- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 893693

What is reddit?
Discuss this video on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/1m12gt/what_is_redd...
published: 09 Sep 2013
What is reddit?
What is reddit?
Discuss this video on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/1m12gt/what_is_reddit_grey_explains/ Help support videos like this: http://www.cgpgrey.com/subbable Subreddits in the video in order of appearance: http://www.reddit.com/r/politics http://www.reddit.com/r/programming http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2 http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft http://www.reddit.com/r/london http://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom http://www.reddit.com/r/europe/ http://www.reddit.com/r/firefly http://www.reddit.com/r/thewire http://www.reddit.com/r/technology http://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology http://www.reddit.com/r/vexillologytechnology http://www.reddit.com/r/aww http://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics http://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations http://www.reddit.com/r/birdswitharms http://www.reddit.com/r/hitlerinsocks http://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeiama http://www.reddit.com/r/InfrastructurePorn http://www.reddit.com/r/prisonarchitect/ http://www.reddit.com/r/apple http://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting http://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience http://www.reddit.com/r/iama http://www.reddit.com/r/meetup http://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance http://www.reddit.com/r/secretsanta/ http://www.reddit.com/gold/about Special thanks to: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesagt & http://www.articulateventures.com/ Gidister, Mada360 a.k.a. Adam, Ivan Aleksandrov, Justin, liamfrost, Benjamin Dang, Fatalicus, PWells, Golui, iLoveDes, Supersab, Paurmon, Nemilime, Dsiefus, jcchurch, asparakis, Zodalia, gjergjikonica, Il-Frans, gjergjik, Andres Roberto Camarena, Dertrommler, Iravincius, Abby Kenny, Ps3FifaCfc95, John Parr, JKalnins, rub1, BlackLotus04, Sondre Benjamin Aasen, Ute Hempel, Alex Norris, diogopaludo, Onii, ingaman, Dan Kilkenny, choephix, Jayu Patel, AmericanWolf10, Tommy Conlon, Alexander Schedel, ct3ph.d, crowroadawma, The Leaping Wizard, Dexil, Superfreshal, poomsar, Frosstbyte , thirstydolphin, Kevin Wiskia, Reidabee, Casey Brock, fuzzyandroid, itsjake88, gakera, Bubusbus, SRabbelier, Ebirchfield, IchBinSchön, GreyFan, Garmega, Bridger Thompson, ldcn, Hitchhiker90, Kaazmodan, rlapre99, Garceuslegend, jkohen, flappingpineapple, Trenton, adept42, farflungfloyd, Charles Weck, Alexey Donov, Blake Partridge, xvorsx, Kaazmodan, firestrike, Benedic Dasalla, NOLA Mufasa, elysio, Scotterson, Elliot Maxwell Kimelman, Hazim Aljurayyan, andersap, Jadamog, Magnum, Anders Nor Berle, Blanfire, Andreas Larsson, Thremtopod, Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak, Cesar Hanke, Julien Kling, TaleOfTwoGamers, Georg Hofferek, pw1388, Teesche, Andy Westley- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 893693

Jake and Amir: Reddit
NEWEST JAKE AND AMIR http://bit.ly/176loO LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: collegehumor
Jake and Amir: Reddit
Jake and Amir: Reddit
NEWEST JAKE AND AMIR http://bit.ly/176loO LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor The host with the most posts. See more http://www.collegehumor.com...- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 912559
- author: collegehumor

The Culture Of Reddit | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Warning: This episode contains mature subject matter. Since its creation in 2005, Reddit h...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: PBSoffbook
The Culture Of Reddit | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
The Culture Of Reddit | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Warning: This episode contains mature subject matter. Since its creation in 2005, Reddit has grown into one of the most influential communities on the intern...- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 281062
- author: PBSoffbook

Arnold Schwarzenegger has special message for reddit & needs your support for after school programs
Visit Omaze.com/arnold
Donate to After-School All-Stars (Arnold will match every donation...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Arnold Schwarzenegger has special message for reddit & needs your support for after school programs
Arnold Schwarzenegger has special message for reddit & needs your support for after school programs
Visit Omaze.com/arnold Donate to After-School All-Stars (Arnold will match every donation dollar for dollar) AND be entered in a chance to fly to Los Angeles and ride in a tank with Arnold Schwarzenegger before enjoying a cigar together. http://www.omaze.com/arnold- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 393193

How Reddit Began (feat. Founders Steve Huffman & Alexis Ohanian) | Wizard
The newest episode of the "Wizard" series on A TOTAL DISRUPTION, two-time Sundance-winning...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: atotaldisruption
How Reddit Began (feat. Founders Steve Huffman & Alexis Ohanian) | Wizard
How Reddit Began (feat. Founders Steve Huffman & Alexis Ohanian) | Wizard
The newest episode of the "Wizard" series on A TOTAL DISRUPTION, two-time Sundance-winning director Ondi Timoner's channel that takes you inside the techtoni...- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 110414
- author: atotaldisruption

Jake and Amir: Reddit Part 2
Upvote me to karma heaven, baby!
See more http://www.collegehumor.com
LIKE us on: http://...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Jake and Amir: Reddit Part 2
Jake and Amir: Reddit Part 2
Upvote me to karma heaven, baby! See more http://www.collegehumor.com LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.twitter.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.collegehumor.tumblr.com- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 97900

Top 25 Life Hacks of Reddit
Individuals shared them, the collective intelligence of Reddit sorted and vetted them, all...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: vlogbrothers
Top 25 Life Hacks of Reddit
Top 25 Life Hacks of Reddit
Individuals shared them, the collective intelligence of Reddit sorted and vetted them, all I did was make a video putting them all in one place. The 25 Top L...- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 769498
- author: vlogbrothers

Reddit troll 'Violentacrez' speaks out
Drew Griffin sits down with one of the biggest trolls on the Internet to explain why he po...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: CNN
Reddit troll 'Violentacrez' speaks out
Reddit troll 'Violentacrez' speaks out
Drew Griffin sits down with one of the biggest trolls on the Internet to explain why he posted the things he did. Check out CNN on YouTube at www.youtube.com...- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 54529
- author: CNN

IAMA: Penn and Teller | reddit's top ten questions
Penn & Teller answer the top questions from reddit.com. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comme...
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: reddit
IAMA: Penn and Teller | reddit's top ten questions
IAMA: Penn and Teller | reddit's top ten questions
Penn & Teller answer the top questions from reddit.com. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ksydb/ask_penn_teller_anything_video_iama. Subscribe to the red...- published: 05 Oct 2011
- views: 382431
- author: reddit

IAMA: Christopher Hitchens | reddit's top ten questions
Christopher Hitchens answers the top questions from reddit.com. See questions: http://budu...
published: 28 Dec 2009
author: reddit
IAMA: Christopher Hitchens | reddit's top ten questions
IAMA: Christopher Hitchens | reddit's top ten questions
Christopher Hitchens answers the top questions from reddit.com. See questions: http://budurl.com/hitchens Subscribe to the reddit's YouTube channel: http://g...- published: 28 Dec 2009
- views: 343220
- author: reddit

The Bitchies - AARON PAUL'S Top 5 Reddit AMA Moments
Check out: http://www.omaze.com/breakingbad You can win a trip to LA to watch the Breaking...
published: 15 Aug 2013
author: Nerdist
The Bitchies - AARON PAUL'S Top 5 Reddit AMA Moments
The Bitchies - AARON PAUL'S Top 5 Reddit AMA Moments
Check out: http://www.omaze.com/breakingbad You can win a trip to LA to watch the Breaking Bad finale with Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston and support Kind Cam...- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 338858
- author: Nerdist

Adam Savage From Mythbusters Interviewed by reddit.com - Part 1 of 3
Adam Savage from Mythbusters is interviewed by the users of http://reddit.com We asked him...
published: 02 Apr 2009
author: erikmartin
Adam Savage From Mythbusters Interviewed by reddit.com - Part 1 of 3
Adam Savage From Mythbusters Interviewed by reddit.com - Part 1 of 3
Adam Savage from Mythbusters is interviewed by the users of http://reddit.com We asked him the top ten questions voted on by the users in http://science.redd...- published: 02 Apr 2009
- views: 163295
- author: erikmartin

Reddit restores 87yo Grandad's Navy Photo
Update: I've blogged about the amazing response here: http://with-tech.net/2013/05/06/redd...
published: 05 May 2013
author: Steven Withey
Reddit restores 87yo Grandad's Navy Photo
Reddit restores 87yo Grandad's Navy Photo
Update: I've blogged about the amazing response here: http://with-tech.net/2013/05/06/reddit-and-i-give-87yo-veteran-grandad-gift/ My Grandad was in the Roya...- published: 05 May 2013
- views: 236397
- author: Steven Withey

Reddit Meme Murder Confession
SOURCEFED SHIRTS!!! http://dft.ba/-4EpA Reddit user confesses to possible murder using pop...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: SourceFed
Reddit Meme Murder Confession
Reddit Meme Murder Confession
SOURCEFED SHIRTS!!! http://dft.ba/-4EpA Reddit user confesses to possible murder using popular "AdviceAnimals" meme. Our Sources: http://dft.ba/-5z_w More st...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 200909
- author: SourceFed
Vimeo results:

The Manhattan Project HD
This time-lapse production has been a wild and exhilarating ride, with a lot of physical w...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: Cameron Michael
The Manhattan Project HD
This time-lapse production has been a wild and exhilarating ride, with a lot of physical work lugging my 120-130 pounds of gear around all of Manhattan. I bent (broke) some laws and made a ton of friends. Thank you all for your support and please feel free to help out a starving artist and share this video with the world.
Music Provided by: BLACKMILL
Licensing and purchase of "The Manhattan Project " are available
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/cameronmichaell
Instagram CameronMichael
Support by:
Reddit http://www.reddit.com/user/CameronMichael/

A Day in California
See the Sequel, called Imagine California, here: https://vimeo.com/78562451
A Day in Cal...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: Ryan Killackey
A Day in California
See the Sequel, called Imagine California, here: https://vimeo.com/78562451
A Day in California is comprised of 10,000+ individual photographs, taken on beginner Canon equipment. It is the result of a year and a half of travel around Southern California to capture some of the wonderful and unique locations that this great state has to offer. To learn more about the story behind A Day in California, check out my Huffington Post interview: http://huff.to/qdnc4O
This video has been featured on CBS, NBC, Gizmodo, CNET, LAist, and many others. It is a Vimeo Staff Favorite, and received recognition by being #1 on Facebook, Google+, and Reddit.
To have a video made or licensing opportunities, send me an email.
Email: ryan@ryankillackey.com
Web: RyanKillackey.com
Twitter: twitter.com/RyanKillackey
Music by Cinematic Orchestra (Song: Arrival of the Birds): http://amzn.to/A9NJxw

Dream Music, Part 1
Created By: Marc Donahue & Sean Michael Williams
LIKE our Faceb...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: Marc Donahue
Dream Music, Part 1
Created By: Marc Donahue & Sean Michael Williams
LIKE our Facebook Page to see Behind the Scenes, Deleted Scenes, and Info on Dream Music Part 2 COMING OUT AUGUST 19th 2012:
Please email me if you have questions, future work - PermaGrinFilms@gmail.com
Dream Music, Part 1 is a creative video we both made on the fly. There was no real purpose to the video but to experiment with different camera techniques, have a good time, and blow the minds of the viewers. What a little brainstorming can do;) Please contact us if you would like to be in any of our future videos. We plan on making a bunch of these.
Dedicated to James Cole - R.I.P. buddy (face on red shirt)
Thanks to http://www.dynamicperception.com for the sponsorship and all their of equipment!!!
Other Videos:
Time To Paint - http://vimeo.com/36422111 - a good behind the scenes part at the end;)
Elf Party 2011 - http://vimeo.com/33519709
Rock Ya Chewbakka - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgHXUraHpVI
Caddy Shack stop motion - http://vimeo.com/12306803
dredg - http://vimeo.com/12359800
Equipment Used:
Canon 5D Mark2
Canon 60D
Lenses - Canon 50mm 1.4, Canon 70-200 2.8, Sigma 24-70 2.8, Sigma 15mm 2.8 fisheye
Promote Remotes - intervalometers
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero
1. The Glitch Mob - Fortune Days
2. Jay-Z - Why I Love You
3. Amp Live - Video Tapez (ft. Del), Radiohead
4. Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness
after credits - Glitch Mob - Bad Wings
Here's the video on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgzRS6dXE7A
Marc's facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/marcdonahue
Sean's facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/SeanMdub
website - http://permagrinfilms.com/
twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/PermaGrinFilms
reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/qgwsb/my_fiend_makes_videos_for_a_living_mostly_from/
fstoppers - http://fstoppers.com/video-creative-music-video-will-leave-you-scratching-your-head

Mustard sings Creep
Daniel Mustard sings an acoustic version of Creep on the Opie and Anthony Show on SiriusXM...
published: 12 Dec 2009
author: Rex Kramer
Mustard sings Creep
Daniel Mustard sings an acoustic version of Creep on the Opie and Anthony Show on SiriusXM radio.
digg it: http://digg.com/d31Cw74
streaming audio of all 4 songs: http://j.mp/821OwP
o&a; instant feedback: http://j.mp/oaif
opie's youtube: http://youtube.com/opieradio
opie's twitter: http://twitter.com/opieradio
o&a; twitter archive: http://opieandanthony.tumblr.com
reddit (has individual song download links): http://j.mp/6I93Sg
Daniel Mustard's Facebook: http://j.mp/8Jn5zV
- http://rexkramer.tumblr.com
Youtube results:

How to Use Reddit
Got loads of people, friends and strangers, asking how to use reddit.com, so i thought I w...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: TrivialTurtle
How to Use Reddit
How to Use Reddit
Got loads of people, friends and strangers, asking how to use reddit.com, so i thought I would just make a tutorial to save me the time of explaining it to e...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 3788
- author: TrivialTurtle

published: 27 Jul 2012
author: KawaiiPiranha
OH BOY HERE WE GO AGAIN THIS IS NOT DIRECTED TOWARDS ALL ATHEISTS. I'm an atheist myself, though I don't like the term. This video was made in order to poke ...- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 939286
- author: KawaiiPiranha

beginners guide to reddit / how to get started on reddit
reddit is a cool way of connecting with people and sharing things. for someone who knows n...
published: 12 Jun 2013
beginners guide to reddit / how to get started on reddit
beginners guide to reddit / how to get started on reddit
reddit is a cool way of connecting with people and sharing things. for someone who knows nothing about it the site can be a bit off putting so this guide shows you how to get past all the default junk and find the things that really interest you..- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 31

MAKEUP PET PEEVES! According to Reddit
Hello lovelies! This is obviously just a bit of fun, and I hope it makes you laugh! If hav...
published: 07 Apr 2013
author: Sharon Farrell
MAKEUP PET PEEVES! According to Reddit
MAKEUP PET PEEVES! According to Reddit
Hello lovelies! This is obviously just a bit of fun, and I hope it makes you laugh! If haven't been on the makeup addiction sub-reddit, DO IT! Original Threa...- published: 07 Apr 2013
- views: 187802
- author: Sharon Farrell