Seek out the TRUTH.

This thought has guided generations of journalists to the core of a story. By following the money, they expose illicit favours, corruption and behaviours that tear at the heart of democracy.

Our journalists have a proud history of asking the questions that need to be asked.

What of news organisations? Does the source of their revenue and profit affect how they seek out the facts and present them?

Why should the money and power behind a news organisation influence how it presents the news?

At The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian Financial Review independence is nourished, cherished and fiercely defended.

Our journalists pursue the truth without fear or favour. They don't bow to the rich or the powerful. Whether dissecting education, economics or big national schemes like the NBN, they remain unrestricted by money, corporate direction or bias.

We know you have many choices when it comes to your news. All we suggest is that when choosing, do as we do. Seek out the truth.

Fairfax Media

Independent. Always.


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Last updated: Thu., August 22, 10:50 PM