Platinum Japan

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General Information
Fund Name Platinum Japan
Manager Platinum Asset Management
APIR Code PLA0003AU  
Sector/Asset Class Equity Japan  
Morningstar Rating  (as at 31st Mar 2011)  
Legal Structure Investment Fund  
Fund Inception 12th Jun 1998
Fund Size $439.52 million (as at 31st Dec 2013) 
Entry Price $3.2965 (as at 17th Jan 2014) 
Exit Price $3.28 (as at 17th Jan 2014) 
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Fund Performance (as at 31st Dec 2013)   NOTE : returns for periods greater than 1 year are annualised
  1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
1 Year
% p.a.
2 Year
% p.a.
3 Year
% p.a.
5 Year
% p.a.
10 Year
% p.a.
Total Return 3.9 12.12 17.7 71.68 41.61 20.91 14.55 9.72
Growth Return 3.90 12.12 17.70 71.68 41.61 20.91 11.17 6.01
Income Return 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.38 3.71
Morningstar Index
(Mstar PG ITr Equity Japan Idx)  
Total Return 3.85 8.76 14.57 55.47 29.97 14.64 6.02 3.37
Market Index
Total Return 2.96 6.91 11.63 47.57 25.55 10.53 2.41 2.46

Asset Allocation (as at 31st Dec 2013)  
Domestic Shares 0%
International Shares 98.8%
Cash 1.2%
Listed Property 0%
Direct Property 0%
Domestic Fixed Interest 0%
International Fixed Interest 0%
Mortgage 0%
Other 0%
Be rewarded for investing!

Recently, the federal government introduced a package of reforms known as the Future of Financial Advice - FoFA for short. Among other things, the package bans trailing fees and other commissions for new investments in retail investment products from 1 July 2013. That's good news for investors!

Unfortunately, the reforms don't cover existing investments - so even after 1 July 2013, you could find yourself paying hidden commissions on managed funds. That means TrailCap can still save you money.

Objectives and Strategy
Fund Objective Aims to provide capital growth over the long-term through searching out undervalued listed and unlisted investments in Japanese and Korean companies. Minimum suggested time horizon is 5 or more years.
Fund Strategy Invests primarily in companies listed in Japan and Korea. Those companies may list on stock exchanges other than Japan or Korea, and the Fund may invest in them. Fund is likely to consist of 30-60 stocks the Manager believes undervalued by the market. When undervalued stocks cannot be found, funds may be invested in cash. The proportion of Korean securities will be limited to a maximum of 25% of the value of the Fund, at the time of investment. The Manager may short-sell shares that it considers over-valued.


Offer Information
Indirect Cost Ratio (ICR) 1.54% (as at 30th Jun 2013) (Estimated)
Minimum Initial Investment $20,000
Minimum Additional Investments $0
Minimum Redemption Amount $10,000

Top 10 Holdings (as at 30th Nov 2013)
Holding Type % of Portfolio
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. Equity 3.88
Login now to view the complete list of holdings.

MorningstarThe data is provided by Morningstar. For further information on managed funds, including Research Reports, please visit

© Copyright Morningstar Australasia Pty Ltd 2009 ABN 95 090 665 544 (Morningstar), AFSL 240892. (a subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc.). This information is to be used for personal, non-commercial purposes only. No reproduction is permitted without the prior written content of Morningstar. Some of the material provided is published under licence from ASX Operations Pty Limited ACN 004 523 782 ("ASXO").

Further managed funds data is provided by Standard & Poor's Information Services and is subject to the following disclaimers.

* Dates for historical returns vary from fund to fund


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