Narelle Towie

Narelle Towie

Perth set for 43-degree scorcher

Narelle Towie Perth is set to sizzle in near record-breaking 43 degree temperatures on the weekend as a heat wave sweeps over the city, according to forecasters.

Drum lines kill harmless species: report

Beach closure.

Narelle Towie Harmless sharks and endangered species are among a haul of marine life unintentionally caught in other parts of the world by the same type of drum lines soon to be cast off WA's coast.

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Perth couple caught in $7m drug mule scam

Drugs at Perth Airport

Narelle Towie The Perth couple who were unwittingly conned into becoming multi-million dollar drug mules after winning a dream trip to Canada feared they could have spent the rest of their lives in prison.

Perth 'addict' dolphin feared dead

Fingers, who for the past two decades was a regular visitor to Cockburn Sound, has not been seen since July 11, 2013.

Narelle Towie One of Perth's best known dolphins is believed to have died after becoming entangled in fishing line, ending a sad life of addiction, dependency and isolation.

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