
CY O'Connor's pipe dream made history

CY O'Connor's pipe dream made history

110 years

It's been 110 years since John Forrest turned on a tap in Kalgoorlie and water from Mundaring Weir began to run into the Mt Charlotte Reservoir. Steve Gordon spoke to Professor Stephen Smith about the pipeline.

110 years

CY O'Connor's pipe dream made history It's been 110 years since John Forrest turned on a tap in Kalgoorlie and water from Mundaring Weir began to run into the Mt Charlotte Reservoir. Steve Gordon spoke to Professor Stephen Smith about the pipeline.

Gen Y, X and Baby Boomers

Westpac have released the results of a survey that looks at the generational differences between Gen Y, X and the Baby Boomers. Westpac have released the results of a survey that looks at the generational difference between Gen Y, X and the Baby Boomers in terms of marriage, children and finance. Paul Cook spoke with Larke Riemer, Head of Women's Markets at Westpac, about the findings.

Orchids: My Intersex Adventure

Phoebe Hart has documented her intersex adventure. Film writer and director Phoebe Hart has documented the story of her struggle to understand her intersex condition. Paul Cook spoke to Phoeve about her documentary, Orchids: My Intersex Adventure.

A history of housing

Last week, the State Housing Authority celebrated its centerary. Last week, the State Housing Authority celebrated its centerary. Graham Searle, Director General of Housing, spoke to Steve Gordon about the department's history.

One man and his organ

Barry Morgan and his world of organs. Barry Morgan has come to Perth in his Toyota Crown Royal Saloon for Fringe World to "make a sale" and demonstrate his 'one finger method.' Barry spoke to Jason Jordan and even played a little tune.

New depths for freediver

Australian freediver Christina Saenz de Santamaria wants to break the 60 metre barrier. Christina Saenz de Santamaria can already do more than most other women. The Australian record holder has plunged to a depth of 60 metres. As Rod Tiley and Sue McDougall discovered, Christina wants to beat her record.

Books with William Yeoman

William Yeoman William Yeoman, the books editor at The West Australian, joins 6PR on The Weekender with Rod Tiley.