
Lightning Talk: YAML
Links:: www.yaml.org www.pyyaml.org....
published: 25 Sep 2012
author: TAMUArchCollege
Lightning Talk: YAML
Lightning Talk: YAML
Links:: www.yaml.org www.pyyaml.org.- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 190
- author: TAMUArchCollege

Programming With Ruby Episode 14, YAML
You will learn how to store data with ruby's YAML library Donate: https://www.paypal.com/c...
published: 24 Jul 2009
author: Man With Code
Programming With Ruby Episode 14, YAML
Programming With Ruby Episode 14, YAML
You will learn how to store data with ruby's YAML library Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=4222118 Original Post ...- published: 24 Jul 2009
- views: 4755
- author: Man With Code

Common Data Interchange Formats Tutorial Part 1: XML, JSON and YAML
Common Data Interchange Formats Tutorial Part 1: XML, JSON and YAML http://www.wdtutorials...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: WDTutorials.com
Common Data Interchange Formats Tutorial Part 1: XML, JSON and YAML
Common Data Interchange Formats Tutorial Part 1: XML, JSON and YAML
Common Data Interchange Formats Tutorial Part 1: XML, JSON and YAML http://www.wdtutorials.com/2013/04/30/common-data-interchange-formats-tutorial-part-1-xml...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 213
- author: WDTutorials.com

CSS-Layouts mit YAML (Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis)
CSS-Layouts mit YAML CSS-Frameworks, YAML und der YAML-Builder mit Jens Grochtdreis (http:...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: GalileoPressTrailer
CSS-Layouts mit YAML (Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis)
CSS-Layouts mit YAML (Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis)
CSS-Layouts mit YAML CSS-Frameworks, YAML und der YAML-Builder mit Jens Grochtdreis (http://www.grochtdreis.de) und Dirk Jesse (http://www.yaml.de). Unter de...- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 518
- author: GalileoPressTrailer

CSS-Layouts mit YAML 1/7
Galileo Computing -- Tech Talks Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis Multimediatreff, Köln -- 29....
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: galileocomputing
CSS-Layouts mit YAML 1/7
CSS-Layouts mit YAML 1/7
Galileo Computing -- Tech Talks Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis Multimediatreff, Köln -- 29.09.2007 Jens Grochtdreis & Dirk Jesse CSS-Layouts mit YAML CSS-Fram...- published: 25 Nov 2008
- views: 9780
- author: galileocomputing

Das zentrale Stylesheet von YAML - Episode 112
http://www.web-podcast.de/ YAML ist eine wohlstrukturierte Sammlung von CSS-Dateien, mit d...
published: 08 Mar 2011
author: v2bpodcast
Das zentrale Stylesheet von YAML - Episode 112
Das zentrale Stylesheet von YAML - Episode 112
http://www.web-podcast.de/ YAML ist eine wohlstrukturierte Sammlung von CSS-Dateien, mit der die bereits vorgestellte HTML-Struktur sehr flexibel gestaltet w...- published: 08 Mar 2011
- views: 828
- author: v2bpodcast

RailsCasts - #85 YAML Configuration File
Join me on Blayze! - blayze.com/zywx Application configuration shouldn't be spread through...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: developersBox
RailsCasts - #85 YAML Configuration File
RailsCasts - #85 YAML Configuration File
Join me on Blayze! - blayze.com/zywx Application configuration shouldn't be spread throughout your code base. Instead a much better place to put it is an ext...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 100
- author: developersBox

Grundinstallation FTM und YAML TYPO3 TYAML Entwicklerpaket
Installation des YAML TYPO3 Entwicklertemplates in TYPO3 ab Version 4.7 bzw in TYPO3 ab Ve...
published: 09 May 2013
author: Detlef Schäbel
Grundinstallation FTM und YAML TYPO3 TYAML Entwicklerpaket
Grundinstallation FTM und YAML TYPO3 TYAML Entwicklerpaket
Installation des YAML TYPO3 Entwicklertemplates in TYPO3 ab Version 4.7 bzw in TYPO3 ab Version 6.1. Mittels FTM kann das Template konfiguriert werden. Eigen...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 1181
- author: Detlef Schäbel

Die HTML-Struktur von YAML - Little Boxes II Episode 89
http://www.web-podcast.de In diesem Video stelle ich Ihnen die strukturellen DIV-Container...
published: 21 Jan 2010
author: v2bpodcast
Die HTML-Struktur von YAML - Little Boxes II Episode 89
Die HTML-Struktur von YAML - Little Boxes II Episode 89
http://www.web-podcast.de In diesem Video stelle ich Ihnen die strukturellen DIV-Container im YAML-Basislayout vor und erkläre die Bedeutung des Aufbaus.- published: 21 Jan 2010
- views: 1896
- author: v2bpodcast

CSS-Layouts mit YAML 6/7
Galileo Computing -- Tech Talks Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis Multimediatreff, Köln -- 29...
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: galileocomputing
CSS-Layouts mit YAML 6/7
CSS-Layouts mit YAML 6/7
Galileo Computing -- Tech Talks Web 2008: Konzeption & Praxis Multimediatreff, Köln -- 29.09.2007 Jens Grochtdreis & Dirk Jesse CSS-Layouts mit YAML CSS-Fra...- published: 25 Nov 2008
- views: 3498
- author: galileocomputing

How a .info.yml file works, the purpose of using YAML and what the 'type' attribute is for
In Drupal 8, modules have switched from using a .info file to a .info.yml file. In this vi...
published: 07 Nov 2013
How a .info.yml file works, the purpose of using YAML and what the 'type' attribute is for
How a .info.yml file works, the purpose of using YAML and what the 'type' attribute is for
In Drupal 8, modules have switched from using a .info file to a .info.yml file. In this video, we talk about what YAML files (that's what the .yml means), how it will pay off for Drupal to use a standard format like YAML, and discuss the new 'type' attribute. ----------------------------- You can also watch this video on our site to experience our unique, user-friendly interface and access great online tools, such as: * Clickable transcripts for each video, making it easy to scan ahead and review * See at a glance which videos you've already watched * Create playlists and mark videos as favorites The direct URL is http://buildamodule.com/video/drupal-8-developer-prep-building-a-simple-drupal-8-module-how-a-info-yml-file-works-the-purpose-of-using-yaml-and-what-the-type-attribute-is-for ----------------------------- This is one of many videos in a series on http://BuildAModule.com called "Drupal 8 Developer Prep". This collection is currently being released with more videos added weekly! In this series, we'll go over the new concepts and techniques being introduced in Drupal 8, build a simple Drupal 8 module, and go through the basics of object oriented programming. But that's not all... With a Drupal 8 release just on the horizon, you can be sure we'll have plenty more Drupal 8 goodness where that came from! You can watch hours of FREE focused Drupal video tutorials on http://BuildAModule.com. To view the entire list of over 1000+ videos, simply go to http://BuildAModule.com and scroll down. Current collections available include: * Introduction (1 hours, 8 videos) * Build Your First Drupal 7 Web Site (11 hours, 208 videos) * Advanced Site Building in Drupal 7 (10 hours, 246 videos) * PHP Programming Basics (11 hours, 154 videos) * Drupal 7 Development Core Concepts (13 hours, 135 videos) * Change Management and Version Control (10 hours, 126 videos) * Drupal Theming Essentials (9 hours, 80 videos) * Drupal 6 Development and Tools (9 hours, 34 videos) * Working with Files and the File API (3 hours, 24 videos) ----------------------------- Here are a few nice things that viewers have had to say about http://BuildAModule.com: "Many thanks for the terrific video series on Drupal 7 - your excellent videos are simply the best source of training and information on Drupal in existence!" "Chris has put together some of the best Drupal training material I've seen to date. I run a Drupal shop, and several of my developers have used Build a Module.com to get up to speed with working in Drupal 7. From what I've heard, they found the experience extremely valuable, and what's great for us as a team is that they can always go back and review material when they're tackling a particular problem." "Firstly, let me say that I am finding your videos extremely helpful. It's always difficult at first to get into something new but your videos are really helping me find my way in." "I recently bought the download of your twelve Drupal 7 Core Concepts videos. I am new to Drupal and they are excellent. In fact they are the best tutorial videos I have ever used in the past ten years of teaching myself HTML and PHP and then Joomla (I know, I was just experimenting.) and now Drupal." To start learning how to build web sites, develop code or theme in Drupal, check out the full video library at http://BuildAModule.com.- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 107

Teil 1 - TYPO3 4.3.1 mit Autoparser und YAML 3.2.1 Framework - Einführung
Teil 1 - kurze Einführung in TYPO3 4.3.1 mit Autoparser und YAML 3.2.1 Framework. Bei dem ...
published: 27 Feb 2010
author: typo3expertat
Teil 1 - TYPO3 4.3.1 mit Autoparser und YAML 3.2.1 Framework - Einführung
Teil 1 - TYPO3 4.3.1 mit Autoparser und YAML 3.2.1 Framework - Einführung
Teil 1 - kurze Einführung in TYPO3 4.3.1 mit Autoparser und YAML 3.2.1 Framework. Bei dem Paket handelt es sich um eine fertige TYPO3 Konfiguration mit zahlr...- published: 27 Feb 2010
- views: 8363
- author: typo3expertat

كيف تكود موقع فى ثوانى باستخدام yaml builder
فى هذا الدرس الرائع والشيق سنتعلم كيف تستخدم yaml builder الرائع الخاص بالفريم ورك yaml وا...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: theadvphp
كيف تكود موقع فى ثوانى باستخدام yaml builder
كيف تكود موقع فى ثوانى باستخدام yaml builder
فى هذا الدرس الرائع والشيق سنتعلم كيف تستخدم yaml builder الرائع الخاص بالفريم ورك yaml والذى يمكنك من بناء layout خاص بأى موقع تريد انشاءة فى دقائق معدودة د...- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 468
- author: theadvphp

Course Builder 1.4 Quick Start #1: Editing Course.yaml
This is part 1 of the Course Builder quick start series. In this video, I provide step-by-...
published: 22 Mar 2013
author: Jeannie Crowley
Course Builder 1.4 Quick Start #1: Editing Course.yaml
Course Builder 1.4 Quick Start #1: Editing Course.yaml
This is part 1 of the Course Builder quick start series. In this video, I provide step-by-step instructions to customize the course.yaml file using a basic t...- published: 22 Mar 2013
- views: 743
- author: Jeannie Crowley
Youtube results:

Teil 5 - YAML Template zu TYPO3 hinzufügen und als default Template setzen
Teil 5 weiteres YAML Template für TYPO3 Autoparser hinzufügen und als defalut TYPO3 Templa...
published: 05 Mar 2010
author: typo3expertat
Teil 5 - YAML Template zu TYPO3 hinzufügen und als default Template setzen
Teil 5 - YAML Template zu TYPO3 hinzufügen und als default Template setzen
Teil 5 weiteres YAML Template für TYPO3 Autoparser hinzufügen und als defalut TYPO3 Template setzen.- published: 05 Mar 2010
- views: 9648
- author: typo3expertat

Symfony2 Tutorial: YAML |video2brain.com
Komplettes Video-Training: http://bit.ly/1lMbX4o YAML stet für Yet Another Markup Language...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Symfony2 Tutorial: YAML |video2brain.com
Symfony2 Tutorial: YAML |video2brain.com
Komplettes Video-Training: http://bit.ly/1lMbX4o YAML stet für Yet Another Markup Language und gestattet das hierarchische Abbild einer Konfiguration. Dabei ist YAML höchst kompakt und macht bei der Notation auch Anleihen bei JSON. Dieses Tutorial ist ein Auszug aus Carsten Harnischs neuem Video-Training „Symfony2 - Crashkurs" von video2brain.- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 112

25-TYPO3-Typoscript-PAGE-Template und YAML-CSS einbinden.mp4
In Teil 25 des TYPO3-Einsteigerkurses definieren wir noch ein Typoscript für das PAGE-Obje...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: Wolfgang Wagner
25-TYPO3-Typoscript-PAGE-Template und YAML-CSS einbinden.mp4
25-TYPO3-Typoscript-PAGE-Template und YAML-CSS einbinden.mp4
In Teil 25 des TYPO3-Einsteigerkurses definieren wir noch ein Typoscript für das PAGE-Objekt. Außerdem werden die noch fehlenden Links zu den YAML-CSS-Dateie...- published: 11 Jun 2010
- views: 12509
- author: Wolfgang Wagner

الدرس الخامس:كتابة كود css وعمل layout للموقع :yaml
yaml سلسلة تعلم تكويد وتصميم المواقع ب....
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: theadvphp
الدرس الخامس:كتابة كود css وعمل layout للموقع :yaml
الدرس الخامس:كتابة كود css وعمل layout للموقع :yaml
yaml سلسلة تعلم تكويد وتصميم المواقع ب.- published: 17 Jul 2011
- views: 653
- author: theadvphp