Larynx - Membranes, ligaments and muscles - Human Anatomy | Kenhub
The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an organ that we find on our necks. It is involved in many functions including breathing and sound production. Now that you've learned its structure on the video, you should to test your knowledge with this quiz: https://khub.me/sjrrq
Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We got the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: https://khub.me/lxml4
The larynx is a complex anatomical organ comprised of many different soft and hard tissues that allow a human to articulate using sound, and breathe through a well-built filter. In addition to those functions, the larynx helps prevent food to go into the trachea, and eventually to the lungs.
It is in the larynx wh...
published: 27 Jul 2020
Larynx - Cartilages - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx from AnatomyZone
For more videos, 3D models and notes visit: https://anatomyzone.com
This video is the first part in a series of tutorials on laryngeal anatomy. This can often seem like a complex topic, but my aim with these videos to to break down that complexity and demonstrate the anatomy in 3D to help you understand remember the relevant anatomy.
This tutorial we review the following structures:
- location of the larynx and basic function, relationship to the hyoid bone, trachea, oesophagus
- thyroid cartilage, thryohyoid membrane, thyrohyoid muscle
- oblique line and muscle attachments: thyrhyoid, sternothyroid, inferior constrictor
- superior and inferior thyroid notches, superior and inferior thyroid horns
- epiglottis, thyroe...
published: 04 Nov 2012
Larynx anatomy
What do you need to know about the larynx? Let's have a look at the cartilages, the muscles that move the cartilages, how they move, the vocal folds and mucosal bits, and the innervation of these structures.
published: 13 Jan 2017
Larynx Anatomy - 1 | Cartilages of Larynx
In this video we will study about the introduction and cartilages of larynx .
#eoms #larynx #larynxanatomy
For Notes or any Query 👇
Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/Essentials-of-Medical-Science-104007997950529/
Telegram- https://t.me/eoms_h
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/B-aQBU9jWbM9xITZl7nr60srv3axwag6fG0lqA0/?igshid=t0x45svqn8qw
published: 22 Jun 2020
Larynx anatomy & physiology in hindi | parts | structure | vocal cord | cartilages | functions
Hello Friends
Welcome to Rj Medical Education
In this video
I explained about :-
#larynx #anatomy and #physiology
#parts of #larynx
#structure of #larynx
#catilages of #larynx
#vocalcord of #larynx
#functions of #larynx
If you have any queries regarding this video,
Please drop your comment in comment box,
I would love to answer.
If you like the video,
Please like, share and subscribe channel.
Thank you.
published: 04 May 2020
published: 27 Jun 2018
How the Larynx Produces Sound (Updated 2021)
An explanation of the cartilaginous structure of the larynx, the intrinsic muscles, and the way those muscles work to produce and control sound. Remake of “How the Larynx Produces Sound”, originally released in 2014.
published: 03 Dec 2021
Larynx - Ligaments, Membranes, Vocal Cords - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the membranes, ligaments and vocal cords.
In this tutorial I talk about extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the larynx, and describe the relationship of the mucosal folds with these ligaments to form the vocal cords. Please watch the tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx before watching this one, as it will help if you are not familiar with the various structures!
★★★ I'm now on Instagram - follow me here: https://www.instagram.com/theanatomyzone/ ★★★
Website: https://www.anatomyzone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
3D model: http://biodigitalhuman.com
3D model: http://zygotebody.com
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanat...
published: 10 Nov 2012
Muscles of the Larynx - Part 1 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the muscles of the larynx using the BioDigital Human (http://www.biodigitalhuman.com). This tutorial covers the following muscles:
- cricothyroid (straight, oblique)
- cricoarytenoid (posterior, lateral)
- interarytenoid (transverse, oblique)
- thyroarytenoid
- aryepiglottic
- thyroepiglottic
- vocalis
Join the Facebook page for updates: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanatomyzone
published: 09 Dec 2012
Pharynx & Larynx - Gross Anatomy
In this video, we discuss the gross anatomy of the pharynx and larynx.
Additional Resources:
-video slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sUL2S_CGvlAajHCW-n51xG3kj2DcmaBX
-labeling activities: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gR7K1q6Xf52IT41XivpW9vDeRy2FZx4C
-labeling answer key: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dOAO02UxDeyfdnFuToP8WoJflq6zQT-b
As a result of this video, learners should be able to…
1. Identify the three subdivisions of the pharynx and important features within each subdivision.
2. Identify muscles of the pharynx and describe their function and innervation.
3. Describe function, blood supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage of the pharynx.
4. Identify cartilages, ligaments, and muscles of the larynx and describe their functions.
5. Describe innervation, blood sup...
published: 29 May 2020
Larynx - Membranes, ligaments and muscles - Human Anatomy | Kenhub
The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an organ that we find on our necks. It is involved in many functions including breathing and sound production. Now t...
The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an organ that we find on our necks. It is involved in many functions including breathing and sound production. Now that you've learned its structure on the video, you should to test your knowledge with this quiz: https://khub.me/sjrrq
Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We got the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: https://khub.me/lxml4
The larynx is a complex anatomical organ comprised of many different soft and hard tissues that allow a human to articulate using sound, and breathe through a well-built filter. In addition to those functions, the larynx helps prevent food to go into the trachea, and eventually to the lungs.
It is in the larynx where you'll find the vocal folds, which helps us manipulate the pitch and volume of our voices. That is very important for phonation.
In this tutorial on the Larynx, we will cover structures using english and latin terminologies. We're going to be talking about the membranes, the ligaments, and also the muscles of the larynx.
We will give you a general overview of all of the structures combined into one tutorial so you can have a good understanding of the larynx, which is not an easy topic to learn.
List of topics:
- What is the Larynx? Larynx vs Pharynx
- Laryngeal cartilages: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, epiglottic cartilage, corniculate cartilage, cuneiform cartilage.
- Membranes and Ligaments of the Larynx: thyrohyoid membrane, lateral thyrohyoid ligament, median thyrohyoid ligament, median cricothyroid ligament, cricotracheal ligament, elastic cone, vocal ligament, quadrangular membrane, vestibular ligament.
- Muscles of the Larynx: cricothyroid, thyroarytenoid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, transverse arytenoid, oblique arytenoid, vocalis.
Want to test your knowledge on the different structures of the larynx? Take this quiz: https://khub.me/sjrrq
Read more on the anatomy and function of the larynx here: https://khub.me/2zkoe
For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to https://khub.me/ijpfw
The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an organ that we find on our necks. It is involved in many functions including breathing and sound production. Now that you've learned its structure on the video, you should to test your knowledge with this quiz: https://khub.me/sjrrq
Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We got the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: https://khub.me/lxml4
The larynx is a complex anatomical organ comprised of many different soft and hard tissues that allow a human to articulate using sound, and breathe through a well-built filter. In addition to those functions, the larynx helps prevent food to go into the trachea, and eventually to the lungs.
It is in the larynx where you'll find the vocal folds, which helps us manipulate the pitch and volume of our voices. That is very important for phonation.
In this tutorial on the Larynx, we will cover structures using english and latin terminologies. We're going to be talking about the membranes, the ligaments, and also the muscles of the larynx.
We will give you a general overview of all of the structures combined into one tutorial so you can have a good understanding of the larynx, which is not an easy topic to learn.
List of topics:
- What is the Larynx? Larynx vs Pharynx
- Laryngeal cartilages: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, epiglottic cartilage, corniculate cartilage, cuneiform cartilage.
- Membranes and Ligaments of the Larynx: thyrohyoid membrane, lateral thyrohyoid ligament, median thyrohyoid ligament, median cricothyroid ligament, cricotracheal ligament, elastic cone, vocal ligament, quadrangular membrane, vestibular ligament.
- Muscles of the Larynx: cricothyroid, thyroarytenoid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, transverse arytenoid, oblique arytenoid, vocalis.
Want to test your knowledge on the different structures of the larynx? Take this quiz: https://khub.me/sjrrq
Read more on the anatomy and function of the larynx here: https://khub.me/2zkoe
For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to https://khub.me/ijpfw
- published: 27 Jul 2020
- views: 480282
Larynx - Cartilages - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx from AnatomyZone
For more videos, 3D models and notes visit: https://anatomyzone.com
This video is the fi...
3D anatomy tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx from AnatomyZone
For more videos, 3D models and notes visit: https://anatomyzone.com
This video is the first part in a series of tutorials on laryngeal anatomy. This can often seem like a complex topic, but my aim with these videos to to break down that complexity and demonstrate the anatomy in 3D to help you understand remember the relevant anatomy.
This tutorial we review the following structures:
- location of the larynx and basic function, relationship to the hyoid bone, trachea, oesophagus
- thyroid cartilage, thryohyoid membrane, thyrohyoid muscle
- oblique line and muscle attachments: thyrhyoid, sternothyroid, inferior constrictor
- superior and inferior thyroid notches, superior and inferior thyroid horns
- epiglottis, thyroepiglottic ligament
- cricoid cartilage and attachment sites for posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
- arytenoid cartilage
- corniculate cartilage
- posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
- vocal process, vocal ligaments, vocalis muscle, vestibular ligament
- cuneiform cartilages
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theanatomyzone
Website: https://www.anatomyzone.com
3D anatomy tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx from AnatomyZone
For more videos, 3D models and notes visit: https://anatomyzone.com
This video is the first part in a series of tutorials on laryngeal anatomy. This can often seem like a complex topic, but my aim with these videos to to break down that complexity and demonstrate the anatomy in 3D to help you understand remember the relevant anatomy.
This tutorial we review the following structures:
- location of the larynx and basic function, relationship to the hyoid bone, trachea, oesophagus
- thyroid cartilage, thryohyoid membrane, thyrohyoid muscle
- oblique line and muscle attachments: thyrhyoid, sternothyroid, inferior constrictor
- superior and inferior thyroid notches, superior and inferior thyroid horns
- epiglottis, thyroepiglottic ligament
- cricoid cartilage and attachment sites for posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
- arytenoid cartilage
- corniculate cartilage
- posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
- vocal process, vocal ligaments, vocalis muscle, vestibular ligament
- cuneiform cartilages
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theanatomyzone
Website: https://www.anatomyzone.com
- published: 04 Nov 2012
- views: 1334919
Larynx anatomy
What do you need to know about the larynx? Let's have a look at the cartilages, the muscles that move the cartilages, how they move, the vocal folds and mucosal...
What do you need to know about the larynx? Let's have a look at the cartilages, the muscles that move the cartilages, how they move, the vocal folds and mucosal bits, and the innervation of these structures.
What do you need to know about the larynx? Let's have a look at the cartilages, the muscles that move the cartilages, how they move, the vocal folds and mucosal bits, and the innervation of these structures.
- published: 13 Jan 2017
- views: 556689
Larynx Anatomy - 1 | Cartilages of Larynx
In this video we will study about the introduction and cartilages of larynx .
#eoms #larynx #larynxanatomy
In this video we will study about the introduction and cartilages of larynx .
#eoms #larynx #larynxanatomy
For Notes or any Query 👇
Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/Essentials-of-Medical-Science-104007997950529/
Telegram- https://t.me/eoms_h
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/B-aQBU9jWbM9xITZl7nr60srv3axwag6fG0lqA0/?igshid=t0x45svqn8qw
In this video we will study about the introduction and cartilages of larynx .
#eoms #larynx #larynxanatomy
For Notes or any Query 👇
Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/Essentials-of-Medical-Science-104007997950529/
Telegram- https://t.me/eoms_h
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/B-aQBU9jWbM9xITZl7nr60srv3axwag6fG0lqA0/?igshid=t0x45svqn8qw
- published: 22 Jun 2020
- views: 301276
Larynx anatomy & physiology in hindi | parts | structure | vocal cord | cartilages | functions
Hello Friends
Welcome to Rj Medical Education
In this video
I explained about :-
#larynx #anatomy and #physiology
#parts of #la...
Hello Friends
Welcome to Rj Medical Education
In this video
I explained about :-
#larynx #anatomy and #physiology
#parts of #larynx
#structure of #larynx
#catilages of #larynx
#vocalcord of #larynx
#functions of #larynx
If you have any queries regarding this video,
Please drop your comment in comment box,
I would love to answer.
If you like the video,
Please like, share and subscribe channel.
Thank you.
Hello Friends
Welcome to Rj Medical Education
In this video
I explained about :-
#larynx #anatomy and #physiology
#parts of #larynx
#structure of #larynx
#catilages of #larynx
#vocalcord of #larynx
#functions of #larynx
If you have any queries regarding this video,
Please drop your comment in comment box,
I would love to answer.
If you like the video,
Please like, share and subscribe channel.
Thank you.
- published: 04 May 2020
- views: 243428
- published: 27 Jun 2018
- views: 514956
How the Larynx Produces Sound (Updated 2021)
An explanation of the cartilaginous structure of the larynx, the intrinsic muscles, and the way those muscles work to produce and control sound. Remake of “How ...
An explanation of the cartilaginous structure of the larynx, the intrinsic muscles, and the way those muscles work to produce and control sound. Remake of “How the Larynx Produces Sound”, originally released in 2014.
An explanation of the cartilaginous structure of the larynx, the intrinsic muscles, and the way those muscles work to produce and control sound. Remake of “How the Larynx Produces Sound”, originally released in 2014.
- published: 03 Dec 2021
- views: 3967
Larynx - Ligaments, Membranes, Vocal Cords - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the membranes, ligaments and vocal cords.
In this tutorial I talk about extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the larynx, and describe th...
3D anatomy tutorial on the membranes, ligaments and vocal cords.
In this tutorial I talk about extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the larynx, and describe the relationship of the mucosal folds with these ligaments to form the vocal cords. Please watch the tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx before watching this one, as it will help if you are not familiar with the various structures!
★★★ I'm now on Instagram - follow me here: https://www.instagram.com/theanatomyzone/ ★★★
Website: https://www.anatomyzone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
3D model: http://biodigitalhuman.com
3D model: http://zygotebody.com
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanatomyzone
3D anatomy tutorial on the membranes, ligaments and vocal cords.
In this tutorial I talk about extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the larynx, and describe the relationship of the mucosal folds with these ligaments to form the vocal cords. Please watch the tutorial on the cartilages of the larynx before watching this one, as it will help if you are not familiar with the various structures!
★★★ I'm now on Instagram - follow me here: https://www.instagram.com/theanatomyzone/ ★★★
Website: https://www.anatomyzone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
3D model: http://biodigitalhuman.com
3D model: http://zygotebody.com
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanatomyzone
- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 851588
Muscles of the Larynx - Part 1 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
3D anatomy tutorial on the muscles of the larynx using the BioDigital Human (http://www.biodigitalhuman.com). This tutorial covers t...
3D anatomy tutorial on the muscles of the larynx using the BioDigital Human (http://www.biodigitalhuman.com). This tutorial covers the following muscles:
- cricothyroid (straight, oblique)
- cricoarytenoid (posterior, lateral)
- interarytenoid (transverse, oblique)
- thyroarytenoid
- aryepiglottic
- thyroepiglottic
- vocalis
Join the Facebook page for updates: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanatomyzone
3D anatomy tutorial on the muscles of the larynx using the BioDigital Human (http://www.biodigitalhuman.com). This tutorial covers the following muscles:
- cricothyroid (straight, oblique)
- cricoarytenoid (posterior, lateral)
- interarytenoid (transverse, oblique)
- thyroarytenoid
- aryepiglottic
- thyroepiglottic
- vocalis
Join the Facebook page for updates: http://www.facebook.com/anatomyzone
Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/anatomyzone
Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theanatomyzone
- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 467762
Pharynx & Larynx - Gross Anatomy
In this video, we discuss the gross anatomy of the pharynx and larynx.
Additional Resources:
-video slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sUL2S_CGvlAajHCW-...
In this video, we discuss the gross anatomy of the pharynx and larynx.
Additional Resources:
-video slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sUL2S_CGvlAajHCW-n51xG3kj2DcmaBX
-labeling activities: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gR7K1q6Xf52IT41XivpW9vDeRy2FZx4C
-labeling answer key: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dOAO02UxDeyfdnFuToP8WoJflq6zQT-b
As a result of this video, learners should be able to…
1. Identify the three subdivisions of the pharynx and important features within each subdivision.
2. Identify muscles of the pharynx and describe their function and innervation.
3. Describe function, blood supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage of the pharynx.
4. Identify cartilages, ligaments, and muscles of the larynx and describe their functions.
5. Describe innervation, blood supply, and lymphatic drainage of the larynx.
6. Apply knowledge of pharynx and larynx anatomy to answer clinical questions.
-Moore, Dalley, Agur. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. 8e Chapter 9
-Artistic inspiration: Frank Netter, Henry Vandyke Carter
In this video, we discuss the gross anatomy of the pharynx and larynx.
Additional Resources:
-video slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sUL2S_CGvlAajHCW-n51xG3kj2DcmaBX
-labeling activities: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gR7K1q6Xf52IT41XivpW9vDeRy2FZx4C
-labeling answer key: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dOAO02UxDeyfdnFuToP8WoJflq6zQT-b
As a result of this video, learners should be able to…
1. Identify the three subdivisions of the pharynx and important features within each subdivision.
2. Identify muscles of the pharynx and describe their function and innervation.
3. Describe function, blood supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage of the pharynx.
4. Identify cartilages, ligaments, and muscles of the larynx and describe their functions.
5. Describe innervation, blood supply, and lymphatic drainage of the larynx.
6. Apply knowledge of pharynx and larynx anatomy to answer clinical questions.
-Moore, Dalley, Agur. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. 8e Chapter 9
-Artistic inspiration: Frank Netter, Henry Vandyke Carter
- published: 29 May 2020
- views: 161465