Using Twitter search

To perform a search:

  1. Enter your search query into the search box at the top of the page and hit the return key or tap Search.
  2. Your results will show a combination of Everything, including people, Tweets, and more. When viewing search results, choose to view Top or All results by selecting the options at the top of your search results timeline.
  3. Use the left-hand menu (or tap the icon in the search bar of your app) to refine your results according to People, Photos, Videos, News, Timelines, and Advanced Search. You can also search for content from All people or just People you follow, and refine to search Everywhere or Search near you.
  4. Click here to learn how to save your search.


  • To search for Tweets mentioning a user, enter the user's username, preceded by the @ symbol, into the search box at the top of the page.
  • If you are looking for people or accounts to follow, click here for more information.
  • If you see a hashtag in someone's Tweet, clicking it will perform a search for Tweets containing that exact hashtag. Read more about hashtags in What are hashtags?

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