- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 224
- author: TheCarbonTrust
Capita Group plc - Carbon Trust case study
Since 2006, outsourcing company Capita has worked with the Carbon Trust to improve efficie...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: TheCarbonTrust
Capita Group plc - Carbon Trust case study
Capita Group plc - Carbon Trust case study
Since 2006, outsourcing company Capita has worked with the Carbon Trust to improve efficiency across over 300 sites. Through a strong focus on good housekeep...- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 224
- author: TheCarbonTrust
Capita case study: Implementing online payments at Home Group
Home Group provide social housing for 120000 people across the UK. They have recently impl...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: Capita Software
Capita case study: Implementing online payments at Home Group
Capita case study: Implementing online payments at Home Group
Home Group provide social housing for 120000 people across the UK. They have recently implemented Capita's online payment system, significantly reducing the...- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 404
- author: Capita Software
Capita Group - DSE H&S; Induction Video
Video for Capita Group showing the hazards and correct set up procedure for Display Screen...
published: 28 May 2011
author: Stormnetmedia
Capita Group - DSE H&S; Induction Video
Capita Group - DSE H&S; Induction Video
Video for Capita Group showing the hazards and correct set up procedure for Display Screen Equipment.- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 107
- author: Stormnetmedia
Capita - Ian Gates - Part of the Capita Group Plc
Hear from Ian Gates, divisional director of CSS, speaking about our success with customers...
published: 26 Apr 2010
author: Capita Software
Capita - Ian Gates - Part of the Capita Group Plc
Capita - Ian Gates - Part of the Capita Group Plc
Hear from Ian Gates, divisional director of CSS, speaking about our success with customers, demonstrated by the strengths and outcomes detailed in our case s...- published: 26 Apr 2010
- views: 432
- author: Capita Software
Magna Housing Group implements Swordfish EDM from Capita
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: Capita Software
Magna Housing Group implements Swordfish EDM from Capita
Magna Housing Group implements Swordfish EDM from Capita
- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 116
- author: Capita Software
宛 Krivec Consort Palermo Sport Film Festival Capita Group Varianter 豫园
鸡包头蚌埠北海本溪滨州阜阳巴音郭宝兴县. 北川羌族自治县巴马瑶族自治县八宿县边坝县波楞亳州白山保山百色白城毕节地区巴中. filmbay 巴彦淖尔白银博尔塔拉北屯璧山县博乐市巴里....
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: sundancecinema
宛 Krivec Consort Palermo Sport Film Festival Capita Group Varianter 豫园
宛 Krivec Consort Palermo Sport Film Festival Capita Group Varianter 豫园
鸡包头蚌埠北海本溪滨州阜阳巴音郭宝兴县. 北川羌族自治县巴马瑶族自治县八宿县边坝县波楞亳州白山保山百色白城毕节地区巴中. filmbay 巴彦淖尔白银博尔塔拉北屯璧山县博乐市巴里. Zinema Film bat entretenimendu duen soinu istorioa eta irudiak ete...- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 24
- author: sundancecinema
Capita - North East Derbyshire District Council - Revenues and Benefits solution case study
Watch this video to find out how Capita Software Services worked successfully in close par...
published: 03 Sep 2009
author: Capita Software
Capita - North East Derbyshire District Council - Revenues and Benefits solution case study
Capita - North East Derbyshire District Council - Revenues and Benefits solution case study
Watch this video to find out how Capita Software Services worked successfully in close partnership with the Revenues and Benefit department at North East Der...- published: 03 Sep 2009
- views: 304
- author: Capita Software
Interview with Mark Henderson at Capita's Housing Conference 2012
Watch Mark Henderson, CEO at Home Group, interviewed at Capita's 2012 Housing Conference. ...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: Capita Software
Interview with Mark Henderson at Capita's Housing Conference 2012
Interview with Mark Henderson at Capita's Housing Conference 2012
Watch Mark Henderson, CEO at Home Group, interviewed at Capita's 2012 Housing Conference. Hear him discuss the burning issues in social housing today.- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 61
- author: Capita Software
Capita TotalMobile: a social housing perspective
Watch this video to find out about real life situations where Capita TotalMobile can assis...
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: Capita Software
Capita TotalMobile: a social housing perspective
Capita TotalMobile: a social housing perspective
Watch this video to find out about real life situations where Capita TotalMobile can assist social housing providers in achieving efficiencies and delivering...- published: 17 Oct 2012
- views: 222
- author: Capita Software
Capita's Housing Conference 2013: The Visual Minutes, by Creative Connection
Watch the video highlighting the best bits from Capita's Housing Conference 2013 at Alton ...
published: 25 Sep 2013
Capita's Housing Conference 2013: The Visual Minutes, by Creative Connection
Capita's Housing Conference 2013: The Visual Minutes, by Creative Connection
Watch the video highlighting the best bits from Capita's Housing Conference 2013 at Alton Towers Conference Centre on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September. Creative Connection worked with Capita, the delegates and speakers at the conference to capture and depict all the themes, challenges and thoughts from everyone present. The event was moderated by Mark Easton, BBC News Home Editor, with key note speeches delivered by David Rowan, Editor at WIRED, and Mark Hunter MBE, Olympic Gold Medallist Rower. Further sessions throughout the event were delivered by social housing providers and Capita team members. Watch the speakers' interviews on Capita's software services YouTube channel.- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 10
Involve Swindon - Case Study - Zurich Capita and Swindon Bats.wmv
Employee volunteers help out a social group for the visually impaired by re-designing thei...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: InvolveSwindon
Involve Swindon - Case Study - Zurich Capita and Swindon Bats.wmv
Involve Swindon - Case Study - Zurich Capita and Swindon Bats.wmv
Employee volunteers help out a social group for the visually impaired by re-designing their newsletter.- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 76
- author: InvolveSwindon
Vimeo results:
Prayercast | India
With a population of over one billion people dispersed throughout 4,635 distinct people gr...
published: 12 May 2011
author: Prayercast
Prayercast | India
With a population of over one billion people dispersed throughout 4,635 distinct people groups, speaking over 1,600 languages, and believing in at least twelve different official religions, India is proud to maintain relative unity amongst such rich diversity.
India can also boast about being one of the world’s top ten industrialized nations. Yet its population growth rises as fast as its economic growth, and with seventy percent of its people dependent on agriculture and a sixty one percent literacy rate (only one in three women can read), its people suffer under one of the world’s lowest per capita income levels.
However, God is at work from the small, traditional Indian villages to the gargantuan cosmopolitan cities.
Radio broadcasts in the northern regions reach and disciple illiterate and isolated Christians throughout the week who need to walk three miles to reach the nearest church.
Gospel tracts, which cost less than a penny to produce, fuel a church movement in Himachal Pradesh.
Small women’s fellowship groups faithful in prayer and fasting report healing miracles and an upsurge in conversions in small Assam villages.
In Delhi, where over half of the population lives in large slums filled with pollution, disease, crime and hopelessness, orphans raised in Christian orphanages dedicate their lives to Christ and proceed to witness in desperate neighborhoods and lead hope-filled churches.
But as Christ and the gospel of peace defeat and replace powerless superstition, age-old tradition and satanic strongholds, the enemy resists.
Christians face violent persecution in almost every prefecture and converts are threatened with loosing their status, jobs homes and lives. Poverty, cultural barriers, illiteracy, religious opposition and a rigid class system pose tremendous obstacles to the gospel. Yet, dedicated Indians empowered by the Holy Spirit and made powerful by the grace, peace and strength of Christ are and will continue to reach the smallest hamlet and the mightiest city.
Vermont Fallen Intro 2013
Continuation of Vermont Fallen: Vermont has the highest per capita of death in the Iraq an...
published: 18 Apr 2013
author: Norwich Television
Vermont Fallen Intro 2013
Continuation of Vermont Fallen: Vermont has the highest per capita of death in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars than any other state. "Vermont Fallen" tells the stories of the families who joined together in grief to form a support group. Along the way, they have created a collective journey of tribute to their loved ones.
North Carolina's Research Triangle Park: An Investment in the Future
In the mid-1950s, farming, textiles, tobacco and furniture—all low-wage, low-skill enterpr...
published: 24 Apr 2010
author: John Wilson
North Carolina's Research Triangle Park: An Investment in the Future
In the mid-1950s, farming, textiles, tobacco and furniture—all low-wage, low-skill enterprises—were the backbone of North Carolina’s stagnant economy. Next to last nationally in per capita income, the state had lost the ability to employ many of its own college graduates, who were leaving by the thousands for opportunity in other parts of the country.
A group of visionary Tar Heels, including Greensboro construction company owner Romeo Guest, Governor Luther Hodges and Wachovia Bank Chairman Archie Davis, realized that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State College in Raleigh, and Duke University in Durham were the drawing cards the state needed to attract modern industry.
Located on what was worn-out farmland described by locals as “nothing but scrub pine and possums,” Research Triangle Park is today the largest and most successful research park in the world. North Carolina’s economy now includes high-tech research and industry, and per capita income has risen dramatically.
"North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park: An Investment in the Future" examines the unique partnership between universities, industry and government that has transformed the entire state. Written, directed and produced by John Wilson and narrated by Goldsboro native Carl Kasell of National Public Radio, the documentary was the culmination of the Park’s 40th-anniversary observance. The film features Nobel Prize winner Gertrude Elion, former UNC president Bill Friday, former N.C. governor Jim Hunt, and many others.
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Tongil
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and Works"
광활한 우주,
아름다운 지구!
평화 이상세계의 꿈~.
이 꿈은 하나님과 인류가 바라던 오랜 염원이다.
부모의 심정으로 종의 몸을 쓰고,
땀은 땅을 위하여, 눈물은 인류를 위하여, 피는 하늘을 위해
그리고 하나님조국을 위해 일생을 헌신해온 문선명 선생!
선생은 이제 인류 앞에 참부모, 세상 앞에 구세주, 천주 앞에 평화의 왕,
하늘 앞에 성자의 푯대로 추앙받고 있다.
Vast universe,
Beautiful Earth!
Dream of peaceful ideal world~.
This is the long cherished dream of God and humanity.
In the shoes of a servant with the heart of the parents,
Shedding sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven,
The man who has spent his entire life for God’s homeland: Rev. Sun Myung Moon!
Rev. Moon is now revered as the True Parents to humanity, the savior to the world, the King of Peace of the cosmos and the model saint infront of heaven.
선생은 3.1독립만세운동이 일어난지 10개월만인 1920년 1월 6일 평안북도 정주에 태어났다. 선생은 어린시절부터 호기심이 많았다. 온종일 산으로 강으로 누비면서 자연을 벗 삼았다. 그리고 자신보다는 주위를 생각하는 속 깊은 소년이었다.
하지만 조국은 일제 치하에서 신음하고 있었다.
선생의 고향인 평안북도 정주는, 만주로 향하는 피난민의 길목이었다.
10 months after the 3.1 Korean independence movement, Rev. Moon was born in Jeongju of Pyeong-An Book-Do on January 6th 1920.Rev. Moon was a boy full of curiosity. He befriended nature, spending his days roaming the mountains and rivers. He was also quite mature, always thinking others before himself.
However, the nation was groaning in misery under the Japanese rule.
His hometown, Jeong-Ju, was on the path of refugees running toward Manchuria.
정주에서도 살림이 도타웠던 선생의 집안은 나눔의 가풍을 실천하며 살아왔다. 증조할아버지는 ‘팔도강산 사람에게 밥을 먹이면 팔도강산에서 축복이 몰려든다’는 유언을 남길 정도였고, 그런 선생의 집은 힘들게 고향을 떠나는 피난민들이 잠시 요기를 하고 하룻밤 쉬어갈 수 있는 쉼터였다.
이런 가풍 속에 자란 소년 문선명은 어린 시절 부터 남의 불행과 아픔을 외면하지 못했다.
집안의 쌀부대를 져다가 피난민에게 나눠주기도 여러 번이었다.
Rev. Moon’s family was renowned for giving charity to those in need. His great-grandfather even left a saying, ‘If you feed people from all over the nation, the blessings of the nation will come to you,’ and thus, Rev. Moon’s house became a place where the refugees tired from their journey could stop to eat food and rest.
Having been raised with this kind of family tradition, from his early childhood Rev. Moon couldn’t ignore other people’s pain and suffering.
He often gave sacks of his family’s rice to the refugees passing by his home.
나라를 되찾기 위해서는 새로운 지식이 필요하다는 것을 깨닫고 오산학교에 입학하여 이듬해 정주공립보통학교로 전학했다.
He understood that he needed new knowledge in order to reclaim the nation, and so he entered Osan school, and transferred the following year to Jeong-Ju public school.
학교공부와 더불어 소년 문선명은 목사이자 독립운동가였던 문윤국 할아버지의 영향으로 종교와 애국에 대한 뜻을 키워나간다.
Influenced by his grandfather Yoon-Kook Moon, who was a pastor and also a independence activist, Rev. Moon’s love for religion and his country grew.
16살 되던 무렵...
13남매 중 다섯 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪어야 했던 소년 문선명...
형제와 친구의 죽음, 민족의 수탈로 삶과 죽음에 대해 고민하던 16살의 소년은 산속에서 홀로 기도하며 하나님께 그 답을 구했다.
1935년 부활절 새벽. 밤새 눈물로 기도하던 소년은 예수님을 영적으로 만난다.
At the age of 16…
Young Rev. Moon lost 5 of his 13 siblings…
Grieving the death of his siblings and friends and for the suffering of the nation, the young boy at 16 years of age went up a mountain alone to seek answers from God.
On the dawn of Easter morning in 1935, the boy who prayed in tears all night long met Jesus in spirit.
이 날 하나님의 뜻 성사를 위한 결심은 평생을 움직이는 원동력이 되었다.
부활절 이후 소년 문선명은 그전과 확연히 달라졌다.
말수가 줄고, 깊은 사색을 하는 시간이 늘어갔다.
그러다 마침내 1938년 19세 때 서울 흑석동으로 상경하게 된다.
처음 고향을 떠나 낯선 땅에서의 하숙생활.
당시 만해도 첨단 학문분야였던 경성상공실무학교 전기과에 다녔
Youtube results:
Capita Symonds: innovate
Richard McWilliams, Director of Research, Development & Innovation, tells us about innovat...
published: 08 Apr 2009
author: Capita Symonds
Capita Symonds: innovate
Capita Symonds: innovate
Richard McWilliams, Director of Research, Development & Innovation, tells us about innovate.- published: 08 Apr 2009
- views: 352
- author: Capita Symonds
Capita Housing Conference 2012 - overview
Where were you? What were your best bits? Watch the highlights of Capita's 2012 Housing Co...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Capita Software
Capita Housing Conference 2012 - overview
Capita Housing Conference 2012 - overview
Where were you? What were your best bits? Watch the highlights of Capita's 2012 Housing Conference and listen to some of the key points raised discussing the...- published: 24 Oct 2012
- views: 98
- author: Capita Software
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust benefit from Capita's payment collection solutions
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust implemented Capita's payment collection solutions l...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: Capita Software
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust benefit from Capita's payment collection solutions
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust benefit from Capita's payment collection solutions
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust implemented Capita's payment collection solutions leading to a range of benefits including: * Dramatic reduction in in...- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 191
- author: Capita Software
Capita - Housing Conference Review 2010 - John Puzey 02
John Puzey speaking at the Capita National Conference 2010 - The citizen centred approach....
published: 13 Nov 2010
author: Capita Software
Capita - Housing Conference Review 2010 - John Puzey 02
Capita - Housing Conference Review 2010 - John Puzey 02
John Puzey speaking at the Capita National Conference 2010 - The citizen centred approach.- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 22
- author: Capita Software