
Model Respiratory.mov
Anatomy of Larynx Model including hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglo...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: Kathy Farnsworth
Model Respiratory.mov
Model Respiratory.mov
Anatomy of Larynx Model including hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, hyothyroid membrane, laryngeal prominence, vocal fold and ven...- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 4817
- author: Kathy Farnsworth

Laryngeal Prominence
Learn about your adam's apple. Neck anatomy....
published: 03 Jun 2009
author: MedicineBoys
Laryngeal Prominence
Laryngeal Prominence
Learn about your adam's apple. Neck anatomy.- published: 03 Jun 2009
- views: 2274
- author: MedicineBoys

Origin of Adam's Apple for Laryngeal Prominence (Bony Lump on Front of Throat)
See http://www.culinarylore.com/word-origins for much more like this. How did the bony lum...
published: 22 Nov 2013
Origin of Adam's Apple for Laryngeal Prominence (Bony Lump on Front of Throat)
Origin of Adam's Apple for Laryngeal Prominence (Bony Lump on Front of Throat)
See http://www.culinarylore.com/word-origins for much more like this. How did the bony lump on the front of your throat come to be called the adam's apple? Today, it's called the laryngeal prominence but in the 18th century, scientists actually named it "ponum Adami." What were they thinking? Not mentioned in the video, but of note, is that the word apple has cognates in all the Germanic languages and originally was used to denote ALL fruits, whether apricots, pomegranates, figs...each of which are seen as the type that was the Forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Images: Adam's Apple image by Ian T. McFarland via http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Myneck.JPG Adam and Eve painting image public domain. Music: Background music "Modern Jack" from JewelBeat, used under extended license.- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 7

Laryngeal Movements Upon Laryngeal Crepitus Assessment as Seen by Using 70 Degree Endoscope
This video shows the laryngeal movements upon laryngeal crepitus assessment which is usual...
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: drrahmatorlummc
Laryngeal Movements Upon Laryngeal Crepitus Assessment as Seen by Using 70 Degree Endoscope
Laryngeal Movements Upon Laryngeal Crepitus Assessment as Seen by Using 70 Degree Endoscope
This video shows the laryngeal movements upon laryngeal crepitus assessment which is usually performed as part of clinical examination of the laryxn (voice b...- published: 08 Apr 2011
- views: 2827
- author: drrahmatorlummc

Head & Neck pt. 2: Larynx
Corniculate cartilage Cricoid cartilage Cricothyroid ligament Cricotracheal ligament...
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: faith014
Head & Neck pt. 2: Larynx
Head & Neck pt. 2: Larynx
Corniculate cartilage Cricoid cartilage Cricothyroid ligament Cricotracheal ligament Epiglottis Hyoid bone Laryngeal prominence Thyroid carti...- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 205
- author: faith014

Thyroid Binaural Beats
Subscribe for the latest binaural beats. For best results, use with headphones. This video...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: StandardBinauralBeat
Thyroid Binaural Beats
Thyroid Binaural Beats
Subscribe for the latest binaural beats. For best results, use with headphones. This video features a 1.5hz delta binaural beat. Right ear: 492.8hz Left ear:...- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 2153
- author: StandardBinauralBeat

Fitness - Thyroid Problems - Symptoms, Causes, Cure and Treatment for Common Deadly Diesease Thyroid
The thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid /ˈθaɪərɔɪd/, in vertebrate anatomy, is one of the...
published: 30 Nov 2013
Fitness - Thyroid Problems - Symptoms, Causes, Cure and Treatment for Common Deadly Diesease Thyroid
Fitness - Thyroid Problems - Symptoms, Causes, Cure and Treatment for Common Deadly Diesease Thyroid
The thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid /ˈθaɪərɔɪd/, in vertebrate anatomy, is one of the largest endocrine glands. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage (which forms the laryngeal prominence, or "Adam's apple"). The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes by producing thyroid hormones. Thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism (abnormally increased activity), hypothyroidism (abnormally decreased activity) and thyroid nodules, which are generally benign thyroid neoplasms, but may be thyroid cancers. All these disorders may give rise to goiter, that is, an enlarged thyroid. Symptoms of thyroid may be vague and can often mimic other conditions. They may include: Changes in the menstrual cycle Constipation Depression Dry hair and hair loss Dry skin Fatigue Greater sensitivity to cold Slow heart rate Swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter) Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight Carpal tunnel syndrome Babies with thyroid may have no symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they can include: Cold hands and feet Constipation Extreme sleepiness Hoarse cry Little or no growth Low muscle tone (floppy infant) Persistent jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) Poor feeding habits Puffy face Stomach bloating Swollen tongue Watch the video to more about the disease in details about its symptoms, causes, cure and treatment. Subscribe to our Channel to get latest updates http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MindBodysoul- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 225

29- محمد الفايد الغدة الدرقية Mohamed Elfaid - Thyroid
برنامج نخل و رمان على راديو السادسة
يتناول في هذه الحلقة الغدة الدرقية تعريفها و خصائصها و...
published: 09 Sep 2013
29- محمد الفايد الغدة الدرقية Mohamed Elfaid - Thyroid
29- محمد الفايد الغدة الدرقية Mohamed Elfaid - Thyroid
برنامج نخل و رمان على راديو السادسة يتناول في هذه الحلقة الغدة الدرقية تعريفها و خصائصها و امراضها و علاجها تقع في الرقبة، أمام القصبة الهوائية، وهي تشبه في شكلها الفراشة التي تفرد جناحيها، وهي ذات لون بني محمر. وتتكون من فصين، وتحتوي على خلايا خاصة تقع في بطانتها تدعى الخلايا الكيسية، وهذه الخلايا هي المسؤولة عن إفراز هرمون الثايرويد. وتعتبر هذه الغدة من الغدد الصماء (التي تدخل إفرازاتها مباشرة إلى الدم من دون الحاجة إلى قنوات خاصة لنقله) The thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid /ˈθaɪərɔɪd/, in vertebrate anatomy, is one of the largest endocrine glands. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage (which forms the laryngeal prominence, or "Adam's apple"). The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones La glande thyroïde, ou thyroïde, est une glande endocrine cervicale régulant de nombreux systèmes hormonaux par la sécrétion de triiodothyronine, de thyroxine et de calcitonine. Située à la face antérieure du cou, elle est superficielle : ses déformations (on parle de goitre quand le volume de la thyroïde est augmenté) sont visibles sous la peau. . http://www.wikipedia.com- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 352

,Same Person --57 -2 Faul Mccartney&Cecile; "Paul is/was not dead BUT replaced" MASQUERADE_think_
Faul&Cecile; Pauline Pearl WiTheRington Cornioley S.O.E.(SpeCial OpeRations ExEcutive) aGeN...
published: 15 Jun 2012
,Same Person --57 -2 Faul Mccartney&Cecile; "Paul is/was not dead BUT replaced" MASQUERADE_think_
,Same Person --57 -2 Faul Mccartney&Cecile; "Paul is/was not dead BUT replaced" MASQUERADE_think_
Faul&Cecile; Pauline Pearl WiTheRington Cornioley S.O.E.(SpeCial OpeRations ExEcutive) aGeNt Laryngeal prominence The growth of the larynx itself, and droppin...- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 473

Laryngeal Shave in Beverly Hills, Dr. Stephen Pincus
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: StephenPincusMD
Laryngeal Shave in Beverly Hills, Dr. Stephen Pincus
Laryngeal Shave in Beverly Hills, Dr. Stephen Pincus
http://www.drstephenpincus.com.- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 2175
- author: StephenPincusMD

Micro Surgery of Larynx .Dr.K.O.Paulose FRCS DLO
Surgery used in the diagnosis and removal of various lesions of the vocal folds to restore...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: drpaulose1
Micro Surgery of Larynx .Dr.K.O.Paulose FRCS DLO
Micro Surgery of Larynx .Dr.K.O.Paulose FRCS DLO
Surgery used in the diagnosis and removal of various lesions of the vocal folds to restore a normal voice is known as microlaryngoscopy. In microlaryngoscopy...- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 177
- author: drpaulose1

Larynx Adams Apple Reduction Surgery Before / After - Kehlkopf verkleinerungs Operation
Reduction of a high prominance adam`s apple. Adam`s Apple removeing. Voice surgery of a tr...
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: GirlYourself
Larynx Adams Apple Reduction Surgery Before / After - Kehlkopf verkleinerungs Operation
Larynx Adams Apple Reduction Surgery Before / After - Kehlkopf verkleinerungs Operation
Reduction of a high prominance adam`s apple. Adam`s Apple removeing. Voice surgery of a transsexual female. Verkleinerung eines Adamsapfels, durch Reduktions...- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 3052
- author: GirlYourself

Positioning of Adam's apple
This is a video I made about my positions of my Adam's apple, and the christmas lights, an...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Positioning of Adam's apple
Positioning of Adam's apple
This is a video I made about my positions of my Adam's apple, and the christmas lights, and about my videos I made with my RCA SmallWonder Camera. NOTE: I only said things about only 2 videos, that was it, I couldn't do all of them.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 121
Youtube results:

HGirl Part 1 Long Neck and Female Adam's Apple
Long Neck Female Adam's Apple See full version on http://www.ladyneck.com or http://www.la...
published: 06 Jan 2013
author: ladyneck
HGirl Part 1 Long Neck and Female Adam's Apple
HGirl Part 1 Long Neck and Female Adam's Apple
Long Neck Female Adam's Apple See full version on http://www.ladyneck.com or http://www.ladyneck.co.uk.- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 1391
- author: ladyneck

Chondrolaryngoplasty Adam's apple Remove Surgery 120131 TsCC
Facial Feminization Surgery: adam's Apple Reduction or Removal (Tracheal shave or Trachea ...
published: 31 Jan 2012
Chondrolaryngoplasty Adam's apple Remove Surgery 120131 TsCC
Chondrolaryngoplasty Adam's apple Remove Surgery 120131 TsCC
Facial Feminization Surgery: adam's Apple Reduction or Removal (Tracheal shave or Trachea shave). Chondrolaryngoplasty (commonly called tracheal shave) is a ...- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 5084
- author: TSCHITCHAT

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid
Description: The thyroid gland or simply, ...
published: 04 Feb 2014
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid Description: The thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid /ˈθaɪərɔɪd/, in vertebrate anatomy, is one of the largest endocrine glands. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage (which forms the laryngeal prominence, or "Adam's apple"). The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones.- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 6