Bangor fire contained | PHOTOS, UPDATES

CFS: Emergency contacts

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CFS firefighters with the help of Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources crews, the Metropolitan Fire Service, Forestry SA and multiple farm fire units have contained a fire burning in the Southern Flinders Ranges which started on January 14.

Crews have been working tirelessly for the past 17 days to bring the fire under control. 

The CFS took to Facebook to share the news, posting that it would not have been achieved without support from incident management team personnel, regional staff and other CFS personnel who have been working continuously to support firefighters in their efforts.

"The CFS has also received valued support from other agencies including SA Police, the State Emergency Service, and the Salvation Army throughout this incident," the post said.

The fire burnt through 23,000 hectares and although contained, firefighters will remain on scene patrolling the fireground and blacking out areas to ensure there are no break outs. 

There are still risks present such as falling trees, which pose a significant hazard. 

Members of the public are asked to continue to avoid the fireground while emergency services are present, to reduce the risk of being injured by a falling tree.

The CFS asks the public to immediately report any sighting of active flame that is unattended to call 000.


3PM: A “high noon” situation almost erupted in the fire ravaged southern Flinders Ranges when a property owner threatened to shoot fire-fighters trying to clear his land.

It has been alleged the property owner objected to bulldozing efforts on his property and threatened to discharge a firearm.

A police spokesperson said no weapon was produced and one was not seen but the man has been charged with threatening to cause harm.

The incident was an example of the increased tensions in the area where a bushfire has burned for more than 15 days near Bangor.

An arsonist attacked in the region on Tuesday night has not helped ease the strain felt by residents and emergency personnel in the area.

Superintendent Scott Denny said some grassland was burnt near Abattoirs Road, on the outskirts of Port Pirie in view of the smoldering foothills, late in the night.

“Police have investigated and deemed the incident as being suspicious,” he said.

“There are no witnesses or suspects, but we ask the community to provide us with information if anyone knows anything.”

9AM: The CFS advises that a bushfire in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Napperby Block, Wirrabara Forest and the Telowie Gorge, near Blight Road, Telowie Road and Scenic Drive continues to pose a threat. 

The fire is travelling as a 'backing fire' in a Westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby townships. 

The uncontrolled fire is burning in scrub and wind conditions over the fire ground are continually changing due to the terrain which is affecting the direction of fire travel. 

Firefighters will continue to patrol and monitor the fireground overnight and into the coming days as there is still active fire within control lines. 

Concentration of effort is occurring in the western and southern area of the fire, since a west to south westerly wind change occurred. 

Additional firefighting crews continue to work on the remainder of the fire ground. 

Residents and members of the public in Laura, Napperby, Nelshaby, Stone Hut, Wirrabara and Beetaloo Valley areas should remain vigilant.


6:30PM: A strong wind change could pose a threat to fire crews as they continue to fight the Bangor blaze which started two weeks ago.

The CFS advised that it is a 'backing fire' travelling in a westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby. 

The uncontrolled fire is burning in scrub and wind conditions over the fire ground are continually changing due to the terrain which is affecting the direction of fire travel. 

Fire fighters are currently concentrating efforts in the western and southern areas of the fire ground prior to a strong and squally west to south westerly wind change, expected near the fire ground between 5 and 8pm tonight.

Additional firefighting crews continue to work on the remainder of the fire ground. 

Residents and members of the public in the Laura, Napperby, Nelshaby, Stone Hut, Wirrabara and Beetaloo Valley areas should remain vigilant. 

9:50AM: A watch and act message for the Bangor fire was reissued at 9:30am.

The CFS advised that a bushfire at Bangor, in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Napperby Block, Wirrabara Forest and the Telowie George near Blight road, Telowie Road and Scenic Drive may threaten your safety.

The fire is travelling in a south-westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby townships.

The fire is not controlled and is burning in scrub and conditions are continually changing.

8:30AM: Following advice from the CFS, Napperby and Wirrabara Primary Schools will close today with the Department of Education and Child Development saying the schools are at extreme risk.

At the Bangor fire, a successful back-burn was completed near the Pipeline Track between Nelshaby and Napperby yesterday to widen control lines on the south-western flank.

The fire continues to burn through scrub within inaccessible terrain, making access problematic for firefighters as they actively patrol the perimeter of the fire.

The south-western flank continues to exit into the coastal plains, and crews are actively working to hold the fire in this section, while other crews attend to the eastern and south-eastern flank to ensure the fire has not escaped.


8:30AM: The CFS has reissued a watch and act message for the Bangor fire, burning near Napperby.

They advised that a bushfire in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Napperby Block, Wirrabara Forest and the Telowie Gorge near Blight Road, Telowie Road, and Scenic Drive may threaten your safety. 

The is travelling in a south-westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby. 

The fire is not controlled and is burning in stubble and conditions are continually changing. 

People in the area may notice an increased volume of smoke coming from this fire at present and this is due to back burning operations being conducted around the Nelshaby Reservoir.


4:30PM: The CFS issued an advice message saying the bushfire in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Napperby Block, Wirrabara Forest and the Telowie Gorge, ihas eased due to light rain on the fireground but continues to pose a threat as conditions may change in the coming days. 

Firefighters will continue to patrol and monitor the fireground as there is still active fire within control lines. Residents should remain vigilant, enact their Bushfire Survival Plan and know what to do if the situation changes. 

2:30PM: Today's rainfall has mildly altered fire behaviour and also made the terrain hazardous for fire crews.

While waiting for tracks and terrain to dry, fire patrols have been monitoring other areas of the fire.

A CFS spokeswoman said crews would maintain an active presence across the long weekend.

With warmer weather set to arrive on Monday, the CFS holds concerns about what this could mean for the Bangor fire. Tuesday is set to heat up further at 40 degrees.

9AM: Light rain overnight has made conditions more difficult and dangerous for crews battling the Bangor blaze near Napperby.

A CFS spokeswoman told Fairfax Media that the tracks were slippery and that the rain was more of a hinderance.

Crews have been moved away from steep terrain in wet conditions for their safety.


8:30PM: Last update for today. About 200 people filled the Napperby Memorial Hall as the CFS explained how gully winds helped push the Bangor bushfire towards Napperby, Nelshaby and Telowie last night and early this morning.

Incident controller Tim Butcher told the gathering that weather changes had helped crews attempt to control the blaze, with wind slowing down.

"The single biggest effect now is the weather," he said.

Around 170 firefighters remain on the fire-ground and are continuing to construct control lines predominantly on the south-west corner of the fire, just south of Bains Track where the fire broke control lines overnight.

The CFS advised that the fire has slowed however when the evening gully winds arrive the fire is expected to travel in a westerly direction towards Nelshaby and Napperby. 

The fire continues to expand slowly within control lines and is also burning south of Bains Track. 

Firefighters are continuing to suppress the fire edge in order to maintain the fire within the control lines. 

A significant number of farm fire units and personnel are actively patrolling the eastern flank of the fire. 

There is a risk that the fire will jump eastern control line near TV Track and Bluff Road and residents within the areas of Beetaloo Valley, Laura, Wirrabara and Stone Hut are urged to remain vigilant and monitor local conditions.

Smoke may still be covering parts of National Highway One, also known as the Augusta Highway, but due to the wind change it is likely that smoke will soon be visible in the areas of Laura and Wirrabara. 

People with respiratory or cardiac conditions are advised to close doors and windows while the smoke is still present, and remain indoors if possible. 

People should be enacting their Bushfire Survival Plan and know what to do if the situation changes.

For further information please contact the CFS Bushfire Information Hotline on 1300 362 361 or visit the CFS Website on 

3PM: Police have received no reports of theft as a result of the Bangor fire burning near Napperby.

Emergency services, including police, have maintained a high presence in the area.

1:50PM: The Country Fire Service is holding a bushfire information community meeting at Napperby Town Hall, Napperby, tonight at 7.30pm.

1:05PM: The Bangor fire is traveling in a south-westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby.

The fire is advancing on the western side of the fire towards the pipeline and Scenic Drive in an area between Noel Smith Road and Napperby and is also burning south of Bains Track. 

Crews continue their work on constructing control lines around the fire. 

Aircraft and fire appliances are in the vicinity as a precaution and will be available to assist as required. 

Smoke from this operation is currently covering parts of National Highway One. 

Motorists are asked to travel with their lights on and with caution in these conditions.

12:30PM: The emergency relief centre at the Lions Football Club on Mary Elie Street, Port Pirie, will remain open until further notice, Superintendent Scott Denny, the officer in charge of the Yorke Mid North Local Service Area, said today.

10:30AM: For further updates on the Bangor fire burning near Napperby visit

6:45AM: The CFS has downgraded the threat of the Bangor fire to WATCH & ACT but warn safety is still a threat.

It follows an Emergency Warning message which was issued at 11pm on Wednesday night.

The fire is burning at Telowie Gorge in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Blight Road, Telowie Road and Scenic Drive.

It is travelling in a South-westerly direction towards Napperby and Nelshaby.

The fire is not controlled and is burning in stubble and conditions are continually changing. The CFS is attending to this fire.

Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan and prepare for a bushfire in your area. If your plan is to leave or you are not prepared, leave now.

1:15AM: The CFS advises that a serious bushfire is burning out of control at Telowie Gorge in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Bright Road, Telowie Road and Scenic Drive.

The Bangor fire is travelling in a south-westerly direction towards the townships of Napperby, Nelshaby and Telowie. There is a risk to lives and homes.

The uncontrolled fire is burning in stubble.


7PM: Due to the back burn currently taking place as part of the Bangor fire there has been an increase in fire behaviour and smoke as expected. 

Smoke from this operation will continue to blow over Port Pirie, Port Germein, Melrose, Wirrabara and surrounding townships as the wind continues to change with the sea breeze and gully winds. 

The smoke may reduce visibility along National Highway One and motorists are asked to drive with caution in these conditions. 

Residents should still remain vigilant, enact their Bushfire Survival Plan and know what to do if the situation changes. 

Firefighting crews are currently undertaking the back burning operation in the vicinity of the Bluff near Telowie Gorge Conservation Park and the Napperby Block. 

The back burn is currently on track with the planned operation.


1:40PM: The CFS, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Forestry SA, local farm fire units along with assistance from New South Wales Rural fire Service crews are continuing to work on constructing control lines around the fire.

The fire continues to burn in a westerly direction in scrub and steep terrain in the vicinity of The Bluff near the Telowie Gorge Conservation Park and the Napperby Block. 

10AM: ForestrySA is still trying to evaluate the economic impact of the devastation suffered by Wirrabara Forest in the Bangor bushfire.

About three-quarters of the forest was destroyed by flames which swept in from inaccessible country in Port Germein Gorge.

A State Government spokesman said the economic impact “cannot yet be fully assessed as the Bangor fire is still burning uncontrolled and every effort is being made to control the fire”.

Extensive areas of native forest and about 1600 hectares of the pine plantation have been burnt.

“With safety considerations, forestry staff have begun an assessment of the burnt area to assist in development of a strategy for the estate and in particular salvage of burnt sawlogs,” the spokesman said.

“The plantation was established in the 1870s to provide timber and employment in the Mid North and became an important source of timber for local industry.

“Although these plantations have provided a low economic return for South Australia, they have contributed to the local region’s economy.  

“Forestry staff and contractors have an important role as they begin salvage operations and continue management of the Bundaleer Forest.”

9AM:The Port Germein Gorge Road will remain closed to all traffic until further notice to allow crews to clean up burnt trees and debris.

Following the devastating Bangor fire, the Department on Planning, Transport and Infrastructure advised that it is necessary to undertake works to remove dead and burning trees, and loose debris from the roadway.

At present, this road is not safe for traffic due to falling trees and rocks.

Heavy machinery will be working in the area to clear remains of the vegetation. An extensive evaluation and assessment of the safety and integrity of the road infrastructure will also be undertaken.

It is expected that the road will be closed for a period of between one and two weeks to allow these extensive recovery works to take place.

The road is closed to all traffic from the intersection with Augusta Highway near Port Germein to the intersection with Main North Road near Murraytown.


8PM: Residents were told  the fire still poses a threat and not to become complacent at a community meeting at Napperby tonight.

CFS regional commander Bluey Devine told the gathering that 'we're not out of the woods yet'.

Residents were asked to be mindful that there will be an increase in fire behaviour until the weekend.

Crews have been building the necessary control lines to contain the fire by making mineral earth breaks and utilising tracks and roads.

Aircraft are available and will be used when the fire reaches control lines.

The fire is currently active on the western side of the range below The Bluff, in the area between Napperby and Telowie.

3:20PM: Have you been impacted in any way by the Bangor fire? A meeting, hosted by SA Police, will take place in Wirrabara On Tuesday at 12pm to provide recovery assistance to the local community. 

The officer in charge of the Yorke Mid North Local Service Area, Superintendent Scott Denny, said the purpose of the meeting, at the Wirrabara Institute Hall, would be to take reports of damages, provide information about other grants and assistance available to the community and provide information to help the community recover.

He urged the community to remain on alert as the fire still poses an ongoing risk.

“It is essential the community, particularly those residents at Napperby and Nelshaby, remain aware of the risks posed by this fire,” he said.

“We would urge people to stay away from the area and obey the directions of emergency services personnel.”

12:30PM: The Country Fire Service is hosting a bushfire information community meeting tonight at the Napperby Tennis Club to provide an update into the situation with the Bangor fire.

The meeting, at the club on Second Street, Napperby from 7pm and 8pm, is one of two being hosted by the CFS in the next 24 hours.

The second meeting will take place at the Laura Civic Centre on Hughes Street in Laura from 10am to 11am on Tuesday.

As at 12pm on Monday the CFS advised the fire is slowly burning in a westerly direction in scrub and steep terrain in the vicinity of The Bluff near the Telowie Gorge Conservation Park and the Napperby Block.

The CFS Watch and Act message recommends that residents living in surrounding areas should remain vigilant, enact there Bushfire Survival Plan and Know want to do if the situation changes. 

Residents should take note that the fire effected area remains unsafe and are urged not to return until further advice is provided. Port Germien Gorge Road remains closed.

8:30AM: While the fire has not significantly enlarged, the CFS advised that the Southern Flinders Ranges fire is not controlled.

There are areas that are still actively burning and crews remain at the fire as conditions are continually changing.


10:30PM: The CFS advises that a bushfire at Bangor in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Telowie Gorge, Wirrabara Forest, Wirrabara, Murraytown, and Melrose may threaten your safety. 

The fire has not significantly enlarged over the last 12 hours however the fire is not controlled and there are areas that are still actively burning. 

Crews will remain at the fire overnight and as conditions are continually changing, residents are advised to remain vigilant. 

Residents should take note that the fire effected remains unsafe and are urged not to return until further advice is provided.

7:30PM: The Bangor bushfire flared late today in the southwest corner of the burnt area near The Bluff overlooking Napperby and Port Pirie.

But the Country Fire Service’s regional commander Bluey Devine said there was no threat “at this stage” to Napperby, Laura or Wirrabara.

Fire-fighters, already weary from several days of battling flames, have gathered on the Bridal Track to battle any outbreaks.

About 19,000 hectares have been burnt and the fire has a perimeter of 90 kilometres.

Three-quarters of the Wirrabara Forest has been devastated.

In response to suggestions that the disaster could have been avoided, Mr Devine said the blaze had started on Tuesday night from a lightning strike and there had been 30 fires across CFS Region Four including the Mid North on that day.

“We have limited aircraft resources. It was decided about 10am on the Wednesday to release aircraft to provide support based on the total consideration of the needs of the whole State,” he said.

“The aircraft are a fire-fighting resource which we have at our disposal.

“On the Tuesday night, it was deemed unsafe to put fire crews in due to the inaccessibility of the terrain overnight.

“Crews attempted to go in with knapsacks in the daylight hours and, as the fire behaviour increased, they were withdrawn.

“The approval for water-bombing aircraft was given at that time.

“It is disheartening to hear these comments after so many have put so much effort in.

“Everyone involved has done a fantastic job.”

5.30PM:  For current and accurate updates, please see the CFS website.

3PM: Bangor farmer believes the devastation was avoidable. This story contains graphic photos of burnt livestock.

10.47AM: The CFS Advises that a bushfire at Bangor in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Telowie Gorge, Wirrabara Forest, Wirrabara Township, Murraytown, and Melrose may threaten your safety. 

The BANGOR fire is bounded by Bridle Track, Feibigs Road, Survey Road, Main North Road between Wirrabara and Melrose, Whitewell Road, Gordon Sanders Road, Snake Gully Road, Heaslips - J Wegners Road and Charcoal Road. 

The fire has not significantly enlarged over the last twelve hours but is still not controlled. The fire is burning in forest and scrub in steep terrain and there are patches of scrub within the area that are still actively burning and conditions are continually changing. 

You should not enter this area as the roads may not be safe. Residents are urged not to return to the area impacted by the fire until further advice from emergency services is provided regarding your safety to return to the area. The assessment of the fire affected area continues and work is being undertaken to make the area safer for residents to return. 

The Horrocks Highway has now been re-opened to general traffic and drivers are urged to remain vigilant as fire crews are working in the area. Port Germein Gorge Road remains closed to all traffic as it is unsafe due to large trees that are still falling across the road. 

Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan and prepare for a bushfire in your area. If your plan is to leave or you are not prepared leave now. Stay tuned to this radio station on a battery-powered radio for updates.

8AM:The Bangor fire in the Southern Flinders Ranges continues to burn freely within an area bounded by Bridle Track, Fiebigs Road, Survey Road and Main North Road between Wirrabara and Melrose. 

To date the fire has burnt more than 19 000ha of grassland and forested area. Overnight conditions have seen the fire spread slowed significantly which has allowed crews to work on consolidating and strengthening control lines.


10:30PM: More than 100 people attended a public meeting to discuss the Bangor fire tonight.

The meeting in the Melrose Town Hall came after flames dramatically eased and some rain fell.

Residents were told they could relax a bit, but not a lot, after the fire was downgraded to “watch and act” from an “emergency” rating.

Four houses and 11 sheds were destroyed and cars, fences and stock were lost.

A CFS spokesman said it was one of the worst country terrains in which to fight a blaze.

“They could not see the fire, even from the air,” said Fairfax Media correspondent Peter Venhoek, who attended the meeting.

“The flames went into Wirrabara Forest and threatened Wirrabara, Laura and Murray Town and Wongyarra was severely hit.

“One man in the audience told the meeting that he  was impressed with the fire-fighters because he still had a house.

“The road restrictions will be lifted in a few days.”

9PM: Winemakers David and Margo Blesing are reeling from a loss of up to $120,000 caused by the Bangor blaze.

Their vines were tainted by smoke, a problem for which there is no insurance available, and most of this year’s crop is likely to be unsuitable for vintering.

David manned his farm fire truck at the height of the “black” day as flames raced through the Port Germein Gorge area.

“We were in the centre of it, along with a lot of other people who could claim the same thing,” he told Fairfax Media.

“It was pretty black. Fingers crossed it doesn’t arc up again.

“The flames were leaping 100 metres above the burning pine trees.

“The bitumen on the road burnt in one place.

“It was just so quick. It was in the gorge and when it did get out, it went straight through to Wirrabara Forest.

“It was a howling northerly then it turned into a howling southerly and blew the whole thing back again.

“There are trees and smouldering logs over the road.”

The Blesings have 12 hectares of vines, but the fruit has been affected by the smoke.

“The Cabernet got the biggest hit, but the Shiraz – I will give it a try to recover it,” he said.

The winery itself, where David entertains customers by playing his grand piano, survived the inferno.

4:50PM: The CFS advised that the fire was likely to burn in native forestation until control lines can be established.

They are currently predicting that it will be a sustained effort across the next five days to control the fire.

While the fire has slowed significantly, it hasn't halted and it still moving.

Asset protection has been undertaken to protect the southern and northern side of the fire.

Wind is expected to strengthen in the late afternoon and evening, which could cause problems for CFS crews.

2.18PM: A community meeting has been organised to discuss and provide a situation update on the Bangor fire at the Melrose Town Hall, Melrose tonight at 7.30pm.

11:45AM: At least five homes have been destroyed in the fire which has burnt through 22,000 hectares.

There are concerns, that should the fire continue to run, Melrose and Mount Remarkable National Park could be impacted.

There is still a threat to Wirrabara and Murraytown.

Light rain overnight helped slow the fire's behaviour.

10:30AM: The Bangor fire in the Southern Flinders Ranges has had a reduction in fire behaviour overnight, but at least three homes have been destroyed.

The fire is travelling in a predominately northerly direction towards Bridle Track, Feibigs Road, Survey Road, Main North Road between Wirrabara and Melrose, Whitewall Road, Gordon Sanders Road, Snake Gully Road, Heaslips - J Wegners Road and Charcoal Road.

The fire has burnt more than 22,000 hectares and despite the best efforts of firefighters there have been three homes, three other structures and multiple stock lost.

Friday 11:30PM: At this stage, it looks as if the community of Laura is safe, but the fire is continuing to spread north, affecting the towns of Wirrabara, Stone Hut, Murraytown, Fullerville and Melrose.

The CFS advises that a serious bushfire is burning out of control in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Charcoal, Main North, Snake Gully, Booleroo to Murraytown, Whitewell, Survey and Feibigs Roads.

7:30PM: The Country Fire Service are holding a community meeting regarding the Bangor fire at the Laura Civic Centre in Hughes St, Laura at 8pm tonight.

The latest emergency warning from the CFS said the fire is travelling in a southerly and easterly direction towards Wirrabara Forest, Beetaloo Reservoir, Laura, Stone Hut, Murraytown, Wongara and Wirrabara. There is a risk to lives and homes.

5:20PM: The fire is travelling in a southerly and south easterly direction towards Wirrabara Forest, Beetaloo Reservoir, Laura  and Wirrabara.

3:30PM: The CFS has advised that the bushfire is burning out of control at Bangor in the Southern Flinders Ranges near Telowie Gorge Conservation Park.

The fire is travelling in a south easterly direction towards Whyte Park Road, Block Nine Road, Fry Pan Hill and The Bluff. There is a risk to lives and homes.

The uncontrolled fire is burning in forest.

Check and follow your bushfire survival plan. Take shelter when the fire arrives and protect yourself from the fire's heat.

The officer in charge of the Yorke Mid North Local Service Area, Superintendent Scott Denny, has urged people to stay away from the fireground.

“People should stay well away from the area, with conditions very changeable,” he said. 

“For their own safety I would urge people to follow their bushfire survival plan, obey the directions given by emergency services and stay away.”

2:30PM: 4000 hectares of land is burnt, but the CFS said there was no confirmed damage or losses at this stage.

In the north east, there are concerns about Mount Remarkable National Park and Bangor, if the wind swings around.

The CFS holds concerns about weather changes, and once a change arrives, there could be increased wind and lightning.

Asset protection is occurring at Napperby and Nelshaby, near Port Pirie.

CFS crews are receiving support from the Metropolitan Fire Service.

12:40PM: An emergency relief centre has been established at the Lions Football Club, Mary Elie St, Port Pirie, to assist anyone who chooses to leave their home as a result of the Port Germein Gorge fire burning in the Southern Flinders Ranges.

12:30PM: The CFS has advised that the Port Germein Gorge bushfire is now affecting Port Germein Gorge Road, Bridle Track, Telowie Road, Stock Road, Little Road, BBQ Track, and Western Boundary Track.

The Bangor fire is travelling in a south westerly direction towards Noel Smith Road, Jacobs Road, Western Boundary Track and BBQ Track. 

However, due to the local hilly terrain and the influence of localised weather conditions, the fire is also expanding on the northern and eastern sides of the fire and has the potential to move towards Little Road, Bridle Track Road and White Park Road.

12PM: About 250 people crammed into the Napperby Tennis Centre for a public meeting today and were told how a fire in the Flinders Ranges had “gone ballistic”.

The meeting was called by authorities to tell residents of the status of the situation which was described as changeable and not presently threatening Napperby, about 15 kilometres from the fire front.

Bangor incident controller Peter Smallacombe told the meeting that he had been in the gorge yesterday when fire-fighters lost control of the blaze.

“It went absolutely ballistic. We thought we had it under control. It was just sitting there until lunchtime festering and then it went absolutely ballistic,” he said.

“I have never seen fire behavior that day created in the gorge. It was an incredible sight.

“We were working in conditions of 50C and above at the fire ground yesterday and it has knocked the hell out of our fire people.

“The safety of our people is paramount.”

A fire control centre has been set up at Melrose and Port Germein brigade station is being used as a base.

10AM: A community meeting is being held today at Napperby Tennis and Community Club, 33 Second Street at 11am.

9:30AM: The CFS expect a tough day ahead as they battle the Port Germein Gorge bushfire.

A CFS spokeswoman said they were expecting wind to pick up and that a cool change, which was due to arrive today, had been delayed.

8:30AM: Despite attempts to control a bushfire at Port Germein Gorge, it continues to rage out of control.

Port Germein Gorge Road, Bridle Track, Telowie Road, Stock Road, Pole Road and the Middle Track Road are still affected by the blaze.

We'll have further updates once we receive more information from the CFS.


11:30PM: Port Germein Gorge Road, Bridle Track, Telowie Road, Stock Road, Pole Road and the Middle Track Road continue to be affected by an uncontrolled bushfire burning in the Port Germein Gorge.

The fire is travelling in a south, south westerly direction towards Noel Smith Road.

The fire is not controlled and is burning in scrub and conditions are continually changing. 

Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan and prepare for a bushfire in your area. If your plan is to leave or you are not prepared, leave now.

8:00PM: The Country Fire Service has issued an emergency warning for a bushfire burning out of control at Bangor, near Port Germein Gorge Road near Telowie Road, Stock Road, Pole Road and Middle Track Road in the Southern Flinders Ranges.  

The fire, which is burning in scrub, is travelling in a south, south westerly direction towards Noel Smith Road and poses a risk to lives and homes.

6:30PM: The bushfire at Port Germein Gorge continues to rage out of control with 1100 hectares of land burnt.

The fire has crossed Port Germein Gorge Road to the north and is also impacting Telowie Road.

Farmland in Telowie is under threat and if it continues to spread, the CFS is concerned about properties in areas including Wattle Park and Bangor.

Heavy plant is being used for control lines and five water bombing aircraft are being used, in addition to two surveillance aircraft.

The CFS is concerned about the extreme weather conditions, with wind starting to pick up in the area, in a northerly direction. 

5:30PM: An uncontrolled bushfire in the Port Germein Gorge continues to spread, with Telowie Road, Telowie Springs, Stock Road and Pole Road as well as Port Germein Gorge Road and Port Germein Road affected by the blaze.

The Country Fire Service updated their emergency warning and said the fire was traveling in a south, south westerly direction towards Pole Road.

Residents are advised to leave if the path is clear to a safe place.

4:30PM: A fire in the Port Germein Gorge, north of Port Pirie, continues to burn out of control.

The Country Fire Service of South Australia advised that 190 hectares of land had been burnt.

Eleven appliances are on ground, with two bulk water carriers and two water bombing aircraft being used to fight the blaze.

3:30PM: The Country Fire Service advises that a serious bushfire is burning out of control at Bangor near Port Germein Gorge.

The fire is travelling in a south, south easterly direction towards Telowie Road and there is a risk to lives and homes.

The uncontrolled fire is burning in scrub.

An emergency warning from the CFS advised people to check and follow their bushfire survival plan. Take shelter when the fire arrives and protect yourself from the fires heat.

"You should not enter this area as the roads may not be safe. Well prepared and actively defended homes can offer safety," the message read.

Telowie resident Derek Morris told Fairfax Media he was putting his bushfire action plan into place.

"I plan to stay and defend my place," he said.

"I'm keeping an eye on it (the fire)."

Mr Morris had squirted down his house and put water in his gutters earlier in the day.

The Telowie Gorge Conservation Park near Port Germein will be closed until further notice due tothe fire.

For information about bushfires, check the CFS website or call the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1300 362 361.

Wednesday: Port Germein Gorge Road had been closed while Country Fire Service crews tried to control a blaze at Bangor, north of Port Pirie.

Water bombing aircraft were being used to control the fire in the Southern Flinders Ranges, which is burning in difficult and inaccessible terrain.

Smoke from the fire will be visible, particularly for motorists traveling on the Augusta Highway. 

The Mid North has been on red alert during this week's heatwave, with fires also burning near Koolunga, Bumbunga, Telowie, Wirrabara and Crystal Brook.

All fires have since been controlled.

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