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FLOODED: Albert St, Goodna

Late afternoon downpour shuts Ipswich roadways

TORRENTIAL rain caused roads to be closed in Goodna late on Thursday afternoon as parts of Ipswich received more than 100mm in a welcome downpour.

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CALLOUS: Debra Louise Pridmore leaves Ipswich Magistrates Court yesterday.

Woman guilty of animal abuse starved dogs to death in pen

A WOMAN who starved two dogs to death in her greenhouse has escaped spending any time behind bars – but is banned from owning another dog for life.

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Dreadful treatment which should carry a greater punishment... I got a kilo of chicken wings and necks the other day for $2 .. which my little darling will take a week to eat. No excuse for that lady that she cant afford to look after those dogs.

VincentS from Gladstone


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Federal Member for Rankin, Jim Chalmers. Photo Contributed

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WITH Christmas and New Year now behind us, I know many of you will use the summer to reflect on the past year, and to plan for the year ahead.

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