
Mongolian Overtone Singer , amazing
Mongolian Overtone Singer , amazing
Enkh Jargal at Musique du Monde at France Fenomenal!!!! - - More info At: www.lastfm.com.br

Overtone singing tutorial
Overtone singing tutorial
Here's a basic walk-through I put together explaining how to bring out the overtones. I ran by each step really quickly so if you have specific questions feel free to email me. Some things that I left out. -when making the "L" shape with your tongue, think of it as if you're pronouncing "ul" As you lift up the back it will naturally making an "ee" sound without you making it the "ee" shape with your lips. - the BIG challenge is going to be to hold the pitch you're singing in tune while listening for the pitch of the overtones. Don't worry about that at first. You will want to work on getting the overtones to really ring, THEN you can work on sustaining the pitch that you're singing in tune.

Seven Styles of Overtone Singing (Tuvan Throat Singing)
Seven Styles of Overtone Singing (Tuvan Throat Singing)
Alexander Glenfield demonstrates seven styles of overtone singing. For answers to questions and TIP ON HOW TO SING OVERTONES please visit OVERTONE SINGING: THE MUSIC OF SOUND www.alexanderglenfield.blogspot.com Please note that the melodies, rhythms, and meters used in these examples deviate from the traditional styles of khoomei in Tuva. I've made them all up and taught myself.

How to sing OVERTONES: Part 1/2
How to sing OVERTONES: Part 1/2
www.cdbaby.com CD "Sounds of Light - Overtone Singing Solo" more about Miroslav Grosser and his vocal art (in english) at www.stimmlabor.de additional information to sing the vowel technique: 1. Relax 2. Hum a steady base note and allow the vibration to spread out through your whole body 3. Choose a vowel and sing it loud and strong, but relaxed 4. Practise to change one vowel into another in a gliding manner (try different vowels) 5. Go back and forth between u and e so slow as you can and listen carefully to the stepwise change of the sound 6. Try to reduce the speed more and more to hear the subtle jumps of the harmonics better and better 7. Stop the flow of time like a film and sing a steady base note AND a steady overtone in the same time 8. Try to reproduce the changing of harmonics in small steps to learn the natural scale of harmonics 9. Start to sing little melodies with the overtones 10. Try to change the base note during singing overtones PS: There are techniques to amplify the loudness of the overtones. I recommend to learn this vowel based technique at first to get better results individual sessions in english in Berlin or per phone/skype: www.stimmlabor.de www.stimmlabor.de workshops and concerts worldwide www.cdbaby.com CD "Sounds of Light - Overtone Singing Solo" lessons in Berlin or per phone/skype: www.stimmlabor.de next workshop for overtone singing in 2012 in Berlin June 10th in Hamburg May 6th in Wilhelmsburg June 2nd information: www.stimmlabor.de <b>...</b>

Unreal: Mongolian Throat Singing
Unreal: Mongolian Throat Singing
*PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE TRAVEL VIDEOS* My sister told me that I HAD TO check out Mongolian Throat Singing when I was in Mongolia. I had no idea what to expect. What I found was a strong form of music, an unbelievable use of the vocal chords to create sound vibrations. You could literally feel them in your chest! Mongolia is a vast, empty space - the least densely populated place in the world. And yet this music is so full, deep and rich. It is haunting hearing it boom out into the nothingness. NOTE: Please check out the newer, shorter version of this film here: bit.ly

overtone singer: Natascha Nikeprelevic
overtone singer: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Natascha is a beautiful overtone singer who happens to be my teacher. Don't miss her next performance!

Rollin Rachele "Overtone Singing" Music Video
Rollin Rachele "Overtone Singing" Music Video
Rollin Rachele is one of the world's leading authorities on the vocal art of overtone singing (also known as harmonic singing). He is an accomplished musician, performing artist, teacher and innovator. He has contributed his scientific knowledge to academic establishments such as the American Laryngological Voice Research and Education Foundation and The Voice Foundation of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. His media appearances are numerous, including several television appearances, radio interviews and feature articles in publications such as the Evening Standard and Men's Health magazine. In this music video arrangement, Rollin Rachele is accompanied by Celtic artist Kate McKenzie and Classical Indian vocalist Ustad Mohammed Sayeed Khan. The video was filmed in Bath, England and the soundtrack was recorded and engineered at the Notre Dame Church in Leicester Square in London. Performed by: Rollin Rachele, Kate McKenzie, Ustad Mohammed Sayeed Khan Soundtrack Engineered by: Pete Townsend Video Directed and Edited by: Andrew Guidone, Valery Lyman, Shetal Shah Director of Photography: Andrew Guidone Choreography: Valery Lyman, Shetal Shah Music copyright 2000-2008 Cryptic Voices Productions Video production copyright 2000-2008 Python/Aquarius Productions and Cryptic Voices Productions Director website: www.pythonaquarius.com Rollin website www.abundantsun.com

Amazing Grace using throat singing overtones
Amazing Grace using throat singing overtones
(Correction from the video): doing a little overtone singing on the hymn "Amazing Grace" (not Tuvan). For those of you that are much experienced I appreciate your comments and your thoughts. Just to let people know, I am intentionally doing the more Western approach by not making my voice throaty like the authentic Tuvan/Mongolian style. I am a classical vocalist so I prefer not to produce nodules.

Tibetan Tantric Overtone Chant
Tibetan Tantric Overtone Chant
Nestor Kornblum sings "Deep Voice" overtone chant with monks of the Gaden Shartse -Tawon Kangtsen Monastery on their 2007 tour of Spain. This form of chanting produces a "one voice chord" of 3 or more sounds from one single voice. It is called Tantric because it balances the masculine and feminine aspects of one's energy system.

Tibet with deep (overtone, throat) singing
Tibet with deep (overtone, throat) singing
Tibet highlands and people + Three deep (throat, overtone) singing with cymbals and singing bowls. en.wikipedia.org

Natascha's Dao of Overtone Singing
Natascha's Dao of Overtone Singing
With this Dao, Overtone Singing is made easy by Natascha Nikeprelevic. A true disciple of Michael Vetter, Natascha revealed in this documentary excerpt the four secret routes to the world of overtones: U - O - A; U - Yu - I; O - er - I; and A - a - ei - I. Yes, with this method everyone can enjoy his/her rich overtones!

Harmonic Overtone Singing - sing 2 notes at the same time!
Harmonic Overtone Singing - sing 2 notes at the same time!
harmonic singing, throat singing, overtone singing, overtone chanting, Australia, Aboriginal, Inuit, Tibetan, Tibet, Mongolia, harmony, singing, vocal techniques, choral singing, The Australian Voices, Stephen Leek, Gordon Hamilton, Scott Griffin

Overtone Harmonic Singing
Overtone Harmonic Singing
Just an attempt to catch some overtones "on tape." I'm new to overtone singing and wanted to try to record something, as I find I hear the overtones better on playback than while I record them! Anyway, to my friends that are new to overtone singing, the tongue is placed a certain way inside the mouth while singing, creating a seal with the teeth while the mouth shapes certain vowel sounds (and the tongue arches in concert with this motion), to produce these shimmering harmonics. This is called "overtone singing." There is also "throat singing" that uses more of the throat to create these sounds. The really good throat singings, and overtone singers as well, can almost eliminate the fundimental pitch (the note they're singing with their 'normal voice') while bringing out the overtones. I'm still working on this! I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert at this, as I'm just beginning. However, there are many really good overtone singers right here on YouTube that are very generous with their music and knowledge. It is from these very good musicians that I learned to do this. Please visit these videos: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Equipment used on this video: Tascam DP-008 digital 8-track recorder (single path split to two tracks for voice, and two tracks for tanpura). Neumann TLM-103 microphone. Cool Edit Pro for reverb, no editing was done. Quality tanpura drones can be found here: www.ocf.berkeley.edu Thanks for watching, Dave

Overtone singing - basic techniques
Overtone singing - basic techniques
overtone singing, throat singing - basic techniques and tips

buddhist overtone chanting
buddhist overtone chanting
information: www.silentthundercenter.org two voices sound like many due to the overtones created by Master Mokurai and Nicolas Arenal. Available through Silent Thunder website.

Shrutibox & Overtone Singing
Shrutibox & Overtone Singing
Shrutibox from South India and overtone singing improvisation in Kailash Wellnesszentrum www.kailash-wellnesszentrum.de

Cows like overtone singing with Christian Bollmann
Cows like overtone singing with Christian Bollmann
Cows like overtone singing? It seems so :-)

Rami Shaafi Overtone Singing
Rami Shaafi Overtone Singing
Rami Shaafi runs the Ipswich Didgeridoo Club and he is also one of the very best Tuvan and Mongolian overtone singers in the UK. Rami can be contacted by email on overtonesinging@hotmail.co.uk

Orpheo's Angel - Overtone Singing - Jan Heinke
Orpheo's Angel - Overtone Singing - Jan Heinke
Spectrogram of german overtone singer Jan Heinke www.stahlquartett.de singing his own composition "Orpheo's Angel". Spectrogram created with Overtone Analyzer http

Natascha Nikeprelevic Michael Vetter overtone singing
Natascha Nikeprelevic Michael Vetter overtone singing
Natascha Nikeprelevic and Michael Vetter are virtuoso at overtone singing. With their program Okyo they show the sound dimensions between linguistic and instrumental overtone aspects. www.natascha-nikeprelevic.de