Sun Star19 Feb 2014
“STOP the animosity against women and the bigotry on the gay community,” Mai Santillan said, one of the volunteer-performers of The Vagina Monologues held in Liceo De Cagayan University on February 15 ... Maia Fortich Poblete, director of The Vagina Monologues, said the show was about spreading awareness on the campaign and stopping the violence against women....(size: 3.1Kb)
IMDb19 Feb 2014
In Teeth, an innocent young woman discovers she has vagina dentata - teeth in her vagina that protect her from assault....(size: 0.7Kb)
Peace FM Online19 Feb 2014
New Scientist reports the researchers think this is because mood-altering hormones in semen are absorbed through the vagina....(size: 1.2Kb)
The Examiner19 Feb 2014
The term “forcible” was eliminated, and the description changed to “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” ... For 80 years prior to this definition change, law enforcement authorities reported only rape by force in the vagina ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Newstrack India19 Feb 2014
Simon Cowell's baby mama Lauren Silverman has a miraculous vagina, as she was briskly walking ......(size: 0.7Kb)
The Times of India19 Feb 2014
In path-breaking research, scientists are developing a vaginal device containing 'good' probiotic bacteria for the treatment of vaginal thrush. Vaginal thrush is a common condition caused by a yeast infection in the vagina and surrounding area. This approach is likely to be a viable alternative to using precious antimicrobial drugs ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Jezebel19 Feb 2014
S. How much time do you spend in bed actually having sex? Think about it and now ponder what state you live in and how that might effect your sexy time ... Spreadsheet’s like Foursqaure for your vagina, according to Nerve.com ... 1. New Mexico - (7.01). 2. West Virginia - (5.38). 3. Idaho - (5.11). 4. South Carolina - (4.48) ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Celebrity Café19 Feb 2014
Fast and the Furious actress, Michelle Rodriguez, and model Cara Delevigne, have apparently been dating for six weeks. Rodriguez has opened up about their relationship. Back in January, the two were spotted getting cozy at a New York Knicks game and caused quite the stir. The two were caught on camera pretty drunk, making out, puffing e-cigs, cuddling, giggling and taking selfies ... “I don’t talk about what I do with my vagina,” she said ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Khaleej Times19 Feb 2014
The rape charge was incorporated in the final report filed in the court on Tuesday by the special investigation team on the basis of the postmortem report ... The post mortem report finalised by two doctors from Calicut Medical College Hospital after visiting the spot of the crime found that the plastic handle of a two-meter-long broom was thrust into the victim’s vagina ... — news@khaleejtimes.com ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Sacramento Bee19 Feb 2014
Striking back at a proposed Idaho law that would ban undercover filming at farms, an animal rights group released video Tuesday of a dairy worker sexually abusing a cow ... The original video showed about two minutes of lashings, beatings and stompings suffered by cows ... The man seen fondling a cow's vagina in the newly released video eventually spent 102 days in jail ... Mercy for Animals called the proposed law "pathetic."....(size: 2.7Kb)
Jezebel19 Feb 2014
S. The only thing worse than not being nominated for an Oscar is being nominated and then losing the Oscar. (Just kidding ... Really, it's the least anyone could do. According to RedEye, the batshit gift bags — courtesy of some L.A ... It's also called the "Orgasm Shot" and, short answer, it's sort of like a stem-cell shot in the vagina that claims to make sex better.)ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System performed by Dr ... Image via AP. ....(size: 4.3Kb)
TMZ19 Feb 2014
Simon Cowell's new son has been cleared for takeoff -- TMZ has learned, the 5-day-old child just got his very first passport ... to become one of the most well-traveled jetsetting babies in the world. Simon and Lauren just left an NYC courthouse, where they filed papers to get their son Eric his passport ... Makes sense -- Simon spends tons of time in the UK ... That said ... I Have a Resilient Vagina!Simon Cowell -- I Idolize My New Son ... 1 ... ....(size: 9.0Kb)