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Rudi's View

Sustainable Upside: Not For Everyone

8 Nov 2013 At the time when my name started appearing in the business section of newspapers in Belgium and The Netherlands (we are talking mid-nineties), there was one iconic story about investing in the share market that was repeated time and time again by just about everybody who had a little bit of affinity with the subject: there had been one smart secretary at Reed-Elsevier who'd used her monthly salary to buy a few shares in the company, every month, and she kept doing exactly that throughout her career at the publisher of scientific and legal periodicals (in print).;

August Reporting Season: Early Indications

21 Aug 2013 Things ain't so bad in corporate Australia. Not as bad as feared by some.;

BHP At $25?

27 Jun 2013 I spent the whole weekend at the Novotel in Brighton-Le-Sands, near Sydney Airport, where the Australian Technical Analysts' Association (ATAA) held its annual national conference.;

Price Targets Support Further Upside

4 Apr 2013 In April 2011, with the Australian share market experiencing yet another January-April rally, I compared index projections for the calendar year from equity strategists with consensus price targets for individual stocks. The result was quite revealing in that my research showed equity strategists were significantly more optimistic than price targets set by security analysts might suggest. One of the two had to be wrong. At the time I believed strategists were too optimistic. That proved to be the correct call.;

When Corporate Results Matter Less (For Now)

4 Feb 2013 Love it or loath it, but it won't make the slightest difference: this share market wants to go higher. Already, equity strategists have been lifting their expectations and targets for the calendar year ahead. This is remarkable since we're still less than one month into the New Year. Even then: revised targets of 5000-5200 are only 100-300 points away from where the ASX200 closed on Monday. This represents further upside potential of 2-6%, assuming those targets prove accurate and assuming there won't be any further increases.;

2013: Not Such A Bad Proposition

4 Dec 2012 No surprise thus, BlackRock's head of Alpha Strategies for Asia Pacific, Marc Desmidt, used the video connection between Singapore and Sydney on Monday afternoon to advise investors better get used to dealing with the same old issues as these headwinds might transform in shape and/or intensity throughout calendar year 2013, but there's little chance any of the known demons might actually be resolved or simply "go away".;

Who Stole The Christmas Rally?

12 Nov 2012 According to text book scenarios, global equity markets become a lot more volatile when September appears on the calendar. Weakness usually doesn't genuinely kick in until the third or fourth week and extends until mid-October when a sharp recovery announces itself. Once we move into November the underlying positive trend re-establishes itself with further gains booked in the run-up to New Year.;

Bull & Bear Markets - A Common Sense, Historical Perspective

2 Oct 2012 I am sure the question has crossed your mind in weeks past: is this it? The moment upon which we will all look back next year, and the years thereafter and say: hey, that was when the bull market of 2012 started?;

Investment Returns: What Does The Future Hold?

4 Sep 2012 Investors who have been reading my analyses post 2008, or attended my speeches and presentations across the country, know that "the outlook for investment returns" -or call it "The New Normal"- has been one of my central themes ever since the Bull Market of 2004-2007 came to an abrupt, and painful, end.;

Earnings Forecasts: Yet Another Groundhog Year?

6 Aug 2012 It cannot be pointed out nor repeated often enough, in my view, that ultimately the outlook for equity markets and for investor returns in equities boils down to one critical factor: corporate earnings growth.;
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