a role reserved for males only.
The film was a co-production between New Zealand and Germany. It was shot on location in Whangara, the setting of the novel.
The world premiere was on 9 September 2002, at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film received critical acclaim upon its release. Castle-Hughes was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.
The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai")[In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribe's chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. By tradition, the leader should be the first-born son – a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, aka Kahutia Te Rangi in the book, the Whale Rider – he who rode on top of a whale from Hawaiki. However, Pai is female and technically cannot inherit the leadership.
In a time
When the land was filled with void
And we wished to be loved
To be redeemed
By someone who will lead our way
Why is there still the sadness in your eyes
When the answer's at hand
I am the chosen one
And I bear this mane with pride
Feel the power in me
Take the legacy and call them
When all hope will fail
I'm not unheard, it is my trail
(I'm) Not a prophet, but I know
We will all go our way
Words can't convey
In waters the deep is still and sound
Where I found, where I am bound
I will steer you back to life
I can feel your pounding heartbeat closely
I am one
I will follow you into the deep
As a young bird may learn to fly
Whale rider
Whale rider