
Real Life Initial D - DRIFTING scene in Gunma Japan
I currently live and work in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Gunma is the setting of the world fa...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: L7frost
Real Life Initial D - DRIFTING scene in Gunma Japan
Real Life Initial D - DRIFTING scene in Gunma Japan
I currently live and work in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Gunma is the setting of the world famous anime Initial D which is about the motorsport drifting and tou...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 29349
- author: L7frost

Gunma-chan's Day Out
Where in Gunma is Gunma-chan?
JOMO JET presents its first video project, "Gunma-chan's Da...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Gunma-chan's Day Out
Gunma-chan's Day Out
Where in Gunma is Gunma-chan? JOMO JET presents its first video project, "Gunma-chan's Day Out"! We went on a walk with Gunma-chan, the mascot of Gunma Prefecture, to visit and introduce some of the interesting and fun locations in Gunma. We hope you enjoy the result! ぐんまちゃんは群馬県のどこにいるのでしょう? JOMO JETのビデオ製作プロジェクト第一弾、「ぐんまちゃんの散歩」です! 群馬県のマスコット、「ぐんまちゃん」と一緒に群馬県内の観光地などをいくつか訪れて紹介してみました!ぜひ見て楽しんでください! LIST OF LOCATIONS: Kitsutsuki Bridge (Maebashi City) The Stone Steps (Ikaho, Shibukawa City) Kannon Statue (Takasaki City) Hodota Burial Mounds (Takasaki City) Green Bokujo (Ikaho, Shibukawa City) Shorinzan Temple (Takasaki City) Gunma Prefectural Government (Maebashi City) Kusatsu Onsen Town (Kusatsu Town) Gunma Music Hall (Takasaki City) Gunma Insect World (Kiryu City) Sawtooth Roof Mills (Kiryu City) Akagi Shrine (Maebashi City) Gate at Akagi Shrine (Maebashi City) Netsu no Yu Theater (Kusatsu Town) Kajika Bridge (Ikaho, Shibukawa City) Tenmangu Shrine (Kiryu City) Daruma Mural (Takasaki City) Takasaki Station (Takasaki City) Presented by JOMO JET Original Music: "散歩しましょう" by Manny Marx Editing: Lindsay Woodville Special Thanks To: Alice Volkmar Allen Bo Agunday Brent Thomas Brooke Brown Chelsey Reid Jaime Ota Jennifer Hammer Laura Vaughn Tim Wong- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 4043

NIPPON珍道中 Steam Locomotives in Gunma! 群馬のSL列車に乗ってみた!
published: 30 Sep 2013
NIPPON珍道中 Steam Locomotives in Gunma! 群馬のSL列車に乗ってみた!
NIPPON珍道中 Steam Locomotives in Gunma! 群馬のSL列車に乗ってみた!
http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ Check out the Bilingirl Channel and Chika Yoshida Here: バイリンガールチャンネルで英語を楽しく勉強しよう! http://www.youtube.com/user/cyoshida1231 Second Channel/セカンドチャンネル! http://www.youtube.com/mikaeradesu Follow Me On Twitter/ツイッターでフォローしてね! http://www.twitter.com/ciaela Practice Reading On My Blog/ブログで英語の読み練習しましょう http://ciaela.wordpress.com Subscribe on Facebook! フェースブックで登録してね! http://www.facebook.com/ciaela Music By: I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、基準のEFS 88-55mmレンズです。- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 18338

Gunma Cycle Sports Center
This bicycle them park can be found in Japan. If you ever plan on visiting Japan, it's a m...
published: 09 May 2013
author: hippykiller1
Gunma Cycle Sports Center
Gunma Cycle Sports Center
This bicycle them park can be found in Japan. If you ever plan on visiting Japan, it's a must stop. Their website: http://www.gummacsc.com/- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 28827
- author: hippykiller1

Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD
Want FREE MAGIC STONES!??? Click HERE! http://tinyurl.com/FreeMagicStones
published: 09 Dec 2013
Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD
Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD
Want FREE MAGIC STONES!??? Click HERE! http://tinyurl.com/FreeMagicStones SUBSCRIBE HERE For More AWESOME Puzzle And Dragons Videos in HD! http://goo.gl/NTC0F Extra Tags FTW! :D Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD Puzzle And Dragons - "Gunma Collab" - Normal - Expert - NEW Special Dungeon Gameplay! - PAD "Gunma Collab" "Puzzle And Dragons Gunma Collab" "Puzzle And Dragons" "Gunma" "Collab" "Normal" "Gunma Collab Normal" "Expert" "Gunma Collab Expert" "Technical" "Gunma Collab Technical" "Master" "Paradise" "Gunma Collab Paradise" "Gunma Collab Master" "Puzzle" "And" "Dragon" "Puzzles" "Dragons" "PAD" "P&D;" "101" "HD" "PuzzleAndDragons" "PuzzleAndDragons101" "NEW" "Awesome" "Special" "Dungeon" "Gameplay" "Gunma Collab" "Puzzle And Dragons Gunma Collab" "Puzzle And Dragons" "Gunma" "Collab" "Normal" "Gunma Collab Normal" "Expert" "Gunma Collab Expert" "Technical" "Gunma Collab Technical" "Master" "Paradise" "Gunma Collab Paradise" "Gunma Collab Master" "Puzzle" "And" "Dragon" "Puzzles" "Dragons" "PAD" "P&D;" "101" "HD" "PuzzleAndDragons" "PuzzleAndDragons101" "NEW" "Awesome" "Special" "Dungeon" "Gameplay"- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 789

故郷群馬に愛と誇りを!! 今年も秋のお彼岸・9/20(土)にグリーンドーム前橋にて
published: 13 Mar 2014
【GUNMA ROCK FESTIVAL 2014始動!!】 故郷群馬に愛と誇りを!! 今年も秋のお彼岸・9/20(土)にグリーンドーム前橋にて GUNMA ROCK FESTIVAL 2014を開催致します!!!! http://www.gfes.jp/- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 2407

★「群馬県から来た少女」The Girl from GUNMA 131226(高画質版02)
2014年1月17日 スマッシュ文庫様より発売予定の
「世界最後の魔境 群馬県から来た少女」 ISBN-10: 456976133X
published: 26 Dec 2013
★「群馬県から来た少女」The Girl from GUNMA 131226(高画質版02)
★「群馬県から来た少女」The Girl from GUNMA 131226(高画質版02)
2014年1月17日 スマッシュ文庫様より発売予定の 「世界最後の魔境 群馬県から来た少女」 ISBN-10: 456976133X 発売に合わせて公開予定の「ご当地ゲーム」版です(画面は開発中のものです) 群馬の最新技術「DSX規格」によって作られたという設定のもとに、 ・解像度320*240ドット ・固定16色より横8ドット中2色表示 ・単色(もしくは2色)倍寸スプライト というかつてのMSX風のスペックにこだわって開発しました。 ステージのあちこちに隠された群馬県の特産品をゲットするとパワーアップします。 (画質が悪かったので再度アップロードしてみました)- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 390

published: 05 Jul 2013
author: badassgff
GUNMA ROCK FESTIVAL 2012より.- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 9180
- author: badassgff

Gunma Mountainboard Tour (september 2009) "BAD boys version"
Gunma Mountainboard Tour (september 2009) "BAD boys version" GH1....
published: 26 Mar 2010
author: KoenjiNoSora
Gunma Mountainboard Tour (september 2009) "BAD boys version"
Gunma Mountainboard Tour (september 2009) "BAD boys version"
Gunma Mountainboard Tour (september 2009) "BAD boys version" GH1.- published: 26 Mar 2010
- views: 94785
- author: KoenjiNoSora

Puzzle & Dragons — Gunma Collab — Paradise (Oku/Kushi)
Gunma collab was in US! Collabs are long overdue in US, and this video is also overdue :v
published: 26 Dec 2013
Puzzle & Dragons — Gunma Collab — Paradise (Oku/Kushi)
Puzzle & Dragons — Gunma Collab — Paradise (Oku/Kushi)
Gunma collab was in US! Collabs are long overdue in US, and this video is also overdue :v Fairly straightforward dungeon, the only things I'd say to watch for is to take out the Konjac before they can attack since they hit relatively hard, and to take out the Leeks quickly since the damage they do every turn will add up, and they have the most HP of the monsters IIRC.- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 26

如月群真 Gunma KISARAGI Love Selection
如月群真Gunma KISARAGI Love Selection ~THE ANIMATION~ Select.1 「Love Selection」...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: LoveAnimeN
如月群真 Gunma KISARAGI Love Selection
如月群真 Gunma KISARAGI Love Selection
如月群真Gunma KISARAGI Love Selection ~THE ANIMATION~ Select.1 「Love Selection」- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 5951
- author: LoveAnimeN
Youtube results:

NIPPON珍道中 群馬県でバンジー! Bungee Jumping in Gunma
This video is part of the series on Nestle's home page other episodes and bonus footage is...
published: 11 Oct 2013
NIPPON珍道中 群馬県でバンジー! Bungee Jumping in Gunma
NIPPON珍道中 群馬県でバンジー! Bungee Jumping in Gunma
This video is part of the series on Nestle's home page other episodes and bonus footage is available below. この動画はネスレジャパンのウェブシリーズのエピソードです。ほかのエピソードは下のウェブサイトでみれます。 http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ http://b.nestle.co.jp/entertain/tv2/mikaera/ Chika's channel チカさんのチャンネル: http://www.youtube.com/user/cyoshida1231 Second Channel/セカンドチャンネル! http://www.youtube.com/mikaeradesu Follow Me On Twitter/ツイッターでフォローしてね! http://www.twitter.com/ciaela Practice Reading On My Blog/ブログで英語の読み練習しましょう http://ciaela.wordpress.com Subscribe on Facebook! フェースブックで登録してね! http://www.facebook.com/ciaela Music By: Incompetech.com I use a Canon Kiss X5 and the standard EFS 18-55mm Lens to shoot all of my videos. ビデオブログで使うカメラは、キャノンのKISS X5と、基準のEFS 88-55mmレンズです。- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 13308

Chris Gen visits Gunma with Anzai Naoki!
still uploading, part one of three!...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: StreetEnglishTV
Chris Gen visits Gunma with Anzai Naoki!
Chris Gen visits Gunma with Anzai Naoki!
still uploading, part one of three!- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 12599
- author: StreetEnglishTV

Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Prefecture
Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Prefecture....
published: 29 Oct 2009
author: James Kemlo
Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Prefecture
Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Prefecture
Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Prefecture.- published: 29 Oct 2009
- views: 3517
- author: James Kemlo

PlJp - Cidade de Isesaki/Gunma (parte 1)
Conhecendo ou revendo a cidade de Isesaki em Gunma. Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/ameri...
published: 12 May 2013
author: PlanetaJapao
PlJp - Cidade de Isesaki/Gunma (parte 1)
PlJp - Cidade de Isesaki/Gunma (parte 1)
Conhecendo ou revendo a cidade de Isesaki em Gunma. Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/americo.brasil.9 Canal parceiro (Clinton):http://www.youtube.com/channel...- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 454
- author: PlanetaJapao