The sweet smell of warm blood,
It fills the air
Your fucking guts
Splattered everywhere
The suffocating stench
Of corpses putrefying,
I love this butchery
I'm the king of the world!
I see towers of flame, and corpses too
I see the doom, of me and you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies obscured, I see no light
Dark freezing days, dark sleepless nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The clouds of radiation are so pretty in the sky
Tumours on the faces of the people who survived
I see friends in the past kill each other for food
They're really starving......So will you.
I see babies die, I watch them decompose
They'll hurt much more, than I'll never know
The sewer's a place where a Ghoul can relax,
Comforts abound that the surface just lacks
Bubbling toxins that ooze from old pipes,
Barrels of goo; discarded wipes
Crumbling corridors covered with slime,
Rivers of sewage and trickling brine
These caverns are harbouring something undead,
Some wretched creation is rearing it's head
Hatched from a maggot, he is quite bizarre,
He smells like a cess pool but he shreds on guitar
He crawled into the catacombs one day
I swear we could smell him a mile away
He grabbed a guitar and proceeded to kill
He blew us away with his mosh riffing skill
We welcomed him into our ranks
The hood he proudly wore
We eagerly present this fiend
Ladies and germs, it's Dissector!
I came to shred faces
And shred them I will
With archaic chords
That possess you to kill
Up from the sewer and into the pit
We three now are four and we're taking no shit
The villagers won't know what hit them tonight
We'll show them the meaning of horror and fright
Dissector's axe will cleave them in twain
I will dismember and harvest their brains
Fermentor will brew up some rot gut to choke
Cremator will burn all their corpses to coke
He is the Sewer Chewer
Pulled from the dark of your stony grave
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Cultists conspiring to make you their slave
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Fitted with weapons, reverse engineered
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Nuclear payload, bringer of fear
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
"fire as will" BY YOUR COMMAND
Pulled from the dark of your stony grave
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Cultists conspiring to make you their slave
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Fitted with weapons, reverse engineered
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Nuclear payload, bringer of fear
Rise, Killbot, rise!!!
Razing the cemetery, leave no bones unburned
Killbot delivers carnage rightly earned
There is no quarter from this instrument of death
Whirling chaos engine, spewing molten breath
Retreat to the catacombs, defeated and scorched
Live to fight another day with axe, hook, and torch
Cold revenge, the tables will be turned
But for now theyÂ've got the skull and Creepsylvania burns
Greetings from the home of Death
A place devoid of hope
Where sanity and reason twitch
Upon the hangman's rope
Greetings from a nightmare
From a place that should not be
Where spirits congregate
In ectoplasmic revery
Welcome to our town
You just may find it suits your tastes
Until you feel the Reaper's
Clammy breath upon your face
Welcome to our home
And tell yourself it's just a dream
It's time for you to die now
So enjoy, and pleasant screams
Guzzling the rot gut
Binging on the putrefied swill
Total fucking mind rot
Blind drunk and I'm dying to kill
So fucking loaded I can't get off the floor
Three sheets are to the wind and I'm going for four
I'm a total wreck, gotta lay off the booze
And on top of that, I can't find my shoes
But what can you do?
Gutbucket Blues!!!
Waking in a cold sweat
Feels like I need a new brain
Overdid the Rot Gut
And now I'm in incredible pain
Retching up the effluvial brews
Cursing my existence through a river of spew
Fishy smelling bile to recycle and use
And I could really use a drink when I'm through
But what can you do?
Born to a whore on a Parisian floor
In the ides of march, a babe to abhor
Pardon my French, but life really sucked
When you're born and grow up an ugly duck
To the smiths to work my mother bade me
But play with the fire and you'll get burnt, you see
For after the boss gave me a beating
I lit up the kiln to blow up everything
Villagers threw stones at the sight they saw
A crispy pyromaniac with no lower jaw
For this curse of life, I got my revenge
Burning all Europe from Rome to Stonehenge
Then one day I wandered to a most depressing place
Creepsylvania!!! With no food for my face
Alone in a grave, I thought that was it
Till two hooded ghouls came to steal all my shit
This ones alive the chunky one said
Give him my grog and they tipped back my head
That is Fermentor heres meat to gnosh
Hey Digestor lets teach him to mosh!!!
They asked me join 'em and gave me an axe
Then we added Dissector, it was on Maniaxe
And with my friends help, I'll torch every fool
Cremator burns all in the name of Ghoul!!!!
Alone in his castle the Ghoul Hunter toils,
Devising a plan to destroy
Feverishly working on a monstrous creation
A man of mechanix to cause devastation
Gears are adjusted for inhuman power
Ten feet tall; a wrought iron tower
Death he can bring with a squeeze of his claw,
Electrified net, or retractable saw
-Killbot is online-All systems go
-Tell me my orders but tell me them slow
"Go to the graveyard and flush out the Ghouls"
"Plunder the catacombs! Murder the fools!"
We saw him coming, he couldn't be missed
We tried to act brave but our pants were all pissed
He destroyed everything with no delay
Smashed every villager stuck in his way
Glowing laser eyes
Controlled by Gammalite
Crushing through tunnels and smashing through walls
Programmed for vengeance with deadly protocols
Iron ignoramous, mechanical sap
We four got together and set him a trap
We lured him right into a cage
And hacked away at his wiring with an axe
"Return to Castle" flashed in digital
As he lurched forward on a counter-attack
He shambled and twitched to the Ghoul Hunter's lair
And stomped through the drawbridge as if it weren't there
He flailed in a rampage, everything was pulverized
The castle walls began to crumble; he was trapped inside
Curses from the Ghoul Hunter were echoing within
Out on the bog sits a mouldy old shack,
A graveyard out front and a swamp in the back,
The creature who lives there personifies death,
She'll curdle your blood with the smell of her breath,
Wrapped up in rags and a tattered old hood,
She walks with a cane made of twisted black wood,
A feared necromancer and caster of curses,
She really enjoys putting people in hearses.
Blessed with a face that can drive men insane,
A body by joke and a sinister brain,
Her feet can peel wallpaper when they're exposed,
Gangrene and fungus infesting her toes,
She spends all her evenings creating disease,
Conjuring larvae and maggots to please,
Enormous pupae she constantly breeds,
On disinterred bodies they suckle and feed
A larval sack she did dismiss
It crawled into a drainage ditch
Once underground it carried on,
No one noticed that it was gone.
Down in the sewer this maggot had fun,
Eating the rats was it's job number one,
It terrorized rodents and left them in tatters,
The flesh of the beasts made it all the more fatter,
Bones it did crunch and then cartilege munched
The slimy invertebrate sloppily lunched,
It's tubular mass through the sewers did squirm,
A limb-ripping, flesh-tearing, many-toothed worm
With palpitating skin in gelatinous mounds,
It made it's way through Creepsylvania's grounds
Seeking the filth by which it was sustained,
The Swamp Hag had this maggot very well trained
Finding a coffin that was plentifully plugged,
The corpse was devoured by the glistening slug,
Rot and decay it ingested with zeal,
As long as it knew that it had a next meal
Feasting on the bloated dead
Stiffs enveloped foot to head
Vomiting acid into the crypts
To gorge on all the parts that dripped
Tomb after tomb it slowly creeped
As we watched our food sources deplete
It tunneled into our practice space
And listened as we moshed the place
Into the sewer it escaped
It's casing held a human shape
A squalling lump all set to burst
Whispering voices in darkness
Their footsteps were really quite loud
They came for a skull made of crystal
They'll leave in a burial shroud
Gathering in the graveyard
A cult and a secret cabal
They'll search every inch of the catacombs
Kill them all, kill them all!!!!!
Peel their skin
Put the knife in
Burn them without and then burn them within!
Polish the headbone and try not to scratch it
Turn them to Rot Gut
Bury the hatchet!
Torches arranged in a circle
Bathing the cultists in light
We crept through the shadows
Trying to hear them and stay out of sight
They spoke of a power contained in the skull
They said, it was brought from the stars
That thing we'd been using to crack open walnuts
Used to crack walnuts on mars?
Peel their skin
Put the knife in
Burn them without and then burn them within!
Polish the headbone and try not to scratch it
Turn them to Rot Gut
Bury the hatchet!
We broke up the party with a Molotov blast
They turned into human torches when we doused them in gas
The screaming was loud it would get louder still
As I slit their bellies open in my frenzy to kill
Axes shattered vertebrae, spinal fluid squirts
Cleavers entered craniums, ruining white shirts
Burning eyeballs guttering and cooling into clots
Being hung by their intestines had them tied up in knots
Skin was pulled from muscle and devoured on the spot
Cult members dying and left there to rot
Some of them made it, I'm sorry to say
Next time they come here we will find a way to
Bury the hatchet!
Victims decaying in the darkness
Their screaming was really quite loud
They came for a skull made of crystal
They left in a burial shroud
Moldering in the graveyard
Their bones will be nibbled by rats
If they're going to steal the crystalline skull
They'll have to do better than that
Peel their skin
Put the knife in
Burn them without and then burn them within!
Polish the headbone and try not to scratch it
Turn them to Rot Gut
As your casket closes listen to the living weep
Their tears are such cold comfort when they bury you so deep
You think they cry for you; that they came to pay respects?
The living only weep because they know that they are next
Sobbing in their mourning clothes, a most impressive act
Rosaries and prayer to keep their fantasies intact
The parson mumbles fairy tales of heaven and of hell
But six feet down in potter's earth is where you'll really dwell
Your brain begins to ooze with the secrets of the dead
As your casket closes
The darkness of the tomb, an eternity of dread
As your casket's covered feel the cruel hand of time
Ectoplasmic tendrils, enveloping in slime
Apparitions wail from the mould infested crypts
Skin begins to peel, turn to gelatin, and drip
Twisting roots imprison you, your coffin starts to rot
Bound to this dimension, though the chains you can see not
Timeless creeping horror, a nightmare with no end
The snails in your skull are your only earthly friends
Your brain begins to ooze with the secrets of the dead
As your casket closes
The darkness of the tomb, an eternity of dread
You feel your eyeballs melting as you start to decompose
They burst inside the sockets and come running out your nose
Sacs of pus erupt in places better left unmentioned
Bloated bowels surrendering all powers of retention
Drooling fat congeals into pudding in your crypt
Beetles nest in ear canals and munch on waxy drips
Maggots feed on viscera, a swirling toxic stew
There's no one here to blame it on, that odor came from you
As your casket opens you see four hooded freaks
Laughter in the moonlight, horrifying shrieks
Two hundred years you've been rotting in this grave
And now you will awaken to become a willing slave
Injecting numbskull, your brain begins to boil
Your body quivers in the funeral soil
Replacing spinal fluid, sucking at our drool
Your afterlife is over, welcome to your life with Ghoul!!!
deep in the catacombs, dripping with slime
potions and slaves I concoct
a bottle of bile, skull cap of chyme
a bat wing wrapped up in a sock
elixirs of gore boil over and flare
as human entrails roast
the stench of the dead permeates the air
all things considered, its really gross
pots full of scum carried sloppily above
splatters echo throughout the hallways
poured from their vessels, they sink
leaving steam and the stench of decay
raising the dead, what backbreaking work
the night watchman didnt quite get it
cut off his head and broke the back of the jerk
he saw Ghoul and we made him regret it
tomb after tomb,
we creep through the graveyard
preparing the dead for their razing
softening the earth with micological mixtures
the results really are quite amazing
we came for the dead
and the dead we will take
no mercy for those in their coffins
with spades and pick-axes
we'll plunder their crypts
devouring early and often
rising from the grave in the truest sense
freed from their poisons of pine
corpse resurrection to be used in confections
their blood to be turned into wine
baubles and trinkets we snarf out the tombs
to trade at the curio shop
glass eyes are pried from gelatinous heads
and chucked in a bucket
with the rest of the slop
back into the catacombs
our nightly feast has come to a close
clotting blood slowly drips from our mouths
as wafting stink creeps up my nose
nightly excursions, grotesque perversions
brewing their guts in a vat
as death haunts the living,
we stalk the unbreathing
we'd like to let it be known that,
bones encased in oblong boxes
harvested for a feast, macabre
organ meats hungrily devoured
by a loathsome trio of freakish slobs
arms and legs strewn from stem to stern
an abattoire beneath the crypts
heads are removed and bones defleshed
while fermentor gets us totally ripped
we suck on the blood of the dead
tomb after tomb
eyesockets let the pus drain from your head
tomb after tomb
a meathook finds its way into your neck
pulled from the coffin, a stinking wreck
just one more for the rotting flesh heap
as Ghouls, what we sow we are happy to reap
boiled skulls float in horrid stews of bile
the popping of plague filled blisters
raises a smile
mangled parts fuse together
in a sick making mess
the stench of hundreds of years rises from
the gurgling cess
distorted faces dripping with gore,
in the eerie glow of torchlight,resemble
humans no more
breathing the funk of the rotten
tomb after tomb
devouring the flesh of the forgotten
tomb after tomb
we'll see that your bones are turned to pulp
and your bodily fluids distilled and gulped
your skull, now torch, will shed some light
and allow us to shamble once more into the
mist filled night
wrenching the stiffs from their resting place
tomb after tomb
introducing a hatchet to a worm-eaten face
a hatchet is employed to chop and dice
cleaving meat from bone
with a sickening slice
butchered and bagged with expert skill
so the neighborhood bums can get their fill
curdled fat and spetic bowels
are filler for our graveyard chow
our prices are dirt cheap
for premium cuts of meat
and you're in denial
about just what it is that you eat
human limbs in a grinder, shoved
extruding manburger, a cut above
reeking torsos hang on hooks
too rotten to sell, they're kept for looks
the spoils of the night before
are set to dry upon a rack
the cheese that forms in rotting fat
we spread on crackers for midnight snacks
the feet of stillborn babies
are poached in boiling chyme
a shot of formaldehyde, on the rocks
does the trick everytime
our slaughterhouse is bathed in blood
steaming organs slowly bake
eviscerated bodies swing
exposed vertebrae break
ribs are spiced and barbequed
sent to market in cripsy hunks
the townsfolk are none the wiser
as they dine on suspicious chunks
our botulism soup caused quite a scare
and the tainted mince pies
may have been a little rare
but all in all our meat is of the highest quality
we get it from the rich part of the cemetery
purple brains adorn their plates
our ghoulish goulash sure tastes great
bladders filled with bootlegged gin
pickled tongues in rusty tins
and if they have no taste for those;
eyeballs stuffed with pimentos
into our meats, each penny sunk
the entrance beckoned them within
a gaping graveyard irruption
they had no clue what horrors lied
beyond the cobweb skein
down slimy steps of living rock
they were enveloped by the dark
their fates were sealed when they set foot in
Ghoul's domain
four cloudy eyes stare
at them in the blackness
following their every move
Cremator starts to drool
when he sees their meaty limbs
theres nothing like fresh food
clumsily they navigate the catacombs
knocking over an open bag lye
the big one trips on a skeleton
and Digestor rolls his eye
our dwelling has been sullied
the stench may never go away
two outsiders have drifted into Ghoul's world
and now they're going to pay
soon they'll scream!!!
they walked right past the pit of spikes
the trap door didnt even budge
a tripwire leading to a bucket of acid
was avoided by the duo, but not by us
our guillotine trap must have rusted over time
the blade never cleaved them in twain
Fermentor flipped the switch
just to see what went wrong
and lost three fingers, shrieking in pain
creeping through the fungoid tunnels
we tried to head them off at the pass
but as soon as we came to our practice room
we got the overwhelming urge to Thrash
drawn by the dulcet tones
in the doorway, the intruders appeared
the Moshing began
and went on through the night
between slugging down jugs of blood beer
Thrashing and smashing, we rattled the tombs
an all out bonecrushing Metal display
the Headbanging team was impressed
and they told us
"You make Metal the Razorback way"
a contract signed in blood by Fermentor
Cremator was also duped, it seems
if I ever see that thieving pair of scumbags
mark my words, Im going to make them scream
Soon they'll scream!!!
our trio goes about its work
creating mayhem in the caves and above
fiendish plans for revenge are concocted
mutilation and terror undreamt of
four eyes stare in the blackness
a Gore boar the focus of our bile
the next interloper in our lair
will be ripped limb from limb with a hideous smile
poison pen letters sent in weekly installments
always coming back "return to sender"
no matter how crafty they are, we will get them
we will haunt them and stalk them forever
Mean and infectious
The evil prophets rise
Dance of the macabre
As witches streak the sky
Decadent worship
Of black magic and sorcery
In the womb of the devil's dungeon
Trapped without a plea
See thing in agony
Necrosis is the fate
Pins sticking through the skin
The venom now sedates
Locked in a pillory
Nowhere to be found
Screaming for your life
But no one hears a sound
Help me!
Prepare the patient's scalp
To peel away
Metal caps his ears
He'll hear not what we say
Solid steel visor
Riveted 'cross his eyes
Iron staples close his jaws
So no one hears his cries
The skull beneath the skin
The skull beneath the skin
Now you're drawn and quartered
Your bones will make the X
Symbol stands for poison
And it's chained to your head
As we fold your arms
To make the holy cross
We cross the crucifix
Religion has been lost
The skull beneath this skin
The skull beneath this skin
Ill take all the guts from a rotten old stiff
and choose what I want with a taste or a whiff
pack them in jars and infuse them with yeast
to brew up a batch for the next midnight feast
my skill as a brewer has never been met
severed head '87 is my best vintage yet
we drink til we're knackered on putrefied pus
a chaser of lymph really gives me a rush
Rot Gut
despoiling the dead for a high
Rot Gut
a quart of blood for a quart of rye
Rot Gut
brandy from bile makes a killer flambe'
Rot Gut
a jigger of rot gut makes my day
my moonshine goes with any dish
and makes belches taste like rancid fish
hot lung-buttered rum is my specialty du jour
and an excellent rot gut hangover cure
Rot Gut
despoiling the dead for a high
Rot Gut
a quart of blood for a quart of rye
Rot Gut
brandy from bile makes a killer flambe'
Rot Gut
a jigger of rot gut makes my day
my cup runneth over
bile gurgles down my throat
a beer bong of unraveled guts
spills over with a suet-beer float
a carton of booze made from rancid secretions
pubic hair garnish, the finishing touch
vittreous vino, we heartily glug
but we'd never use alcohol as a crutch
Deep down underneath the ground
In chambers clotted with the rotting dead
Steaming vats filled with vampire bats,
Tanis root, and decaying heads
The potion made, we disseminate
Spiking thousands of liters of grog
Numbskull to inebriate
Sends you into a heavy metal fog
(gang) I am a numbskull!
I bang heads
Moshing in the graveyard and defiling the dead
(gang) I am a numbskull!
I twist brains
Thrashing 'til we drive you insane
On a cold night in the local pub
An alliance was put to the forge
F.K.U was there with Lord Gore and Frightmare
Machetazo, Haemmorhage, and Engorged
We all toasted with some numbskull,
"Here's to waging a metal war!"
The chalices emptied, we took to the stage
To carry out our declaration of gore
(gang) I am a numbskull!
I drink deep
Rot gut consumed by a quartet of creeps
(gang) I am a numbskull!
I infect
Drink up, it's time to snap necks
The crowd was amassed at the edge of the pit
Timidly cringing so as not to get hit
The numbskull started kicking in as the bodies were flying through the air
A rictus grin on each face in the crowd, coupled with a psychotic stare
Their skin decayed and fell off in lumps
And hair came out in greasy clumps
Their blood coagulated in their veins
As deafening thrash riffs tore apart their brains
Zombified in the pit, gore addicted misfits
The first band was backstage, they came out and got slayed
Devoured by the undead, gutted and splattered
Unique Leader catalogs were torn up, burned, and scattered
(gang chant) Numbskull!
The show ended in a bloodbath
But nothing dead shall truly dead remain
The doors were opened to release the numbskulls
So they'll infect every poser's brain
I am a numbskull!
I'm unhinged
Murdering and moshing as on rot gut we binge
I am a numbskull!
I am you
Reject, the king of the nerds
Treated like a social disease
Cast out, he was a slovenly twerp
Heavy Metal was his only release
Picked on, he got a beating a day
While everybody looked the other way
Headcase, living in a fantasy world
His nerves were starting to fray
Comic books! Vacant looks! Brain sick! Horror flicks!
Schools out, and the bullies await
Little Billy was gonna get trashed
Headlock, and a punch in the gut
They tore up his homework and his glasses were smashed
Graveyard, Billy ran there to hide
And he fell into the tunnels below
Darkness, and then a light from the void
For eons in slumber, the skull, now, aglow
Mutate! To Mutilate! Transform! Gore Boar!
Muscles ripping through his clothes
A snout where there was once a nose
Wiry matted hair
Studded denim outerwear
They begged for their lives when they saw him
He made them beg him some more
He cut off their heads and he tore them to shreds
On the Satanic night of the bloodthirsty boar
Watch out! He's the Mutant Mutilator!
Cry out! He's the Mutant Mutilator!
Mutated were-boar berserker
The rampaging hell-beast attacks
His foes are left mangled and bloody
By hoof and by fist and by tusk and by axe!
Watch out! He's the Mutant Mutilator!
Cry out! He's the Mutant Mutilator!
Scream out! He's the Mutant Mutilator!
Daybreak, and the nerd was awake
I guess it must have been a dream
Bloodcaked, he staggered out of his bed
Looked in the mirror and he let out a scream
Death's head was lying on his bed
And it was oozing ectoplasmic goo
No choice, to the Curio shoppe
I'll rip the eyeballs from your head
Your innards boiled internally
Cremator flays you one by one
Sending ashes into eternity
Dissector's good with a sharpened hook
I'll gut you like a fish
Fermentor will anatomize
Against your every wish
Your face we'll burn right off your skull
It's my only vice
Decapitated with a scythe
Your bones we'll fashion into dice
Spilled out organs we devour
I eat mine with a frosty brew
Your fate is sealed, as is your tomb
You're really getting screwed
Your death will not be swift
At the hands of the mentally deficient
Slaughtering in the cemetary
We're nothing if not efficient
A knife across your fucking throat
I'll drink right from the slit
The blood is gulped through filthy hoods
And from our fingers licked
A pile of meat is all that remains
Quivering in the crypt
Your splattered torso steaming now
Where flesh has been unzipped
Entombed within the catacombs
Your grave an unmarked open ditch
Decaying in the fetid swamp
Your bones are black as pitch
This town is a smoldering hole
Christo-fascists are in control
They put a Disney store in Svatoplunk Square
All the guards at the labor camp shop there
Christian values, the mark of their sect
Creepsylvanian traditions what they claim to protect
And the message has such lasting appeal
No one cares that the traditions not real
Burning books in the name of the lord
The people are converted without bullet or sword
Now the villagers have cable tv
Big macs, cadillacs, and pornography
Culture recycled and commodified
Fact and belief become homogenized
Total absorption, the past is erased
A fairy tale history is put in its place
Lickspittle newsmen sell reliegion like soap
Hanging the dimwits from their shiny new rope
The promise of heaven was enough to entice
They turned into zombies for an army of christ
Total obedience, the plan is complete
Flag waving, behaving, religious, elite
Comatose, they do naught but consume
And consume and consume and consume and consume!!!!
Shambling from store to store, life of the living dead
Consuming, then consuming some more, life of the living dead
The christo-fascist corps, life of the living dead
One night as I crept through the cemetery gates
Seeking out the cause of the local mania
I bespied a ghastly sight, which gave me quite a fright
The legendary Ghouls of Creepsylvania
They were moshing to and fro,
And shrieking at the moon, you know
Howling banshees on a quest for human meat
I was shocked to see a Ghoul
That had both eyes pull out a tool
And chop the head from a body lying at his feet
My mind was racing as I watched the horrible carnage
They were stripping the rotten corpse to the bone
I started to slowly back away in horror
When the ground gave way beneath me and I fell into the catacombs
When I came to I was cloaked in darkness
There was a stench unlike any I had ever smelled before
I reached out and felt the ground around me
And my hand went straight into a puddle of gore!
Ghoul Hunter!
You can bet your life that you're going to die!
Ghoul Hunter!
We'll eat you baked, boiled, or fried!
Ghoul Hunter!
You'll look just like the jerk you are!
Ghoul Hunter!
We'll pickle your brain in a jelly jar!
As I was saying...
I lit a torch and began to explore
The tunnels wound and wound for many miles
There were coffins jutting from the walls and more
Burning bones, vats of guts, and skulls in piles
I came to a large room
And heard an echo in the gloom
The sound of metal chilled my very bones
There were riffs the beat the band,
Pounding drums I couldn't stand,
And the vocalists created shocking tones
I made my way towards the cacophony
A crucifix clutched tightly in my fist
And as I came to the torchlit room
I saw the shambling fiends getting pissed
They spotted me and began to shriek and snort
My cover was blown, so I started to run like mad
Digestor tackled me to the floor
And then it started really getting bad
Ghoul Hunter!
You can bet your life that you're going to die!
Ghoul Hunter!
We'll eat you baked, boiled, or fried!
Ghoul Hunter!
You'll look just like the jerk you are!
Ghoul Hunter!
We'll pickle your brain in a jelly jar!
I was bound and gagged in the dining room
Surrounded by the funk of fetid breath
The quartet of maniacs hunched over me
And forced me to listen to Anthrax and Megadeth
I struggled in my restraints as they chortled with glee
While they poked at me and sliced apart my cheek
My muffled pleading only served to amuse them
As they expelled a very noxious sort of reek
I wriggled out of my ropes a bit
There was a struggle but I managed to prevail
Ghoul is still out there, haunting the graveyard
But I escaped and now I'm here to tell my tale
Ghoul Hunter!
You can bet your life that you're going to die!
Ghoul Hunter!
We'll eat you baked, boiled, or fried!
Ghoul Hunter!
You'll look just like the jerk you are!
Ghoul Hunter!
chimneys choked with soot
belching flame from the furnace erupts
a funeral pyre for the newly deceased
the long dead and the freshly defunct
a human candle with a guttering flame
melting fat in the hypocaust
your time has run short, your spark is now dim
ashes, to the frigid winds, are lost
sizzling skin is burnt to char
corpses broiled to blackened tar
incandescent skulls explode
carbonized in our sweltering forge
body parts reduced to vapor
causing gases to disgorge
post-burial cremation
the foulest stiffs we digest
a service rendered out of necessity
we take what we want and burn the rest
embers scorch the putrid mire
your epitaph is written in fire
eyeballs protrude and pop one by one
as limbs are fused and smelted ichor runs
the remenants of the graveyard we ignite
cadaverous kindling Cremator sets alight
scraping the grate of encrusted slag
molten entrails and adipocere
cauterization, so complete
crumbling flesh and boiling tears
inflammable gore is consigned to the flames
simmering blood is scorched to coke
hammers pulverise bones and teeth
as cremains fill the air with smoke
arsonists from the dawn to dusk
transforming you from death to dust
eyeballs protrude and pop one by one
as limbs are fused and smelted ichor runs
the remenants of the graveyard we ignite
We smelled the greasepaint in the air,
They stumbled into town last night, completely unaware,
Clad in shirts of mesh and with mascara on their eyes
We saw a keyboard player and we knew they had to die.
They played a show at Ivan's Inn,
From underneath the stage we heard the caterwauling din,
They sang of forests, elves, and trolls,
The urge to kill them on the spot we barely could control
After the show they all got drunk,
Apparently to celebrate a set that really stunk,
To the graveyard they predictably paid call,
These lords of chaos whined about their tour bus being small
They spoke of Norway and "the scene"
The sound of laughing Ghouls reverberated through the trees
"We should take some pictures!" the one in chain mail said,
"That's it." Cremator growled, "It's time these idiots were dead."
They scattered like rats when they saw Ghoul attack,
The drummer was the first to go, a hook in his back
Machetes were sinking into painted flesh
Carnage and gore soaking leather and mesh
The keyboardist begged but Fermentor just laughed
We hacked off his hands and then chopped him in half
The vocalist was strangled with his very guts
His female back-up expired from her cuts
Splattering brain pans as a matter of course
Violently murdering with no fucking remorse
Their bassist, to a boobytrap, paid a toll
His head having gained five or six extra holes
The blood from his mouth made a hot, steamy treat
We savoured the moment, then sawed off his feet
Both of the guitarists made a run for the gate
Digestor cut them off and sealed their fate
One of them cried while the other was killed,
His tears did no good as his skull was still drilled
Slicing and dicing, our fanatic obsession
Of slaughtering poseurs, we've made a profession
In our forbidden...
Up in the Volkov mountains
In the rubble of the Ghoul hunter's home
A monster of metal lies buried
Under ten thousand tons of stone
To wield a weapon so powerful
Its owner would conquer and rule
The cult leader plans reactivate
That killbot should decimate Ghoul
Exhuming the robot, the members all gasped
The killbot was buried alone
They only found remains of a skeletal arm
A boulder was crushing the bone
The mechanized man was in pieces
Its brain all but rotten away
An arm had gone missing, its optics torn out
Its load pan was in disarray
The cult leader lifted a black iron claw
His eyes were all red and aglow
They gathered the wreckage of killbot
And marched to the valley below
New weapons were built for the robot
Rebuilt to be stronger than all
And when killbot was put back together
Walt Disney's brain was thawed for install
Grab a hood to hide your face
Tie a shirt around your waist
Pull a sk8 from off the wall
It's time to crash the funeral hall
The Ghoul Hunter is out tonight
But we don't really care
We're gonna give this town a fright
So citizens beware
We're homicidal retards
We're not afraid of cops
Our mission: Carve the Graveyard
We'll sk8 until we stop!
Waxing curbs and coffins too
The wax we use we made from you
If we see a bowl we'll fuckin shred
Gonna carve it up like we did your head
Our decks are made from tombstones
The trucks are hewn from bone
Slimeballs are the wheels of choice
The bearings? Kidney stones
Cobwebs are our grip tape
And grip they surely do
Tonight we're gonna tear it up
And then we'll tear up you!
We're boneless in the boneyard
Well we took a swig of some numbskull
And headed out into the frigid night
We were cruising the town when we all heard a sound
The Ghoul Hunter had us in his sights
We came at him with our sk8boards
He got a Pop Shove-It to the lip
I did a McTwist and landed on his wrist
And knocked the rifle right out of his grip
Cremator did a Blunt Slide off his back
Switching to a Disaster Grind
The Ghoul Hunter racked by our Ollie attacks
Was beginning to lose his mind
He had one more trick up his sleeve
A smoke bomb he quickly deployed
Once again he escaped, but not before getting scraped
A pastime we've come to enjoy
We sk8ed back to the graveyard in a rush
Our wheels trailing remnants of Ghoul Hunter mush
Vengeance he vowed to exact and employ
I woke, I awoke in the night from a terrible dream
A crystal skull caught in a frozen scream
It was calling me, mon, calling me to a distant land
There was hooded mutants and a mon with metal hand
I'll board a ship and I will cross the sea
I'm the houngan priest, the houngan priest called Samedi
Nightfall, and you head to the show
A ticket is clutched in your hand
Wearing a vest made of denim
With patches of your favorite bands
You get to the club
And the first band is totally lame
These posers are into the nu-school
They have t-i-o-n in their name!
Our riffs decapitate them, our solos shred their skin
My drums obliterate them, let the massacre begin!!!
Up from the pit
We launch an assault on the stage
Hatchets are buried in craniums
In a frenzy of psychotic rage
Killing machines
Necks are all broken and slashed
We came here to conquer, we came here to rule
Our riffs decapitate them, our solos shred their skin
My drums obliterate them, let the massacre begin!!!
End of the show
And on to the next shitty dive
The scenesters who got on the guest list
Paid with their poserish lives
But you survived
Your metal turned out to be True
You slammed in the pit and you didn't take shit
A Numbskull, through and through
Our riffs decapitate them, our solos shred their skin
Time is torment and my flesh is cold
I walk the path of undead damnation
I hunger for the true kiss of the scythe
Dead flesh walking
Lifelessly deprived and forgotten
A holocaust soul
The black moon witnessed a soul entombment
Lifeless, faded and forever damned
My flesh still seeked the tombworld
But the path of damnation seemed endless
Lifelessly deprived and forgotten
A holocaust soul
In the darkest chamber of my soul
The poisoned fire my only light
A dark embrace and madness prevail
In the fright night he comes to your mind
He is searching for something that he find
With you
He’s a man, he’s a monster, is a Ghoul
He is a Ghoul
He’s a corpse-eater but you’re not dead
And if he doesn’t find a dead body he eats a rat
But he wants you
He’s a man, he’s a monster, is a Ghoul
He is a Ghoul
As you’re still alive he comes at night
And when you see his grimace you’re afraid
And he kills you
He’s a man, he’s a monster, is a Ghoul
He is a Ghoul
And when you’re dead he is drinking your red blood
Eats your flesh, sucks your eyes, lick your sweat - but
He has not enough yet
He’s a man, he’s a monster, is a Ghoul
He is a Ghoul