- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 222
- author: Saco Studentmässor
Vad gör en jurist?
Seminarium på Saco Studentmässa 2012 Vad gör en jurist? - det juridiska arbetet och karriä...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Saco Studentmässor
Vad gör en jurist?
Vad gör en jurist?
Seminarium på Saco Studentmässa 2012 Vad gör en jurist? - det juridiska arbetet och karriärvägar för en jurist Av JUSEK, www.jusek.se Läs mer om juristyrken ...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 222
- author: Saco Studentmässor
Karriär som jurist?
Pluggar du till jurist och är nyfiken på vad en juristkarriär hos oss skulle innebära för ...
published: 13 Oct 2009
author: folksam
Karriär som jurist?
Karriär som jurist?
Pluggar du till jurist och är nyfiken på vad en juristkarriär hos oss skulle innebära för dig? Eller är du kanske redan etablerad jurist och vill prova yrket...- published: 13 Oct 2009
- views: 3631
- author: folksam
Falkbergsskolan åk 8 har under våren 2013 intervjuat yrkesverksamma personer inom olika om...
published: 20 May 2013
Falkbergsskolan åk 8 har under våren 2013 intervjuat yrkesverksamma personer inom olika områden. Eleverna har intervjuat personer som har yrken som dom är intresserade av att bli eller få mer kunskap om. Projektet "Mitt Drömyrke" är ett samarbete mellan Xenter Botkyrka och Falkbergsskolan.- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 6
Juridische Hogeschool: HBO Jurist voorbeelden uit de praktijk
Hbo-jurist Wat doet een hbo-jurist nu eigenlijk? En ben je benieuwd wat je als hbo-jurist ...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: wwwscholierentv
Juridische Hogeschool: HBO Jurist voorbeelden uit de praktijk
Juridische Hogeschool: HBO Jurist voorbeelden uit de praktijk
Hbo-jurist Wat doet een hbo-jurist nu eigenlijk? En ben je benieuwd wat je als hbo-jurist kunt betekenen binnen een organisatie? Hieronder lees je een greep ...- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 122
- author: wwwscholierentv
Ben je nieuwsgierig naar een dag uit jouw toekomst als jurist? Zoek je een opleiding die j...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: HAN FEM
Ben je nieuwsgierig naar een dag uit jouw toekomst als jurist? Zoek je een opleiding die je wereld vergroot? Misschien is de opleiding HBO-Rechten iets voor ...- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 376
- author: HAN FEM
WP Jurist - WordPress Theme for Lawyers
Full demo here: http://wpjurist.com
Download here: http://wpdevshed.com/themes/wp-jurist/...
published: 10 Nov 2013
WP Jurist - WordPress Theme for Lawyers
WP Jurist - WordPress Theme for Lawyers
Full demo here: http://wpjurist.com Download here: http://wpdevshed.com/themes/wp-jurist/ WP Jurist is our latest WordPress theme for Lawyers, and other professional service businesses. The theme features attractive templates to profile your services and content, but distinguishes itself by making it easy to profile your people in a bold and attractive way. Use the bundled plugin to add a new custom post type for profiling the people in your business...add a profile pic, title, bio, contact details and links to profiles on the big social networks.- published: 10 Nov 2013
- views: 238
Der Tod und der Jurist - nichtlustig
Inspiriert durch: www.nichtlustig.de und "Recht für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler" an der Uni...
published: 19 Dec 2009
author: Lars Christian Kehrel
Der Tod und der Jurist - nichtlustig
Der Tod und der Jurist - nichtlustig
Inspiriert durch: www.nichtlustig.de und "Recht für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler" an der Uni Mannheim 2009 Erstellt von Lars Kehrel (c) 2009.- published: 19 Dec 2009
- views: 45208
- author: Lars Christian Kehrel
Jurist erkennt die Wahrheit
published: 09 Jul 2011
author: DiscoverIslamDE
Jurist erkennt die Wahrheit
Brave Jurist Punishes Himself for Misjudging the Regime China 2014 News
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.f...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Brave Jurist Punishes Himself for Misjudging the Regime China 2014 News
Brave Jurist Punishes Himself for Misjudging the Regime China 2014 News
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/chinaforbiddennews Jurist Fan Zhongxin crawled one kilometer in the West Lake on New Year's Day. Fan Zhongxin says it was his punishment for losing a bet. He had bet that in 2013, the Property Declaration would become effective nationally, in autonomous regions and all provinces and cities. However, he lost. Fan Zhongxin told NTD that he was willing to fulfill his promise as he had misjudged the regime. Reporter: Fan Zhongxin is a professor of Hangzhou Normal University, and also Executive President of China Legal History Association. On January 1 2013, Fan Zhongxin bet on the microblog: 'I firmly believe that in 2013, the Property Declaration will be implemented in autonomous regions and all provinces and cities- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 1
Der Jurist Henning Ernst Müller zum Fall Mollath im Tagesgespräch vom 30.11.2012
"Nahe liegende Fragen wurden offenbar nicht gestellt" Thema: Zweifeln Sie an Bayerns Justi...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: cassandracoloreless
Der Jurist Henning Ernst Müller zum Fall Mollath im Tagesgespräch vom 30.11.2012
Der Jurist Henning Ernst Müller zum Fall Mollath im Tagesgespräch vom 30.11.2012
"Nahe liegende Fragen wurden offenbar nicht gestellt" Thema: Zweifeln Sie an Bayerns Justiz? Die Sicht des Juristen Henning Ernst Müller (Professor für Straf...- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 4127
- author: cassandracoloreless
Aeternitas - Jurist
German gothic metal band Aeternitas. Song is Jurist from the album La Danse Macabre (2004)...
published: 07 Jun 2011
author: Skelletona
Aeternitas - Jurist
Aeternitas - Jurist
German gothic metal band Aeternitas. Song is Jurist from the album La Danse Macabre (2004). Check out my radio stream at http://s5.myradiostream.com/47960.ht...- published: 07 Jun 2011
- views: 197
- author: Skelletona
Wer ist eigentlich der Jurist?
Was ist eigentlich der Jurist? Zunächst sind wir eine Gruppe Studenten. Wir haben einen Ve...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: deryourist
Wer ist eigentlich der Jurist?
Wer ist eigentlich der Jurist?
Was ist eigentlich der Jurist? Zunächst sind wir eine Gruppe Studenten. Wir haben einen Verlag gegründet und bringen jährlich eine Fachzeitschrift heraus. Di...- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 370
- author: deryourist
Jurist hos Barnombudsmannen berättar
Anna Karin berättar om vad som händer om man blir tagen av polisen....
published: 19 Mar 2013
Jurist hos Barnombudsmannen berättar
Jurist hos Barnombudsmannen berättar
Anna Karin berättar om vad som händer om man blir tagen av polisen.- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 16
Vimeo results:
Directed & Produced by Patrick Rood
from http://patrickrood.com
Cinematography & Editing ...
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: Trouble & Bass
Directed & Produced by Patrick Rood
from http://patrickrood.com
Cinematography & Editing by Matthew Canada
from www.controlaltmedia.com
"Bloodrave" Produced by Deathface aka Johnny Love
from www.troubleandbass.com
Buy the track:
Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/336895/Fall%20Of%20Man%20EP
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/fall-of-man-ep/id420512610
Deathface's 2nd release on T&B; has finally arrived! "Fall Of Man" EP is available digitally everywhere in the world! Fall Of Man is a six-track EP inspired by Midwest hardcore of the 90’s and Magic the Gathering, woodland bonfire parties and white trash drug debauchery, Atari Teenage Riot and Aleister Crowley. Johnny’s rave roots are showcased on opening track “Blood Rave“; with a classic 303 acid line that runs head on into a wall of choppy breaks and heavy bass. As intense as this is, it does nothing to prepare you for what’s to come! The title track – “Fall Of Man” is pure black magic dubstep, the soundtrack to The Omen’s Damien Thorn and The Exorcist’s Regan MacNeil dropping 2C-B at Anton LaVey’s first rave. As the EP moves on, things get even harder-core with the roundhouse kick of “Gift Of Fury” and “Sick of It ” featuring vocals from Adri Law, Deathface’s intense new vocalist in the vein of Hanin Elias (Atari Teenage Riot) and Alice Glass (Crystal Castles).
Innocent guy - Reed Maidhoff
Vamp Seductress - Melissa Anne
Bleach Blond Dancer - Theresa Dapra
Italian Bouncer - Luca Venezia
Creepy Warehouse Butcher - Michael Cohn
Bloodbath DJ - Harry Rodrigues
Aerosyn Lex, Amanda Prusinski, Amanda Abbott, Brigid Nastasia, Casey Linder, Cecilia Doreng-Stearns, Denman Anderson, Dexter Ng, Emma Ng, Greg Pesochin, Jess Gentile, Jillian Fromage, Julian Foxworth, Justin LaMonica, Justin Ng, Kelley Frank, Kyle Gamache, Lenora Jayne, Mike Gnacadja, Natalie Kelapire, Patrick Rood, Sarah Joy Hood, Stephanie Jurist, Vivian Host, Whitney Lawson.
Special Thanks to:
Mishka, The Cove, all the extras and T&B; troublemakers!
Shot in New York, NY (Manhattan and Brooklyn) in February 2011 on a Panasonic AF100.
BTS vid from HiFi Cartel: http://vimeo.com/20757996
BTS vid from Tittsworth: http://vimeo.com/19718506
Bande-annonce (trailer) / Entre-deux
Un film écrit par Cécile Lugiez et réalisé par Thibaut Wohlfahrt.
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: Dancing Dog Productions
Bande-annonce (trailer) / Entre-deux
Un film écrit par Cécile Lugiez et réalisé par Thibaut Wohlfahrt.
Production : Dancing Dog Productions
Producteur exécutif : Maximilien Charlier
Sonia - Margaux Jolly
Romain - Pierre Braeuner
La psychologue - Sophie Museur
Le juriste - Mathieu Besnard
Copine de Sonia - Alexa Scorsone
Maman de Sonia - Evelyne De Wolf
Sœur de Sonia - Aliya Kourdi
Equipe technique
Direction photo et cadre - Quentin Devillers
1er assistant caméra - Benjamin Morel - Léo Lefèvre
Prise de son - Marie Paulus
Perchman - Aurélien Lebourg - Bertrand Romefort
Montage image - Adrien Kaempf
Montage son et mixage - Marie Paulus
Etalonnage - Pascal Oberlin
Décors et accessoires - Mickael Gloro
Costumes et maquillage - Marie Davin
Machiniste - Thibault Condy
Régie générale - Clovis Denoual
Régisseur - Yannick Poré
Continuité - Mira de Monge
Direction de production - Maximilien Charlier
Assistant de production - Antoine Sanchez
Coordinatrice de production - Céline Speeckaert
1ère assistante à la réalisation - Marie Braeuner
Castings - Thibaut Wohlfahrt
Figuration - Clovis Denoual - Frédérique Vansteenwegen
Crédit musical
Chapelier Fou « Les métamorphoses du vide »
Album 613.
Une licence exclusive Ici,d'ailleurs.
Editions Ici,d'ailleurs...
Each Other
Each Other. A film by ioulex.
Starring Brandon Riles, Christian, Hiraku Morilla, Keilani...
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: ioulex
Each Other
Each Other. A film by ioulex.
Starring Brandon Riles, Christian, Hiraku Morilla, Keilani @Wilhelmina, Neon, Patrick Rood, Paul Lemaire, Samantha Noelle Mcelrath, Sasha @Wilhelmina, Soo Joo @Wilhelmina, Stephanie Jurist, and Tatsuya.
Casting and styling by Masayo Kishi. http://www.masayokishi.com
Make-up by John Guanlao, hair by Takeo Suzuki.
Music: “Hallnoats” by Bubbles. http://bubbleswebsite.com
Special thanks to Jason & Alain of Bubbles and Pure Space studio NYC.
Whirling Dervishes: Mevlevi Sema Ceremony
As part of their Golden Matrix academic studies in Istanbul, Ross students attended Mevlev...
published: 25 Feb 2010
author: Ross Institute
Whirling Dervishes: Mevlevi Sema Ceremony
As part of their Golden Matrix academic studies in Istanbul, Ross students attended Mevlevi Sema Ceremony at www.hodjapasha.com on March 22, 2010. Filmed by permission.
The Mawlawi Order, or the Mevlevilik or Mevleviye (Persian: مولويه - Mowlawīya) are a Sufi order founded in Konya (in present-day Turkey) by the followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi, a 13th century Persian poet, Islamic jurist, and theologian. They are also known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of God). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi path; the whirling is part of the formal Sema ceremony and the participants are properly known as semazens.
The Mevlevi became a well-established Sufi order in the Ottoman Empire by realizing a blood relationship with the Ottoman sultans when Devlet Hatun, a descendant of Sultan Veled, married the sultan Bayezid I. Their son Mehmed I Çelebi became the next sultan, endowing the order, as did his successors, with many gifts.
Many of the members of the order served in various official positions of the Caliphate. The centre for the Mawlawi order was in Konya, where their 13th century guiding spirit, Mawlana (Jelaleddin al-Rumi) is buried. There is also a Mevlevi monastery or dergah in Istanbul, near the Galata Tower, where the sema (whirling ceremony) is performed and accessible to the public.
- from wikipedia
Youtube results:
Gov. Daniel Tarullo on financial stability regulation at Penn Law's Distingushed Jurist Lecture
University of Pennsylvania Law School's Distinguished Jurist Lecture 2012 Daniel K. Tarull...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: pennlawschool
Gov. Daniel Tarullo on financial stability regulation at Penn Law's Distingushed Jurist Lecture
Gov. Daniel Tarullo on financial stability regulation at Penn Law's Distingushed Jurist Lecture
University of Pennsylvania Law School's Distinguished Jurist Lecture 2012 Daniel K. Tarullo, of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, speaks ...- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 239
- author: pennlawschool
Jurist Garzón verteidigt Assange (Wikileaks)
http://RoteFahne.tv - Das Rechtsanwaltsteam des Wikileaks-Gründers Julian Assange ist best...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: Die Rote Fahne
Jurist Garzón verteidigt Assange (Wikileaks)
Jurist Garzón verteidigt Assange (Wikileaks)
http://RoteFahne.tv - Das Rechtsanwaltsteam des Wikileaks-Gründers Julian Assange ist bestrebt, den Fall im öffentlichen Bewusstsein zu halten und hierbei is...- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 960
- author: Die Rote Fahne
Jurist Conference-Inauguration LIVE (10.00 am to 1.00 pm)
Jurist Conference-Inauguration LIVE (10.00 am to 1.00 pm)...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: RajaYogi BK Karuna
Jurist Conference-Inauguration LIVE (10.00 am to 1.00 pm)
Jurist Conference-Inauguration LIVE (10.00 am to 1.00 pm)
Jurist Conference-Inauguration LIVE (10.00 am to 1.00 pm)- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 301
- author: RajaYogi BK Karuna
Flanderijn testimonial - Jurist
Dienstverlening is mensenwerk en voor incasso geldt dat in het bijzonder. De emoties kunne...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: FlanderijnIncasso
Flanderijn testimonial - Jurist
Flanderijn testimonial - Jurist
Dienstverlening is mensenwerk en voor incasso geldt dat in het bijzonder. De emoties kunnen hoog oplopen, zowel bij de debiteur als bij opdrachtgevers. Hoe i...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 640
- author: FlanderijnIncasso